Fintech Glossary

Third edition

Updated Dec.2024

IDEnglish TermDefinitionArabic TermFrench TermCategory
1Access ControlThe process of granting or denying requests for access to systems, applications and data. Can also refer to the process of granting or denying requests for access to facilitiesالتحكم بالدخولContrôle d'accèsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
2Access Cross Domain SolutionA system permitting access to multiple security domains from a single client deviceالوصول إلى حل عبر المجالSolutions d'accès interdomaineGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
3Access LogbookA book kept at the entrance to each Secure Research Environment that serves as a permanent record of the arrival and departure of all Visitors to NB-IRDT.سجل الوصولCarnet d’accèsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
4Active Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationThe Active DAO industry includes all Decentralized Autonomous Organizations currently operating with a group of participants or voters with the goal of decentralizing the decision making and operating processes of the DAO treasury.المنظمة اللامركزية المستقلة النشطةOrganisation autonome décentralisée activeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
5AML & AML requirementsmeans anti-money laundering and anti-money laundering requirements respectively based on AML/ CFT laws.متطلبات مكافحة غسل الأموال وتمويل الأرهابExigences en matière de Lutte contre le Blanchiment de Capitaux et le Financement du Terrorisme (LBC/FT)General Terms مصطلحات عـامة
6Application Binary Interface (ABI)An interface between two binary program modules, often one program is a library and the other is being run by a user. واجهة التطبيق الثنائيةInterface Binaire d'ApplicationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
7Application Development SecuritySecurity as part of the software development lifecycle to ensure application confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It includes the people, processes, policies, and practices to build security into application development and is the responsibility of all stakeholders and project staff, not just the software developers. أمن تطوير التطبيقSécurité du développement des applicationsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
8Application SecurityApplication security incorporates specific security measures, policies, processes and controls into all phases of the application lifecycle including design, development, testing, implementation, upgrade and maintenance. أمن التطبيقSécurité applicativeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
9Application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)A purpose-built chip (or device) that is highly optimized for a specific use case, rather than a general-purpose application. Often used for PoW mining, such as in the Bitcoin network. دائرة متكاملة خاصة بالتطبيقاتCircuit intégré spécifique à une applicationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
10Application WhitelistingThe use of whitelists (a list of explicitly allowed applications) to control the applications permitted to execute on a host, thereby preventing the execution of malware, unlicensed software, and other unauthorized software. تطبيق القائمة البيضاءListe blanche des applicationsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
11Attack SurfaceThe sum of an information system’s characteristics in the broad categories (software, hardware, network, processes and human) which allows an attacker to probe, enter, attack or maintain a presence in the system and potentially cause damage to Financial Market Infrastructure. A smaller attack surface means that the Financial Market Infrastructure is less exploitable and an attack less likely. However, reducing attack surfaces does not necessarily reduce the damage an attack can inflict. المساحة المعرضة للهجماتSurface d'AttaqueGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
12AvailabilityThe property of being accessible and usable as expected upon demand.الإتاحةDisponibilitéGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
13Bank-based ModelA mobile financial services business model (bank-led or nonbank-led) in which (i) the customer has a contractual relationship with the bank and (ii) the bank is licensed or otherwise permitted by the regulator to provide the financial service(s).نموذج قائم على البنكModèle Bancaire / Modèles Basés Sur un Système BancaireGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
14Bank-led ModelA mobile financial services business model (bank-based or nonbank-based) in which the bank is the primary driver of the product or service, typically taking the lead in marketing, branding, and managing the customer relationship. نموذج بقيادة البنكModèle Dirigé par les BanquesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
15Banking Industry Architecture network (BIAN)A common architectural framework for enabling banking interoperability. It helps create standardized capabilities in banking to lower costs and increase innovation.شبكة هندسة الصناعة المصرفيةRéseau d'architecture de l'industrie bancaireGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
16Banking beyond branches / Branchless BankingThe delivery of financial services outside conventional bank branches. Banking beyond branches uses agents or other third-party intermediaries as the primary point of contact with customers and relies on technologies such as card-reading point-of-sale (POS) terminals and mobile phones to transmit transaction details.الخدمات المصرفية خارج الفروع / الخدمات المصرفية بدون فروعServices bancaires hors Succursales / Services Bancaires sans Succursales / Services Bancaires au-Delà des Succursales / Banque à DistanceGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
17Big DataA generic term that designates the massive volume of data that is generated by the increasing use of digital tools and information systems. Big data encompasses technologies that significantly increase the volume, variety, velocity and validity of data under management. البيانات الضخمةBig DataGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
18Big Data AnalyticsAnalytical uses of massive volumes of data generated by the use of digital tools and information systems.تحليلات البيانات الضخمةAnalyse du Big DataGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
19Big TechsLarge, globally active technology firms with a relative advantage in digital technology.شركات التقنيات الكبرىTech Giants / Big TechsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
20BiotechnologyTechnology based on biology. It harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet.التكنولوجيا الحيويةBiotechnologiqueGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
21Business network cardProvides necessary information for a user, entity or node to connect a blockchain business network. بطاقة شبكة الأعمالCarte Réseau d'EntrepriseGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
22Business processA collection of linked activities that takes one or more kinds of input and creates an output that is of value to a Financial Market Infrastructure’s stakeholder. A business process may comprise several assets, including information, ICT resources, personnel, logistics and organizational structure, which contribute either directly or indirectly to the added value of the service. عملية تجاريةProcessus d'AffairesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
23Cached CredentialsCached credentials are credentials that are added to the PBA database when a user successfully authenticates with Active Directory. This information about the user is retained so that a user can log in when they do not have a connection to Active Directory (for example, when taking their laptop home). بيانات الاعتماد المخزنة مؤقتًاInformations d'identification mises en cacheGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
24CachingStoring data for faster retrieval, usually in memory or on a disk. This allows data to be retrieved quickly from the cache without accessing a database or other, more secure, storage. Sensitive data should never be cached as it is not a secure method of storing data. التخزين المؤقتMise en cacheGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
25CAPTCHA“Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.” CAPTCHAs provide an automated way to differentiate between humans and computers and are used on login pages and other sensitive pages where hackers may be tempted to run scripts to guess values. Examples include selecting all of the photos that contain a certain item or typing in characters that are displayed as a graphic on the webpage.اختبار CAPTCHACAPTCHAGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
26Cash-InCash exchanged for e-money.التدفق النقديEntrée d'EspècesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
27Cash-OutE-money exchanged for cash.السحب النقديDécaissementGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
28CasperConsensus algorithm that combines proof of work and proof of stake. Ethereum is going to use casper as a transition to proof of stake.كاسبرCasperGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
29CaveatA marking that indicates that the data has special requirements in addition to those indicated by its classification. This term covers codewords, source codewords, releasability indicators and special-handling caveats. تنبيه قضائي (تحذير)Mise en gardeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
30Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)Digital form of central bank money that is different from balances in traditional reserve or settlement accounts (eg balances in accounts held by commercial banks at the central bank). Also, Central bank money in a digital format, denominated in the national unit of account, that is a direct liability of the central bank and can be used for retail payments and/or wholesale settlement. العملة الرقمية للبنك المركزيMonnaie Digitale de la Banque CentraleGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
31CDN (Content Delivery Network)Allows for a quick transition of assets needed to load internet content (html, j s, css, etc.) شبكة توصيل المحتوىRéseau de Distribution de ContenuGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
32Chain codeA program that initializes and manages a ledgers state through submitted applications. It is the Hyperledger Fabric equal to Smart Contracts.رمز السلسلةCode de ChaîneGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
33CleartextUnencrypted text, often derived by decrypting ciphertext. نص صريحEffacer le texteGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
34ClickjackingAn browser-based attack vector that leverages multiple transparent layers to trick a user into clicking on a button or link on another page when they were intending to click on the top-level page. This technique can be used be a malicious actor to bypass cross-site request forgery tokens and execute actions in the context of the authenticated user, as if the user was executing the actions themselves. نقر الاصطيادClicjackingGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
35CoinbaseCoinbase is a bitcoin broker that provides a platform for traders to buy and sell bitcoin with fiat money. In addition to its primary operation as a broker, Coinbase is also a bitcoin exchange and wallet provider. وسيط لتداول البيتكوينCoinbaseGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
36Collaborative Customer Due Diligence (CCDD)Customer due diligence (CDD) on its own comprises customer information that enables an organization to assess the extent to which the customer exposes the organization to a range of risk. Collaborative CDD (CCDD) is a new approach to CDD that seeks to address the shortcomings of current CDD processes. Examples include creating a public utility that FSPs can use to identify clients and verify identities on an ongoing basis, access to KYC as a service (a centralized database where banks can share and access KYC information on corporate clients), and self-sovereign IDs. العناية التعاونية الواجبة تجاه العملاءDevoir Collaborative de Vigilance Relatif de la ClientèleGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
37Collaborative FinanceA category of financial transaction that occurs directly between individuals without the intermediation of a traditional financial institution. This new way to manage informal financial transactions has been enabled by advances in social media and peer-to-peer online platforms.التمويل التعاونيFinance ParticipativeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
38Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) A vulnerability is a weakness in software, hardware, or a network that can be exploited by an actor. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database is a publicly available register of known vulnerabilities, each assigned a unique identifier in the format of CVE-xxxx-yyyy. نقاط الضعف والتعرض الشائعةVulnérabilités et expositions courantesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
39Continuous Patch ManagementSystematic notification, identification, deployment, installation, and verification of operating system, firmware, and application software patches. إدارة التصحيح المستمرGestion continue des correctifsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
40CrowdfundingThe practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people. It is often performed via internet-mediated registries that facilitate money collection for the borrower (lending) or issuer (equity).التمويل الجماعيFinancement ParticipatifGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
41Critical OperationsAny activity, function, process, or service, the loss of which, for even a short period of time, would materially affect the continued operation of a Financial Market Infrastructure, its participants, the market it serves, and/or the broader financial system. العمليات التجارية الهامةOpérations EssentiellesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
42Customer Due Diligence (CDD)Often used synonymously with Know Your Customer (KYC) measures, but generally refers more broadly to a financial institution’s policies and procedures for obtaining customer information and assessing the value of the information for detecting, monitoring, and reporting suspicious activities. العناية الواجبة للعملاءDevoir de Vigilance Relatif à la ClientèleGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
43DashboardsCustomisable, dynamic interactive reporting tools that automatically fetch and render data in meaningful and actionable visualisations. لوحة القيادةTableaux de BordGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
44Data CubesGranular data storage and transmission solution enabling real-time data collection.مكعبات البياناتCubes de DonnéesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
45Data Loss PreventionThe ability to identify, monitor, and protect data in use (e.g. endpoint actions), data in motion (e.g. network actions), and data at rest (e.g. data storage) from unauthorized use and disclosure. DLP includes deep packet inspection and analyzing the contextual security of transactions. منع فقدان البياناتPrévention de la perte de donnéesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
46Data ScienceIt is a multidisciplinary area that combines a strong foundation in statistics with elements of programming (software), visualization (graphics) and other areas of mathematics such as Numerical Analysis (approximations), Calculus (optimizations), etcetera to extract intelligence from data. A suitable synonym would be Data Mining, which is a term that had lot of traction in the 00s. علم البياناتScience des donnéesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
47Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)An entity in a digital system facilitated by smart contracts. Smart contracts involve digital tools and protocols that help support specific transactions or other contract elements. The decentralized autonomous organization works with popular cryptocurrency and digital ledger operations that many world governments and businesses are moving toward for more transparency and for evolving anti-corruption innovations. / This concept describes an organization whose decisions are made electronically by written computer code and manage itself without the need for a central authority. / Also, the DAOs are open source blockchain protocols governed by a set of rules, embedded in smart contracts that are created by its elected members who can automatically execute certain actions without the need for intermediaries. A DAO can be defined as a protocol with the intended goal of securing a basket of digital assets while allowing the contributors to that basket to have direct governance rights over that basket. The governance rights allow contributors to vote to approve or deny proposals.المنظمة اللامركزية المستقلةOrganisation Autonome Décentralisée / DAOGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
48Decentralized Autonomous Organization BuilderIncludes all platforms designed to help users build Decentralized Autonomous Organizations with customized governance settings and voting principles.المنظمة اللامركزية المستقلة البناءةConstructeur d'organisations autonomes décentraliséesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
49Decentralized TechnologyBlockchain uses decentralized technology - there is no central governing authority that manages a blockchain network. Decentralization means the network may be more secure and less likely to break down. A centralized database stored on a server may be a target for hackers. In order to attack a blockchain network, a huge amount of computational power and resources is required (at least % of all power in the network). Blockchain doesn’t rely on third parties, it is maintained by the network participants. التكنولوجيا اللامركزيةTechnologie décentraliséeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
50DDos AttacksA denial-of-service attack is a cyber-attack in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to the Internet.هجمات الحرمان من الخدمةAttaques de DDoSGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
51DevopsRepresents a change in IT culture, focusing on rapid IT service delivery through the adoption of agile, lean practices in the context of a system-oriented approach. منهجية التطوير والتشغيلDevopsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
52Digital Financial ServicesThe broad range of financial services accessed and delivered through digital instruments, including payments, credit, savings, remittances, and insurance. الخدمات المالية الرقميةServices Financiers NumériquesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
53Digital InfrastructureRefers to the enabling digital structures, facilities, ecosystem and capabilities surrounding the provision of FinTech/DFS, but can be more widely applicable beyond financial services. For the purposes of this study, this might typically include infrastructure related to identity (e.g. digital identity initiatives), data analytics and sharing, credit information and/or payment systems and risk mitigations. While these may be directly or indirectly relevant for the regulation and supervision of FinTech/DFS, not all of these may be under the remit or influence of financial regulators. البنية التحتية الرقميةInfrastructure NumériqueGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
54DigitalisationThe use of digital technologies to change a business model, or the process of moving to a digital business. الرقمنةNumérisationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
55DigitisationThe process of transforming analogue to digital form.الرقمنةNumérisationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
56Ecosystem (in general)The community of interacting firms and the financial services environment.النظام البيئيÉcosystèmeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
57Education Technology (EdTech)A broad range of technologies, such as software or Internet platforms, designed for use in an education setting. EdTech can also refer to teaching and learning practices that use ICT. تكنولوجيا التعليمTechnologie de l'éducationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
58End of Life (EOL)Software and hardware reach end of life when vendors discontinue supporting the products and releasing patches. End of Life software presents an ever-increasing risk because it is no longer patched against emerging threats.نهاية الحياةFin de vieGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
59Fast Fail SystemDesigned to stop normal operation rather than attempt to continue a possibly flawed process.نظام سريع الفشلSystème Fast FailGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
60Fiat currencyFiat currency is “legal tender” backed by a central government, such as the Federal Reserve, and with its own banking system, such as fractional reserve banking. It can take the form of physical cash, or it can be represented electronically, such as with bank credit. عملة قانونيةMonnaie FiduciaireGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
61Financial EcosystemA collection of banking entities and customers conducting financial transactions according to specific rules and governed by a particular set of laws.النظام البيئي الماليÉcosystème financierGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
62FinTechA technologically enabled innovation in financial services that could result in new business models, applications, processes, or products, with an associated material effect on financial markets and institutions and the provision of financial services. التقنيات المالية الحديثةFinTech / Technologies FinancièresGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
63Fintech Data GapsData gaps emerging as a by-product of fintech. They encompass measurement problems in the current statistical infrastructure, and lack of data on new items. فجوات بيانات التقنيات المالية الحديثةLacunes des Données de la FintechGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
64Fintech firms / FintechsRecently incorporated institutions that use technology-enabled innovation to provide financial services. As per BIS survey they are classified as neobanks, and fintech credit institutions (notably fintech credit platforms), fintech insurance companies, fintech asset managers, and fintech providers of payment, settlements and clearing services.شركات التقنيات المالية الحديثةEntreprises de la Fintech / FintechsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
65FinTech MarketThe provision, transaction and facilitation of financial activities across emerging verticals including digital lending (e.g. P P lending), digital capital raising (e.g. equity-based crowdfunding), digital banking, digital savings, digital payments and remittances, digital custody, InsurTech, WealthTech, cryptoasset exchanges and the supply of enterprise technologies, RegTech, alternative data analytics and other services. سوق التقنيات المالية الحديثةMarché FinTechGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
66Fintech ServicesFinancial services provided using technology-enabled innovation. Examples include online lending platforms, which can be operated by traditional banks. خدمات التقنيات المالية الحديثةServices de la FintechGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
67Geographic Information SystemsAutomated analysis of spatial or geographic data.نظم المعلومات الجغرافيةSystème d'Information GéographiqueGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
68Geolocation dataData taken from a user’s device indicating the location of that device, including GPS data or data about connection with local Wi-Fi equipment. بيانات تحديد الموقع الجغرافيDonnées de géolocalisationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
69ImmutableImmutable is the property of not being subject to change. In the context of data, it refers to data that can only be written, not modified or deleted. غير قابل للتغييرImmuableGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
70Innovation AcceleratorA partnership arrangement between FinTech providers and central banks/supervisory agencies to ‘accelerate’ growth or develop use cases which may involve funding support and/or authorities’ endorsement/approval for future use in central banking operations or in the conduct of supervisory tasks.مسرع الابتكارAccélérateur d'InnovationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
71Innovation FacilitatorPublic sector initiatives to engage with the FinTech sector, such as regulatory sandboxes, innovation hubs and innovation accelerators. ميسر الابتكارFacilitateur de l'InnovationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
72Innovation HubInnovation facilitator set up by supervisory agencies that provide support, advice or guidance to regulated or unregulated institutions in navigating the regulatory framework or identifying supervisory, policy or legal issues and concerns. مركز الابتكارCentre d'Innovation DigitaleGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
73Innovation OfficeA dedicated function within a regulator which engages with and provides regulatory clarification to innovative financial services providers. These may also be known as Innovation or FinTech “Hubs”.مكتب الابتكارBureau d'Innovation DigitaleGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
74Internal Fintech Hub (Central Bank)Hub set up by central banks to coordinate initiatives concerning fintech across business areas and departments.مركز داخلي للتقنيات المالية الحديثة (البنك المركزي)Fintech Hub Interne (Banque Centrale)General Terms مصطلحات عـامة
75Internet of Things (IoT)Devices with the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. This includes (but isn't limited to!) cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lights, wearable devices, and components of machines (for example a car engine, or wheel bearing). إنترنت الأشياء (IoT)Internet des ObjetsGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
76Interoperability (in general)Technical or legal compatibility that enables a system or mechanism to be used in conjunction with other systems or mechanisms. Interoperability allows participants in different systems to conduct, clear and settle payments or financial transactions across systems without participating in multiple systems. قابلية التشغيل البيني / إمكانية التشغيل البينيInteropérabilitéGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
77IssuerMeans the PSP (see Payments) providing the stored value instrument, enabling Customers to use the instruments at various merchants. المصدرÉmetteurGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
78Know Your Customer (KYC)A set of due diligence measures undertaken by a financial institution, including policies and procedures, to identify a customer and the motivations behind his or her financial activities. KYC is a key component of AML/CFT regimes. أعرف عميلكIdentification de la Clientèle Connaissez Votre ClientGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
79Legal riskThe risk of the unexpected or uncertain application of a law or regulation, usually resulting in a loss. المخاطر القانونيةRisques juridiquesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
80Log ManagementThe process for generating, transmitting, storing, analyzing, and disposing of log data. Log management is essential to ensure computer security records are stored in sufficient detail for an appropriate duration. Sources of log entries include network devices, authentication servers, operating systems, applications, etc. إدارة السجلGestion des journauxGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
81Machine economyThe machine economy is a type of economy that is based on a network of intelligent, autonomous and communications-enabled end devices and minimizes the need for human intervention. اقتصاد الآلةÉconomie des machinesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
82Media Access Control (MAC) AddressA unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (a hardware component connecting a computer to a network) to use as an address in a communication.عنوان التحكم في الوصول إلى الوسائطAdresse MAC (contrôle d'accès aux médias)General Terms مصطلحات عـامة
83Merkle TreeA tree in which every leaf node is labelled with the hash of a data block and every non-leaf node is labelled with the cryptographic hash of the labels of its child nodes.شجرة ميركلArbre de MerkleGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
84Mesh networksA network model in which the infrastructure nodes connect directly, dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one another to efficiently route data. شبكات متشابكةRéseaux maillésGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
85Mixnet (mix network) Routing protocols that create hard-to-trace communications by using a chain of servers known as mixes, which take in messages from multiple senders, shuffle them and send them back out in random order to the next destination. De facto, this breaks the link between the source of the request and the destination, making it harder for third parties to trace end-to-end communications. الشبكة المزيجMixnet (réseau mixte)General Terms مصطلحات عـامة
86Mobile Threat DefenseThreat detection and protection technologies designed for the requirements and vulnerabilities of mobile platforms, such as smart phones and tablets. الدفاع ضد التهديدات المتنقلةDéfense contre les menaces mobilesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
87MultistakeholderismA form of global governance that brings together all relevant stakeholders in discussion when addressing policy challenges or goals. Such stakeholders might include governments, international institutions, industry, civil society, academia, technical experts, and others. Multistakeholderism is seen as a departure from a traditional form of multilateralism, where nation states exclusively participate in international policy debates in dialogue with other nation states. Multistakeholderism can also be understood as a way to enhance or better inform multilateral processes by ensuring that other relevant entities can inform dialogues among states based on their expertise and perspectives in particular subject areas. تعدد أصحاب المصلحةMultipartenariatGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
88NeobanksNewly created banks that offer mobile-only banking products and services using smartphone applications that serve as an alternative to traditional banking with bricks-and-mortar branch networks.البنوك الجديدة عبر الانترنتNeobanksGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
89Network AnalysisThe process of investigating structures through the use of networks and graph theory.تحليل الشبكاتAnalyse du RéseauGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
90Nudge techniquesDesign features which lead or encourage users to follow the designer’s preferred paths in the user’s decision-making. These can include making one option much less cumbersome or time-consuming than the alternative, therefore encouraging many users to just take the easy (often more privacy-intrusive) option. تقنيات التنبيهTechniques de coup de pouceGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
91Online service providerA company or organization that provides services hosted on or accessible through the internet.مزود الخدمة عبر الإنترنتFournisseur de services en ligneGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
92Operational Technology (OT) SecurityOperational Technology (OT) is hardware and software that detects or causes a change through the direct monitoring and/or control of physical devices, processes and events in the enterprise. OT is common critical infrastructure in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) such as a SCADA System. أمن التكنولوجيا التشغيليةSécurité des technologies opérationnellesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
93Operations ResearchAn area of mathematics closer to optimization and numerical analysis than to statistics. Operations research solves planning problems and depends on predefined deterministic or stochastic models and therefore can be the next step after Machine Learning, can be used by it or can be replaced by it. بحوث العملياتRecherche opérationnelleGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
94PipelineLiterally a production line. When an organization has mature data science processes, a pipeline would be the entire sequence of the data life cycle, from capturing data in situ to issuing the opinion or dashboard at the end of the pipeline. خط انابيبPipelineGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
95PremisePremises are those facts that we assume to be true but could be wrong. Assumptions in projects imply risks, but in mathematical models, assumptions indicate under what conditions a model works. If the premises are disregarded, the model behaves unpredictably. فرضيةPrémisseGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
96Privileged Access ManagementSecure provisioning of privileged access to critical assets, and effective monitoring and maintenance of privileged accounts and access. Privileged access spans a wide range of systems and infrastructure components, such as operating systems, databases, middleware, applications, and network devices. إدارة الوصول المميزGestion des accès privilégiésGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
97Proof of ConceptAn implementation of a certain method or idea using specific technologies — in order to assess and demonstrate its feasibility and confirm its practical potential. See also Prototype and MVP.إثبات المفهومPreuve de ConceptGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
98PrototypeA prototype is a way to test one part of a complicated system or product. It is an early sample/model built to test a concept or assumption or to act a thing to be tested and learned from. See also MVP and Proof of concept and Mock-up and Wireframe.النموذج المبدئيPrototypeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
99Regulatory Innovation InitiativesA broad set of activities carried out by regulators to innovate regulatory and supervisory functions, processes, organizations and applications, which often but not necessarily involve the use of technological solutions. مبادرات الابتكار التنظيميةInitiatives d'Innovation RéglementaireGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
100Regulatory Technology ""RegTech""Any range of applications of FinTech for regulatory and compliance requirements and reporting by regulated institutions.الحلول التنظيمية الحديثةRegTech Outils pour la RégulationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
101Regulatory SandboxFormal regulatory programmes that allow market participants to test new financial services or models with live customers, subject to certain safeguards and oversight. المختبر التنظيميSandbox RéglementaireGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
102Remote WorkingRemote working / telecommuting is a work arrangement in which Employees do not commute to a central place of work. They use the cloud as a method of accessing their work system and files from anywhere at any time. A person who telecommutes is known as a “telecommuter”, “teleworker”, and sometimes as a “home sourced,” or “work-at-home” employee. العمل عن بعدLe Travail à DistanceGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
103Risk-based approachA method for complying with AML/CFT standards set forth in FATF Recommendation . The risk-based approach is based on the general principle that where there are higher risks, countries should require financial services providers to take enhanced measures to manage and mitigate those risks. Where risks are lower (i.e. no suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing), simplified measures may be allowed. النهج القائم على المخاطرApproche Fondée Sur les RisquesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
104RoboticsThe design, construction, operation, and use of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. علم الروبوتات (علم صناعة المساعد الآلي المحاكي للبشر)RobotiquesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
105Text MiningThe process of exploring and analyzing large amounts of unstructured text data aided by software that can identify concepts, patterns, topics, keywords and other attributes in the data. التنقيب في النصوصExploration de TexteGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
106Notary servicesDigitizing, storing, and verifying documents or contracts and proof of ownership or transfer.خدمات التصديقServices de NotaireGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
107Network AnalysisThe process of investigating structures through the use of networks and graph theory.تحليل الشبكاتAnalyse de RéseauGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
108Secure Internet Gateway Governance Group (SIG )The Secure Internet Gateway Governance Group encompasses the people, process and technology to mitigate risk to state information assets through network monitoring, identification and mitigation of unauthorized activity. مجموعة حوكمة بوابة الإنترنت الآمنةGroupe de gouvernance de la passerelle Internet sécuriséeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
109Security and Privacy Awareness TrainingCreating awareness and educating employees and other users of information systems on the information security risks associated with the activities related to their job roles, as well as their responsibilities in complying with an organization’s security policies and procedures designed to reduce these risks. التدريب على التوعية بالأمان والخصوصيةFormation de sensibilisation à la sécurité et à la vie privéeGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
110Self-Organizing MapsA type of artificial neural network that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional, discretised representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map, and is therefore a method of performing dimensionality reduction. خرائط ذاتية التنظيمCartes Auto-OrganiséesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
111Single source of truth (SSOT)SSOT is the principle of always saving information reliably in precisely one central location in order to guarantee that it is up to date and correct and to avoid misinformation and version conflicts.مصدر واحد للحقيقةSource unique de véritéGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
112Split tunnelingFunctionality that allows personnel to access both public network infrastructure and a Virtual Private Network connection at the same time, such as an organization’s system and the internet. الانقسام النفقيTunneling fractionnéGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
113Standard Operating EnvironmentA standardized build of an operating system and associated software that can be used for servers, workstations, laptops and mobile devices. بيئة التشغيل القياسيةEnvironnement d'exploitation standardGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
114Supervisory Technology ""SupTech""Any application of FinTech used by regulatory, supervisory and oversight authorities. تقنية الإشرافTechnologie de Supervision (Technologie pour le Superviseur)General Terms مصطلحات عـامة
115Supply-side StatisticsStatistics on use of basic financial services by customers, obtained from financial corporations. إحصاءات جانب العرضStatistiques du Côté de l'OffreGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
116TelemetryThe automatic measurement and transmission of data collected from remote sources. Such data is often used within systems to measure the use, performance and health of one or more functions or devices that make up the system. القياس عن بعدTélémétrieGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
117TelematicsThe integration of information technology and telecommunications to acquire, store and/or process data. التليماتيةTélématiqueGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
118Transfer Cross Domain SolutionA system that facilitates the transfer of data, in one or multiple directions (low to high or high to low), between different security domains. نقل الحل عبر المجالاتSolution de transfert entre domainesGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
119Trusted sourceA person or system formally identified as being capable of reliably producing data meeting certain defined parameters, such as a maximum data classification and reliably reviewing data produced by others to confirm compliance with certain defined parameters. مصدر موثوقSource fiableGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
120VirtualizationSimulation of a hardware platform, operating system, application, storage device or network resource. المحاكاة الافتراضيةVirtualizationGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
121Web PortalStatic file upload via web site with built-in automated validation checks.بوابة الويبPortail WebGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
122Web ScraperAutomated capture of web data by programs or “bots”.مكشطة الويبGrattoir Web Extraction de sites WebGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
123Web-scrappingVery common before the popularization of APIs. It consists of loading a web page via scripts and trying to extract some information (usually text) from there in an automated way. It's very effective on open social networks (like Twitter, although the API supports the same) and sites with an obvious structure (like stores). .تخريد الويبMise au rebut WebGeneral Terms مصطلحات عـامة
124AccuracyThe fraction of predictions that an AI model got right. It is the number of correct predictions measured over the total number of predictions made.الدقةPrécisionArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
125AgentAny third party acting on behalf of a bank or other financial services provider (including an e-money issuer or distributor) to deal directly with customers. The term ‘agent’ is commonly used even if a principal agent relationship does not exist under the law of the country in question.الوكيل – مزود الخدمةAgentArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
126Agent (in relation to a custodian)An information manager, individual, or organization that acts for, or on behalf of a custodian, with respect to personal health information for the purposes of the custodian, and not for the agent’s own purposes, regardless of whether the information manager, individual, or organization is remunerated by the custodian. This does not include an employee of the custodian. الوكيل (فيما يتعلق بالوصي)Agent (par rapport à un dépositaire)Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
127Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud A comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon that includes a mixture of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and packaged software as a service (SaaS) oferings. خدمات أمازون ويب السحابيةAmazon Web Services CloudArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
128Application Programming Interface (API)A set of rules and specifications followed by software programmes to communicate with each other, and an interface between different software programmes that facilitates their interaction; APIs enable direct database-to-database data transmission enabling granular, real-time reporting and automated validation. واجهة إدارة التطبيقاتInterfaceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
129Artificial Intelligence (AI)Advanced computer systems that can simulate human capabilities, such as analysis, based on a predetermined set of rules. Also, the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. الذكاء الاصطناعيIntelligence ArtificielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
130AI ApplicationInput-output mapping in a given context of use, based on the implemented AI system. Consists of the AI system and optionally the regarding embedding, including additional software components, pre-/postprocessing and an interface for input, output and monitoring. تطبيق الذكاء الاصطناعيApplication d'intelligence artificielle Application d'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
131AI Applications/ Applied AIThe branch of artificial intelligence that brings it out of the lab and into the real world, enabling computers and computer-controlled robots to execute real tasks. تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي / الذكاء الاصطناعي التطبيقيApplications d'IA IA appliquéeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
132AI EthicsA branch of the ethics of technology specific to artificially intelligent systems. Biases are prone to play a significant role in machine learning based on the data that machines are being trained with and range from gender to race to age to economic status and everything in between.أخلاقيات الذكاء الاصطناعيÉthique d'intelligence artificielle (IA)Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
133AI for developmentThe potential contributions of AI to achieving sustainable development goals through addressing challenges in specific development areas including global health, human rights, environment, etc. الذكاء الاصطناعي من أجل التنميةL'IA pour le développementArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
134AI for goodHarnessing the potential of AI and mitigating its risks for the well-being of humanity by ensuring its ethical utilization and avoiding activities that harm people or the environment.الذكاء الاصطناعي من أجل الخيرL’IA est là pour de bonArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
135AI FrameworksAI frameworks make the creation of machine learning/deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing (NLP) applications easier and faster by offering ready solutions. Some of the most popular open-source frameworks include TensorFlow, Theano, PyTorch, Sci-Kit, Keras, Microsoft Cognitive ToolKit and Apache Mahout.أطر عمل الذكاء الاصطناعيCadres de l’intelligence artificielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
136AI for inclusionAI systems should be powered by pattern recognition and classification that promote the inclusion of marginalized groups, including urban and rural poor communities, women, youth, ethnic and racial minorities, and people with disabilities. Inclusion involves addressing the roots of uneven access to and impact of AI based technologies and how this amplifies global digital inequalities in health and wellbeing, education, and humanitarian crisis mitigation. الذكاء الاصطناعي للشمولL'IA pour l'inclusionArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
137AI governanceAI governance refers to the regulatory framework for the use of AI processes, methodologies, and tools to ensure its effective and responsible use through risk management and regulatory compliance. حوكمة الذكاء الاصطناعيLa gouvernance de l’IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
138AI infrastructureAI infrastructure encompasses almost every stage of the machine learning workflow. It enables data scientists, data engineers, software engineers and DevOps teams to access and manage the computing resources to test, train and deploy AI algorithms. البنية التحتية للذكاء الاصطناعيL'Infrastructure d'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
139AI literacy (knowing & using AI)The public’s understanding of AI technologies and their abilities to live, learn and work through the use of AI in everyday life. This means moving beyond learning about AI toward knowing and understanding, using and applying, evaluating, and creating AI as well as differentiating between its ethical and unethical usages. محو أمية الذكاء الاصطناعي (معرفة واستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي)L'alphabétisation en IA (connaître et utiliser l'IA)Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
140AI ModelKnowledge representation using Artificial Intelligence techniques.نموذج الذكاء الاصطناعيModèle d'intelligence artificielle Modèle d'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
141AI Model Goodness Measurement MetricsThe goodness of AI models built for specific purposes such as classification, prediction, and clustering are measured using a set of metrics called AI model goodness measurement metrics. These metrics are called AI model goodness measurement metrics. These include metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F-measure, word error rate, sentence error rate, mean absolute error, general language understanding evaluation (GLUE), etc. مقاييس قياس جودة نموذج الذكاء الاصطناعيMétriques de mesure de la qualité du modèle d'intelligence artificielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
142AI OpsOptimizing IT operations using AI. This involves detecting anomalies from IT system logs, metrics, grouping various events or alerts, diagnosing problems, and resolving issues by learning actions from priori incident, tickets, etc. AI ops is also concerned with monitoring and optimizing application performance, and proactively avoiding issues or incidents. عمليات الذكاء الاصطناعيL'opérations d'intelligence artificielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
143AI readinessAI readiness is an organization, country, or other entity’s ability to deploy and use AI technologies in ways that create value for the entity and enable digital transformation. جاهزية الذكاء الاصطناعيPréparation à l'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
144AI StrategyProcesses in the lifecycle of the AI system.استراتيجية الذكاء الاصطناعيStratégie d'intelligence artificielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
145AI Strategies/ PoliciesNational AI strategies are plans by countries to deepen their use of AI technologies in ways that can benefit their economy. More than just technological adoption, National AI strategies require governments to completely rethink their understanding of business and productivity in order to create new areas of growth. استراتيجيات/سياسات الذكاء الاصطناعيStratégies/politiques d'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
146AI SystemA collection of AI algorithms, models, and/or applications designed to work in a coordinated way towards specific objectives. نظام الذكاء الاصطناعيSystème d'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
147AI safetyAn area of machine learning research that aims to identify causes of unintended behavior in machine learning systems and develop tools to ensure these systems work safely and reliably.سلامة الذكاء الاصطناعيLa sécurité de l'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
148Affective ComputingA subfield of artificial intelligence concerned with the development of systems capable of recognizing and processing human emotions. Also called ""Emotion Artificial Intelligence (or Emotional Artificial Intelligence)."" حوسبة عاطفيةL’informatique affectiveArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
149Algorithmic biasThe systemic and repeatable errors in a computer system that create unfair outcomes, such as privileging one arbitrary group of users over others. التحيز الخوارزميBiais algorithmiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
150Algorithm deploymentDeployment is the method by which you integrate a machine learning model into an existing production environment to make practical business decisions based on data.نشر الخوارزميةDéploiement d’un algorithme Déployer l'algorithmeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
151Algorithm explainabilityExplainability, or interpretability, is the notion that a machine learning model and its output can be explained in a way that makes sense to the average person. More traditional machine learning algorithms tend to be more readily explainable, but potentially less effective. تفسير الخوارزميةExplicabilité de l'algorithmeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
152Algorithmic Learning TheoryAn area of computational learning theory that follows non-statistical and non-probabilistic approaches to learning limits.نظرية التعلُّم الخوارزميThéorie de l'apprentissage algorithmiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
153Algorithm robustnessAlgorithm robustness is a machine learning model’s ability to cope with poor data quality, gaps or missing data, potential adversarial attacks, and the various errors and obstacles it may encounter when processing real-life data. متانة الخوارزميةRobustesse de l'algorithmeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
154Alternative and unstructured dataData, usually unstructured and non-financial data, not traditionally used in financial modelling, including satellite imagery, telemetric or biometric data, and social-media feeds. These data are unstructured in the sense that they do not have a defined data model or pre-existing organisation. البيانات البديلة وغير المهيكلةDonnées alternatives et non structuréesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
155Ambient Intelligence (AmI)A digital environment that is sensitive to people and supports their daily lives.ذكاء محيطيIntelligence ambianteArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
156Artificial Immune System (AIS)An adaptive system for problem-solving inspired by the human immune system.نظام المناعة الاصطناعيSystème immunitaire artificielArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
157Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI)Artificial narrow intelligence, or weak AI, is the only type of artificial intelligence that has been successfully achieved to date. Narrow AI is goal-oriented, designed to perform specific tasks, such as facial recognition, speech assistants, driving a car, or searching the Internet. It is highly intelligent at completing the particular job for which it is programmed. الذكاء الاصطناعي المحدودIntelligence artificielle étroiteArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
158Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)Artificial general intelligence, also called deep AI, is the concept of a machine with general intelligence that mimics human brightness and behaviors, with the ability to learn and apply its intelligence to solve any problem. AGI can think, understand and act indistinguishably from a human in any situation. الذكاء العام الاصطناعيIntelligence artificielle Générale L’IA GénéraleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
159Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS)Artificial intelligence as a service refers to out-of-the-box AI tools that enable enterprises to deploy AI techniques at a fraction of the in-house AI cost.الذكاء الاصطناعي كخدمةIntelligence Artificielle en tant que Service L'IA en tant que serviceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
160Artificial Neural Network (ANNs) / Simulated Neutral Network (SNN)Artificial neural networks, neural networks or simulated neural networks, are a sub technology of machine learning and are the main enabler of deep learning algorithms. Its structure is inspired by the human brain, mimicking the way biological neurons communicate with each other. الشبكة العصبية الاصطناعية / الشبكة المحايدةRéseau de neurones artificiels / Réseau de neurones simulésArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
161Artificial superintelligence (ASI)Artificial superintelligence is the hypothetical AI that not only mimics or understands human intelligence and behavior; ASI is when machines become self-aware and surpass the capacity of human intelligence and ability.الذكاء الاصطناعي الفائقSuperintelligence artificielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
162Associative LearningA rule-based technique in machine learning for discovering significant relationships between features or variables in a dataset.تعلُّم ترابطيApprentissage associatifArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
163Augmented IntelligenceA design pattern that complements human intelligenceand helps humans get smarter and faster in performing tasks. Also called ""Intelligence Augmentation."" ذكاء معززAugmented IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
164Augmented Reality (AR)A technology that allows digital information to be overlayed on real world environments and objects, typically using immersive D Virtual Reality. AR allows an enhanced version of the physical world by adding digital visual, sound and other sensory elements. الواقع المعززAugmented Reality (AR)Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
165Augmented ResearchThe application of AI in analyzing data and testing hypotheses to support research in different fields.بحث معززAugmented ResearchArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
166AutoencodersA type of artificial neural network used to learn efficient coding of unlabeled data.أجهزة الترميز التلقائيEncodeurs automatiquesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
167Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)A type of natural language processing that is associated with recognizing human speech such as voice assistants.التعرف التلقائي على الكلامReconnaissance automatique de la paroleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
168Autonomous RobotRobot free from external control or influence and able to control itself independently.روبوت ذاتي التحكم (مساعد آلي محاكي للبشر ذاتي التحكم)Robot AutonomeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
169BackpropagationThe fundamental algorithm used for training neural networks.الانتشار العكسيRétropropagationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
170BacktestingPeriodic evaluation of a trained machine learning algorithm to check whether the predictions of the algorithm have degraded over time. Back testing is a critical component of model maintenance.الاختبار الرجعيBacktestingArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
171Backward ChainingStrategy of working backward for Reason/Cause of a problem.التسلسل العكسيChaînage ArrièreArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
172BaselineA model or heuristic used as reference point for comparing how well a machine learning model is performing. A baseline helps model developers quantify the minimal, expected performance on a particular problem. Generally, baselines are set to simulate the performance of a model that doesn’t actually make use of our data to make predictions. This is called a naive benchmark. خط الأساسBaseline Ligne de baseArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
173BatchA set of observations that are fed into a machine learning model to train it. Batch training is a counterpart to online learning, in which data are fed sequentially instead of all at once. حزمةBatchArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
174BiasA source of error that emerges from erroneous assumptions in the learning algorithm. High bias can cause an algorithm to miss the relevant relations between features and labels. Bias can be mitigated by adding additional features to the data or using a more flexible algorithm.انحيازpréjudiceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
175Bias in AIUnintended prejudice or favoritism that may occur in AI systems due to biased training data or algorithms.التحيز في الذكاء الاصطناعيBiais dans l’IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
176Big DataLarge amounts of structured and unstructured data too complex to be handled by standard data-processing software. Large and complex data sets, often generated by (industrial) sensors, but also by companies, organizations and people. As this data is often unstructured, incomplete or incorrect, non-AI-powered software usually cannot process it in a meaningful way. البيانات الضخمةBig DataArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
177BlackboardIt is the memory inside computer, which is used for communication between the cooperating expert systems. اللوحة السوداءTableau noirArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
178Bodily-Kinesthetic IntelligenceThe ability to use complete or part of the body to solve problems or fashion products, control over fine and coarse motor skills, and manipulate the objects. الذكاء الجسدي الحركيIntelligence Corporelle-KinesthésiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
179Brute Force SearchA search that isn’t limited by clustering/approximations; it searches across all inputs. Often more time-consuming and expensive, but more thorough. بحث القوة الغاشمةRecherche par force bruteArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
180Business IntelligenceA data-driven system that incorporates data collection, data storage, data analysis, and data visualization to support decision making. ذكاء الأعمالBusiness Intelligence (BI) / Informatique décisionnelleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
181ChatbotVirtual assistance programmes that interact with users in natural language; chatbots enable automated capture and interpretation of qualitative data, enabling data collection in real time. / Also, An AI-powered program that can interact with humans through text or voice communication.خدمة التحاور الآليChatbot / Agent ConversationnelArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
182ClassificationOne of the two major types of supervised learning models in which the labels we train the algorithm to predict are distinct categories. Usually these categories are binary (yes/ no, innocent/guilty, 0/ ) but classification algorithms can typically be extended to handle multiple classes (peach, plum, pear) or, in a more limited set of cases, multiple labels (an object can belong to more than one category). التصنيفClassificationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
183Cellular AutomatonA CA is a collection of cells on a grid that evolves their states over a set of discrete values according to predefined rules based on the states of the neighboring cells.الأتمتة الخلويةAutomate CellulaireArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
184ClusteringAn unsupervised learning technique that identifies group structures in data. Clusters are, loosely speaking, groups of observations that are similar to other observations in the same cluster and different from those belonging to different clusters. The center of each cluster is known by the excellent name “centroid.” Importantly, clustering algorithms only consider the relationships between features in the data mathematically and not conceptually; as such, the clusters identified by these algorithms may not reflect any grouping structure that would be sensible to a human being. See also classification, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, k-means clustering. Also, A machine learning technique that involves the grouping of data points. Clustering is a common technique for statistical data analysis used in many fields including machine learning. Clustering is used with applications like customer segmentation, fast search, and visualization.التجمعClusteringArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
185Cloud RoboticsA field of robotics in which robots utilize cloud technologies, such as storage and computing, to extend their capabilities. الروبوتات السحابية (المساعد الآلي السحابي المحاكي للبشر)Robotique en nuageArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
186Cognitive ComputingThe platforms that are based on the scientific disciplines of artificial intelligence to simulate human thought processes in a computerized model. A type of AI that aims to replicate human cognitive processes, such as perception, reasoning, and decision-making. حوسبة المعرفيةInformatique cognitiveArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
187Collective IntelligenceThe study of the shared, or group intelligence that emerges from the interaction (collaboration, collective efforts, and/or competition) of a large group of individuals. الذكاء الجماعيIntelligence collectiveArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
188Collaborative Robot (Cobot)A robot designed for close interaction with a human in a shared workspace.روبوت تعاوني (مساعد آلي محاكي للبشر تعاوني)Robot collaboratifArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
189Complex SystemsSystems whose behavior is intrinsically difficult to model due to the dependencies and interactions between the parts within the system and/or across time.النظم المعقدةSystèmes complexesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
190Computational CreativityAn emerging field in artificial intelligence that focuses on the ability of machines to both generate and evaluate creative outputs.الإبداع الحاسوبيCréativité ComputationnelleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
191Computer VisionA field of AI used to obtain information from images. Computer vision uses AI technologies to solve complex problems such as object detection and image processing from image files (JPEGs) or camera feeds. Also, A subset of AI that allows computers to extract information from visuals, such as images and videos, to understand and interpret them. الرؤية الحاسوبيةVision par ordinateurArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
192Content GeneratorA machine learning program that generates content by using natural language processing techniques.مولِّد المحتوىGénérateur de contenuArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
193Continuous Learning System (CLS)Systems that are inherently capable of learning from real-world data and are able to update themselves automatically over time while in public use.نظام التعلم المستمرSystème d'apprentissage continuArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
194ControllabilityThe property of an AI system in which external entities can intervene in its functioning.قابلية التحكمContrôlabilitéArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
195Conversational Artificial IntelligenceThe technologies that use machine learning and natural language processing to provide human-like interaction with users via text or voice.ذكاء اصطناعي تحاوريIntelligence Artificielle conversationnelleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
196Conversational User InterfaceA user interface that allows users to interact with computers in a way similar to a human-to-human conversation.واجهة مستخدم تحاوريةInterface utilisateur conversationnelleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
197Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)Deep learning algorithms that can take in an input image, assign importance to various aspects/objects in the image, and differentiate one from the other. الشبكات العصبية التلافيفيةRéseaux de neurones convolutifsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
198Cross-validationThe name given to a set of techniques that split data into training sets and test sets when using data with an algorithm. The training set is given to the algorithm, along with the correct answers (labels), and becomes the set used to make predictions. The algorithm is then asked to make predictions for each item in the test set. The answers it gives are compared to the correct answers, and an overall score for how well the algorithm did is calculated. Cross-validation repeats this splitting procedure several times and computes an average score based on the scores from each split. عبر المصادقةValidation croiséeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
199Data AnalyticsThe process of analyzing and interpreting data to uncover insights and make informed decisions.تحليلات البياناتAnalyse des donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
200Data AnnotationThe process of adding descriptive information to the dataset to be used as an input for a machine learning model. Also called ""Data Labeling"" or ""Labeling."" تسمية البياناتAnnotation des donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
201Data AugmentationA machine learning technique to create new data by manipulating the original data. Also, the technique of increasing the size and diversity of training datasets by creating modified versions of the data. This is essential in improving the robustness and accuracy of generative models. زيادة البياناتAugmentation des donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
202Data ArchitectA data architect is a practitioner of data architecture, a data management discipline concerned with designing, creating, deploying, and managing an organization’s data architecture. Data architects often work with data scientists on AI projects. مهندس البياناتArchitecte de donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
203Data GovernanceData governance includes the processes, functions, policies and standards that ensure the effective and efficient use of information within an organization to achieve its goals. Data governance also refers to a set of practices for managing data to increase its value and decrease data-related risks. It involves the design of a framework for the management of data, specifying data policies, standards, procedures, rights and accountabilities for an organization’s decision-making about its data. Data governance also involves monitoring compliance with this framework. حوكمة البياناتGouvernance des donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
204Data LakeSince data is at the core of every AI use case or solution, Aggregating all the data needed to build machine learning and inference models is absolutely critical. The process of assimilating all the data (structured and unstructured) in a consolidated repository is referred to as a data lake. بحيرة البياناتLac de donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
205Data leakageWhere data from outside the training set manages to leak into the model building (training) process, hence inappropriately influencing the model and its validation. Also, The May occur during inference attacks, where a threat actor gains access to confidential data through model inversion and programmatic querying of the model. تسرُّب البياناتFuite de donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
206Data Loss PreventionA system’s ability to identify, monitor, and protect data in use (e.g., endpoint actions), data in motion (e.g., network actions), and data at rest (e.g., data storage) through deep packet content inspection, and contextual security analysis of transaction (e.g., attributes of originator, data object, medium, timing, recipient/ destination, etc.) within a centralized management framework. منع فقدان البياناتPrévention de la perte de donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
207Data ManagerA data manager is an individual concerned with legally acquiring the right kind of data for training AI systems by working with data scientists. A data manager works with data architects to ensure that acquired data is properly versioned and stored for analysis and audit purposes. A data manager is also concerned with the governance of the data per legal and organizational requirements and ensuring that the lifecycle of the data is managed accordingly.مدير البياناتGestionnaire de donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
208Data PoisoningPoisoning attacks occur in the training phase by introducing corrupted data. An example would be slipping numerous instances of inappropriate language into conversation records, so that a chatbot interprets these instances as common enough parlance to use in its own customer interactions. تسمم البياناتEmpoisonnement des donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
209Data ProvenanceAn equivalent term to “chain of custody.” It involves the method of generation, transmission and storage of information that may be used to trace the origin of a piece of information processed by community resources. مصدر البياناتProvenance des donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
210Dataset schemaDescription of a dataset structure. Each dataset must obey exactly one dataset schema. The dataset schema defines which columns must appear in a dataset. No other column is allowed. Moreover, the dataset schema specifies which columns are used as features and which are used as labels. مخطط مجموعة البياناتSchéma du jeu de données schémas de donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
211Data stewardsA data steward is a position that manages the data governance function within an organization and is responsible for ensuring the quality and fitness-for-purpose of the organization's data assets, including the metadata for those data assets. A data steward may share responsibilities with a data custodian, such as data awareness, accessibility, publication, appropriate use, security and governance. مضيفو البياناتIntendants des donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
212Data trailA dataset of personal information tracked through a person’s actions online.مسار البياناتChemin de donnéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
213Decision treeA type of algorithm which splits data based on probabilities or attributes in a branching pattern, until an output is determined. شجرة القرارArbre de décisionArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
214DeepfakesSynthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else's likeness using neural networks.التزييف العميقDeepfakesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
215Deep LearningDeep Learning is a technique to implement Machine Learning (see below) and one of drivers behind the recent success and popularity of AI as documented in the victory of DeepMind’s AlphaGo program beating a human Go champion in . Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain called artificial neural networks. It can take vast amounts of data and recognize certain characteristics for text-based searches, fraud detection, handwriting recognition, speech recognition, and more. Also, A subset of machine learning where multiple layers of neural networks are constructed to progressively extract information and achieve higher accuracy of learning result.التعلم العميقApprentissage ProfondArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
216DenoisingAn approach to artificially add noise to the dataset and then the model attempts to remove it.إزالة التشويشDébruitageArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
217Deployed modelTrained machine learning model that is available as an engine for prediction and classification via the corresponding API endpoint.النموذج المنتشرModèle déployéArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
218Development Data SetsData which is used for developing an AI system, consists of training, validation, and testing data. مجموعات بيانات التطويرJeu de données pour le développementArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
219Differential PrivacyA mathematical definition of privacy in machine learning that allows collecting, analyzing, and sharing statistics about a dataset based on personal data while protecting individuals' privacy. الخصوصية التفاضليةConfidentialité différentielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
220Digital TwinA mathematical model that describes the behavior of a physical object or process. In a simulation environment, a digital twin can be used to simulate what would happen in the real world if the parameters of the system were to be changed. Digital twins can be used throughout the product lifecycle, including the design, manufacturing, operation, and service phases. Visual representations of digital twins look and behave like their physical counterparts, mirroring the real world and adapting in real time to what is happening there. التوأم الرقميJumeau numérique Ou Digital TwinArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
221Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAIA subfield of AI that focuses on solving problems using coordinated and concurrent operations. Also called ""Decentralized Artificial Intelligence."" الذكاء الاصطناعي الموزَّعIntelligence artificielle distribuéeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
222Distributed ComputingA distributed system that includes multiple software components running on multiple computers as a single system.الحوسبة الموزَّعةInformatique distribuéeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
223Domain AdaptationA subfield of machine learning that aims to apply an algorithm trained in a source domain to another related target domain.تكييف المجالAdaptation de domaineArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
224Edge Computing"Edge Computing is a type of system architecture thatunlike cloud computingbrings computing and data storage closer to the data sources (the ""edge""). It helps to reduce response timesand the amount of energy required for data transfer. "
225Edge AIEdge AI systems can be implemented physically close to the actual execution device. These devices can run AI applications without being connected to the cloud.حافة الذكاء الاصطناعيIA de pointeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
226Embodied Artificial IntelligenceA field that focuses on incorporating AI capabilities into robots and enables them to learn by interacting with the surrounding environment.الذكاء الاصطناعي المتجسدIntelligence Artificielle IncarnéeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
227Embodied AIAI that is designed to interact with and navigate the physical world, often through the use of robots or autonomous vehicles. الذكاء الاصطناعي المتجسدIntelligence Artificielle IncarnéeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
228Embodied CognitionIt is a theory stating that cognition is shaped by aspects of the entire body of the organism. It emphasizes the role of the body (e.g., motor, perception) in forming cognition features (e.g., form concepts, make judgements). الإدراك المجسّدCognition incarnéeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
229Endpoint ProtectionSafeguards implemented through software to protect end-user machines such as workstations and laptops against attack (e.g., antivirus, antispyware, anti-adware, personal firewalls, host-based intrusion detection and prevention systems). حماية نقطة النهايةProtection des terminauxArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
230EnsembleCombinations of diverse simpler algorithms to improve overall performance.التوليفاتEnsembleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
231Ethics in AIThe study and application of moral principles in the development and use of AI, including issues such as bias, privacy, and accountability. الأخلاق في الذكاء الاصطناعيL'éthique dans l'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
232Experience ReplayA memory buffer in reinforcement learning to store state transitions acquired during the learning process and later use them for training the model.إعادة تشغيل التجربةRevivez l'expérienceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
233ExplainabilityThe idea that an AI model or system can be explained in a way that is meaningful to a human being. Also, means the possibility of explaining how a model works. When the model is an algebraic equation, the explanation is obvious when it is a cluster or a tree it complicates, but it can be explained, when it is a neural network there is no way to explain it. The neural network is a tangle of equations interconnected by tensors, even mathematically it is difficult to explain. So, when a neural network does something inexplicable, it’s extremely difficult to interpret why a decision was made. When the decision was incorrect, the correction often costs as much as creating the network. القابلية للتفسيرExplicabilitéArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
234Explainable AIAI that is designed to be transparent and explainable, enabling humans to understand how and why a machine made a particular decision. الذكاء الاصطناعي القابل للتفسيرAI explicableArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
235Expert SystemA form of AI that attempts to replicate a human’s expertise in an area, such as medical diagnosis. It combines a knowledge base with a set of hand-coded rules for applying that knowledge. Machine learning techniques are increasingly replacing hand coding. نظام الخبراءSystème expertArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
236Explainable AICan explain to humans its actions, decisions, or recommendations or provide sufficient information about how it arrived at its outcome. الذكاء الاصطناعي القابل للتفسيرIA explicableArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
237Extended RealityA combination of AI with virtual, augmented, and mixed reality technology to add advanced capabilities. الواقع الممتدRéalité étendueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
238FeatureA measurable characteristic of the data or population of interest (commonly a variable).ميزة خاصيةFonctionnalitéArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
239Feedback LoopThe process by which an AI model’s predicted outputs are reused to train new versions of the model.حلقة تغذية إسترجاعيةBoucle de rétroactionArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
240Federated LearningA method of training models across distributed and/or decentralized networks using local data and without exchanging those data. Effectively, models are transferred rather than data thereby masking individual data records. Also, It’s a training method in machine learning where multiple separate devices train a machine learning model with their own (separate) dataset. Only the end results are shared with the main actor in the network.التعلم الموحدApprentissage fédéréArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
241Fine-TuningThe process of taking a pre-trained model and further training it on a more specific dataset. This allows the model to become more specialized in a particular domain or task.الضبط الدقيقRéglage finArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
242Forward ChainingStrategy of working forward for conclusion /solution of a problem.التسلسل الأماميChaînage AvantArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
243Foundation modelAny AI model that is trained on broad data… that can be adapted to a wide range of downstream tasks.نموذج الأساسModèle de fondationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
244Fourth Industrial Revolution ( IR)The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the convergence of telecommunication, information and new production technologies, including nanotechnology, biotechnology, new materials, advanced digital production technologies, D printing, human-machine interfaces (HMIs) and Artificial Intelligence, with current general-purpose technologies and new business models into industrial production processes that raise the concept of Industry .0, also known as Smart Factor. الثورة الصناعية الرابعةQuatrième révolution industrielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
245Fourth PartyCompanies that contract with an organization’s third-party vendors. A security incident affecting a fourth party could result in significant supply chain issues or other business disruptions.الطرف الرابعQuatrième partiArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
246Friendly Artificial Intelligence (FAI)A hypothetical Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that supports human values and has a positive effect on humanity.ذكاء اصطناعي ودّيIntelligence artificielle amicaleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
247Frontier modelA highly capable general-purpose AI [model] that can perform a wide variety of tasks and match or exceed the capabilities present in today’s most advanced models.نموذج الحدودModèle frontièreArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
248Generalization of AIGeneralization refers to the ability of a machine learning model trained on a given dataset to properly adapt to previously unseen data. It demonstrates how well the model is trained to adequately classify and forecast new data.تعميم الذكاء الاصطناعيGénéralisation de l'IAArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
249Generative AIGenerative AI refers to the subset of artificial intelligence focused on creating new content, data, or solutions by learning from existing datasets. This includes generating realistic images, videos, text, and voice outputs. It's particularly notable for its applications in creative and design fields. الذكاء الاصطناعي التوليديIntelligence artificielle génératifArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
250Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)A machine learning model in which two neural networks compete with each other in a goal to generate new data with the same statistics as the training data set. For example, GANs are used in fashion, art, and advertising but are also increasingly used by malicious actors to spread fake news. الشبكة العدائية المنشأةRéseau antagoniste génératifArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
251Generative DesignCapability of an application, e.g., CAD software, to autonomously generate a number of design alternatives given a set of constraints. Uses techniques such as AI, optimization and simulation. التصميم التوليديConception générativeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
252Global InterpretabilityPossibility to understand the whole logic of an AI system and follow the entire reasoning leading to all the different possible outcomes.التفسير العالميInterprétabilité globaleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
253Hallucination (AI)The phenomenon in which an otherwise capable large language model presents false information as fact or generates nonsensical output that is unrelated to the prompt.الهلوسة (الذكاء الاصطناعي)Hallucination (IA)Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
254HeuristicsIt is the knowledge based on Trial-and-error, evaluations, and experimentation. الاستدلالHeuristiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
255High Assurance ApplicationsGrounds for justified confidence that a claim has been or will be achieved. In the context of software applications, a high assurance AI application or system reflects a high degree of confidence in the output, or results produced by that system. تطبيقات مرتفعة المستوى من الضمانApplications à haute assuranceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
256Human or people-centered AIHuman or people-centered AI refers to well-designed technologies that strike a balance between high levels of human control and computer automation. Technologies that possess these qualities can be more widely adopted and increase human performance, since they offer enough control for their user to comfortably leverage the benefits of the technology, while automating functions that do not require human input. Her industrial activities. الذكاء الاصطناعي المرتكز على الإنسان أو الأشخاصL'intelligence artificielle centrée sur l'humainArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
257HyperparameterA setting or weight whose value cannot be calculated from the data and is external to the model. It can be tuned by the analyst. Also, The Parameters used in AI and machine learning to control the model selection and training process. They are specified prior to training iterations unlike parameter values calculated as part of model fitting. المعامل المركب / الهجينHyperparamètreArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
258Hyperparameter OptimizationThe process of tuning the parameters of a machine learning model to optimize its performance. This is crucial in ensuring that generative models produce high quality and accurate outputs.تحسين المعلمة الفائقةOptimisation des hyperparamètresArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
259Image RecognitionThe ability of a system or software to identify objects, people, places, and actions in images. It uses machine vision technologies with artificial intelligence and trained algorithms to extract features and identify classes. التعرف على الصورReconnaissance d'imagesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
260Industrial AIIndustrial AI refers to the application of AI within the industries that form the backbone of our economies – industry, infrastructure, mobility and healthcare. صناعة الذكاء الاصطناعيAI industrielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
261Industrial-grade AIIndustrial-grade AI denotes a level of quality; reliable, secure, and trustworthy, designed to meet the rigorous requirements and standards of the most demanding professional environments. الذكاء الاصطناعي من الدرجة الصناعيةL’IA de qualité industrielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
262Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)The Industrial Internet of Things refers to the use of the Internet of Things in industrial sectors and applications.إنترنت الأشياء الصناعيL'Internet industriel des objetsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
263Industrial RobotAn automated and programmable robot that is used in industrial applications.روبوت صناعي (مساعد آلي محاكي للبشر صناعي)La robotique industrielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
264Industrial Robot CellAn industrial robot system(s) that include(s) machines and protected areas.خلية روبوتات صناعيةLa cellule robotisée industrielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
265Industrial Robot LineA set of industrial robot cells that perform some functions with associated equipment in protected spaces.مسار روبوت صناعي (مسار المساعد الآلي المحاكي للبشر الصناعي)Ligne de robotique industrielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
266Industry .0A term used to describe the fourth industrial revolution, which involves the integration of AI, IoT, and other advanced technologies into manufacturing and industry. الثورة الصناعية الرابعةL'Industrie .0Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
267InferenceProcess during which a machine learning model receives an input (features) and predicts the most probable labels.الاستدلالInférenceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
268Intelligence AmplificationThe use of technology to augment human intelligence.تضخيم الذكاءAmplification de l'intelligenceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
269Intelligence ExplosionA hypothesis that describes a state when superintelligent machines can produce even better machines surpassing human intelligence. Also called ""Technological Singularity"" or ""Singularity."" انفجار الذكاءExplosion d'intelligenceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
270Internet of Things (IoT)The Internet of Things is the network of physical objects that have embedded sensors, software and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet. إنترنت الأشياءL’Internet des objetsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
271Intended UseReader oriented description of the purpose of the AI system and for what it should and should not be.غرض الاستخدامUtilisation prévueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
272Interactive LearningA process where the model learns from real-time feedback provided by users. This can be seen in AI systems that adapt based on user interactions and preferences.التعلم التفاعليL'apprentissage interactifArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
273Interpersonal IntelligenceThe ability to recognize and make distinctions among other people’s feelings, beliefs, and intentions. الاستخبارات الشخصيةIntelligence InterpersonnelleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
274Intra-Personal IntelligenceThe ability to distinguish among one’s own feelings, intentions, and motivations. الذكاء الداخلي الشخصيIntelligence IntrapersonnelleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
275K-Fold Cross-ValidationA cross-validation technique that randomly splits a given dataset into a K equal subset (folds) used to train and evaluate a machine learning model.تحقق متقاطع على أجزاءla validation croisée k-foldArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
276Knowledge EngineeringAcquiring knowledge from human experts and other resources.هندسة المعرفةIngénierie des ConnaissancesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
277Knowledge GraphA database that represents knowledge as a graph of interconnected nodes and edges, used for AI applications such as NLP and search. الرسم البياني المعرفيGraphique de connaissanceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
278Large Language ModelsLarge Language Models are a type of Generative AI that specializes in understanding and generating human language. These models, such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), are trained on vast amounts of text data and can perform a variety of language tasks, including translation, summarization, question answering, and creative writing. LLMs are known for their ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on given prompts, making them powerful tools for a wide range of applications in natural language processing. نماذج اللغات الكبيرةGrands modèles de langageArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
279Latent SpaceThe compressed representation of the input data learned by parts of the model like autoencoders and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs).الفضاء الكامنEspace latentArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
280Linguistic intelligenceThe ability to speak, recognize, and use mechanisms of phonology (speech sounds), syntax (grammar), and semantics (meaning). الذكاء اللغويIntelligence Linguistique.Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
281Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME)A technique for approximating a machine learning model with a local, interpretable model to help explain individual outputs. التفسيرات الحيادية للنموذج المحلي المُفسرExplications indépendantes du modèle interprétable localArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
282Logical-Mathematical IntelligenceThe ability of use and understand relationships in the absence of action or objects. Understanding complex and abstract ideas.الذكاء المنطقي الرياضيIntelligence Logico-MathématiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
283Loss functionA measure of how the predicted output of each training instance differs from the actual outcome.فقدان وظيفةFonction de perteArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
284Machine learningA method of designing a sequence of actions to solve a problem that optimize automatically through experience and with limited or no human intervention.تعلم الآلةApprentissage AutomatiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
285Machine learning algorithmA process or set of rules used by a computer to find and apply patterns in data.خوارزمية تعلم الآلةL’algorithme d’apprentissage automatiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
286Machine learning modelThe model artifact that is created in the process of providing a machine learning algorithm with training data from which to learn.نموذج التعلم الآليModèle d'apprentissage automatiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
287Machine Learning Operations (ML Ops)The process of taking an experimental machine learning model into a production web system. Machine learning models are tested and developed in isolated experimental systems. When an algorithm is ready to be launched, ML ops is practiced between data scientists, DevOps, and machine learning engineers to transition the algorithm to production systems. Also, A set of processes at the intersection of machine learning, data engineering and DevOps (the combination of software development and operational processes to provide efficient, continuous software delivery). عمليات تعلم الآلةLes opérations d’apprentissage automatiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
288Machine-Readable RegulationMachine-readable regulation refers to information in the form of data that can be accessed directly by software. Regulation that can be read and analyzed directly without the need for “translation” would allow more automation and could significantly reduce the cost of regulatory change.اللوائح المقروءة آليًاRèglement Lisible par MachineArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
289Machine-to-human (M H) Is a form of communication in which humans co-work with Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems and other machines as opposed to utilizing them as tools or devices. The aim of this machine to human collaboration is to use each other’s strength, speed, physical abilities and to tackle weaknesses. We see this kind of traffic often at customers for example in combination with alarm systems. من الآلة إلى الإنسانMachine-à-humainArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
290Machine to MachineTwo machines “communicating,” or exchanging data, without human interfacing or interaction. This includes serial connection, powerline connection or wireless communications in the industrial Internet of Things and can be facilitated via SMS. من آلة إلى آلةMachine à MachineArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
291Machine VisionA subset of AI that allows machines with attached cameras to extract visual information for understanding and interpreting their surroundings.رؤية الآلةMachine Vision Ou la vision industrielleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
292Meta-LearningA large sub-field of ML, and in this paper (and including areas such as simple transfer learning from one training set to another). For our purposes, we view meta-learning as the problem of machine learning algorithms that can learn better machine learning algorithms, which many believe is required to build truly self-improving artificial intelligent systems. التعلم الفوقي (تعلم الميتا)Le Méta ApprentissageArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
293MNISTA dataset of handwritten digits that is commonly used for training image processing systems.مينيستMNISTArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
294MisinformationThe spread of false information, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Misinformation undermines the process of collectively acquiring information, filtering, and sharing it (collective sense-making) due to the lack of reliable and accurate resources. In this glossary, we turn the spotlight on AI and data. معلومات مضللةLa désinformationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
295Mobile ApplicationSoftware designed to run on a mobile device to meet the process and data needs of mobile users.تطبيق الهاتف المحمولApplication mobileArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
296ModelA representation of a trained algorithm, that is, an algorithm which has learnt from data. نموذجModèleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
297Model InversionA technique used to reconstruct input data from model outputs. It's particularly relevant in understanding and mitigating privacy concerns in Generative AI.انعكاس النموذجL'inversion du modèleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
298Model riskPotential loss a firm may incur as a result of decisions principally based on the outputs of models; this may be due to errors in the specification, development, implementation, or use of such models. نموذج المخاطرLe Risque de modèleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
299Musical intelligenceThe ability to create, communicate with, and understand meanings made of sound, understanding of pitch, rhythm. ذكاء التعرف على الاصواتIntelligence Musicale.Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
300Narrow IntelligenceAI that is programmed to perform a single task, whether that is checking the weather, being able to play chess, or analyzing raw data to write journalistic reports. الذكاء الضيقIntelligence étroiteArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
301Natural Language Generation (NLG)A branch of NLP that is associated with the processing of unstructured and structured fields into natural language. In other words, NLG is the “write” aspect of NLP where data is used by machines to generate content and information in a human readable format. توليد اللغة الطبيعيةLa génération de langage naturelArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
302Natural Language ProcessingAn interdisciplinary field of computer science, artificial intelligence and computation linguistics that focuses on programming computers and algorithms to parse, process and understand human language. Also, The NLP is a field at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. It involves the use of algorithms and models to enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. NLP encompasses a range of techniques and tools for syntactic and semantic analysis of text, and it's fundamental in applications like language translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots, and voice recognition systems. Generative AI plays a crucial role in NLP by providing models that can generate and manipulate language in human-like ways. معالجة اللغة الطبيعيةTraitement du Langage NaturelArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
303Natural Language Understanding (NLU)A branch of NLP that is associated with the processing of natural language to convert to structured fields. In other words, it is the “read” part of NLP. فهم اللغة الطبيعيةLa compréhension du langage naturelArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
304Natural User Interface (NUI)An interface that enables humans to interact with computers using natural gestures, speech, and other forms of expression. واجهة المستخدم الطبيعيةInterface utilisateur naturelleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
305Neural networkA machine learning method modeled after the brain. This method is extremely powerful and flexible, as it is created from an arbitrary number of artificial neurons that can be connected in various patterns appropriate to the problem at hand, and the strength of those connections are adjusted during the training process. They are able to learn extremely complex relationships between data and output, at the cost of large computational needs. They have been used to great success in processing image, movie, and text data, and any situation with very large numbers of features. Also, A set of algorithms, modeled loosely after the human brain designed to recognize patterns. Neural networks interpret sensory data through a kind of machine perception, labeling or clustering raw input. Or A type of Machine Learning algorithm that is modeled after the structure of the human brain and is used to recognize patterns in data. الشبكة العصبيةRéseaux neuronauxArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
306Online Machine LearningA subfield of machine learning in which a model learns incrementally from new data in a sequential way. Also called ""Continual Learning (or Continuous Learning)."" تعلم الآلة عبر الإنترنتApprentissage automatique en ligneArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
307Online learningA learning paradigm by which machine learning models may be trained by passing them training data sequentially or in small groups (mini batches). This is important in instances where the amount of data on hand exceeds the capacity of the RAM of the system on which a model is being developed. Online learning also allows models to be continually updated as new data are produced.التعلم عبر الشبكة العالمية للمعلومات (الإنترنت)L'apprentissage en ligneArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
308Ontology LearningThe data-driven techniques for building ontology using automatic or semi-automatic methods based on text mining or machine learning.تعلُّم التوصيف المعرفيL’apprentissage de l’ontologieArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
309Optical Character Recognition (OCR)Optical character recognition or optical character reader is the conversion of images of typed, handwritten, or printed text into machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene photo, or subtitle text superimposed on an image. التعرف البصري على الحروفReconnaissance optique de caractèresArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
310OverfitWhen creating a model, if it is a poor approximation of the data it is said to be underfitted; if it excessively approximates the correct result it is said to be over-fitted. An under-fitted model is useless, an over-fitted model too, but you only discover that too late. Over-fit models are perfect approximations of the data set used to create them and are unpredictable outside of this context. They may also be biased because the data has a representation problem. الإفراط في التجهيزLe surajustement SurapprentissageArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
311OverfittingWhere the model has learnt the training set too well, and thus performs well in training but poorly in testing. It has a low bias and high variance. مدى الجهازيةSur-ajustement / SurapprentissageArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
312ParameterA variable whose value is calculated from the data and forms part of the model itself. It is independent of the analyst and cannot be manually adjusted.معاملParamètreArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
313Parametric ModelA machine learning model that makes specific assumptions about the form of the mapping function and assumes a finite set of parameters.نموذج مُعامِليModèle paramétriqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
314Passive data collectionData that you probably don’t think about or expect to leave behind but is nevertheless being collected or tracked by the application.جمع البيانات السلبيةCollecte de données passiveArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
315Pattern RecognitionThe label given to the activity of machines detecting patterns from data. It is often used synonymously with machine learning.التعرف على الأنماطLa reconnaissance des formesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
316PrecisionIn pattern recognition, information retrieval and classification (machine learning) precision (also called positive predictive value) is the fraction of relevant instances among the retrieved instances. الدقةPrécisionArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
317Predictive analyticsThe analysis of data to predict future events, typically to aid in business planning. This incorporates predictive modeling and other techniques. Machine learning might be considered a set of algorithms to help implement predictive analytics. Also, the use of statistics and modeling techniques to determine future performance. It is used as a decision-making tool in a variety of industries and disciplines, such as insurance and marketing. Predictive analytics and machine learning are often confused with each other, but they are different disciplines. Predictive tends to be more statistical and time-series in nature whereas machine learning deals with generative techniques to generate data, reinforcement learning wherein the models can ‘figure out’ the path, natural language processing, etc. In general, machine learning can solve all predictive problems and then several more that predictive analytics is not concerned with. التحليلات التنبؤيةAnalyses prédictivesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
318Predictive MaintenanceThe use of AI to predict when machines will need maintenance or repairs, based on real-time data. الصيانة التنبؤيةLa Maintenance prédictiveArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
319Prescriptive AnalyticsA type of data analytics, the use of technology to help businesses make better decisions through the analysis of raw data. Specifically, prescriptive analytics factors information about possible situations or scenarios, available resources, past performance, and current performance, and suggests a course of action or strategy. It can be used to make decisions on any time horizon, from immediate to long term. التحليلات الوصفيةL’analytique prescriptiveArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
320Process Information (PI) This application can efficiently record data from process control systems (ex. DCS, PLC) into a compressed time series database. Utilities use PI systems to record, analyze, and monitor real-time information. معلومات المعالجةInformations sur le processusArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
321Prompt EngineeringThe process of crafting inputs or prompts in a way that guides the AI to produce the desired output. This is especially crucial in systems like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), where the output is highly dependent on the input prompt's structure and content. هندسة الأوامرL'ingénierie rapideArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
322Proof of Concept (POC)An exercise in which the work is focused on determining whether an idea can become a reality. Thus, proof of concept determines the idea's feasibility or verifies that the concept will work as envisioned. إثبات المفهومUne preuve de conceptArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
323ProverA role played by an Entity when it generates a Zero Knowledge Proof from a Credential. The Prover is also the Holder of the Credential.المُثبِتProuveurArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
324PruningOverriding unnecessary and irrelevant considerations in AI systems.التقليمÉlagageArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
325PythonA high-level programming language designed to be easy to read and simple to implement. It is open source, which means it is free to use, even for commercial applications. Python can run on Mac, Windows, and Unix systems and has also been ported to Java and .NET virtual machines. لغة البايثونPythonArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
326RA widely used statistical programming language used in academia and industry. R works well with data, making it a great language for anyone interested in data analysis, data visualization, and data science. لغة برمجة إحصائيةR.Artificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
327Random ForestA decision-tree- based bagging ensemble model. It Randomly selects variables/data and builds a Forest of multiple decision trees.تشعب عشوائيLa Forêt aléatoireArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
328Red team testingThe practice of stress-testing a model to find failure modes, such as prompts that bypass content guardrails in a large language model. اختبارات الفريق الأحمرTests de l'équipe rouge Les exercices d'équipe rougeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
329Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)A class of neural networks where connections between nodes form a directed graph along a temporal sequence, allowing it to exhibit temporal dynamic behavior. الشبكات العصبية المتكررةRéseaux de neurones récurrentsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
330RegressionOne of the two major types of supervised learning models in which the labels we train the algorithm to predict are ordered quantities like prices or numerical amounts. One might use regression, for instance, to predict temperatures over time or housing prices within a city. Also, A statistical approach that estimates the relationships among variables and predicts future outcomes or items in a continuous data set by solving for the pattern of past inputs, such as linear regression in statistics. Regression is foundational to machine learning and artificial intelligence. التراجع أو الانحدارRégressionArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
331RegularizationModifications to a learning algorithm intended to reduce its generalization error but not its training error. This is usually by penalising or limiting weights or early stopping of training. This can be achieved by algorithms using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator or Ridge regression.التنظيمRégularisationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
332Reinforcement Learning (RL)An area of machine learning concerned with how intelligent agents ought to take actions in an environment in order to maximize the notion of cumulative reward. Reinforcement learning is one of three basic machine learning paradigms, alongside supervised learning, and unsupervised learning. Reinforcement learning is typically used in planning tasks. For example, in autonomous driving, tasks such as path planning, parking a vehicle, dynamic pathing, etc., are implemented using reinforcement learning. التعلم المعززApprentissage par renforcementArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
333Re-Programmable RobotA robot designed so that the programmed movements or auxiliary functions can be modified without physical changes.روبوت قابلة لإعادة البرمجة (مساعد آلي محاكي للبشر قابل لإعادة البرمجة)Robot reprogrammableArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
334Retrieval-Augmented GenerationA technique that combines pre-trained language models with a retrieval system. The model retrieves documents and uses them as context for generating responses, enhancing the quality and relevance of the output. توليد الاسترجاع المعززLa génération augmentée de récupérationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
335Responsible AIAI applications that meet defined ethical and moral standards. Also, the practice of designing, developing, and deploying AI with good intention to empower employees and businesses, and fairly impact customers and society— allowing companies to engender trust and scale AI with confidence.الذكاء الاصطناعي المسؤولL’IA responsableArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
336Responsible InnovationApproach to making innovation more ethically and socially responsible, usually involving incorporating ethics into the design and taking into account stakeholder views and interests. الابتكار المسؤولL'innovation responsableArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
337Robo-advisorsApplications that combine digital interfaces and algorithms, and can also include machine learning, in order to provide services ranging from automated financial recommendations to contract brokering to portfolio management to their clients. Such advisors may be standalone firms and platforms or can be in-house applications of incumbent financial institutions. مستشارو الروبوت (مستشارو المساعد الآلي المحاكي للبشر)Conseillers-robotsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
338Robotic Process Automation (RPA)Partial or full automation of manual, rule-based and repetitive human activities by robotics software or “bots”. Also, a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate human actions interacting with digital systems and software. A computer program that automatically fills one name, address and phone number in web forms is an early and simple example of robotic process automation. أتمتة العمليات الروبوتية أتمتة العمليات للمساعد الآلي المحاكي للبشر)Automatisation des Processus RobotiquesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
339RuleIt is a format of representing knowledge base in Expert System. It is in the form of IF-THEN-ELSE.القاعدةRèglementArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
340SegmentationThe process of separating data into distinct groups. This is a core activity in most business problems. A well defined segment is one in which the members of the segment are similar to each other and also are different from members of other segments.التجزئةSegmentationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
341Self-OrganizationA process where some form of overall order arises from (local) interactions between parts within a system.التنظيم الذاتيL'auto-organisationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
342Self-Organizing Maps A type of artificial neural network that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional, discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map, and is therefore a method of performing dimensionality reduction. خرائط ذاتية التنظيمCartes Auto-AdaptativeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
343Sentiment AnalysisThe use of AI to analyze and interpret the emotions and opinions expressed in text or speech.تحليل المشاعرL'analyse des sentimentsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
344Smart ClientA computer application environment that allows web applications to have a desktop look and feel.العميل الذكيSmart clientArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
345Smart GridAn electrical grid that uses AI and other advanced technologies to optimize the generation, distribution, and consumption of electricity. الشبكة الذكيةGrille intelligenteArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
346Spatial IntelligenceThe ability to perceive visual or spatial information, change it, and re-create visual images without reference to the objects, construct D images, and to move and rotate them. الذكاء المكانيIntelligence SpatialeArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
347Speech RecognitionThe ability of machines to recognize and interpret human speech.التعرف على الكلامLa reconnaissance de la paroleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
348Statistical LearningIt is a data science tool that tries to automate the process of creating a stochastic model from a dataset instead of deeply analyzing the relationships between variables.التعلم الإحصائيL'apprentissage statistiqueArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
349Structured and Unstructured DataStructured data, or Rectangular Data, is the data we are used to, such as numerical data in spreadsheets or discrete data in the same format. Unstructured data is anything else such as images, sound, (written) text, simulation data, and so on. البيانات المنظمة وغير المنظمةDonnées structurées et non structuréesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
350Structured DataData in any form that is generated, captured, analyzed in a linear, tabular, organized format would be considered structured data, i.e., business data generated within organizations within traditional applications are typically structured data. البيانات المهيكلةLes données StructuréesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
351Style TransferThe technique of applying the style of one image to the content of another, often used in image generation. نقل النمطLe transfert de styleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
352SuperintelligenceIt is the theory that imagines the point where machines will surpass human intelligence. It is sometimes related to the idea of an ""intelligence explosion"" caused by intelligent machines designing even more intelligent machines. الذكاء الفائقLa superintelligenceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
353Supervised Learning The machine learning task of learning a function that maps an input to an output based on example input-output pairs. Also, Supervised learning is the machine learning task of learning a function that maps an input to an output based on example input-output pairs (or labels). This category of algorithms are most widely used in prediction and classification tasks. For example, given a set of pictures of dogs and cats labeled as such, a model is learnt to predict new pictures of unlabeled dogs and cats correctly. التعلم الخاضع للإشرافApprentissage SuperviséArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
354Supervised ModelsThese are those in which for each data set a known answer is given in advance. In a nutshell.نماذج تحت الإشرافSupervised ModelsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
355Supply Chain OptimizationFlow optimization of goods and materials in a supply chain to reduce cost and improve efficiency. AI is often used for processes automation, inefficiency detections, quality assurance of goods and demand forecasting. تحسين سلسلة الإمداداتSupply Chain OptimizationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
356Support vector machineA classification algorithm which separates classes by finding a (hyper)plane of separability between them. Also, it is an alternative model to multivariate linear models, but it can be extended to non-linear cases with the help of data transformations (kernels). They are very popular because they result in a minimally explainable equation and are almost as versatile as a neural network. آلة الدعم الناقلةSupport vector machineArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
357Sustainable Artificial IntelligenceIt is the AI that enables and contributes to a sustainable way of life for humanity and does not destroy the Earth's ecosystems on which humans (and many non-humans) depend.الذكاء الاصطناعي المستدامSustainable Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
358Sub symbolic Artificial IntelligenceA branch of artificial intelligence concerned with learning through the use of implicit information and numeric representation.ذكاء اصطناعي شبه ترميزيSubsymbolic Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
359Symbolic Artificial IntelligenceAI relies on symbolic representations of higher cognitive tasks, such as abstract reasoning and decision making. It can use a decision tree and take the form of an expert system that requires input from subject matter experts. الذكاء الاصطناعي الرمزيSymbolic Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
360Synthetic dataData generated algorithmically rather than from actual events or direct measurement. Also, the artificial data generated by algorithms rather than real-world events is used to train and validate Machine Learning models. The quality of the synthetic data is critical. It determines whether the AI will produce acceptable results after training. البيانات التركيبيةSynthetic dataArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
361Targeted marketingThe process of identifying people who are most likely to respond positively to advertisements, recommendations, and other information expressing specific points of view and then identifying the most likely strategies for reaching those people (e.g., print, radio, television, online). التسويق المستهدفCible marketingArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
362Telemetry ModelsModel-driven telemetry is a new approach for Network monitoring in which data is streamed from network devices continuously using a push model and provides near real-time access to operational statistics.نماذج القياس عن بعدModules de télémétrieArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
363Test setData used to assess a model’s performance on unseen data.مجموعة الاختبارUn ensemble de testArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
364Testing StrategyProcesses to test and assure certain properties of an AI system or AI application.استراتيجية الاختبارStratégie de testArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
365Text-to-Image GenerationAI models that create images from textual descriptions, typically using techniques like GANs or transformers. توليد النص إلى صورةGénérateur d'images IA à partir de texteArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
366Text to Speech (TTS)A type of NLG associated with converting text to speech in natural voices. A common example is a machine reading a prepared piece of text.تحويل النص إلى كلامTexte à la paroleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
367Textual AnalysisA methodology that involves understanding language, symbols, and/or pictures present in texts to gain information regarding how people make sense of and communicate life and life experiences. Visual, written, or spoken messages provide cues to ways through which communication may be understood. التحليل النصيL’analyse textuelleArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
368Third Party ApplicationA reusable software component distributed by an entity other than the vendor offering the developed platform.تطبيق الطرف الثالثApplication tierceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
369Training dataExamples used to teach a machine learning model.بيانات التدريبDonnées d'entraînementArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
370Training datasetA set of many sentences organized into intents representing what users say to the chatbot. The training dataset is used to train the bot to understand the user’s needs and to trigger the right piece of conversation, reply correctly, and have a smooth conversation. مجموعة بيانات التدريبL’ensemble de données d’entraînementArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
371Training jobA procedure whereby the machine learning model learns matching patterns from training data.وظيفه تدريبيهL’action de formationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
372Transfer LearningA research problem in ML that focuses on applying knowledge gained from one problem to solve another different but related problem. Also, A machine learning method where a model developed for a task is reused as the starting point for a model on a second task. It's particularly useful in situations where the dataset for the second task is too small to train a full-scale model from scratch. تعلم منقولL' apprentissage par transfertArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
373TransformersA type of deep learning model that has shown great success in understanding and generating human language.المحولاتTransformateursArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
374Trustworthy AI"AI that humans can trust. The conditions for such trust may refer to (other) ethical principles such as human dignityrespect for human rightsetc.or to social and technical factors that influence whether people want to use the technology. The use of the term ""trust"" concerning technologies is controversial. "
375Turing TestA test developed by Allan Turing to test the intelligence of a machine as compared to human intelligence.اختبار تورينج للمحاكاةTest de TuringArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
376Unconstrained OptimizationThis is a class of optimization problems. The very process of generating the ML/DL model, also known as “training,” is an Unconstrained Optimization problem. التحسين غير المقيدOptimisation sans contrainteArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
377Unconscious biasOpinions or decisions about people or things that are formed without consciously learning or thinking about them.التحيز غير الواعيLes préjugés inconscientsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
378Undeployed modelTrained machine learning model that has not been chosen for productive usage and, therefore, does not generate costs. النموذج غير منشورModèle inéditArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
379UnderfittingWhere the model does not learn adequately and performs poorly in training and testing. It has a high bias and low variance.غير ملائمLe sous-ajustementArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
380Unfriendly Artificial Intelligence (UFAI)A hypothetical Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that would be harmful to humanity rather than beneficial.ذكاء اصطناعي ضارIA hostileArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
381Unstructured DataDefined as the type of data that can have multiple origins from online digital files, text documents, SMS, video, images, voice, sensors, pings, etc.—anything that is not available in a traditional row, column, or table format. Most of the data being generated today is unstructured data and is one of the driving forces behind the rise of AI. بيانات غير مهيكلةDonnées non StructuréesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
382Unsupervised LearningA type of machine learning that looks for previously undetected patterns in a data set with no pre-existing labels and with a minimum of human supervision. In other terms, it is a method of machine learning where machines automatically sort through the hidden patterns and correlations in the data to offer recommendations without pre-programming. تعلم غير خاضع للإشرافL'apprentissage non superviséArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
383Unsupervised ModelsIn this case, models are used to find and expose patterns in the data structure that can be exploited by other models. نماذج غير خاضعة للرقابةLse modèles non supervisésArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
384Unsupervised Representation LearningAn approach of learning to represent data in a latent space (the dimension of which is usually, but not necessarily, lower than that of the input data) without additional training signals. تعلم تمثيل البيانات غير الخاضع للإشرافApprentissage non-supervisé de représentationsArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
385Untapped unstructured textual dataThe wealth of text data in the world that has yet to be integrated into datasets and which could help further increase the capabilities of large language models.بيانات نصية غير مستغلة وغير منظمةDonnées textuelles non structurées inexploitéesArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
386Validation setData used to evaluate the model fit while tuning hyperparameters, or to select features. مجموعة التحققEnsemble de validationArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
387Value AlignmentThe degree to which an AI system is “aligned not only with value-neutral human preferences (such as intentions for AI systems to carry out tasks) but also with moral and ethical considerations.محاذاة القيمةAlignement de valeurArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
388VarianceHow varied the predictions are between different sets of input.التباينVarianceArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
389Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL)An approach that enables the model to recognize classes never seen during training.التعلم الصفريL'apprentissage par zéroArtificial Intelligence and Machin learning (AI & ML) الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة
390% AttackWhen more than % of the miners in a blockchain launch an attack on the rest of the nodes/users to attempt to steal assets or double spend.هجوم ٪Une attaque de %Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
391Access Control List (ACL)An ACL, or Access Control List, associates access to specific peer resources (such as system chain code APIs or event services) to a Policy (which specifies how many and what types of organizations or roles are required). The ACL is part of a channel’s configuration. It is therefore persisted in the channel’s configuration blocks and can be updated using the standard configuration update mechanism. قائمة التحكم بالوصولListe de contrôle d'accèsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
392AcquirerA company that buys the rights to another company or business relationship. Acquirers are also financial institutions which buy rights to a merchant account which allows them to service and manage the merchant’s bank account.المستحوذAcquéreurBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
393Account AbstractionAccount abstraction is an upgrade that makes smart contract wallets natively supported on Ethereum. Smart contract wallets unlock many benefits, letting users flexibly program more security and better user experiences into their accounts. تجريد الحسابL’abstraction de compteBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
394AdministratorActors that controls access to the core codebase repository and can decide to add, remove and amend code to change system rules. An administrator is often considerably involved in the governance process. المدير (نظام تقنية السجلات الموزعة)AdministrateurBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
395Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric-key block cipher algorithm and US government standard for secure and classified data encryption and decryption. It was originally known as Rijndael.معيار التشفير المتقدمStandard de Chiffrement AvancéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
396AirdropA distribution of digital tokens to a list of blockchain addresses.عملية توزيع الرموزAirdropBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
397AltcoinAny cryptocurrency that exists as an alternative to bitcoin.Also, the Altcoins are primarily abbreviation of “Bitcoin alternative.” They are considered to be alternative cryptocurrencies that were launched after the success of Bitcoin. Generally, they project themselves as better substitutes to Bitcoin.العملة البديلةAlt-coinBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
398AppchainsPurpose-built blockchains designed specifically for dApps.سلاسل التطبيقاتLes AppChainsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
399Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)An ASIC is a silicon chip designed specifically for a certain task. In the world of blockchain, ASIC usually refers to chips developed to run on mining computers and is considered superior to CPUs and GPUs due to its capacity to significant electrical power savings. الدائرة المتكاملة الخاصة بالتطبيقLe circuit intégré spécifique à une applicationBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
400Applicability Statement (AS )A file transfer protocol for secure transfer of structured data across the internet using digital certifiates and encryption.بيان القابلية للتطبيقDéclaration d'applicabilitéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
401Asset-Backed TokenA DLT-based digital representation of an actual real asset or revenue stream.رمز مدعوم بالأصولJeton Adossé à des ActifsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
402Assets Under Management (AUM)Assets under management (AUM) refers to the total market value of the investments that a person or entity manages on behalf of clients.الأصول تحت الإدارةEncours Sous GestionBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
403Atomic swapsAn exchange of tokens that does not involve the intervention of any trusted intermediary and automatically reverts if all of the provisions are not met. A situation in which two parties fully exchange assets without having to trust a centralized exchange or third party. In an “atomic” transaction in digital currency, if one leg of a transaction that involves payment for an asset fails, the whole transaction fails. / The atomic swaps provide a way to exchange data from different blockchains peer-to-peer without a third party such as an exchange platform being required. Also, It meaning Cross-chain peer-to-peer trading enabling trustless, atomic trade execution with smart contracts.المبادلات الذريةÉchanges atomiquesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
404Attestation LedgerA register or account book created for the purpose of providing support/evidence of individual transactions. Normally, an attestation ledger is used to verify that a transaction has been carried out, or to verify the authenticity of products or transactions. تصديق دفتر الأستاذAttestation LedgerBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
405Automated Clearing House (ACH)The Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network is an electronic funds-transfer system run by NACHA, formerly the National Automated Clearing House Association, since . This payment system deals with payroll, direct deposit, tax refunds, consumer bills, tax payments, and many more payment services in the United States. غرفة المقاصة الآليةChambre de Compensation AutomatiqueBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
406BitcoinBitcoin is a digital currency that was created in January 0 . Also, known as a cryptocurrency, Bitcoins are not backed by any country's central bank or government. They offer the promise of lower transaction fees than traditional online payment mechanisms and is operated by a decentralized authority, unlike government-issued currencies. Also, Bitcoin is the first decentralized, open-source cryptocurrency that runs on a global peer-to-peer network, without the need for a centralized issuer. Bitcoin was created in 0 by Satoshi Nakomoto – a pseudonym for an individual whose real identity is unknown – and the conceptof cryptocurrency was outlined in a white paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. Bitcoin is the first real-world application of blockchain. عملة البتكوينBitcoinBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
407Bitcoin CashBitcoin cash is a cryptocurrency that was created in August , arising from a fork of Bitcoin Classic. It is often considered to be an altcoin version of the popular Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Bitcoin Cash increases the size of blocks, allowing more transactions to be processed. بيتكوين النقديةL'Argent Bitcoin Trésorerie BitcoinBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
408Bitcoin GoldBitcoin Gold is a distributed digital currency. It is a hard fork of Bitcoin, the open-source cryptocurrency. The stated purpose of the hard fork is to restore the mining functionality with common Graphics Processing Units (GPU), in place of mining with specialized ASIC (customized chipsets), used to mine Bitcoin. بيتكوين الذهبيةBitcoin l'orBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
409Bitcoin HalvingEvery ,000 blocks (approximately years), the block reward for the Bitcoin network is cut in half. This event is known as the Bitcoin Halving, and the next halving is set to occur in April . After this event, the Bitcoin block reward will be . BTC. البيتكوين إلى النصفLa réduction de moitié du BitcoinBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
410Bitcoin WalletA Bitcoin Wallet is a software program where Bitcoins are stored. Technically, Bitcoins are not stored anywhere; there is a private key (secret number) for every Bitcoin address that is saved in the Bitcoin wallet of the person who owns the balance. Bitcoin wallets facilitate sending and receiving Bitcoins and gives ownership of the Bitcoin balance to the user. The Bitcoin wallet comes in many forms; desktop, mobile, web and hardware are the four main types of wallets. حافظة البيتكوينPortefeuille Bitcoin / Porte-Monnaie BitcoinBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
411BlockA package of data containing multiple transactions over a given period of time. Also, A block contains an ordered set of transactions. It is cryptographically. linked to the preceding block, and in turn it is linked to be subsequent blocks. The first block in such a chain of blocks is called the genesis blocks. Blocks are created by the ordering service, and then validated and committed by peers. الكتلةBlocBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
412BlockchainA form of distributed ledger in which details of transactions are held in the ledger in the form of blocks of information. A block of new information is attached into the chain of pre-existing blocks via a computerized process by which transactions are validated.سلسلة الكتل (قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة)BlockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
413Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS)Blockchain-as-a-Service refers to the growing landscape of services based around blockchain technology. BaaS platforms allow companies to begin working with blockchain technology without having to first make significant investments in hardware. It also means a cloud service category in which the capabilities provided to the cloud service customer are to deploy and manage a blockchain network in order to enable the abilities of consensus, smart contract, transaction, crypto engine, block record storage, peer-to-peer connectivity and management using blockchain. / BaaS enables businesses, entrepreneurs, or governments to leverage cloud-based, permissioned blockchain services to build, use, and host various blockchain applications and develop permissioned blockchains with a closed-source node selection structure sometimes referred to as master nodes. All BaaS projects lack the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism that most projects utilize to ensure a trustless, decentralized network.سلسلة الكتل ( قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة) كخدمةBlockchain en tant que ServiceBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
414Blockchain BridgeIn crypto assets, a bridge is an application which connects two or more blockchains together, allowing users to send crypto from one chain to another. جسر سلسلة الكتل (قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة)Un pont blockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
415Blockchain SubnetworkA blockchain network that is tightly coupled with one or more other blockchain networks, as found in sharding. شبكة سلسلة الكتل الفرعية (شبكة قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة الفرعية)Blockchain Sous-réseauBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
416Blockchain ExplorerA software for visualizing blocks, transactions, and blockchain network metrics (e.g., average transaction fees, hash rates, block size, block difficulty). مستكشف سلسة الكتل (قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة)Blockchain explorateurBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
417Blockchain FrameworksSoftware stacks that allow you to create your own permissioned networks. They allow customization to meet specific needs. Examples include Corda, Quorum, and the Hyperledger project, which consolidates several projects such as Hyperledger Indy, Fabric, and Sawtooth. أطر سلسلة الكتل (أطر قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة)Les cadres blockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
418Blockchain IndicatorsIndicators covering on-chain transactions, i.e. those cleared and settled directly on the respective blockchain. For example, for the Bitcoin blockchain include the number of transactions and addresses used over time, transaction values and transaction fees. مؤشرات سلسلة الكتل (مؤشرات قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة)Indicateurs de la BlockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
419Blockchain LogicThe ""logic"" of a blockchain refers to the rules and algorithms that govern how the blockchain operates and processes transactions. منطق سلسلة الكتل (منطق قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة)Logique de la blockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
420Blockchain operating systemAn operating system that primarily uses blockchain as a support in the background. When a blockchain-based OS is installed on a device captures all commands and transactions from a user’s device but authenticating, executing, and recording them occurs on the blockchain. نظام تشغيل سلسلة الكتل (نظام تشغيل قاعدة البيانات المتسلسلة)Système d'Exploitation BlockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
421Blockchain OracleAny device or entity that connects a deterministic blockchain with off-chain data.أوراكل سلسلة الكتل (أوراكل قاعدة البيانات المتسلسلة)Oracle dans la BlockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
422Blockchain (Private, or Permissioned)A blockchain that resides on a private network of computers that is only accessible to those with permission.سلسلة الكتل (الخاصة اوالمصرح بها)Blockchain (privée, ou autorisé)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
423Blockchain (Public, or Permissionless)A blockchain that resides on a network of computers around the world that is accessible to everyone.سلسلة الكتل (العامة أوالغير مصرح بها)Blockchain (Public, ou sans autorisation)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
424Blockchain PlatformsExisting permissionless networks that can be utilized as the underlying data infrastructure for a new use case, such as Ethereum and Polkadot. منصات سلسلة الكتل (منصات قاعدة البيانات المتسلسلة)Plateformes blockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
425Blockchain TokenA blockchain account can provide functions other than making payments, for example in decentralized applications or smart contracts – which is the case on the CargoX Platform for Blockchain Document Transfer (BDT). Blockchain tokens are individual fungible or non-fungible tokens that serve as a digital data transport unit for a transaction from one blockchain account to another. Tokens can serve as cryptocurrency, or as data capsules. رمز سلسلة الكتل (رمز قاعدة البيانات المتسلسلة)Un jeton la blockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
426Blockchain TypeA classification of blockchain types by decentralization, consensus mechanism (permissioned or permissionless), and data access (private or public). نوع سلسلة الكتل (رمز قاعدة البيانات المتسلسلة)Type de blockchainBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
427Block dataStructured data composed of zero or more transaction records or references to transaction records.كتلة البياناتBloquer la dataBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
428Block HeaderStructured data that includes a cryptographic link to the previous block unless there is no previous block.رأس الكتلةBloc d'en-têteBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
429Block HeightA numeric representation showing the number of the current block being hashed.ارتفاع الكتلةHauteur du blocBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
430ChainThe cryptographic link that keeps blocks together using a ‘hash’ function.سلسةChaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
431Cold WalletUsed to describe a cryptocurrency wallet that is not connected to the internet, and thus cannot be used to process transactions without first being reconnected (and turning into a “hot wallet”). Cold Wallets are more secure and less prone to unauthorized use. المحفظة الباردةCold wallet Portefeuille froidBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
432Data lakeScalable storage solution for diverse structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.بحيرة البياناتLac de DonnéesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
433Data miningThe process of solving cryptographic problems using computer hardware to add newly hashed blocks to a public blockchain such as bitcoin. In fulfilling this function, successful data miners keep the blockchain actively recording transactions and, as an incentive, are awarded newly minted bitcoins for their trouble. التنقيب عن البياناتExploration de DonnéesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
434Block rewardThe miner’s reward for mining a block, equal to the sum of the block subsidy and transaction fees. Also, A block reward is the incentive given to miners in a blockchain network for verifying transactions and creating new blocks. It is typically in the form of new coins or tokens and serves to incentivise miners to secure the network and ensure transaction integrity.مكافأة الكتلةRécompense de BlocBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
435Block SizeThe maximum amount of data that can be contained in a single block on a blockchain. It directly determines the throughput of a network, along with block time. حجم الكتلةTaille de blocBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
436Data StandardThe data standards issued by Open Banking from time to time in compliance with the Authority Order.معيار البياناتStandard de DonnéesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
437Block subsidyAn incentive issued to the miner of a block in the form of new bitcoins, currently set at . bitcoins per block. كتلة الدعمLe block subsidyBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
438Block TimeThe defined amount of time before a new block, and thus data, is written to the blockchain. The block time, together with the block size, determines the throughput of the blockchain. وقت الكتلةLe blocage de tempsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
439BridgeA technique used to transfer crypto-assets between ecosystems by, typically, creating a synthetic representation of a blockchain-specific crypto-asset on a different blockchain. كوبريPontBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
440BurningSending a cryptocurrency to an address with no password. Burning reduces the supply of cryptocurrency outstanding.الحرقBrûlantBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
441Business to Business (B B)Refers to the specific relationship between two (or more) business partners, as opposed to the relationship between a business and its customers (B C). من الأعمال إلى الأعمالLe business to businessBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
442Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)A property of a distributed, decentralized system to resist complete failure even when some of the nodes fail or act maliciously. Also, means a property of a blockchain network that allows it to operate correctly and reach consensus even if some participating nodes are dishonest or exhibit malicious behavior, preventing them from compromising the network’s integrity and functionality.تحمل الخطأ البيزنطيTolérance aux pannes byzantinesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
443ChainThe ledger’s chain is a transaction log structured as hash-linked blocks of transactions. Peers receive blocks of transactions from the ordering service, mark the block’s transactions as valid or invalid based on endorsement policies and concurrency violations, and append. the block to the hash chain on the peer’s file system. السلسلةChaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
444Chain of CustodyThe entire chain of documentation of ownership of a product during its lifecycle from raw materials to the end user.سلسلة العهدةChaîne de traçabilitéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
445ChaincodeAnother name for a smart contract. Also, A chain code definition is used by organizations to agree on the parameters of a chaincode before it can be used on a channel. Each channel member that wants to use the chaincode to endorse transactions or query the ledger needs to approve a chaincode definition for their organization. Once enough channel members have approved a chaincode definition to meet the Lifecycle Endorsement policy (which is set to a majority of organizations in the channel by default), the chaincode definition can be committed to the channel. After the definition is committed, the first invoke of the chaincode (or, if requested, the execution of the Init function) will start the chaincode on channel.رمز السلسلةChain CodeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
446Challenge PeriodAfter an optimistic rollup batch is submitted on Ethereum, there’s a time window (called a challenge period) during which anyone can challenge the results of a rollup transaction by computing a fraud proof. If the fraud proof succeeds, the rollup protocol re-executes the transaction(s) and updates the rollup s state accordingly. فترة التحديChallenge PeriodBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
447ChannelA channel is a private blockchain overlay which allows for data isolation and confidentiality. A channel-specific ledger is shared across the peers in the channel, and transacting parties must be authenticated to a channel in order to interact with it. Channels are defined by a Configuration-Block. القناةCanalBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
448CommitEach Peer on a channel validates ordered blocks of transactions and then commits (writes/appends) the blocks to its replica of the channel Ledger. Peers also mark each transaction in each block as valid or invalid.التزامCommettreBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
449Commit-ChainA scheme that enables the off-chain processing of transactions by one or more operators with on-chain state update commitments that do not contain per-transaction data.سلسلة الالتزامCommit-ChaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
450Candidate RecordA record that has not yet been propagated to the network and thus not been subject to network consensus.سجل المرشحDossier du CandidatBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
451Concurrency Control Version CheckConcurrency Control Version Check is a method of keeping ledger state in sync across peers on a channel. Peers execute transactions in parallel, and before committing to the ledger, peers check whether the state read at the time the transaction was executed has been modified in a new block that was in-flight at time of execution or in a prior transaction in the same block. If the data read for the transaction has changed between execution time and commit time, then a Concurrency Control Version Check violation has occurred, and the transaction is marked as invalid on the ledger and values are not updated in the state database. التحقق من إصدار التحكم المتزامنVérification de la version du contrôle de concurrenceBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
452Configuration BlockContains the configuration data defining members and policies for a system chain (ordering service) or channel. Any configuration modifications to a channel or overall network (e.g. a member leaving or joining) will result in a new configuration block being appended to the appropriate chain. This block will contain the contents of the genesis block, plus the delta. كتلة التكوينBloc de configurationBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
453Coinbase TransactionThe first transaction listed in a block, directed towards the miner, which includes the block reward. معاملات العملة الأولىLa transaction coinbaseBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
454ConfirmedAccepted by consensus for inclusion in a distributed ledger.التأكيدConfirméBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
455ConsensusThe status when all participants of the network agree on the validity of the transactions, ensuring that the ledgers are exact copies of each other. الإجماعConsensusBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
456Consensus AlgorithmA set of rules and processes used by the network to reach agreement and validate records.الخوارزمية المتوافقةAlgorithme de ConsensusBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
457Consensus MechanismRules and procedures by which consensus is reached. Also, The Consensus mechanism is a way for a blockchain to verify that a transaction is valid by having many computers on the network to agree that is genuine and reliable before it is considered valid. آلية الإجماعMécanisme de consensusBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
458Consensus Mechanism - Proof of Authority (PoA)PoA is an alternative form to the PoS algorithm. Instead of staking cryptocurrency (wealth), in PoA you stake your identity. This means voluntarily disclosing who you are in exchange for the right to validate blocks. Any malicious actions you undertake as a validator will reflect back on your identity. PoA blockchains require a thorough form of KYC (Know Your Customer - a verification process that determines you actually are who you claim to be). آلية الإجماع - إثبات السلطةLe mécanisme de consensus de Preuve d’autoritéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
459Consensus Mechanism - Proof of Burn (PoB)PoB allows the miners to “burn” or destroy cryptocurrency which grants them the right to add blocks in proportion to the coins destroyed. Essentially, miners burn coins/tokens to buy virtual mining rigs that give them the power to mine blocks. The more currency burned by the miner, the bigger the ensuing virtual mining rig. To burn, miners send currency to a verifiably un-spendable address. This process does not consume many resources, thus PoB is often called PoW without energy waste. Depending upon the implementation, miners are allowed to burn the native currency or the currency of an alternative chain, and in exchange, they receive a reward in the native currency of the blockchain. آلية الإجماع - إثبات الحرقMécanisme de consensus - Preuve de gravureBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
460Consensus Mechanism - Proof of Capacity (PoC)PoC allows the mining devices in the network to use their available hard drive space to decide the mining rights, instead of using the mining device’s computing power (as in PoW) or the miner’s stake in the cryptocurrency (as in PoS). آلية الإجماع - إثبات السعةMécanisme de consensus - Preuve de capacité (PoC)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
461Consensus Mechanism - Proof of Stake (PoS)In PoS, miners put up (i.e., “stake”) some of the blockchain’s cryptocurrency (e.g., ether for the Ethereum blockchain) in order to increase their chances of being selected to validate a block. The stake is locked up as a deposit to ensure the miner validates the block according to the rules. If the miner violates the rules, the deposit will be “burned” or destroyed. PoS is less resource intensive than PoW since fewer miners are racing to solve the mathematical formula. آلية الإجماع - إثبات الحصةMécanisme de consensus - Preuve de participation (PoS)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
462Consensus Mechanism - Proof of Work (PoW)In PoW, transaction data (block) + a random string of digits (nonce of block) are repeatedly applied to a (hashing) mathematical formula by miners, until a desirable outcome is found (the proof of work). Other miners then verify the proof of work by taking the alleged input string and applying it to the same formula to see if the outcome is indeed that what was presented. If the results are the same, the transaction is verified and added to the blockchain. As many miners are racing to solve the formula which requires a great deal of computing power, PoW is resource intensive. آلية الإجماع - إثبات العملMécanisme de consensus - Preuve de travailBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
463Consensus Mechanism (a.k.a. Consensus Protocol)The process used to validate a transaction across a distributed blockchain network designed to achieve Byzantine Fault Tolerance.آلية الإجماع (المعروف أيضًا ببروتوكول الإجماع)Mécanisme de consensus (ou protocole de consensus)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
464Consensus ModelA process to achieve agreement within a distributed system on the valid state.نموذج التوافقModèle de consensusBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
465Consenter setIn a Raft ordering service, these are the ordering nodes actively participating in the consensus mechanism on a channel. If other ordering nodes exist on the system channel, but are not a part of a channel, they are not part of that channel’s consenter set. تعيين الموافقEnsemble de consentementBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
466ConsortiumA group of organizations or individuals with the objective of mutualizing resources for achieving a common goal (e.g., operating a consortium blockchain). Also, Its a committed group or consortium on a permissioned blockchain refers to the approved users who establish the rules and manage participation in the privately operated network. التحالفConsortiumBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
467Censorship ResistanceInability of a single party or cartel to unilaterally perform any of the following: ) change rules of the system; ) block or censor transactions; and ) seize accounts and/or freeze balances.المقاومة الرقابيةRésistance à la CensureBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
468Counter-terrorist financing (CTF)Seeks to stop the flow of funds to terrorist organisations.مكافحة تمويل الإرهابLa lutte contre le financement du terrorismeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
469Crash Fault Tolerance (CFT)A property of a blockchain network that enables it to function correctly and reach consensus even if some nodes stop operating due to failures like network splitting or node crashes.التسامح مع الخطأTolérance aux pannes de type crashBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
470CrowdfundingThis is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people. It is often performed via internet mediated registries that facilitate money collection for the borrower (lending) or issuer (equity).التمويل الجماعيFinancement Participatif CrowdfundingBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
471Crypto Asset MinersIndividuals / Entities that mine crypto assets and produce blocks, by solving complex mathematical problems. عمال تعدين الأصول المشفرةMineurs d'actifs cryptographiquesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
472CurrencyThe Currency sector refers to any non-pegged digital asset acting exclusively as a medium of exchange and unit of account, running on a blockchain network with the ability to complete cross-border transactions without restriction. Digital assets in the Currency sector serve the narrow purpose of being transacted on a network and tend not to have additional utility. العملةMonnaieBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
473CurtailmentTurning off ASIC miners at time of high energy demand in order to reduced stress on the grid.التقليصRéductionBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
474CustodianA third-party entity that holds and safeguards a user’s private keys or digital assets on their behalf. Depending on the system, a custodian may act as an exchange and provide additional services, such as staking, lending, account recovery, or security features. أمين الحفظGardienBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
475DASHA peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that was forked out of Bitcoin to offer faster and more private transactions to users. It is also considered to be one of the first digital currency with a decentralized blockchain governance system. Dash is a blend word for Digital Cash and its currency symbol in the markets is DASH.عملة مشفرةDASHBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
476Database Management SystemA software technology used to store, manipulate and retrieve data whilst incorporating applicable security measures. نظام إدارة قواعد البياناتSystème de gestion de base de donnéesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
477DecentralizedThe concept of a shared network of dispersed computers (or nodes) that can process transactions without a centrally located, third-party intermediary. اللامركزيةDécentraliséBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
478Decentralized Application (Dapp)Decentralized applications developed to run on top of distributed ledger technology like blockchain leveraging smart contracts. The blockchain network is the back-end system for these applications and they often connect with the blockchain network via APIs. Also, An application that is open source, operates autonomously, has its data stored on a blockchain, incentivised in the form of cryptographic tokens and operates on a protocol that shows proof of value.التطبيق اللامركزيApplication décentralisée dAppsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
479Decentralized Exchange (DEX)A decentralized application that lets users swap tokens.التبادل اللامركزيÉchange décentraliséBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
480Decentralized Finance (DeFi)An ecosystem comprised of non-centralized financial applications developed using blockchain technology. Uses computer codes known as smart contracts to conduct and settle transactions in real time. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) offers financial instruments without relying on intermediaries, leveraging smart contracts and blockchain technology. Also, Defi refers to digital assets that support financial products and services that are not facilitated or controlled by any central entity. These products and services are created through smart contracts and focus on providing financial infrastructure without the need for a trusted third-party. التمويل اللامركزيFinance décentraliséeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
481Decentralized InsuranceProtocols enable users to hedge risk within a decentralized governance framework by purchasing insurance through a staking protocol that can match lost funds in case of a claim.تأمين لامركزيAssurance décentraliséeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
482Decentralized stakingThere are primarily two types of decentralized staking. The first involves staking to become a validator, which results in rewards as per the protocol’s description. The second form involves delegating one’s cryptocurrency to specific validators through staking applications or pools. With this method, the individual still owns their crypto assets but is not responsible for running a node to secure the network. التخصيص اللامركزيJalonnement décentraliséBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
483Decentralized TechnologyBlockchain uses decentralized technology - there is no central governing authority that manages a blockchain network. Decentralization means the network may be more secure and less likely to break down. A centralized database stored on a server may be a target for hackers. In order to attack a blockchain network, a huge amount of computational power and resources is required (at least % of all power in the network). Blockchain doesn’t rely on third parties, it is maintained by the network participants. التكنولوجيا اللامركزيةTechnologie décentraliséeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
484Decentralized SystemDistributed system wherein control is distributed among the persons or organizations participating in the operation of system.نظام لامركزيSystème décentraliséBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
485Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS)Another approach to proof of stake (see . ) where a number of nodes are elected or selected to function as the block-producing full validating nodes for the network.تفويض إثبات الحصةPreuve de participation déléguéeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
486Difficulty adjustmentAdjustments to the difficulty of mining blocks, made every two weeks so that the average rate of solving new blocks is, on average, on-per-ten-minutes. تعديل الصعوبةL'ajustement de la difficultéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
487Digital AssetAny text or media that is formatted into binary source.الأصول الرقميةActifs NumériquesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
488Digital signatureA mathematical scheme used for presenting the authenticity of digital assets.التوقيع الالكترونيSignature NumériqueBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
489DigitizationRefers to the process by which real world documents, contracts, public names, etc. are uploaded to a blockchain for the purpose of transparency, publicly verifiable ownership, and immutability. Proof of ownership, identity, and authenticity are both valuable traits that are made possible by blockchain technology. الرقمنةNumérisationBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
490Disaster-Recovery-as-a-ServiceA cloud computing and backup service model that uses cloud resources to protect applications and data from disruption caused by disaster. It gives an organization a total system backup that allows for business continuity in the event of system failure. DRaaS is often offered in conjunction with a disaster recovery plan (DRP) or business continuity plan (BCP). The other name for DRaaS is business continuity as a service (BCaaS).التعافي من الكوارث كخدمةRécupération après Sinistre en tant que Service / Reprise après Sinistre en Tant que ServiceBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
491Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)A means of recording information through a distributed ledger, i.e. a repeated digital copy of data at multiple locations, as in blockchain. These technologies enable nodes in a network to securely propose, validate, and record a full history, state changes (or updates) to a synchronised ledger that is distributed across the network’s nodes. Also, meaning the processes and related technologies that enable nodes in a network (or arrangement) to securely propose, validate and record state changes (or updates) to a synchronised ledger that is distributed across the network’s nodes. In the context of payment, clearing and settlement, DLT enables entities, through the use of established procedures and protocols, to carry out transactions without necessarily relying on a central authority to maintain a single “golden copy” of the ledger. تقنية السجلات الموزعةTechnologie des Registres Distribués (TRD)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
492Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) AccountRepresentation of an entity participating in a transaction. Smart contracts, digital assets, and private keys can be associated with Distributed Ledger Technology Accounts. حساب السجل الموزعCompte de technologie de grand livre distribuéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
493Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) AddressValue that identifies a DLT account participating in a transaction.عنوان السجل الموزعAdresse de technologie de grand livre distribuéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
494Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) AssetAn asset transacted on a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platform.أصول السجل الموزعActif de la technologie du registre distribuéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
495Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) NetworkNetwork of DLT nodes that make up a DLT system.شبكة السجل الموزعRéseau de technologie de grand livre distribuéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
496Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) SystemA system of electronic records that (i) enables a network of independent participants to establish a consensus around (ii) the authoritative ordering of cryptographically validated (signed’) transactions. These records are made (iii) persistent by replicating the data across multiple nodes, and (iv) tamper-evident by linking them by cryptographic hashes. (v) The shared result of the reconciliation/ consensus process - the ‘ledger’ - serves as the authoritative version for these records. A system of electronic records that enables independent entities to establish a consensus around a shared ledger without relying on a central authority to provide or authenticate the authoritative version of the records. The consensus is established by the authoritative ordering of cryptographically validated (signed’) transactions made persistently by replicating the data across multiple nodes and tamper-free by linking them via cryptographic hashes. The shared result of the consensus process serves as the authoritative version of the records. نظام تقنية السجلات الموزعةSystème des Registres Distribués Système de Technologie du Grand Livre DistribuéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
497Distributed NetworkA type of network where processing power and data are spread over the nodes rather than having a centralized data centre.الشبكة الموزعةRéseau distribuéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
498DogecoinA peer-to-peer open source cryptocurrency and falls under the category of altcoins. Launched in December with a Shibu Inus (Japanese dog) as its logo, Dogecoin looked casual in its approach but is gaining wide acceptance for online transactions. It is a decentralized virtual currency and uses peer-to-peer technology to carry out its operations. Dogecoin is script based (i.e. based on a password key) and enables fast payments to anyone, anywhere across the globe. عملة مشفرةDogecoinBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
499Double-spendingStrategy that consists of spending in one block and later undoing this by releasing a forged blockchain in which the transactions are erased. In blockchains based on proof-of-work, this requires short-term access to enough computational power to overwhelm the rest of a cryptocurrency’s network of miners. In those based on proof-of-stake, this requires owning or bribing a majority of the staked resources. مضاعفة الإنفاقDouble-dépenseBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
500Electronic money (e-money)A type of monetary value electronically recorded and generally understood to have the following attributes: (i) issued upon receipt of funds in an amount no lesser in value than the value of the e-money issued; (ii) stored on an electronic device (e.g. a chip, prepaid card, mobile phone, or computer system); (iii) accepted as a means of payment by parties other than the issuer; and (iv) convertible into cash. النقود الإلكترونيةMonnaie Electronique / l'argent électroniqueBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
501Endogenous referenceData which can be created and transferred solely through the means of the system and has meaning within the system. Enforcement is automatically performed by the system.المرجعية الذاتيةRéférence EndogènesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
502EndorsementRefers to the process where specific peer nodes execute a chaincode transaction and return a proposal response to the client application. The proposal response includes the chain code execution response message, results (read set and write set), and events, as well as a signature to serve as proof of the peer’s chaincode execution. Chaincode applications have corresponding endorsement policies, in which the endorsing peers are specified. التأييدEndossementBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
503Endorsement policyDefines the peer nodes on a channel that must execute transactions attached to a specific chaincode application, and the required combination of responses (endorsements). A policy could require that a transaction be endorsed by a minimum number of endorsing peers, a minimum percentage of endorsing peers, or by all endorsing peers that are assigned to a specific chaincode application. Policies can be curated based on the application and the desired level of resilience against misbehavior (deliberate or not) by endorsing peers. A transaction that is submitted must satisfy the endorsement policy before being marked as valid by committing peers. سياسة التأييدPolitique d' endorsementBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
504EthashThe proof-of-work algorithm for Ethereum that governs the process by which Ether is mined.خوارزمية إثبات العمل لإيثريومÉthashBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
505Ether (ETH)The cryptocurrency generated by Ethereum miners as a reward for computations performed to secure the blockchain. Ether functions as a fuel of the Ethereum ecosystem by acting as a medium of incentive and form of payment for network participants to execute essential operations.الأيثرEtherBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
506EthereumA public blockchain system developed as an open-source project, its architecture running remotely on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It uses ‘ethers’, a cryptocurrency, as its token and supports the storage and execution of ‘smart contracts’. Also, A blockchain-based decentralized platform for applications featuring smart contracts (see below for definition) functionality. It is aimed at solving issues associated with censorship, fraud, and third-party interference. Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency platform by market capitalization, behind Bitcoin. Ethereum provides a decentralized virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute scripts using an international network of public nodes. Ethereum was proposed in late by Vitalik Buterin, a cryptocurrency researcher and programmer. ايثريومEthereumBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
507Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP)A design change in Ethereum features or processes.اقتراح تحسين الإيثريومProposition d'Amélioration d'EthereumBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
508Ethereum mainnetSecured by the interaction of thousands of independent nodes run by individuals and miners. Anybody can set up a node on Ethereum mainnet.الشبكة الرئيسة للأيثريومEthereum mainnetBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
509Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC)A document that smart contract programmers using the Ethereum blockchain platform write and Ethereum-based tokens must comply with the rules in the documents.طلب الإيثريوم للتعليقاتEthereum Demande de commentairesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
510Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)A runtime environment for code and smart contracts.آلة إيثريوم الافتراضيةLa Machine virtuelle EthereumBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
511Exogenous referenceData that makes reference to some real-world condition and needs to be incorporated from the outside. This generally requires a gateway to make the connection to the external system and enforce decisions outside the DLT system.المرجعية الخارجيةRéférence ExogèneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
512Externally Owned Account (EOA)A cryptocurrency address for users on Ethereum. EOAs contain balances of different tokens associated with the address.حساب مملوك خارجيًاLe compte détenus en externeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
513Fiat-Backed StablecoinFiat-backed stablecoins refer to stablecoins whose collateral typically consists of fiat currencies (e.g., US dollar) or their equivalents (e.g., US Treasury Bills). The entities that issue stablecoins are often centralized organizations that operate primarily off-chain in order to manage their reserves. The reserve’s primary function is to maintain the peg between the token and the target fiat currency, such as the US dollar, Euros, or other currencies. العملات المستقرة المدعومة بالعملات القانونيةStablecoin adossé à des monnaies fiduciairesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
514ForgingThis is often called staking and refers to the process through which transactions are verified when a DLT uses a ‘proof of stake’ mechanism.الصقلForgerBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
515ForkThe event of a DLT system splitting into two or more networks. A fork can occur when two or more record producers publish a valid set of records at roughly the same time, as a part of an attack (e.g. % attack) or when a DLT system protocol change is attempted (such a fork is ‘hard’ if all users are required to upgrade, otherwise it is ‘soft’). تشعب أو تفريعFourche BifurcationBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
516FungibleThe property an item of being exchangeable with other like items. For example, USD and Euros are fungible. The value of USD can be expressed in Euros. قابل للاستبدالFongibleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
517GasFees in Ether for miners to process transactions.رسوم معالجة المعاملات في الإيثرGazBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
518GatewayActor that provides interfaces to the system by acting as a bridge between the system and the external world.المدخل - البوابةPasserelleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
519Genesis BlockThe first block in a blockchain that serves to initialize the blockchain. The first or first few blocks of a blockchain. Also, the configuration block that initializes the ordering service, or serves as the first block on a chain. كتلة التكوينBloc GenèseBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
520Gossip ProtocolThe gossip data dissemination protocol performs three functions: ) manages peer discovery and channel membership. ) disseminates ledger data across all peers on the channel. ) syncs ledger state across all peers on the channel. Refer to the Gossip topic for more details.برتوكول الثرثرة ( بروتوكول القيل والقال)Protocole de comméragesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
521GweiA denomination of Ether used to price gas. One ether equals ,000,000,000 gwei. جوي (فئة من فئات الأثير تستخدم للتسعير)Le GweiBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
522Halvings % reductions in the block subsidy made once every ,00 blocks (roughly every four years). النصفيMoitiésBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
523Hard ForkAlters the blockchain data in a public blockchain. Require s all nodes in a network to upgrade and agree on the new version.التشعب الصلبFourche durBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
524Hardware WalletA hardware wallet is a special type of cryptocurrency wallet which stores the user’s private keys in a very secure manner, preventing these private keys from being hacked or stolen. A transaction cannot be submitted to the blockchain without first being authenticated by the hardware device itself, preventing fraud or unauthorized use. حافظة الأجهزةHardware Wallet /Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
525Hash / HashingThe result of applying an algorithmic function to data in order to convert them into a random string of numbers and letters. This acts as a digital fingerprint of that data, allowing it to be locked in place within the blockchain. ناتج عملية التشفير / التشفيرHachis / HachageBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
526Hash algorithm"A cryptographic algorithm that generates deterministicfixed-lengthand seemingly random “fingerprints”
527Hash-based proof of workThe process by which miners collectively hash block data to make the blockchain immutable.إثبات عمل مبني على التشفيرPreuve de travail basée sur le hachageBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
528Hash functionA function that maps a bit string of arbitrary length to a fixed-length bit string. Approved hash functions satisfy the following properties: . One-way: It is computationally infeasible to find any input that maps to any pre-specified output. . Collision resistant: It is computationally infeasible to find any two distinct inputs that map to the same output.وظيفة التجزئة في لتشفيرFonction de hachageBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
529Hash PriceThe amount of revenue that a miner can obtain for a unit of hash rate.سعر التشفيرLe prix de hachageBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
530Hash Time-Locked ContractA smart contract that enables the implementation of timebound transactions.عقد التشفير محدد المدةUn contrat de blocage temporel hachéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
531Hash ValueString of bits which is the output of a cryptographic hash function.قيمة التشفيرLa valeur de hachageBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
532Hierarchical DLDistributed ledger where each node has a full copy of the ledger, but some details are hidden using cryptography. Only one or more trusted third parties have a full view of the ledger. التسلسل الهرمي للسجلات الموزعةDL HiérarchiqueBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
533Hot WalletA hot wallet is a tool that allows a cryptocurrency owner to receive and send tokens by remaining connected to the internet, unlike a cold wallet. They are inherently less secure because they can be accessed via the internet itself. المحفظة الساخنةPortefeuille chaudBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
534Hyperledger FabricIBM’s private (permissioned) blockchain toolset. Also, Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source project from the Linux Foundation, is a modular blockchain framework, which is used as a foundation for developing enterprise-grade applications and industry solutions. السجل الموزع المختلطTissu HyperledgerBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
535Hybrid PermissionA combination of permissionless and permissioned accessibility to a distributed ledger system.إذن مختلطAutorisation hybrideBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
536Hybrid ReferenceData that shares both endogenous and exogenous characteristics. Enforcement is dependent to some extent on gateways.مرجع مختلطRéférence HybrideBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
537Hyperledger SawtoothAn enterprise solution for building, deploying, and running distributed ledgers. It provides a modular and flexible platform for implementing transaction-based updates to shared state between untrusted parties coordinated by consensus algorithms.السجل الموزع الفائق سوتوثLa dent de scie HyperledgerBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
538Immutable""Unable to be changed"" Data stored in a blockchain is unable to be changed. (not even by administrators) البيانات غير القابلة للتغييرInalterableBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
539ImmutabilityProperty of a distributed ledger wherein ledger records cannot be modified or removed once added to a distributed ledger. Also, the Blockchain is immutable and transparent - when the data on the network is recorded, it becomes visible to other participants and cannot be changed. All blocks are connected to each other. No one can delete, edit, revise, rewrite, update or undo, any of them. Every node (participant) of the network has a copy of the digital ledger. Adding new transactions requires validation, following an agreed consensus mechanism. الثباتImmutabilitéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
540Incentive mechanismMethod of offering reward for some activities concerned with the operation of a distributed ledger system.آلية الحوافزMécanisme d'incitationBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
541Independent validationAbility of the system to enable each participant to independently verify the state of their transactions and integrity of the system.المصادقة المستقلةValidation IndépendanteBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
542InitA method to initialize a chaincode application. All chain codes need to have an Init function. By default, this function is never executed. However, you can use the chaincode definition to request the execution of the Init function in order to initialize the chaincode. التهيئةInitBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
543Initial Coin Offering (ICO)The form in which capital is raised to fund new cryptocurrency ventures. Modeled after an Initial public offering (IPO). Funders of an ICO receive tokens.طرح العملة الأولىInitial Coin Offering (ICO)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
544InstantiateThe process of starting and initializing a chaincode application on a specific channel. After instantiation, peers that have the chaincode installed can accept chaincode invocations. إنشاء مثيلInstancierBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
545Integration Platform as a ServiceIs a suite of cloud services enabling development, execution and governance of integration flows connecting any combination of on premises and cloud‑based processes, services, applications and data within individual or across multiple organizations. منصة الاندماج كخدمةUne plateforme d'intégration en tant que serviceBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
546Inter ledger interoperabilityAbility of two or more distributed ledger protocols to exchange information and to use information that has been exchanged with one another.قابلية التشغيل البيني للسجلات الموزعةInteropérabilité inter- registreBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
547Intra ledger interoperabilityAbility of two or more tokens within distributed ledger platform to operate with one another.إمكانية التشغيل البيني داخل السجلات الموزعةInteropérabilité intra- registreBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
548Internal TransactionA transaction from a contract account to another contract account or externally owned account.المعاملات الداخليةLa transaction interneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
549Internet of Things (IoT)IoT projects contribute to the development of the Internet of Things and Web .0 real world, off-chain connections. IoT platforms allow for application interoperability between IoT networks and blockchain DApps. They allow interconnectivity on a trustless network with no reliance on any central entity or centralized database of user info that can be subject to manipulation. IoT can allow the execution of smart contracts using oracles and real-world data. إنترنت الأشياء (IoT)Internet des ObjetsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
550Interplanetary File System (IPFS)The Interplanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol designed to create a permanent and decentralized method of storing and sharing files. It is a content-addressable, peer-to-peer hypermedia distribution protocol. Nodes in the IPFS network form a distributed file system. IPFS is an open-source project developed in by Protocol Labs with help from the open-source community. نظام الملفات الكوكبيLe système de fichiers interplanétaireBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
551InvokeUsed to call chaincode functions. A client application invokes chaincode by sending a transaction proposal to a peer. The peer will execute the chaincode and return an endorsed proposal response to the client application. The client application will gather enough proposal responses to satisfy an endorsement policy, and will then submit the transaction results for ordering, validation, and commit. The client application may choose not to submit the transaction results. For example, if the invoke only queried the ledger, the client application typically would not submit the read-only transaction, unless there is desire to log the read on the ledger for audit purpose. The invoke includes a channel identifier, the chaincode function to invoke, and an array of arguments. الاستدعاءInvoquerBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
552JSON Web TokenA data exchange format made of a header, payload, and signature where the header and the payload take the form of JSON objects. They are encoded and concatenated with the aggregate being signed to generate a signature. رمز الويبJSON Web TokenBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
553Issuance RateThe rate at which new digital coins are minted in a network. It is often defined by the network design and plays a critical role in determining the reward for participating in the consensus mechanism.معدل الإصدارTaux d'émissionBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
554Know Your Customer (KYC)The legal process of a business identifying and verifying the identity of its clients. KYC requirements vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.قواعد اعرف عميلكLa connaissance clientBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
555LayerThe underlying main architecture of a blockchain such as the already existing and functioning Bitcoin or Ethereum network.الطبقة الأولى (سلسلة الكتل)CoucheBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
556Layer BlockchainA standalone blockchain network, complete with core logic and functionality. This includes the consensus protocol and the immutable ledger of transactions that serves as the fundamental building block for all operations on the network. Examples include Bitcoin and Ethereum. الطبقة الأولى من سلسلة الكتلLa blockchain de coucheBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
557LayerRefers to an overlaying network that is built on top of the underlying blockchain.الطبقة الثانية (سلسلة الكتل)CoucheBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
558Layer BlockchainA network built on top of a Layer blockchain to increase scalability and throughput while reducing costs. Layer solutions offload transactions from the main chain using mechanisms such as rollups. A prominent example is Polygon, which uses Ethereum as its main network. الطبقة الثانية من سلسلة الكتلLa blockchain de coucheBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
559Leading PeerEach Organization can own multiple peers on each channel that they subscribe to. One or more of these peers should serve as the leading peer for the channel, in order to communicate with the network ordering service on behalf of the organization. The ordering service delivers blocks to the leading peer(s) on a channel, who then distribute them to other peers within the same organization. الأقران الرائدةPair principalBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
560LedgerThe authoritative set of records collectively held by a substantial proportion of network participants at any point in time, such that records are unlikely to be erased or amended (i.e. ‘final’). Also, Meaning a recording information technology. Traditional ledgers rely on two segregated components: the database layer stores records of assets, while the application layer incorporates centralised logic and governance rules into the system and manages the recording, updating and deletion of assets on the ledger.السجلRegistre / Grand livreBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
561Liquidity MiningAlso known as “software mining,” where network participants can submit their liquidity in the form of contributing equally matching ETH and AXN to the Uniswap liquidity pool, in return for real-time bonuses in AXN tokens. تعدين السيولةExtraction de liquiditésBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
562LogAn unordered set of valid transactions held by a node, which have not yet been incorporated into a formal record subject to network consensus rules (i.e. ‘unconfirmed’ transactions). Also called mempool. السجلLogBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
563MainnetMainnet is when a blockchain protocol, such as Ethereum, is fully developed and deployed, allowing real transactions be broadcast, verified and recorded on the blockchain. الشبكة الأساسيةMainnetBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
564Master Data ManagementA method used to define and manage the critical data of an organization to provide, with data integration, a single point of reference. إدارة البيانات الرئيسيةGestion des données de référenceBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
565Maximal Extractable Value (MEV)MEV refers to the revenue earned by validators, who are responsible for verifying and securing transactions on the blockchain, through activities such as transaction recording, inclusion, and exclusion within a block. الحد الأقصى للقيمة القابلة للاستخراجLa valeur maximale extractibleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
566Membership ServicesMembership Services authenticates, authorizes, and manages identities on a permissioned blockchain network. The membership services code that runs in peers and orders both authenticates and authorizes blockchain operations. It is a PKI-based implementation of the Membership Services Provider (MSP) abstraction. خدمات العضويةServices aux membresBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
567Membership Service Provider (MSP)A Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network can be governed by one or more MSPs. Also, The Membership Service Provider (MSP) refers to an abstract component of the system that provides credentials to clients and peers for them to participate in a Hyperledger Fabric network. Clients use these credentials to authenticate their transactions, and peers use these credentials to authenticate transaction processing results (endorsements). While strongly connected to the transaction processing components of the systems, this interface aims to have membership services components defined, in such a way that alternate implementations of this can be smoothly plugged in without modifying the core of transaction processing components of the system.مزود خدمة العضويةAppartenance via un Fournisseur de ServicesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
568MetaMaskMetaMask is a type of software hot wallet that allows for easy trading, swapping, and integration into websites that allow for wallet addresses to be read. MetaMask does not store cryptocurrencies for you, it merely allows you to load or generate secret keys into the software that are then read by or submitted to the blockchain. الميتا ماسك (إحدى برامج المحفظة الساخنة)MetaMaskBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
569MempoolThe pool of data (memory pool) in which prospective transactions sit before being included into new blocks.تجمع الذاكرةLe mempoolBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
570MicroledgerA cryptographic data structure maintained over a single Connection that enables two or more Agents to securely share Pairwise Digital IDs, Public Keys, Service Endpoints, and other Identity Data. السجل الموزع المتناهي الصغرMicrolivreBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
571MinerClass of agents, who update the blockchain via computational work, and in return receive block rewards and transaction fees when they add batches of valid transactions to the blockchain. Also, Companies (or individuals) that own mining rigs and run them to collect the block reward.المنقبMinerBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
572Miner BrokersOrganizations that facilitate the buying and selling of ASIC miners.وسطاء التعدينCourtiers miniersBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
573Miner ManufacturersFabless semiconductor companies responsible for designing and assembling ASIC machines.مُصنِّعو آلات التعدينFabricants de mineursBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
574MintA protocol-level operation that creates and distributes new tokens to blockchain addresses, either individually or in batch. صك الرموزMintBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
575MintingAn alternative to mining, the process by which assets are written to a blockchain, where the writer of the asset is a pre-determined trusted entity. In certain use cases, such as an ecosystem of banks, minting is preferred due to performance and power consumption requirements. سك العملةFrappeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
576ModularRefers to a blockchain architecture that delegates certain functions to specific networks.المعيارModulaireBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
577Mt. GoxEarly Bitcoin exchange, created in , based in Tokyo. At its peak, the exchange was responsible for % of all Bitcoin trade volume, before it abruptly shut down in after being hacked for thousands of bitcoins. ماونت غوكس ( بورصة بيتكوين)Mt. GoxBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
578Multi-party consensusAbility of the system to enable independent parties to come to agreement on a shared set of records without requiring a central authority.إجماع متعدد الأطرافConsensus MultipartiteBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
579Multi-SignatureA cryptographic signature scheme where the process of signing information (e.g., a transaction) is distributed among multiple private keys. متعدد التوقيعMulti-SignatureBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
580MutableOpposite of immutable. Meaning it is liable or susceptible to change by being edited, adjusted or otherwise manipulated. Mutable blocks on the blockchain would mean transactions could be reverted at best, or at worst the funds in question could be redirected to an unauthorized address. متقلبMutableBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
581Natural asset tokensNatural assets represent the global stockpile of natural resources, such as gold, oil, gas or even carbon and water. Natural asset tokens represent the value of these tangible goods in peer-to-peer markets with a real-time settlement. رموز الأصول الطبيعيةJetons d'actifs naturelsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
582Native AssetThe primary digital asset(s), if any, specified in the protocol that are typically used to regulate record production, pay transaction fees on the network, conduct ‘monetary policy’, or align incentives. الأصول المحليةActif NatifBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
583Near Field Communication (NFC)A technology allowing the short-range wireless intercommunication of mobile phones and other electronic devices for purposes such as making payments.الاتصال قريب المدىLa NFC (Near Field Communication, ou Communication en champ proche Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
584NodeA copy of the ledger operated by a participant with a blockchain network.نقطة اتصالNœudBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
585Node operators Node operators run a blockchain’s software, certifying transactions as they are entered into the chain by writing new blocks and broadcasting them to the network. They process blocks based on transactions that follow the blockchain’s protocol rules. مشغلو العقدةOpérateurs de nœudsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
586NonceA number only used once in a cryptographic communication (often includes a timestamp) Also, An arbitrary number varied by miners in order to create a valid block.أرقام التشفيرNonceBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
587Non-CustodialRefers to an application or process that does not require users to relinquish any control over their data or private keys.غير محتجزNon privative de libertéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
588On-chain governanceA system for managing and implementing changes to a cryptocurrency blockchain.الحوكمة على السلسلة (للعملات المشفرة)Gouvernance de la ChaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
589Non-Fungible TokenA type of cryptographic token that represents a unique digital or real-world asset that isn’t interchangeable.رمز قابل للاستبدال أو التبادلJeton non-fongibleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
590Non-repudiationRefers to the ability to prove the authenticity and integrity of transactions. It ensures that once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be denied or disputed by the sender, providing strong evidence of its origin and accuracy. عدم التنصلLa non-répudiationBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
591NotaryA trusted entity that submits transactions across blockchains on behalf of users, often with respect to tokens the users have previously locked up.كاتب عدلNotaireBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
592On-Ramp/Off-RampProcedure by which fiat money is converted into crypto-assets (on-ramp) or the other way around (off-ramp).على المنحدر / خارج المنحدرRampe d'entrée/ Rampe de sortieBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
593Off-ChainTransactions that occur off a given blockchain network, that may be later reported or batched together before being submitted to the main chain.خارج السلسلةHors chaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
594Off-chain DatabaseAn off-chain database is a separate storage system used in blockchain applications. It securely stores sensitive information such as access credentials, roles and responsibilities, and grant details. The lead agency maintains and manages this database to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. قاعدة بيانات خارج السلسلةBase de données hors chaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
595Off-ledgerRelated to a DLT system, but located, performed or run outside the DLT system.خارج السجل الموزعHors registreBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
596On-chainData stored within the blockchain. Also, Located, performed, or run inside a blockchain system.على السلسلةEn chaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
597On-chain GovernanceA mechanism that enables a decentralized community to update a blockchain by voting directly on-chain.الحوكمة على السلسلةLa gouvernance en chaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
598On-ledgerLocated, performed, or run inside a DLT system. داخل السجل الموزعGrand livreBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
599Optimistic RollupsOptimistic Rollups are a type of layer scaling solution for blockchains that batches transactions off-chain for verification, uses off-chain computation for fee reduction, and relies on a fraud proof system for security. It assumes transaction and state validity by default but allows for challenges with fraud proofs if incorrect or falsified data is detected. التراكمات المتفائلةLes cumuls optimistesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
600OracleA gateway that bridges the gap between the DLT system and external systems by serving as a source of information. Also, Oracle refers to any project with the primary ability to gather, organize, and transmit either on-chain to on-chain data or off-chain to on-chain data in real time. It typically operates with a native token to cover transaction costs and governance rights.أوراكل (برنامج يعمل كوسيط )OracleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
601Order to CashAre those business processes associated with the placement of orders, shipment of products, invoicing, payment collection and processing of receipts.أمر بالدفع النقديL’order to cash ou O CBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
602Ordinals (Bitcoin)Ordinals is a crypto project which inscribes individual Satoshis with numbers, allowing them to take on a unique identity and be tracked and transferred specifically. Essentially it makes the satoshis non-fungible in nature.الأعداد الترتيبية (بيتكوين)Ordinaux (Bitcoin)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
603Orphan BlocksValid and verified blocks which have not been accepted into the blockchain network due to a time delay in the acceptance of the orphan block as opposed to another qualifying block.الكتل اليتيمةOrphan BlocksBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
604Pan‑European Public Procurement On‑LineIs an international e‑invoicing network, developed in 0 , that allows for the secure transfer of messages to companies and governments, worldwide.المشتريات العامة الأوروبية على الإنترنتMarchés publics paneuropéens en ligneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
605Payments (BaaS)Blockchain based BaaS services intended merely for the unbarred global digital asset transactions. Under BaaS Payments, native BaaS tokens are transferred between parties via a permissioned, master node validated blockchain.المدفوعاتPaiements (BaaS)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
606PeerA network entity that maintains a ledger and runs chaincode containers in order to perform read/write operations to the ledger. Peers are owned and maintained by members.النظيرLe pairBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
607Peer-to-peer (P P)The direct sharing of data between nodes on a network, as opposed to via a central server.المشاركة المباشرة للبياناتPair à PairBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
608Peer-to-peer TransferA peer-to-peer transfer is a direct transfer of assets, such as money or digital assets, between two persons or companies that does not require the use of middlemen such as banks or financial organizations. نقل من نظير إلى نظيرLe transfert pair à pairBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
609Permanent Encrypted Decentralised Data StorageStoring any large amount of data, such as years’ worth of documents on the blockchain, opens several potential security and scalability issues, and, besides, could become prohibitively expensive. A two-tier approach offers much better flexibility and allows CargoX to focus on its core competence. IPFS has been identified as the most suitable decentralized storage service for permanent storage. Encryption is mandatory, as all documents and non-public metadata are always encrypted. IPFS offers permanent, reliable, and economic data storage appropriate for e-archiving. تخزين البيانات اللامركزي المشفر الدائمStockage des données décentralisé crypté permanentBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
610Permissioned BlockchainA type of blockchain where the nodes on the network are authorized by, and known to, the network.سلسلة الكتل المصرح بهاLa Blockchain autoriséeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
611Permissioned distributed ledger systemDistributed ledger system in which permissions are required to maintain and operate a node.نظام السجلات الموزعة المسموح بهSystème de registre distribué autoriséBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
612Permissionless BlockchainA form of blockchain where any node is allowed to participate in verifying and validating transactions.سلسلة الكتل الغير المصرح بهاBlockchain sans autorisationBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
613Permissionless distributed ledger systemDistributed ledger system where permissions are not required to maintain and operate a node.نظام السجلات الموزعة بدون إذنSystème de registre distribué PermissionlessBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
614Permissioned ledgerA large, distributed network using a native token, with access restricted to those with specific roles. السجل المصرح بهRegistres PermissionedBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
615Private blockchainsA closely controlled network operated by consortia in which the data is confidential and is accessed only by trusted members. Private blockchains do not require a token.قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة الخاصة سلاسل الكتل الخاصةBlockchains PrivésBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
616Private Data CollectionUsed to manage confidential data that two or more organizations on a channel want to keep private from other organizations on that channel. The collection definition describes a subset of organizations on a channel entitled to store a set of private data, which by extension implies that only these organizations can transact with the private data. جمع البيانات الخاصةCollecte de données privéesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
617Private DLT systemA distributed ledger technology (DLT) system which is accessible for use only to a limited group of DLT users.نظام السجلات الموزعة الخاصةSystème de registre distribué privéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
618Private keyA unique string of data that represents proof of identification within the blockchain, including the right to access and own that participant’s wallet within a cryptocurrency. It must be kept secret: it is effectively a personal password. The key of a key pair that is assumed to be kept in secret by the holder of the key pair, and that is used to create electronic signatures and/or to decrypt electronic records or files thatwere encrypted with the corresponding Public Key. In the Smart-ID System, the value of Private Key itself is never generated and the Private Key exists only in the form of its components. مفتاح سري / مفتاح خاصClé PrivéeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
619Programmatically - Executed TransactionA computer script that, when triggered by a particular message, is executed by the system. When the code is capable of operating as all parties intend, the deterministic nature of the execution reduces the level of trust required for individual participants to interact with each other. They are commonly referred to as smart contracts due to the scripts’ ability to replace certain fiduciary relationships, such as custody and escrow, with code. However, they are not autonomous or adaptive (‘smart’), nor contracts in a legal sense - rather, they can be the technological means of implementing a contract or agreement. المعاملات المنفذة برمجياً (تنفيذ المعاملات المبرمجة)Par Programme - Transaction ExécutéeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
620Proof-of-AuthorityA consensus method that assigns a small and designated number of blockchain actors as validators to validate transactions or interactions with the network and to update its more or less distributed registry.إثبات صحة الصلاحيةPreuve d'autoritéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
621Proof-of-Burn (PoB)A type of consensus mechanism in which miners must prove that they have ‘burned’ a digital asset through sending it to a verifiable and unspendable address. The Proof-of-Burn mechanism is commonly used to bootstrap a network.إثبات الحرقLa preuve de combustionBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
622Proof-of-Capacity (PoC)A consensus mechanism that focuses on the amount of memory the prover can employ to compute the proof. Miners who dedicate more disk space have a proportionally higher likelihood of mining a block and gaining the reward.إثبات السعةLa preuve de la capacitéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
623Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET)A consensus mechanism used in some permissioned blockchain networks where participants compete to win the right to create new blocks by waiting for a randomly assigned waiting period, simulating a fair lottery system. إثبات الوقت المنقضيLa preuve du temps écouléBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
624Proof of Stake (PoS)A system in which coordination on blockchain updates is enforced by ensuring that transaction verifiers pledge their coin holdings as guarantees that their payment confirmations are accurate. Also, the PoS is a type of consensus mechanism that uses a fraction of the energy of proof of work. In essence, holders of a network token ‘stake’ (lock their tokens on the blockchain) for the opportunity to be picked to validate a block and thus receive transaction fees as a staking reward. Bad actors risk a p PoS is a type of consensus mechanism that uses a fraction of the energy of proof of work. In essence, holders of a network token ‘stake’ (lock their tokens on the blockchain) for the opportunity to be picked to validate a block and thus receive transaction fees as a staking reward. Bad actors risk a portion, or all of their locked tokens being taken away while those whose nodes are not online / and ensuring resilience are also penalized. There may be broader governance considerations with PoS (e.g. ‘the % problem’ where a group or individual owns more than % of the cryptocurrency and controls more than % of miners, giving them the control to alter the blockchain network). portion or all of their locked tokens being taken away while those whose nodes are not online / and ensuring resilience are also penalized. There may be broader governance considerations with PoS (e.g. ‘the % problem’ where a group or individual owns more than % of the cryptocurrency and controls more than % of miners, giving them the control to alter the blockchain network).إثبات الحصة -النسبةPreuve d'enjeuBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
625Proof of workRepeatedly running a hash function, the mechanism by which data miners win the right to add blocks to a bitcoin-style blockchain.دليل العملPreuve de TravailBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
626ProtocolThe coded “laws” of a cryptocurrency. Set of rules that governs what constitutes a blockchain that is accepted by the network of users.برتوكول (قواعد حوكمة البيانات المتسلسلة)ProtocoleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
627ProvenanceThe entire history of a product during its lifecycle including its chain of custody and all documentation of value-added services and activities which were used to produce that product or service.الأصلProvenanceBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
628Public blockchainA large, distributed network using a native token (such as bitcoin), open to everyone to participate and maintain. سلسلة الكتل العامةBlockchain Publique.Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
629Public DLT systemA distributed ledger technology (DLT) system which is accessible to the public for use. Also, the DLT system that is accessible for use only to a limited group of DLT users.نظام السجلات الموزعة العامةSystème de registre distribué publicBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
630Public keyA unique string of data that identifies a participant within the blockchain. It can be shared publicly. Also, The key of a key pair that may be publicly disclosed by the holder of the corresponding Private Key and that is used by Relying Parties to verify electronic signatures created with the holder’s corresponding Private Key and/or to encrypt messages so that they can be decrypted only with the holder’s corresponding Private Key.المفتاح العامClé PubliqueBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
631Public key cryptographyPublic key cryptography Encryption that uses two mathematically related keys. A public and private key. It is impossible to derive the private key based on the public key.تشفير المفتاح العامCryptographie à Clé PubliqueBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
632QueryA query is a chaincode invocation which reads the ledger current state but does not write to the ledger. The chaincode function may query certain keys on the ledger or may query for a set of keys on the ledger. Since queries do not change ledger state, the client application will typically not submit these read-only transactions for ordering, validation, and commit. Although not typical, the client application can choose to submit the read-only transaction for ordering, validation, and commit, for example if the client wants auditable proof on the ledger chain that it had knowledge of specific ledger state at a certain point in time. الاستعلامRequêteBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
633Q Smart-IDSmart-ID which contains one pair of Certificates consisting of the Authentication Certificate and the qualified Electronic Signature Certificate and their corresponding Private Keys.معرف ذكي للهويةQ Smart-IDBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
634Qualified Electronic SignatureQualified Electronic Signature according to eIDAS Regulation.التوقيع الإلكتروني المؤهلSignature électronique qualifiéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
635Qualified Electronic SignatureCertificate Qualified Electronic Signature Certificate according to eIDAS Regulation.شهادة التوقيع الإلكتروني المؤهلةCertificat de signature électronique qualifiéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
636Qualified Electronic Signature Creation Device (QSCD)A Secure Signature Creation Device that meets the requirements laid down in eIDAS Regulation.جهاز إنشاء التوقيع الإلكتروني المؤهلDispositif de création de signature électronique qualifiéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
637Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)A technology whereby digital data encoded in RFID tags are captured by a reader via radio waves.تحديد الترددات الراديويةL'identification par radiofréquence Ou La radio-identificationBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
638Read-only NodeA read-only node can observe and independently verify transactions on the blockchain but does not contribute to consensus.عقدة للقراءة فقطLecture seule NodeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
639Real World Assets (RWA)Real World Assets refer to physical or digital assets from the real world that are represented on the blockchain through tokenization. Tokenization involves converting the ownership rights of real-world assets into digital tokens that can be traded, transferred, and stored on a blockchain. الأصول الحقيقيةLes actifs du monde réelBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
640Record ReorganisationA node discovers that a new ledger version has been formed which excludes one or more records that the node previously thought were part of the ledger. These excluded records then become ‘orphaned’.إعادة تنظيم السجلRéorganisation des EnregistrementsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
641RelayA scheme deployed on a given blockchain to receive and verify transactions from another blockchain.التتابعRelaisBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
642Roll-upA scheme that enables the off-chain processing of transactions by one or more operators with on-chain state update commitments that contain “compressed” per-transaction data.Also, a type of off-chain scaling solution that helps overcome capacity restrictions inherent to traditional blockchain networks and which works by executing transactions outside layer and posting data to layer once consensus is reached to benefit from the underlying blockchain’s native security.حلول المتابعةEnroulable / Rollup ou CumulBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
643RopstenRopsten Ethereum, also known as “Ethereum Testnet” is a testing network that runs the same protocol as Ethereum but is used for testing purposes before deploying on the main network (Mainnet). روبستن (إحدى برامج المحفظة الساخنة)RopstenBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
644Rug pullA crypto-asset market scam in which a development team attracts investors into a project before disappearing with investor funds, leaving investors with a valueless asset. سحب البساطTirer le tapisBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
645Reward System (Incentive Mechanism)Method of offering reward for some activities concernedwith the operation of a DLT system. An example of a reward is a block reward.نظام المكافأة (آلية الحوافز)Système de récompense (mécanisme d'incitation)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
646Satoshi NakomotoThe mysterious pseudonym/entity that created and released the first iteration of Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Distributed Ledger technology to the world. ساتوشي ناكوموتوSatoshi NakomotoBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
647SatoshiIn honor of Satoshi Nakomoto, a Satoshi is the most micro unit of splitting a bitcoin, representing 0.0000000 of a Bitcoin. ساتوشيSatoshiBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
648ScalabilityA blockchain project’s ability to handle network traffic, future growth and capacity in its intended application. قابلية التوسعÉvolutivitéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
649Scamcoin/ShitcoinA colloquial terminology used to refer to crypto projects that are either poorly constructed, scammy or fraudulent, dead-end investments, or fakes. It is generally advisable to avoid or ignore these types of coins. عملة احتياليةScamcoin/ShitcoinBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
650Secure Key StorageVarious methods of protecting cryptographic keys and preventing unauthorized parties from gaining access to the keys and resulting information. Storage protects the key while keeping it readily available for use.التخزين الآمن للمفتاحStockage sécurisé des clésBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
651Seed PhraseA random sequence of words which can be used to restore a lost wallet.التسلسل العشوائي للجملPhrase de récupération (Seed Phrase)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
652Segregated Witnesses (SeqWit)The process to increase Bitcoin blockchain block size limit by removing signature date from transactions.شاهد منفصلTémoin séparéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
653Shared RecordkeepingThe ability of the system to enable multiple parties to collectively create, maintain, and update a shared set of records. حفظ السجلات المشتركةArchivage PartagéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
654ShardingA blockchain configuration and architecture that enables the processing of transactions in parallel. The blockchain’s global state is split among multiple blockchain subnetworks coordinated by a separate hub blockchain.عملية التجزئةPartageBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
655SidechainA blockchain with its own consensus mechanism and set of nodes that is connected to another blockchain through a two-way bridge. / A separate blockchain that runs independent of a smart contract platform (such as Ethereum) and is connected to the by a two-way bridge. Also, sidechains are a type of de facto scaling solution where an independent blockchain forms a symbiotic partnership with a Layer smart contract platform via a two-way bridge. Though sidechains cannot benefit from the main Layer 's security and consensus, they are not bound by the rules that govern that Layer and are thus free to operate the blockchain in any way they see fit. Typically, sidechains also focus on higher throughputs, faster transaction speeds and lower costs.سلسلة جانبيةChaîne latéraleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
656Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (SAFT)A form of fund-raising directed to accredited investors which promises tokens when the project or company becomes operational.اتفاقية مبسطة للرموز المستقبليةAccord simple pour les jetons futursBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
657Single ChainA Layer blockchain in which all transactions are recorded on the primary distributed ledger. Single chain allows for layer scaling solutions that remain tied to the primary blockchain for transactional competency.سلسلة فرديةChaîne uniqueBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
658Smart Bill of Lading (Smart B/L)The blockchain-based Bill of Lading developed by CargoX preserves all paper B/L legacy features and enhances them with benefits offered by the decentralized ecosystem, including speed, security, and transparency. Additionally, it provides a base for further integration of value-added features such as smart contract Letters of Credit (L/C), insurance, etc. بوليصة الشحن الذكيةLe connaissement intelligentBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
659Smart ContractA smart contract is code – invoked by a client application external to the blockchain network – that manages access and modifications to a set of key-value pairs in the World State via Transaction. In Hyperledger Fabric, smart contracts are packaged as chaincode. Chaincode is installed on peers and then defined and used on one or more channels.العقد الذكيLe contrat intelligentBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
660Soft ForkA soft fork can be defined as a change to the DLT software that is backward compatible, which means that, unlike hard forks, there is no splitting or branching out of the blockchain. التشعب المرنFourche soupleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
661SolidityA contract-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts. It is used for implementing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms. Also, it is a JavaScript-like object-oriented programming language for Ethereum for implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Or, It is a special programming language used for creating smart contracts on the blockchain. It is unique because it enables developers to write rules and conditions directly into the contracts, ensuring that transactions are secure, reliable, and trustworthy. It has mechanisms to catch errors early in the development process to ensure greater program reliability. الصلابة (لغة برمجة لكتابة العقود الذكية)SoliditéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
662StakingProtocol-defined token collateralization earning yields and/or providing privileges, either at the base layer (in proof-of-stake consensus models) or at the smart contract layer. إثبات الحصص (التخصيص)Jalonnement StakingBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
663State ChannelA scheme that enables the off-chain processing of transactions by a group of participants with instant second layer finality and deferred on-chain settlement via state updates.قناة الوحدةEtat du canalBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
664State UpdateAn on-chain transaction used to anchor the current state of an external ledger onto the underlying blockchain.تحديث الحالةMise à jour de l'étatBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
665StatelessRefers to a data representation or a process that is self-contained and does not depend on any external data store.عديم الحالةApatrideBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
666SubchainLogically separate chain that can form part of a blockchain system.سلسلة فرعيةUne sous-chaîneBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
667Supply Chain / Commerce (BaaS)Blockchain based BaaS services enable producers, distributors, and consumers to grow their customer and client networks by utilizing permissioned blockchains for the purpose of tracking, processing, and distributing goods and services while relying on a central entity to ensure the security and legitimacy of the master-node validated blockchain. سلسلة التوريد / التجارة (القائمة على سلسلة الكتل كخدمة)Chaîne d'approvisionnement / Commerce (BaaS)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
668Sybil AttackA cybersecurity attack wherein an attacker creates multiple accounts and pretends to be many persons at once.هجوم سيبيل (من البرمجيات الضارة)Sybil AttaqueBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
669System ChainContains a configuration block defining the network at a system level. The system chain lives within the ordering service, and similar to a channel, and has an initial configuration containing information such as: MSP information, policies, and configuration details. Any change to the overall network (e.g. a new org joining, or a new ordering node being added) will result in a new configuration block being added to the system chain. The system chain can be thought of as the common binding for a channel or group of channels. For instance, a collection of financial institutions may form a consortium (represented through the system chain), and then proceed to create channels relative to their aligned and varying business agendas. سلسلة النظامSystèmes de chaînesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
670Tamper resistanceThe ability to make it hard for a single party to unilaterally change past records (i.e. transaction history).مقاومة العبثInviolabilitéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
671Tamper-resistant LedgerA tamper-resistant ledger ensures that once data is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or manipulated without detection, providing a secure and trustworthy record of transactions and information. السجل الموزع المقاوم للعبثRegistre inviolableBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
672TestnetValue-less networks used by protocol and smart contract developers to test their code in a production-like environment before deployment to the mainnet. Most testnets use a proof-of-authority consensus mechanism due to difficulty incentivizing proof-of-work miners.اختبار الشبكةUn testnetBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
673ThroughputThe rate at which valid transactions are committed to the blockchain.معدل الإنتاجLa cadence de fabrication ébitBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
674Timestamp ServerA timestamp server works by taking a hash (see above for definition) of a block of items to be timestamped and widely publishing the hash across the blockchain. The timestamp proves that the data must have existed at the time in order to get into the hash. Each timestamp includes the previous timestamp in its hash, forming a chain, with each additional timestamp reinforcing the ones before it. خادم الطابع الزمنيUn serveur d’horodatageBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
675Token ContractA smart contract deployed on a DLT Network that manages token balances and the methods by which token transfers can be invoked.عقد الرمز المميزLe contrat de jetonsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
676Token Economics (Tokenomics)The study of the parameters that determine the characteristics of crypto assets to create economic value.الاقتصاد الرمزيL’économie des jetons (Tokenomics)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
677Token Factory ContractA smart contract that defines and issues a token.عقد مصنع الرمزContrat d'usine de jetonsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
678Token Generation EventThe creation and first sale of a blockchain coin or token.حدث إنشاء الرمز المميزLes événements de génération de jetonsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
679Token Type - ERC-A type of fungible Ethereum token (i.e., smart contract) standard which is defined by a series of functions that must be supported, including functions to retrieve the total supply, transfer from one wallet to another, and approve a transaction. Typically, any given ERC- token has many copies which are held in a variety of crypto wallets. نوع الرمز - رمز من رموز إيثريوم القابلة للاستبدالType de jeton - ERC-Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
680Token Type - ERC-A type of fungible Ethereum token (i.e., smart contract) standard which is defined by a series of functions that must be supported, including functions to retrieve the total supply, transfer from one wallet to another, and approve a transaction. Typically, any given ERC- token has many copies which are held in a variety of crypto wallets. نوع الرمز - رمز من رموز إيثريوم غير القابلة للاستبدالType de jeton - ERC-Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
681Tokenless LedgerA ledger that doesn’t require a native currency to operate. Also, Any proposed change to the ledger; despite the connotation, a transaction need not be economic (value-transferring) in nature. Transactions can be unconfirmed (not included in the ledger) or confirmed (part of the ledger).السجل الموزع بدون رمزRegistre sans jetonBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
682TransactionTransactions are created when a chaincode is invoked from a client application to read or write data from the ledger. Fabric application clients submit transaction proposals to endorsing peers for execution and endorsement, gather the signed (endorsed) responses from those endorsing peers, and then package the results and endorsements into a transaction that is submitted to the ordering service. The ordering service orders and places transactions in a block that is broadcast to the peers which validate and commit the transactions to the ledger and update world state.المعاملة معاملة (عملية تجارية)TransactionBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
683Transaction BlockA collection of transactions on the bitcoin network, gathered into a block that can then be hashed and added to the blockchain. كتلة المعاملاتBlocage des transactionsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
684Transaction feesAn amount of cryptocurrency charged to process a blockchain transaction. Given to publishing nodes to include the transaction within a block. Fees paid by the senders of bitcoins to induce miners to include their transactions in blocks.رسوم المعاملاتFrais de transactionBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
685Transaction finalityDetermines when a confirmed record can be considered ‘final’ (i.e. not reversible). Finality can be probabilistic (e.g. Pow-based systems that are computationally impractical to revert) or explicit (e.g. systems that incorporate ‘checkpoints’ that must appear in every transaction history). Finalised records are considered permanently settled, whereas records that have been produced but which are feasible to revert are referred to as provisionally settled. المعاملة النهائيةTransaction de FinalitéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
686Transaction ID (TxID)The unique ID that is assigned to a transaction. The TxID is used to access a specific transaction block and the information it holds. When submitting a transaction on MetaMask, a TxID is generated, allowing a user to check the status of the transaction on a website such as معَرف معاملةIdentité de transaction (TxID)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
687Transactions Per Second (TPS)A measurement of the speed of a blockchain. The low TPS of most blockchains is a significant barrier to using blockchain for business, especially financial, applications. معدل المعاملات في الثانيةTransactions par secondeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
688Transaction processingThe set of processes that specifies the mechanism of updating the ledger: (i) which participants have the right to update the shared set of authoritative records (permission less vs. permissioned) and (ii) how participants reach agreement over implementing these updates. Also called mining.معالجة المعاملاتTraitement des TransactionsBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
689TransparentAny digital asset whose ledger displays the deposit addresses of both senders and receivers and may reveal wallet balances publicly. Also, A primary property of public blockchains whereby any participant in a system or transaction can view the transactions on the blockchain.الوضوح / الشفافيةTransparentBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
690Transparent Centralized Finance (CeFi) CurrencyAny digital asset distributed by a central entity and backed by a centralized reserve treasury (i.e., corporation, government, CBDC’s, centralized exchange), or created for direct use on a centrally controlled platform such as a centralized exchange or centralized hot wallet. All tokens must be minted and transacted on a BFT smart contract platform. عملة التمويل المركزية الشفافةMonnaie financière centralisée transparenteBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
691Transparent Decentralized Finance (Defi) CurrencyAny digital asset either mined or minted on a smart contract platform backed by a decentralized reserve treasury. Any digital that has the primary purpose of transferring monetary value. These assets are either mined on their own native blockchains or minted on smart contract platforms backed by a decentralized reserve treasury.عملة التمويل اللامركزي الشفافةMonnaie transparente de la finance décentraliséeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
692TrezorTrezor is a type of Hardware Wallet used to store cryptocurrencies in a highly secure manner. With a Trezor wallet, transactions must be approved by physically clicking buttons on the device itself, which ensures that hackers cannot withdraw cryptocurrency without access to the physical device and its protective password. تريزور (إحدى برامج محفظة الأجهزة)TrezorBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
693UniswapUniswap is a popular decentralized automated market maker, allowing users to interact with its liquidity pools to trade many types of Ethereum-based tokens for other tokens. Uniswap is currently the only exchange site where you can directly purchase Axion. سوق آلي لامركزيUniswapBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
694Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXO)Unspent transaction outputs are used to determine whether a transaction is valid.مخرجات المعاملات غير المنفقةSortie de Transaction non Dépensée ( UTXO )Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
695Utility TokensA digital asset that grants the owner of the token (see above for definition) a specific right in the usage of a company’s products like being first to access it or getting other privileges. The major difference between security tokens and utility tokens is in the intended use and functionality of the tokens. Utility tokens do not provide the rights of ownership over a part of a company; therefore, utility tokens are not created to be an investment. Blockchain offers a platform that can be used to create a voting system that allows investors to exercise control over the company’s decision-making process. Utility tokens are not intended to give their holders the ability to control how decisions are made in a company; instead, they help companies to gain funding without losing their independence. Utility tokens are often used for Initial Coin Offerings (ICO). رموز المنفعةLes jetons utilitairesBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
696Validation (ledger)The set of processes required to ensure that actors independently arrive at the same conclusion with regard to the state of the ledger. This includes verifying the validity of unconfirmed transactions, verifying record proposals, and auditing the state of the system. المصادقة (السجل)Validation (registre)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
697Value added NetworkIs a secure file transfer protocol that is privately hosted and with structured messages being exchanged between fewer partners through a mail‑box‑like system.شبكة القيمة المضافةUn réseau à valeur ajoutéeBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
698VIPERA programming language created to be a formal introduction to smart contracts.لغة الفايبر (برمجة)VIPÈREBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
699VolatilityThis is a statistical measure of the dispersion of returns for a given security or market index. Volatility can either be measured by using the standard deviation or variance between returns from that same security or market index. Commonly, the higher the volatility, the riskier the security. التقلبLa volatilitéBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
700WalletA software program capable of storing and managing public and private key pairs used to store and transfer digital assets.حافظة نقودLe PortefeuilleBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
701Wallet (Multisignature)A wallet that requires multiple digital signatures to executea transaction.الحافظة (متعددة التوقيعات)Portefeuille (Multisignature)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
702Web"Web is the next generation of the internetbased on decentralized technologies like blockchain. It empowers users with data ownership and enables new types of applications and services through the use of digital currencies and tokens.
703Zeppelin/Open ZeppelinA community of like-minded Smart Contract developers.مجتمع مطوري العقود الذكيةZeppelin/Ouvrir ZeppelinBlockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
704Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)A cryptographic scheme where a prover is able to convince a verifier that a statement is true, without providing any more information than that single bit (that is, that the statement is true rather than false). إثبات المعرفة الصفريةPreuve Zero-Knowledge (ZKP)Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) تقنية قواعد البيانات المتسلسلة& تقنية السـجلات الموزعة
705Access listsSequential collection of permit and deny conditions used to filter inbound or outbound routes. Files that provide filters that can be applied to route maps or distribution lists.قوائم الوصولListes d'accèsCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
706Access messagesAuthorization and authentication (AA) messages that identify subscribers before the RADIUS server grants or denies them access to the network or network services. When an application requests user authentication, the request must have certain authenticating attributes, such as a user’s name, password, and the particular type of service the user is requesting. رسائل الوصولMessages d'accèsCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
707Accounting messagesMessages that identify service provisions and use on a per-user basis. They keep track of when a particular service is initiated and terminated for a specific user. RADIUS attributes are used by each group of accounting messages.الرسائل المحاسبيةMessages comptablesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
708Accounting servicesIn RADIUS, the process and method of tracking what the user did and when he did it. Accounting is used for collecting network data related to resource usage, as for an audit trail or for billing for connection time or resources used. خدمات المحاسبةServices comptablesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
709AccuracyIn classification, accuracy is defined as the number of observations that are correctly labeled by the algorithm as a fraction of the total number of observations the algorithm attempted to label. Colloquially, it is the fraction of times the algorithm guessed “right.” الدقةExactitudeCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
710Anonymized data (De-identified)Data that are irrevocably stripped of direct identifiers; a code is not kept allowing future re-linkage of data to direct identifiers, and the risk of re-identification of individuals from any remaining indirect identifiers is low or very low. According to the TCPS ( ), secondary use of anonymized (de-identified) human participant data for research purposes requires Research Ethics Board (REB) review and clearance. بيانات مجهولة المصدرDonnées anonymisées (Désidentifié)Cloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
711Application as a ServiceThis is solely one or more applications hosted in the cloud, not in connection with our desktop. Very handy for D and graphic heavy software as that’s normally not available in the cloud. التطبيق كخدمةApplicatif sous la Forme d'un ServiceCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
712Authorized data accessWhen personnel (as individuals or according to role) are given access to data by the researcher.الوصول إلى البيانات المصرح بهاAutoriser l'accès aux donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
713Authentication CredentialsA combination of the user ID or account ID plus the authentication factor(s) used to authenticate an individual, device, or process. بيانات اعتماد المصادقةLes informations d'authentificationCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
714AutoscalingAlso called automatic scaling, is a method used in cloud computing that dynamically adjusts the amount of computational resources in a server farm automatically based on the amount of current requests. Spryng’s servers are using automatic scaling to guarantee optimal performance. القياس الممكننAutoScalingCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
715Availability ZoneMeans a physically isolated location within a Region, these locations have independent infrastructure resources (they are made-up of at least one data centre). A resilient cloud-based solution is distributed across multiple Availability Zones. منطقة توافر الخدماتZone de disponibilitéCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
716Broad network accessCapabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms (e.g., mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and workstations). الوصول إلى الشبكة الواسعةUn large accès au réseauCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
717Brute Force AttackA trial-and-error method used to obtain information such as a user password or personal identification number (PIN). In a brute force attack, automated software generates a large number of consecutive guesses in an attempt to determine the desired data. هجوم القوة الغاشمة ""هجوم عشوائي للحصول على البيانات""Attaque par Force BruteCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
718Cloud AdoptionCloud adoption is a strategic move by organizations of reducing cost, mitigating risk and achieving scalability in applications and services by moving these to the Cloud. There are varying degrees of Cloud adoption across organizations. The depth of adoption depends on the maturity of best practices and enterprise-ready Cloud services availability. Organizations that go ahead with the strategic decision of adopting Cloud-based technologies have to identify potential security vulnerabilities and controls, required to keep data and applications in the Cloud secured, hence there is a need for compliance assessment during Cloud adoption. اعتماد السحابةAdoption du CloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
719Cloud AgentAn Agent that is hosted in the cloud. It typically operates on a computing device over which the Identity Owner does not have direct physical control or access. Mutually exclusive with Edge Agent. A Cloud Agent requires a Wallet and typically has a Service Endpoint. Cloud agents may be hosted by an Agency.وكيل السحابةCloudagentCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
720Cloud ArchitectureCloud architecture refers to the components and subcomponents required for Cloud computing. These components typically consist of a front-end platform, back-end platforms, a Cloud-based delivery, and a network. البنية السحابيةL'Architecture CloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
721Cloud-BasedAn internet accessible computer environment usually hosted at a centrally managed third-party data center. Access to cloud-based systems is typically through a browser or Smart Client.القائم على السحابةBasé sur le cloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
722Cloud ComputingThe process of delivering IT services in which resources (data, applications) are stored, managed and processed in remote servers hosted on the Internet, rather than on a local server or personal computer. Data and software packages are stored on remote servers in secure data centres. Cloud computing provides access to this information as long as an electronic device has access to the web, allowing employees to work remotely. الحوسبة السحابيةCloud Computing Informatique en NuageCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
723Cloud Computing – Main Models: . Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) . Platform as a Service (PaaS) . Software as a Service (SaaS)Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. الحوسبة السحابية - ثلاثة نماذج رئيسة: - البنية التحتية كخدمة - المنصة كخدمة - البرمجيات كخدمةInformatique en Nuage- Trois modèl principaux: - Infrastructure en tant que Service - Plateforme en tant que Service - Logiciel en tant que ServiceCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
724Cloud hubAutomation endpoint that is part of a data center or point of presence (POP) acting as a hub point for overlay connections from many spoke devices. Cloud hubs are usually logical entities in a multitenant device (cloud hub device).مركز السحابةCloud hubCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
725Cloud InfrastructureEncompasses the servers, virtual machines, storage systems, networking, and other components required for cloud computing and infrastructure as a service. Cloud infrastructure provides the building blocks, or primitives, for creating hybrid and private clouds that deliver cloud computing services. البنية التحتية السحابيةInfrastructure de CloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
726Cloud Management Platform (CMP)A suite of integrated software tools that an enterprise can use to monitor and control Cloud computing resources. Allows administrative control over public, private, hybrid and multicloud deployments. منصة إدارة السحابة (CMP)Plateforme de Gestion CloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
727Cloud MigrationThe process of moving data, applications or other business elements to a cloud computing environment. One common model is the transfer of data and applications from a local, on-premises data center to the public Cloud. الهجرة السحابيةMigration vers le Nuage / Migration dans le CloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
728Cloud NativeCloud Native is an approach to building and running applications that exploit the advantages of the Cloud computing delivery model. It is about ‘How’ these applications are created and deployed, not ‘Where’. Though it does tend to imply that these applications live in the public Cloud. السحابة الأصليةCloud NativeCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
729Cloud Native Computing Foundation ""CNCF"" An open-source project hosted by the Linux Foundation, the CNCF hosts Kubernetes and other key open source projects, including Prometheus, Open Tracing, Fluentd, and linkerd. VMware is a member of the Linux Foundation and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. مؤسسة الحوسبة السحابية الأصلية ""CNCF""Cloud Native Computing FoundationCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
730Cloud ProviderA company that provides cloud-based platform, infrastructure, application or storage services to other organizations and/or individuals. مزود الخدمات السحابيةFournisseur de Cloud Fournisseur de Services InfonuagiquesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
731Cloud ServicesServices provided using cloud computing, that is, a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. الخدمات السحابيةServices de Cloud Services en NuageCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
732Cloud Service Broker (CSB)An entity (real or virtual) that manages the use, performance and delivery of cloud services, in addition to enabling the negotiations and relationships between cloud providers and cloud consumers. NIST defines CSB as an IT role and business model in which a company or other entity adds value to one or more (public or private) cloud services on behalf of one or more consumers of that service via three primary roles including aggregation, integration and customization brokerage. وسيط الخدمات السحابيةUn courtier en services cloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
733Cloud Services Brokerage (CSB)An IT role and business model in which a company or other entity adds value to one or more (public or private) Cloud services on behalf of one or more consumers of that service via primary roles; aggregation, integration and customization brokerage. A CSB provider offers a combination of technologies, people and methodologies to implement and manage Cloud-based projects. خدمات الوساطة السحابيةServices de Courtage InfonuagiqueCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
734Cloud Ready/Cloud ReadinessAn IT solution that is either already or can be hosted on a virtual x server using either Linux or Windows as an operating system and there are no software licensing or data issues with the solution consuming cloud-based hosting services.جاهزية السحابةPrêt pour le cloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
735Cloud Service Integrator (CSI)Specializes in the integration of cloud hosted services (sometimes referred to as Integration-as-a-Service). For the extended hybrid cloud model some of the IT solutions, services and data are maintained locally, while others are served remotely via multiple cloud providers. تكامل الخدمات السحابيةIntégrateur services cloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
736Cloud Security MonitoringThe continuous security monitoring of cloud infrastructure for potential security vulnerabilities and threats, as well as assuring optimal functioning of the cloud platform while minimizing security risks including costly data breaches. مراقبة الأمن السحابيSurveillance la sécurité du cloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
737Cloud Service Provider (CSP)CSPs are companies that offer network services, infrastructure, or business applications in the Cloud. The large public CSPs are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. مزود الخدمة السحابية (CSP)Fournisseurs de Services Cloud Fournisseurs de Services InfonuagiquesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
738Cloud Service Provider (CSP) Lock-inThe ease (or lack thereof) of moving data between providers or services. Many cloud platforms and services are proprietary, making it difficult to migrate to another provider. تأمين مزود الخدمة السحابية (CSP)Verrouillage Fournisseurs de Services InfonuagiquesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
739Cloud siteSite where customers access network services and all virtualized network functions (VNFs) from a service provider’s cloud in a network point of presence (POP).موقع السحابةSite cloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
740Cloud spokeAutomation endpoint that is part of a customer virtual private cloud (VPC) on cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). Typically, these points are connected using overlay connections to hub sites. التحدث مع السحابةCloud a parléCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
741Cloud StackCloud computing software for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services. مكدس السحابPile de CloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
742Cloud TypesThere are three types of clouds: private, public, and hybrid. See separate entries for definitions. Cloud types should not be confused with the three types of services offered through the cloud (IAAS, SAAS or PAAS). أنواع الخدمات السحابيةTypes de NuagesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
743Community CloudThe cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific community of consumers from organizations that have shared concerns (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance considerations). It may be owned, managed, and operated by one or more of the organizations in the community, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist on or off premises. مجتمع سحابةNuage communautaireCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
744Cognitive Computing ""CC""Refers to technology platforms that are based on the scientific disciplines of artificial intelligence and signal processing. These platforms use tools such as machine learning, face recognition or natural language processing and more. الحوسبة المعرفيةInformatique CognitiveCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
745ComputingThe Computing sector consists of projects that aim to decentralize the sharing, storing, and transmission of data by removing intermediaries and ensuring privacy for all users. All projects that aim to gather, transmit, store, and share data and web services in a decentralized manner play a key factor in building the infrastructure of Web .0. This includes on-chain and off-chain data transmission, social data platforms, peer-to-peer secure data transactions, open networks, free market private computation, and decentralized file storage and file sharing. الحوسبةInformatiqueCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
746Confidential dataInformation entrusted to a person, organization or entity with the intent that it be kept private and access to that information be controlled or restricted. البيانات السريةDonnées confidentiellesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
747ContainerA packaging format that encapsulates a set of software with its dependencies and runs in a virtual server environment with minimal OS. Therefore, it is a form of virtualization. The difference between VM’s and containers is that each VM has its own full-sized OS, while containers have a minimal OS. حاويةConteneurCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
748ContainerizationThe encapsulation of an application in a container.النقل بالحاوياتConteneurisationCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
749Consumption Based PricingA consumption-based pricing model is a service provision and payment scheme in which the customer pays according to the resources used. This model is becoming a popular approach within Cloud Managed Services.التسعير على أساس الاستهلاكTarification Fondé Sur la ConsommationCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
750Data CenterA facility built for the purpose of housing cloud-based resources such as servers and other service-based equipment. Many companies operate multiple data centers in different geographic locations to ensure redundancies against data center failures, thus allowing an always-online service offering. مركز البياناتCentre de Données.Cloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
751Data cleansingThe act of reviewing and revising data to remove duplicate entries, correct misspellings, add missing data and provide more consistency. تنقية البياناتNettoyage des donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
752Data custodianA person responsible for the database structure and the technical environment, including the storage of data. أمين البياناتDépositaire des donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
753Data-directed decision makingThe use of data to support making crucial decisions.صنع القرار الموجه بالبياناتPrise de décision sur les donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
754Data integrityThe measure of trust an organization has in the accuracy, completeness, timeliness and validity of the data. تكامل البياناتIntégrité des donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
755Data lifecycleAll of the stages in the existence of data from collection to destruction. A lifecycle view is used to enable active management of data over time, thus maintaining security, accessibility, and utility. دورة حياة البياناتCycle de vie des donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
756Data model, Data modelingAn agreed upon data structure. This structure is used to pass data from one individual, group, or organization to another, so that all parties know what the different data components mean. Often meant for both technical and non-technical users. نموذج البيانات، نمذجة البياناتModèle de données, Modélisation de donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
757Data PrivacyThe aspect of information technology that deals with the protection of individual or organizational information as it relates to sharing with third parties. Recent data privacy standards include the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).خصوصية البياناتLa confidentialité des donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
758Data scienceThe discipline that incorporates statistics, data visualization, computer programming, data mining, machine learning and database engineering to solve complex problems. علم البياناتScience des donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
759Data securityThe practice of protecting data from destruction or unauthorized access.أمن البياناتSécurité des donnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
760De-identificationThe act of changing individual-level data to decrease the probability of disclosing an individual’s identity. This can involve masking direct identifiers (e.g., name, phone number, address) as well as transforming (e.g., recoding, combining) or suppressing indirect identifiers that could be used alone or in combination to-identify an individual (e.g., birth dates, geographic details, dates of key events). If done correctly, de-identification minimizes and therefore mitigates risk of re-identification of any data shared or released. إخفاء الهويةDésidentificationCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
761Directly identifying informationInformation that identifies a specific individual, organization or entity through direct identifiers (e.g., name, social insurance number, personal health number). معلومات تحديد الهوية مباشرةInformations d'identification directeCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
762Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRAAS)In event of disaster, DRAAS means a business has access to a hosted desktop with Office, Skype for Business and their chosen data and apps. This ensures minimum downtime and maximum business continuity by allowing employees to keep working without an office, for example. التعافي من الكوارث كخدمةReprise Après Sinistre en Tant que ServiceCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
763Distributed Cloud ComputingThe interaction of cloud technologies across multiple geographic locations to perform computations.الحوسبة السحابية الموزعةCloud computing distribuéCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
764Edge ComputingThe processing of data near to the network’s “edge” - the place where the data is generated - rather than transmitting that data to a data center for processing. This processing can be done by the device producing the data or by a local computer or server.حوسبة الحافةInformatique de périphérie Edge computingCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
765Elasticity in the CloudIn Cloud computing, Elasticity is a term used to reference the ability of a system to adapt to changing workload demand by provisioning and de-provisioning pooled resources so that provisioned resources match current demand as well as possible. مرونة السحابةÉlasticité du Cloud Flexibilité du NuageCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
766EncryptionA technology that codes data into an unreadable form so it can only be decoded by a computer that has the correct key. Encryption prevents unauthorized users from reading data that is transmitted over a network.التشفيرChiffrementCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
767Fog ComputingFog computing extends cloud computing’s services to the edge of the network, in other words closer to the end user. This provides a better quality of service, reduced latency and increased mobility. By better distributing data, fog computing enables the effective use of Internet of Things applications that demand real-time service. الحوسبة الضبابيةInformatiques de FogCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
768GithubA cloud-based service that allows developers to store and manage source code (a source code repository), enabling them to track and control changes to the code using the ‘Git’ open-source version control system. جيث هب (خدمة من الحوسبة السحابية)GithubCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
769Google Cloud Platform ""GCP""a Cloud computing service that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as YouTube. It provides a series of modular Cloud services including computing, data storage, data analytics and machine learning. منصة جوجل السحابيةGoogle Plateforme CloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
770Grid ComputingThe practice of using numerous widely separated computers (esp. ones linked via the internet) to carry out large computational tasks by sharing processing power, typically for the purposes of scientific research. الحوسبة الشبكيةGrille InformatiqueCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
771High risk dataHigh risk data are data which require strong controls against unauthorized disclosure, loss, and modification that could result in significant risk of harm to both researchers and research participants, be they individuals, communities, organizations, or entities. Examples of high-risk data include, but are not limited to, information related to racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature; trade union membership; physical or mental health or condition; sexual life; and the commission or alleged commission of any offence by the participant. البيانات عالية الخطورةDonnées à haut risqueCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
772Hosted Private CloudA Hosted Private Cloud is a dedicated environment that is internally designed, externally hosted, and externally managed. It blends the benefits of controlling the service and architectural design with the benefits of data centre outsourcing. السحابة الخاصة المستضافةLe Cloud privé hébergéCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
773Hybrid Cloud A cloud computing environment that uses a mix of on-premises private cloud and public cloud services with orchestration between the two platforms. By allowing workloads to move between private and public clouds as computing needs and costs change, a hybrid cloud gives businesses greater flexibility, and more data deployment options. الحوسبة المختلطةCloud HybrideCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
774Hyper-converged InfrastructureIntegrates the same key types of IT components that converged infrastructure does, but in a scalable rack or appliance that simplifies management, improves performance, and adds elastic scalability. See converged infrastructure. البنية التحتية فائقة التقاربInfrastructure HyperconvergéeCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
775Identifying informationInformation that identifies an individual, organization or entity, or information for which it is reasonably foreseeable, under given circumstances, could be utilized, either alone or with other information, to make such an identification. معلومات تعريفيةDonnées d'identificationCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
776Indirectly identifying informationInformation that, while not directly identifying, when used or considered in combination with other information, could reasonably be expected to identify an individual, organization or entity (e.g., date of birth, education level, place of residence or other detailed geographic information, or unique personal characteristics). معلومات تحديد الهوية غير المباشرةInformations d'identification indirectesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
777InfrastructureCloud Infrastructure refers to a virtual infrastructure that is delivered or accessed via a network or the internet. This usually refers to the on-demand services or products being delivered through the model known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).البنية التحتيةInfrastructureCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
778Infrastructure as Code (IaC)The process of managing and provisioning IT resources through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools. The IT infrastructure managed in this way comprises both physical equipment such as bare-metal servers as well as virtual machines and associated configuration resources. It can use either scripts or declarative definitions, rather than manual processes. IaC approaches are promoted for Cloud computing, which is sometimes marketed as infrastructure as a service (IaaS). IaC supports IaaS but should not be confused with it. البنية التحتية كرمزInfrastructure en tant que CodeCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
779Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)Cloud infrastructure services, whereby a virtualized environment is delivered as a service over the internet by the provider. The infrastructure can include servers, network equipment, and software. Also, Infrastructure components provided IaaS, located in data centers operated by a provider, typically accessed over the public Internet. IaaS provides a base platform for the deployment of workloads, typically with containers and Kubernetes (K s).البنية التحتية كخدمةInfrastructure en tant que ServiceCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
780Infrastructure as-Code (IaC)Given the ability to automate aaS via APIs, the implementation of the automation is typically via Python code, Ansible playbooks, and similar. These automation artefacts are programming code that define how the services are consumed. As such, they can be subject to the same code management and software development regimes as any other body of code. This means that infrastructure automation can be subject to all of the quality and consistency benefits, CI/CD, traceability, automated testing, compliance checking, and so on, that could be applied to any coding project. البنية التحتية كرمزL’infrastructure en tant que codeCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
781Insider ThreatA malicious threat to an organization that comes from people within the organization, such as employees, former employees, contractors, vendors, or business associates who have inside information concerning the organization’s security practices, data, and computer systems. التهديد الداخلي (تهديد من الداخل)Menaces InternesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
782Kubernetes (K s)Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. نظام مفتوح المصدر لأتمتة التطبيقاتKubernetes(K s)Cloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
783Low risk dataData which requires controls against unauthorized modification for the sake of data integrity rather than to prevent risk to researchers or research participants. Examples include but are not limited to, unrestricted information composed of completely de-identified or anonymous data, blank consent forms and information sheets, and information gathered from a public-facing website. بيانات منخفضة المخاطرDonnées à faible risqueCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
784Machine learningThe use of data-driven algorithms that perform better as they have more data to work with, redefining their models or “learning” from this additional data. This involves cross validation with training and test data sets. Studying the practical application of machine learning usually means researching which machine learning algorithms are best for which situations. تعلم الآلةL'apprentissage automatique (AA) / Machine LearningCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
785Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) A type of cyberattack where a malicious actor inserts him/herself into the communication between two parties, intercepts online traffic for his own use, and then sends it on to the recipient. هجوم وسيطAttaque de l'Intercepteur / Attaque par Intrusion HumaineCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
786MapReduceA programming model and implementation designed to work with big data sets in parallel on a distributed cluster system. MapReduce programs consist of two steps. First, a map step takes chunks of data and processes it in some way (e.g. parsing text into words). Second, a reduce step takes the data that are generated by the map step and performs some kind of summary calculation (e.g. counting word occurrences). In between the map and reduce step, data move between machines using a key-value pair system that guarantees that each reducer has the information it needs to complete its calculation (e.g. all of the occurrences of the word “Python” get routed to a single processor so they can be counted in aggregate). مابريديوس / تقليص الخريطةMapReduceCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
787Measured serviceCloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service (e.g., storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts). Resource usage can be monitored, controlled, and reported, providing transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilized service. الخدمة المحسوبةLes services mesurésCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
788MetadataIs information that describes various facets of an information asset to improve its usability throughout its life cycle.الميتاداتا البيانات الوصفيةMétadonnéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
789MicroservicesA microservices architecture is characterized by processes implementing fine-grained services, typically exposed via REST APIs and which can be composed into systems. The processes are often container-based, and the instantiation of the services often managed with Kubernetes. Microservices managed in this way are intrinsically well suited for deployment into IaaS environments, and as such, are the basis of a cloud native architecture. الخدمات المصغرةMicroservicesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
790Natural Language Processing (NLP)An interdisciplinary field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computation linguistics that focuses on programming computers and algorithms to parse, process, and understand human language. NLP can be regarded as a form of AI. معالجة اللغة الطبيعيةTraitement du Langage NaturelCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
791Non-Identifiable DataData that upon initial collection cannot lead to the identification of a specific individual, to distinguishing one person from another, or to personally identifiable information. Note that caution must be used if two such data sets are to be linked as the linkage could result in identifiable data. البيانات غير المحددة للهويةDonnées non identifiablesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
792On-Demand Self-ServiceA consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilities, such as server time and network storage, as needed automatically without requiring human interaction with each service provider. الخدمة الذاتية عند الطلبLibre-service à la demandeCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
793Pay-As-You-GoA cost model for cloud services that encompasses both subscription-based and consumption-based models, in contrast to traditional IT cost models that requires up-front capital expenditures for hardware and software. الدفع عند الاستخدامPrépayé / Pay-As-You-GoCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
794Personally, identifiable information (PII)Similar to direct identifiers, PII refers to information that can be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a person, organization, or entity (heretofore ‘individual’) or can be used with other sources to achieve the same end. PII includes but is not limited to the name of an individual, or other identifying items such as birth date, address or geocoding. Data coded with unique personal identifiers (UPI) are still identifiable if the holder of the information also has the master list or key linking the UPI to individuals. Data may also be identifiable on this level because of the number of different pieces of information known about a particular individual. It may also be possible to ascertain the identity of individuals from aggregated data where there are very few individuals in a particular category. Identifiability is dependent on the unique characteristics of information, the amount of information held that may be combined resulting in identification, and on the skills and technology of the data holder that may allow such combinations. معلومات التعريف الشخصيةInformations identifiables personnellementCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
795Platform as a Service (PAAS)A cloud computing model that provides a development and hosting platform over the internet, simulating the operating system level of a server. In a PAAS model, a cloud provider delivers hardware and software tools (usually those needed for application development) to its users as a service, allowing users to develop applications without the need to build or maintain the infrastructure of a server. المنصة كخدمةPlateforme en tant que ServiceCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
796Predictive AnalyticsThe use of data to predict patterns of activity. As applied to SupTech, predictive analytics may for example identify potential signals such as the unusual use of communications, fraud, likelihood of default, non-routine patterns of leaving the office and non-completion of training. Such signals may predict elevated misconduct risks. Predictive analytics may involve technologies such as machine learning or visualization tools. التحليلات التنبؤيةAnalyse Prédictive.Cloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
797Private CloudUsed to describe a cloud computing platform that is implemented within the corporate firewall, under the control of the IT department. A private cloud is designed to offer the same features and benefits of cloud systems but removes a number of objections to the cloud computing model including control over enterprise and customer data, worries about security, and issues connected to regulatory compliance. سحابة خاصةCloud PrivéCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
798Private Cloud ApplianceA Private Cloud Appliance is a dedicated environment procured from a supplier that is designed by that supplier with provider/market driven features and architectural control, is internally hosted, and externally or internally managed. It blends the benefits of using predefined functional architecture and lower deployment risk with the benefits of internal security and control. جهاز السحابة الخاصةAppliance de cloud privéCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
799Private Cloud ServicesPrivate cloud services store data on internal servers using local infrastructure. A private cloud is not shared with any other organization. Management of and access to data stored in private cloud services is controlled by the home institution or organization. Data resides on the organization’s intranet or hosted data center where it is protected behind a firewall. Management, maintenance and updating of data centers is the responsibility of the institution. Private clouds may offer an increased level of security as they share very few, if any, resources with other organizations. However, not all institutions have the infrastructure and/or personnel needed to host private services. خدمات السحابة الخاصةServices de cloud privéesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
800Private ComputingRefers to the free market buying and selling of cloud computing power, surplus bandwidth, and other computational services. Private computing markets are decentralized, global, and pseudonymous with no barriers to entry. الحوسبة الخاصةLe Private CloudCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
801Private On-premises Data CenterA data center infrastructure housed within an environment owned by a given enterprise is distinguished from other forms of data center, with the implication that the private data center is more secure, given that access is restricted to those authorized by the enterprise. Thus, circumstances can arise where very sensitive IT assets are only deployed in a private data center, in contrast to using public IaaS. For many intents and purposes, the underlying technology can be identical, allowing for hybrid deployments where some IT assets are privately deployed but also accessible to other assets in public IaaS. IAM, VPNs, firewalls, and similar are key technologies needed to underpin the security of such an arrangement. مركز بيانات الأماكن الخاصةDatacenter privé sur siteCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
802Public CloudA type of cloud computing in which a service provider makes resources, such as applications and storage, available to the general public over the internet. Public cloud services may be free or offered on a pay-per-usage model. سحابة عامةPublic Cloud Nuage PublicCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
803Public Cloud ServicesPublic cloud services are companies that provide free or for-fee storage to multiple customers using remote servers that are managed by a provider. Data is stored on the provider’s server and the provider is responsible for the management and maintenance of the data center. While public cloud services are shared among different customers, each customer's data and applications running in the cloud remain hidden from other cloud customers. Examples of public cloud services include Google Drive, DropBox, iCloud and OneDrive (personal). Of particular note to Canadian academic institutions, public cloud storage is provided using servers that are outside of the institution’s control and that could be anywhere in the world, and thus subject to the host country’s laws. While public clouds employ privacy and security measures, they have sprawling infrastructure with many different points where an unauthorized user could attempt to extract data. In some cases, private services may be less open to such attacks. خدمات السحابة العامةServices de Cloud publiquesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
804Pull TechnologyNetwork communication where the initial request for data originates from the client, and then is responded to by the server. تقنية السحبTechnologie de PullCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
805Push TechnologySoftware that automates the delivery of information to users.تقنية الدفعTechnologie de PushCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
806Secured Socket Layering (SSL)A computing protocol that ensures the security of data sent via the internet by using encryption.طبقات المقابس الآمنةSecure Sockets LayersCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
807Self-hosted Private CloudA Self-hosted Private Cloud provides the benefit of architectural and operational control, utilizes the existing investment in people and equipment, and provides a dedicated on-premises environment that is internally designed, hosted, and managed. السحابة الخاصة ذاتية الاستضافةNuage privée auto-hébergéCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
808Serverless ComputingServerless computing is a Cloud-based technology where an application runs on-demand. It does not require the customer to manage a server to run their code. Pricing is calculated based on memory usage and execution duration.الحوسبة بدون خادمInformatique sans ServeurCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
809Session RidingAn attack in which a hacker steals a user’s cookie in order to use an application in the name of the user. An attacker might also use a cross-site request forgery attack in order to trick the user into sending authenticated requests to arbitrary websites in order to achieve various objectives.امتطاء الجلسةSéance d'ÉquitationCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
810Shared NetworkRefers to an open-source market of distributedcloud computing that allows participants (miners) to offer energy and computation resources at a variable cost to pseudonymous buyers. Shared Network also includes open networks that provide miners with a low cost, decentralized alternative to the existing web service providers. The decentralized upholding of the network and its growth aligns with Metcalfe’s law of networks, and relinquishes the need for large, centralized cloud service providers. الشبكة المشتركةLe partage réseauCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
811Shared Responsibility ModelA model used to define the respective obligations of organizations and cloud providers. This cloud specific concept supports a Direct Participant in identifying, understanding, and defining their and their Cloud Service Providers respective responsibilities in respect of technology operations and data security, and how both should act appropriately to protect data. نموذج المسؤولية المشتركةModèle de responsabilité partagéeCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
812Shared StorageRefers to the decentralization of storage servers which are traditionally owned and operated by a central organization. Shared storage decentralizes the storage responsibilities across an open-source network of miners with a system of economic incentives. This allows for pseudonymous, private file sharing on a decentralized network. The centralization of data storage is a high risk for potential hacks and bad actors to access sensitive information. Shared storage platforms increase security of data storage by running on a blockchain network that allows for privacy and pseudonymity of data transmitters. التخزين المشتركStockage partagéCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
813Software as a Service (SAAS)Provides you with a completed product that is run and managed by the service provider. In most cases, people referring to SaaS are referring to end-user applications as you do not have to think about how the service is maintained or how the underlying infrastructure is managed; you only need to think about how you will use that particular piece software. البرمجيات كخدمة (نموذج حوسبة سحابية)Logiciel en tant que ServiceCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
814Structured DataInformation that has a pre-defined data model or is organized in a predefined manner.البيانات المهيكلةDonnées StructuréesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
815Supply ChainThe system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in creating, building, and moving a product or service from supplier to customer. سلسلة التوريدChaîne d'Approvisionnement / Chaîne LogistiqueCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
816TerraformAn open-source IaC software tool for cloud services, based on declarative configuration files.تيرافورم (أداة برمجية للبنية التحتية كرمز للخدمات السحابية)TerraformCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
817Two Factors Authentication ( FA)Cloud-based strong authentication service that enables enterprises to secure access to networks and applications while preventing access by malicious unauthorized attackers. “Multi-Factor Authentication” requires not only a password and username but also something that only that user has on them, i.e. a piece of information only they should know or have immediately to hand – such as a physical token. المصادقة الثنائيةAuthentification à Deux Facteurs (A F)Cloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
818Unstructured DataInformation that either does not have a pre-defined data model or is not organized in a pre-defined manner.بيانات غير مهيكلةDonnées non StructuréesCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
819Virtual Machine EscapeA cloud vulnerability that exploits a hypervisor remotely by using a vulnerability present in the hypervisor itself. Such vulnerabilities are quite rare, but they do exist. Additionally, a virtual machine can escape from the virtualized sandbox environment and gain access to the hypervisor, and consequentially all the virtual machines running on it. الهروب الالي الافتراضيÉvasion de Machine VirtuelleCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
820Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is an on-demand configurable pool of shared computing resources allocated within a public Cloud environment, providing for a level of isolation between the different organizations using the resources. This network separation allows for the protection of applications and data using software defined networks, firewalls, load balancers, etc. السحابة الافتراضية الخاصةNuage Privé VirtuelCloud Computing الحوسبة السحابية
821Access challenge"Authentication method used to prove the identity of a user logging in to the network. When a user logs inthe network access serverwireless access pointor authentication server creates a ""challenge
822Access controlThe process of granting or denying requests for access to systems, applications and information. Can also refer to the process of granting or denying requests for access to facilities.التحكم في الوصولContrôle d'accèsCryptography التشـفير
823Access Cross Domain SolutionA system permitting access to multiple security domains from a single client device.الوصول عبر حلول المجال الآمنSolution accès inter-domainesCryptography التشـفير
824Advanced Encryption Standard ""AES""The Advanced Encryption Standard or AES is a symmetric block cipher used by the U.S. government to protect classified information and is implemented in software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data.معيار التشفير المتقدمStandard d'Encryptage Avancé (AES) Standard de Chiffrement AvancéCryptography التشـفير
825AggregatorWeb applications/systems which allow users to access a wider range of liquidity pools via one single platform.مجمعAgrégateurCryptography التشـفير
826Algorithmic Crypto AssetA crypto asset that can be pegged to a price level or a unit maintained through buying, selling, or exchange among assets, or some other predetermined mechanism.أصل التشفير الحسابيActif cryptographique algorithmiqueCryptography التشـفير
827Algorithmic StablecoinAlgorithmic stablecoins refer to stablecoins in which there is a dynamic change in supply to maintain the peg, either through a rebasing or seigniorage mechanism. Rebasing is a mint-and-burn mechanism that distributes the change in supply proportionally across all token holders. Seigniorage is a mint-and-burn mechanism where there is an alternative token used to maintain the peg. If the price is above or below its peg, tokens will be minted (burned). Stablecoins that are partially algorithmic are also classified as algorithmic stablecoins. عملة مستقرة خوارزميةStablecoin algorithmiqueCryptography التشـفير
828AnsibleAn infrastructure automation tool, used to implement processes for instantiating and configuring IT service components, such as VMs on an IaaS platform. Supports the consistent execution of processes defined in YAML “playbooks” at scale, across multiple targets. Because the Ansible artefacts (playbooks) are text-based, they can be stored in a source code management (SCM) system, such as GitHub. This allows for software development like processes to be applied to infrastructure automation, i.e., Infrastructure-as-code. أنسيبل (أداة من أدوات أتمتة البنية التحتية)AnsibleCryptography التشـفير
829Asset-Backed TokenA digital representation of an actual asset or revenue stream. Also, A Crypto-Asset that represents an interest in a physical asset. الرمز المدعوم بالأصولJeton Adossés à des ActifsCryptography التشـفير
830Asymmetric cryptographyAsymmetric cryptography or public-key cryptography is cryptography in which a pair of keys is used to encrypt and decrypt a message so that it arrives securely. Initially, a network user receives a public and private key pair from a certificate authority. Any other user who wants to send an encrypted message can get the intended recipient’s public key from a public directory. They use this key to encrypt the message, and they send it to the recipient. When the recipient gets the message, they decrypt it with their private key, which no one else should have access to. Also, Cryptography that uses two separate keys to exchange data, one to encrypt or digitally sign the data and one for decrypting the data or verifying the digital signature. Also known as public key cryptography.التشفير غير المتماثلCryptographie AsymétriqueCryptography التشـفير
831Automated Market Making (AMM)A DeFi protocol allowing digital assets to be traded in a permissionless and automatic way via Liquidity Pools rather than a traditional CLOB (Closed Limit Order Book)تكوين السوق الآليTenue de marché automatiséeCryptography التشـفير
832Back DoorA back door is a means of access to a computer program that bypasses security mechanisms. A programmer may sometimes install a back door so that the program can be accessed for troubleshooting or other purposes. However, attackers often use back doors that they detect or install themselves, as part of an exploit. In some cases, a worm is designed to take advantage of a back door created by an earlier attack. For example, Nimda gained entrance through a back door left by Code Red. الباب الخلفيPorte Arrière Porte DérobéeCryptography التشـفير
833Black HatBlack hat is used to describe a hacker (or, if you prefer, cracker), who breaks into a computer system or network with malicious intent. Unlike a white hat hacker, the black hat hacker takes advantage of the break-in, perhaps destroying files or stealing data for some future purpose. The black hat hacker may also make the exploit known to other hackers and/or the public without notifying the victim. This gives others the opportunity to exploit the vulnerability before the organization is able to secure it. القبعة السوداء (لوصف المخترق )Chapeau NoirCryptography التشـفير
834BiometricsMeasurable physical characteristics used to identify or verify an individual.القياسات الحيويةBiométrieCryptography التشـفير
835BitLocker ManagerWindows BitLocker is designed to help protect Windows computers by encrypting both data and operating system files. To improve the security of BitLocker deployments and to simplify and reduce the cost of ownership, Dell provides a single, central management console that addresses many security concerns and offers an integrated approach to managing encryption across other non-BitLocker platforms, whether physical, virtual, or cloud based. BitLocker Manager supports BitLocker encryption for operating systems, fixed drives, and BitLocker to Go. BitLocker Manager enables you to seamlessly integrate BitLocker into your existing encryption needs and to manage BitLocker with the minimum effort while streamlining security and compliance. BitLocker Manager provides integrated management for key recovery, policy management and enforcement, automated TPM management, FIPS compliance, and compliance reporting. مدير عمليات تشفيرLe gestionnaire BitLockerCryptography التشـفير
836Blockchain token economy companiesCompanies business models that entail participation or blockchain-based decentralized ecosystems A blockchain-based token economy has emerged, driven by the explosive growth in the value and variety of crypto-assets. شركات ترميز وتشفير الأنشطة الاقتصاديةEntreprises de l'économie des jetons BlockchainCryptography التشـفير
837CertificatePublic Key, together with additional information, laid down in the Certificate Profile, rendered unforgeable via encipherment using the Private Key of the Certificate Authority which issued. شهادةCertificatCryptography التشـفير
838Certificate Authority (CA)A certificate authority (CA) is an authority in a network that issues and manages security credentials and public keys for message encryption. As part of a public key infrastructure (PKI), a CA checks with a registration authority (RA) to verify information provided by the requestor of a digital certificate. If the RA verifies the requestor’s information, the CA can then issue a certificate. Also, It's A part of the structure responsible for issuing and verifying electronic Certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists with its electronic signature.المرجع المصدقAutorité de CertificationCryptography التشـفير
839Commercial Grade Cryptographic EquipmentA subset of ICT equipment which contains cryptographic components.معدات التشفير بدرجة تجاريةÉquipement cryptographique de qualité commercialeCryptography التشـفير
840Common EncryptionThe Common key makes encrypted files accessible to all managed users on the device where they were created.التشفير المشتركChiffrement courantsCryptography التشـفير
841Consumer guideSpecific configuration and usage guidance for products evaluated through the ASD Cryptographic Evaluation program or the High Assurance Evaluation program.دليل المستهلكGuide du consommateurCryptography التشـفير
842CryptanalysisStudies the encrypted secret message (ciphertext) to gain as much information as possible about the original message.تحليل الشفراتCryptanalyseCryptography التشـفير
843Crypto-AssetsA type of private digital asset that depends primarily on cryptography and distributed ledger or similar technology as part of their perceived or inherent value. Also, A type of private sector digital asset that depends primarily on cryptography and distributed ledger or similar technology.الأصول المُشفرةCrypto-ActifsCryptography التشـفير
844Crypto Asset or Tokenized Asset A digital representation of value, rights and obligations that are created, stored and transferred electronically, using distributed ledger technology (DLT) or similar technology. أصل مشفر أو أصل باستخدام الترميزCrypto Actif ou JetonCryptography التشـفير
845Crypto-Asset ‘coin versus token’One distinctions between a coin and token is that a coin is issued on the crypto-asset developer’s platform (e.g. bitcoin on Bitcoin blockchain, ether on the Ethereum blockchain), waves on Waves, ripple on XRP whereas a token can be issued on other platform (e.g. Gemini dollar, Filecoin and Documo issued on the Ethereum blockchain). Another distinction is that coins refer to bitcoin and alt-coins, which were issued originally with a main purpose to serve as “currency,” that is, with money and payments-related functions. Tokens have more functions than coins, for example, permitting the coin holders to participate in the service provided or the returns offered by the token issuer. الأصول المشفرة ""العملات مقابل الرموز المشفرة""Crypto-actif « pièce contre jeton »Cryptography التشـفير
846Crypto asset Exchange ProvidersThese are firms which exchange, arrange or make arrangements (whether automated or otherwise) for the exchange of money (i.e. fiat currency) and crypto assets; or of one crypto asset for another. مقدمو خدمات تبادل الأصول المشفرةFournisseurs d’échange des crypto-actifsCryptography التشـفير
847Crypto-asset platform developerCrypto-assets developers on own platform (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum). مطَور منصة الأصول المشفرةDéveloppeur de plateforme de crypto-actifsCryptography التشـفير
848Crypto asset Service ProviderAny person whose occupation or business is the provision of one or more crypto-asset services to third parties on a professional basis. Crypto asset services include the provision of an exchange, including automated processes, enabling the exchange of crypt assets for money or for one crypto asset for another crypto asset and providing custodian services, e.g. through the provision of a custodial wallet to hold the cryptocurrencies. مقدمو خدمات الأصول المشفرةLes fournisseurs de services de crypto-actifsCryptography التشـفير
849Crypto-asset trading platformAny trading platform where Crypto-Assets can be bought and sold, regardless of legal status. Or Any trading platform where Crypto-Assets can be bought and sold, regardless of the platform's legal status. منصة تداول الأصول المشفرةPlateforme de Trading de Crypto-Actifs Platesforme de Négociation de Crypto-ActifsCryptography التشـفير
850Crypto-Asset Coin Versus TokenThe difference between a coin and token is that a coin is issued on the crypto-asset developer’s platform (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum) whereas a token can be issued on other platform. عملة الأصول المشفرة مقابل الرمزMonnaie de Crypto-Actif contre JetonCryptography التشـفير
851Crypto Asset CustodyRefers to the secure storage of cryptographic keys that are required to unlock and move funds.حفظ الأصول المشفرةDépositaires des Crypto-ActifsCryptography التشـفير
852Crypto-Backed StablecoinCrypto-backed stablecoins are stablecoins in which the collateral is made up of other cryptocurrencies. This can include other types of stablecoins, Bitcoin, Ether, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Crypto-backed stablecoins tend to operate on-chain, where their reserves can be transparently verified by anyone, and are typically over-collateralized in order to accommodate the greater volatility of their reserves. العملات المستقرة المدعومة بالعملات المشفرةStablecoin adossé à des crypto-monnaiesCryptography التشـفير
853Crypto-backed TokensA subset of asset-referenced tokens which reference their value in relation to other crypto assets.الرموز المدعومة بالتشفيرJetons adossés à des cryptomonnaiesCryptography التشـفير
854Crypto Climate Accord (CCA) Launched in April , the CCA is an open-source environmental initiative formed by organizations from the cryptocurrency, blockchain, technology and energy sectors that share a collective ambition to pursue environmental sustainability within the digital asset space. اتفاقية المناخ للعملات المشفرةCrypto Climate AccordCryptography التشـفير
855Crypto-CurrenciesA crypto asset used exclusively/primarily for payments.العملات المُشفرةCryptomonnaies Crypto-MonnaiesCryptography التشـفير
856Cryptocurrency ExchangeA cryptocurrency exchange is any system that operates on the basis of trading cryptocurrencies with other assets. Like a traditional financial exchange, the cryptocurrency exchange's core operation is to allow for the buying and selling of these digital assets, as well as others. A cryptocurrency exchange is also known as a digital currency exchange (DCE). تبادل العملات المشفرةÉchange de Crypto-monnaieCryptography التشـفير
857Cryptocurrency miningCryptocurrency mining is the competitive process that verifies and adds new transactions to the blockchain for a cryptocurrency that uses the proof of work (PoW) method. The miner that wins the competition is rewarded with some amount of the currency and/or transaction fees.تعدين العملات المشفرةL’extraction de crypto-monnaiesCryptography التشـفير
858Cryptographythe conversion of data into private code using encryption algorithms, typically for transmission over a public network. التشفيرCryptographie ChiffrementCryptography التشـفير
859Cryptographic algorithmAn algorithm used to perform cryptographic functions such as encryption, integrity, authentication, digital signatures or key establishment. خوارزمية التشفيرAlgorithmes cryptographiquesCryptography التشـفير
860Cryptographic agility (or crypto agility)The property that permits changing or upgrading cryptographic algorithms or parameters. While not specific to quantum computing, crypto agility would make defense against quantum computers easier by allowing substitution of today’s quantum-vulnerable public-key algorithms with quantum resistant algorithms. سرعة التشفيرAgilité cryptographique crypto-agileCryptography التشـفير
861Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (CAPI) or CryptoAPIThe Microsoft cryptographic application programming interface (API). An API that enables application developers to add authentication, encoding, and encryption to Windows-based applications. واجهة برمجة تطبيقات التشفيرCrypto API Interface de programmation d'applications cryptographiquesCryptography التشـفير
862Cryptographic equipmentA generic term for Commercial Grade Cryptographic Equipment and High Assurance Cryptographic Equipment.معدات التشفيرÉquipement cryptographiqueCryptography التشـفير
863Cryptographic hashAn algorithm (the hash function) which takes as input a string of any length (the message) and generates a fixed length string (the message digest or fingerprint) as output. The algorithm is designed to make it computationally infeasible to find any input which maps to a given digest, or to find two different messages that map to the same digest. تجزئة التشفيرHachage cryptographiqueCryptography التشـفير
864Cryptographic Hash FunctionA function that returns a unique fixed-length string. The returned string is unique for every unique input. Used to create a ""digital ID"" or ""digital thumbprint"" of an input string. وظيفة تجزئة التشفيرFonction de Hachage CryptographiqueCryptography التشـفير
865Cryptographic linkA link used in the block header to reference the previous block in order to create the append-only, sequential chain that forms a blockchain. ارتباط التشفيرLien cryptographiqueCryptography التشـفير
866Cryptocurrency NativeA crypto native is a person or business that has its roots in decentralization, blockchain, distributed ledgers etc. at the end of the spectrum, whilst at the other it refers to those whose political philosophy is maybe libertarian and, in some cases, even peacefully anarchic. (NB There is no settled definition and meaning tends to be context specific). العملة المشفرة الأصليةLa crypto-monnaie nativeCryptography التشـفير
867Cryptographic protocolAn agreed standard for secure communication between two or more entities to provide confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation of information. بروتوكول التشفيرProtocole cryptographiqueCryptography التشـفير
868Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP)A software module that implements cryptographic functions for calling applications that generates digital signatures. Multiple CSPs may be installed. A CSP is identified by a name represented by a NULL-terminated Unicode string.مزود خدمة التشفيرFournisseur de services cryptographiques (CSP)Cryptography التشـفير
869Cryptographic softwareSoftware designed to perform cryptographic functions.برنامج التشفيرLogiciel de cryptographieCryptography التشـفير
870Cryptographic systemA related set of hardware or software used for cryptographic communication, processing or storage, and the administrative framework in which it operates. نظام التشفيرSystème cryptographiqueCryptography التشـفير
871Cryptographic TrustTrust bestowed in a set of machines that are operating a set of cryptographic algorithms to behave as expected.This form of trust is based on mathematics and computer hardware/software engineering.ثقة التشفيرConfiance dans la cryptographieCryptography التشـفير
872Crypto-fiat currencyA digital currency issued and governed by national central banks.العملة القانونية المشفرةMonnaie crypto-fiduciaireCryptography التشـفير
873Crypto liabilities“crypto-liabilities” are defines as obligations that arise from the issuance of crypto-assets that create a present obligation for the issuing entity to transfer or grant access to an economic resource in digital or non-digital form.الالتزامات المشفرةCrypto-passifsCryptography التشـفير
874CryptologyThe mathematical science that deals with cryptoanalysis and cryptography.علم التشفيرCryptologieCryptography التشـفير
875Crypto-TokenCrypto-tokens represent a particular fungible and tradable asset or a utility that is often found on a blockchain.رمز التشفيرJeton CryptographiqueCryptography التشـفير
876DeactivateDeactivation occurs when SED Manager is turned OFF in the Management Console. Once the computer is deactivated, the PBA database is deleted and there is no longer any record of cached users.إلغاء التنشيطDésactiverCryptography التشـفير
877DecryptionRefers to a cryptographic technique that converts unreadable format into plaintext.فك التشفيرDécryptageCryptography التشـفير
878Digital Financial AssetA term used to distinguish financial assets in digital form from other assets, such as images, videos and texts that are also rendered in digital form.أصل مالي رقميActif financier et numérisationCryptography التشـفير
879Digital Native TokensA digital asset that is generated and governed by the protocol of a DLT system.الرموز الرقمية الأصليةJetons numériques natifsCryptography التشـفير
880Digital Non-Native TokensAssets represented digitally on a distributed ledger.الرموز الرقمية غير الأصليةJetons numériques non natifsCryptography التشـفير
881Digital Settlement AssetAccording to the Financial Services and Markets Act, a DSA means a digital representation of value, whether or not cryptographically secured, that – (a) can be used for the settlement of payment obligations, (b) can be transferred, stored or traded electronically, and (c) uses technology supporting the recording or storage of data (which may include distributed ledger technology. A DSA is a digital asset whose primary utility is for payment and settlement. Essentially these are digital assets that are forms of money (digital money) or similar to money (cryptocurrencies).This does not mean that digital settlement assets cannot be used for other purposes, for example holding cryptocurrencies for investment purposes. أصول التسوية الرقميةActif de règlement numériqueCryptography التشـفير
882Digital TokenAny digital representation of an interest, which may be of value, a right to receive a benefit or perform specified functions or may not have a specified purpose or use.رمز رقميJeton NumériqueCryptography التشـفير
883Digital Wallet ProviderA firm that offers storage services to investors in crypto assets. These may be connected online (hot’ storage) or kept offline (‘cold’ storage).مزود الحافظة الرقميةFournisseur de Portefeuille NumériqueCryptography التشـفير
884Crypto asset ExchangesVenues enabling users to buy and sell crypto assets for other assets. They serve as the on-off ramps to the crypto asset ecosystem.تبادل الأصول المشفرةEchanges de Crypto-ActifsCryptography التشـفير
885Data Encryption AlgorithmIn computer security, a -bit block cipher that uses a -bit key, of which bits are used to control the cryptographic process, and bits are used for parity checking to ensure that the key is transmitted properly. خوارزمية تشفير البياناتAlgorithme de chiffrement des donnéesCryptography التشـفير
886Data Encryption Standard (DES)A specification for encryption of computer data that uses a -bit key developed by IBM and adopted by the U.S. government as a standard in .معيار تشفير البياناتNorme de cryptage des données (DES)Cryptography التشـفير
887Deep Cold StorageA type of cold storage where not only Bitcoins are stored offline, but also the system that holds the Bitcoins is never online or connected to any kind of network. التخزين البارد العميقStockage profond à froidCryptography التشـفير
888Denial-of-Service AttackAn attempt by an adversary to prevent legitimate access to online services (typically a website), for example, by consuming the amount of available bandwidth or the processing capacity of the server hosting the online service. هجوم قطع الخدمةAttaque par déni de serviceCryptography التشـفير
889Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)A public key algorithm for digital signature generation and verification used with the Digital Signature Standard.خوارزمية التوقيع الرقميAlgorithme de signature numérique (DSA)Cryptography التشـفير
890Digital Signature Standard (DSS)A standard describing the use of algorithms for digital signature purposes. One of the algorithms specified is DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm).معيار التوقيع الرقميNorme de signature numérique (DSS)Cryptography التشـفير
891Digital WalletsA software application or other tool which is used to control, safeguard or manage public and private cryptographic keys (or their equivalent) associated with Security Tokens. Also, Meaning a payment arrangements that enable end users to securely access, manage and use a variety of payment instruments issued by one or more payment service providers via an application or a website. The electronic wallet may reside on a device owned by the holder, eg a smartphone or a personal computer, or may be remotely hosted on a server but is under the control of the holder.حوافظ رقميةPortefeuilles numériquesCryptography التشـفير
892Digital assetsanything that exists in a binary format and comes with the right to use, and more typically consisting of a data structure intended to describe attributes and rights associated with some entitlement. الأصول الرقميةActifs numériquesCryptography التشـفير
893Digital collectibles Digital assets that are collected by hobbyists and others for entertainment, and which are often not fungible (e.g., Crypto Kitties) (see Tokens, non-fungible).المقتنيات الرقميةObjets de collection numériquesCryptography التشـفير
894Digital currencyA type of currency available only in digital form, which can be fiat currency or virtual currency that acts as a substitute for fiat currency. العملة الرقميةMonnaie numériqueCryptography التشـفير
895Digital currency exchangeA business that allows customers to trade cryptocurrencies or digital currencies for other assets, such as conventional fiat money, or one type of cryptocurrency for another type of cryptocurrency. صرف العملات الرقميةÉchange de devises numériquesCryptography التشـفير
896Digital/electronic walletAn electronic device or software that allows an individual to securely store private keys and broadcast transactions across a peer-to-peer network, which can be hosted (e.g., Coinbase) or user managed (e.g., MyEtherWallet). حافظة رقمية / إلكترونيةPortefeuille numérique / électroniqueCryptography التشـفير
897Digital Rights ManagementA form of access control technology to protect and manage use of digital content or devices in accordance with the content or device provider’s intentions.إدارة الحقوق الرقميةGestion des droits numériquesCryptography التشـفير
898Distributed consensusthe agreed consensus, protocol or procedures for verification, confirmation and updating data stored on a DLT application by its participants. الإجماع الموزعConsensus distribuéCryptography التشـفير
899Distributed Denial of ServiceA denial-of-service technique that uses numerous systems to perform the attack simultaneously.رفض الخدمة الموزعةDéni de service distribuéCryptography التشـفير
900Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)A method for encoding a data object based on Basic Encoding Rules (BER) encoding but with additional constraints. DER is used to encode X. certificates that need to be digitally signed or to have their signatures verified.قواعد الترميز المتميزة (DER)Règles de codage distinguées (DER)Cryptography التشـفير
901Dynamic Attack SurfaceThe automated, on-the-fly changes of an information system’s characteristics to thwart actions of an adversary. سطح هجوم ديناميكيSurface d'attaque dynamiqueCryptography التشـفير
902Dynamic EncryptionThe sending party in a conversation can choose the encryption system at random from a set of many, secure cryptosystems, encrypt the cleartext and transmit the result together with some additional information. The receiver will be able to decrypt the received cryptogram on input the correct key. The receiver does not need to know how the encryption was performed, what is important for the receiver is to do the decryption and retrieve the message. تشفير ديناميكيLe chiffrement dynamiqueCryptography التشـفير
903ERCEthereum’s token standard for fungible tokens which is used by most token projects deployed on Ethereum.معيار الرمز المميز لأيثريومERCCryptography التشـفير
904Electronic Codebook (ECB)A block cipher mode that does not use feedback and encrypts each block individually. Blocks of identical plaintext, either in the same message or in a different message that is encrypted with the same key, are transformed into identical ciphertext blocks. Initialization vectors cannot be used. سجل الترميز الالكترونيLivre de codes électronique / Electronic Codebook (ECB)Cryptography التشـفير
905Electronic codebook (ECB) operationA mode of operation used with block cipher cryptographic algorithms in which plaintext or ciphertext is placed in the input to the algorithm and the result is contained in the output of the algorithm. A mode of encryption using the data encryption algorithm, in which each block of data is enciphered or deciphered without an initial chaining vector. It is used for key management functions and the encode and decode callable services. تشغيل سجل الترميز الإلكترونيFonctionnement du livre de codes électroniqueCryptography التشـفير
906Electronic currencySynonymous with digital currency.العملة الإلكترونيةLa monnaie électroniqueCryptography التشـفير
907Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS)A computerized payment and withdrawal system used to transfer funds from one account to another and to obtain related financial data.نظام تحويل الأموال الإلكترونيSystème de transfert électronique de fonds (EFTS)Cryptography التشـفير
908EncipherTo scramble data or to convert data to a secret code that masks the meaning of the data to any unauthorized recipient. Synonymous with encrypt. Contrast with decipher.مشفر تحويلEncipherCryptography التشـفير
909Enciphered dataData whose meaning is concealed from unauthorized users or observers.معطيات التشفيرDonnées chiffréesCryptography التشـفير
910EncodeTo convert data by the use of a code in such a manner that reconversion to the original form is possible. In computer security, to convert plaintext into an unintelligible form by means of a code system. In ICSF, to encipher data by use of a clear key. التشفيرEncoderCryptography التشـفير
911Encryption algorithmSet of mathematically expressed rules for rendering data unintelligible by executing a series of conversions controlled by a key.خوارزمية التشفيرLes algorithmes de  cryptageCryptography التشـفير
912Encryption at restEncryption at rest provides data protection for stored data (at rest). Encryption at rest is designed to prevent the attacker from accessing the unencrypted data by ensuring the data is encrypted when on disk.التشفير في حالة عدم التشغيلLe chiffrement au reposCryptography التشـفير
913Encryption External MediaThis service within Encryption protects removable media and external storage devices.تشفير الوسائط الخارجيةChiffrement des supports externesCryptography التشـفير
914Encryption External Media Access CodeThis service allows for recovery of Encryption External Media protected devices where the user forgets their password and can no longer login. Completing this process allows the user to reset the password set on the media.تشفير رمز الوصول إلى الوسائط الخارجيةChiffrement du code d'accès au support externeCryptography التشـفير
915Encryption KeyOne of the input parameters to an encryption algorithm. Generally speaking, an encryption algorithm takes as input a clear-text message and a key, and results in a cipher-text message. The corresponding decryption algorithm takes a cipher-text message, and the key, and results in the original clear-text message. Also, A cryptographic key that has been encrypted using an approved security function with a key-encrypting key in order to disguise the value of the underlying plaintext key.مفتاح التشفيرClé de cryptageCryptography التشـفير
916Encryption protocolPreferred standards that deploy combinations of encryption algorithms.بروتوكول التشفيرLe protocole de chiffrementCryptography التشـفير
917Encryption sweepThe process of scanning folders to be encrypted to ensure the contained files are in the proper encryption state. Ordinary file creation and rename operations do not trigger an encryption sweep. It is important to understand when an encryption sweep may happen and what may affect the resulting sweep times, as follows: - An encryption sweep occurs upon initial receipt of a policy that has encryption enabled. This can occur immediately after activation if your policy has encryption enabled. - If the Scan Workstation on Logon policy is enabled, folders specified for encryption are swept on each user logon. - A sweep can be re-triggered under certain subsequent policy changes. Any policy change related to the definition of the encryption folders, encryption algorithms, encryption key usage (common verses user), triggers a sweep. In addition, toggling between encryption enabled and disabled triggers an encryption sweep. عملية مسح التشفيرUn balayage de chiffrementCryptography التشـفير
918Encryption SoftwareSoftware designed to ensure the confidentiality of data by encrypting it when at rest.برمجيات التشفيرLogiciel de chiffrementCryptography التشـفير
919End-to-end encryption (E EE)A system of communication between two end users. It is one of the most sophisticated forms of encryption technologies that disabling intermediaries in intercepting the content of communications. Other than the sender and intended receiver, no third party can intercept the content. التشفير من طرف إلى طرفLe chiffrement de bout en boutCryptography التشـفير
920Entropy"In cryptographic operationsthe measure of the unpredictability of a random seed value. Entropy is generally measured in ""bits" where a higher number indicates that the particular event is less predictable than an event with a lower number. Entropy is used to measure the security strength of cryptographic keys. إنتروبيا (أداة لقياس مستوى عشوائية الأنظمة)
921Exportable formA condition a key is in when enciphered under an exporter key-encrypting key. In this form, a key can be sent outside the system to another system. A key in exportable form cannot be used in a cryptographic function. نموذج قابل للتصديرFormulaire exportableCryptography التشـفير
922ExfiltrationThe unauthorized transfer of information from an information system.التسللExfiltrationCryptography التشـفير
923Exporter key-encrypting keyA key used to protect keys sent to another system. A type of transport key.مفتاح تشفير - مفتاح المصدرClé de chiffrement / Clé de l'exportateurCryptography التشـفير
924Global StablecoinA stablecoin with a potential reach and use across multiple jurisdictions and which could become systemically important in and across one or many jurisdictions, including as a means of making payments. العملة المستقرة العالميةGlobal StablecoinCryptography التشـفير
925Hardware walletAn electronic device capable of running software necessary to store private keys in a secure, encrypted state and structure transactions capable of being broadcast on one or more blockchain networks. Two popular examples are Ledger and Trezor. حافظة الأجهزةPortefeuille matérielCryptography التشـفير
926Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)A mechanism for message authentication using cryptographic hash functions. HMAC can be used with any iterative cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret shared key. The cryptographic strength of HMAC depends on the properties of the underlying hash function.رمز مصادقة الرسائل المستندة إلى التجزئةCode d'authentification de message basé sur le hachageCryptography التشـفير
927Hash-based Message Authentication Code AlgorithmsA cryptographic construction that can be used to compute Message Authentication Codes using a hash function and a secret key.خوارزميات رمز مصادقة الرسائل المستندة إلى التجزئةAlgorithmes de code d'authentification de message basés sur le hachageCryptography التشـفير
928Hash RateThe measuring unit of the processing power on a Proof-of-Work blockchain. Hash rates give an indication of how many hashes the entire network (or a single node) is performing per second.معدل التجزئة في التشفيرTaux de hachageCryptography التشـفير
929High Assurance Cryptographic EquipmentCryptographic equipment that has been designed and authorized for the protection of SECRET and TOP SECRET data.معدات تشفير عالية الضمانÉquipement cryptographique à haute assuranceCryptography التشـفير
930HODLHolding a crypto asset through ups, downs and times of volatility rather than selling it. الاحتفاظ بأصل التشفيرHODLCryptography التشـفير
931Host-based Intrusion Detection SystemSoftware, resident on a system, which monitors system activities for malicious or unwanted behaviour. نظام كشف التسلل المستند إلى المضيفSystème de détection d'intrusion basé sur l'hôteCryptography التشـفير
932Information Rights Management (IRM)A technology that provides persistent protection to digital data by using encryption, certificates, and authentication. Authorized recipients or users acquire a license to gain access to the protected files according to the rights or business rules that are set by the content owner. إدارة حقوق المعلوماتGestion des droits relatifs à l'informationCryptography التشـفير
933Initialization vector (IV)Blocks that are used to mask data (plaintext) prior to encryption with a block cipher. Without the addition of an IV, identical plaintext messages would not encrypt to different ciphertext messages. ناقلات التهيئةVecteur d'initialisationCryptography التشـفير
934Intrusion Detection SystemAn automated system used to identify an infringement of security policy. IDS can be host-based or network-based.نظام كشف التسللSystème de détection d'intrusionCryptography التشـفير
935Fungible TokenThese tokens are divisible and uniform, because they don’t have any specific information associated to them that would make them unique. All fungible tokens from the same blockchain are interchangeable. الرمز القابل للاستبدال أو التبادلJeton InterchangeableCryptography التشـفير
936Key exchange (v. key discovery) In public key cryptography, key exchange is the method by which cryptographic keys are exchanged between two parties; key verification is any way that lets you match a key to a person, making sure that it is indeed that person who uses the key. تبادل المفاتيح (مقابل اكتشاف المفتاح)Échange de clé (v. découverte de clé)Cryptography التشـفير
937Keying materialCryptographic keys generated or used by cryptographic equipment or software.مواد مفتاح التشفيرMatériel de cléCryptography التشـفير
938Key managementThe use and management of cryptographic keys and associated hardware and software. It includes their generation, registration, distribution, installation, usage, protection, storage, access, recovery and destruction. Also, all operations related to the management of cryptographic keys in an encrypted system, including their generation, exchange, storage, use, destruction and replacement.ادارة مفاتيح التشفيرGestion des clésCryptography التشـفير
939Light ClientA node that interfaces with the network through a full node. Light clients do not verify all blocks of transactions on the blockchain themselves, but instead only verify a subset of information (block headers) provided by the full node through which they are connecting with the network. العميل الخفيفClient légerCryptography التشـفير
940Liquid StakingProtocols that issue on-chain representations of staked assets in a decentralized network. Through tokenization, liquid staking protocols allow users to get liquidity on staked assets and enable the usage of staked assets as collateral in (decentralized) financial applications. Other terms that are often used to describe liquid staking protocols are staking derivatives and programmable staking. تسييل الحصصJalonnement liquideCryptography التشـفير
941LitecoinA crypto currency that aims to compete with fiat currencies as a means of exchange. It has no intrinsic value, asset backing or links to other projects, and is not backed by any authority such as a central bank. ليتكوينLitecoinCryptography التشـفير
942Machine keyWhen encryption is installed on a server, the Machine key protects a server’s file encryption and policy keys. The Machine Key is stored on the Dell Server. The new server exchanges certificates with the Dell Server during activation and uses the certificate for subsequent authentication events. مفتاح الآلةClef machineCryptography التشـفير
943Mandatory backdoorsRefers to methods which enable third parties to have complete visibility of databases, enabled by requiring changes in technological capabilities of data controllers. Mandatory backdoors are untargeted and compromise security for all. الأبواب الخلفية الإلزاميةPortes dérobées obligatoiresCryptography التشـفير
944Man-in-the-middle accessMan-in-the-middle access occurs when the government intercepts communications as an outside entity, and such access is targeted. الوصول عن طريق الوسيطMan-in-the-middle accessCryptography التشـفير
945Mining, cryptocurrencyThe process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger known as the blockchain, which is often the means through which new units of a virtual currency are created (e.g., Bitcoin). التعدين، العملات المشفرةExploitation minière, crypto-monnaieCryptography التشـفير
946Mining PoolAn organized collective of miners in a Proof-of-Work network who bundle their hashing rate to increase the likelihood of becoming the proposer of a block and earning the rewards.تجمع التعدينPool de MinageCryptography التشـفير
947Multi-Party Computation (MPC)A subfield of cryptography with the goal of creating methods for parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private.الحوسبة متعددة الأطرافCalcul multipartite (MPC)Cryptography التشـفير
948Nakamoto ConsensusThe consensus protocol used by Proof-of-Work blockchains like Bitcoin abiding by the longest chain rule, which states that the blockchain with the most work behind it, as measured by the collective hash rate, is the one that nodes in the network will follow. إجماع ناكاموتوConsensus de NakamotoCryptography التشـفير
949Native Liquid StakingTokenized stake is issued as part of the core staking protocol.تسييل الحصص الأصليةJalonnement de liquide natifCryptography التشـفير
950Non-CustodialDescribes protocols in which users remain in control of the private keys associated with their crypto assets.غير احتجازيNon-CustodialCryptography التشـفير
951Non-Fungible TokenThese tokens are not interchangeable within the same blockchain. They are unique and non-divisible, which enables the transfer of information and value. رمز قابل للاستبدال أو التبادلJeton Non-InterchangeableCryptography التشـفير
952Non-Native Liquid StakingA secondary protocol, e.g. in the form of smart contracts, or on a different blockchain or platform is issuing representations of tokenized stake. تسييل الحصص غير الأصليةJalonnement liquide non natifCryptography التشـفير
953One-time pad"In cryptographythe one-time pad is an encryption algorithm with text combined with a random key or ""pad"" that is as long as the plaintext and used only once. Additionallyif the key is truly randomnever reused
954PaddingA collection of techniques used in cryptography to prevent an attacker from knowing the exact length of a plaintext messaging and using that predictability to break the encryption.الحشوRembourrageCryptography التشـفير
955Passive AttackAn actual assault perpetrated by an intentional threat source that attempts to learn or make use of information from a system, but does not attempt to alter the system, its resources, its data, or its operations. هجوم سلبيAttaque passiveCryptography التشـفير
956Penetration TestingAn evaluation methodology whereby assessors search for vulnerabilities and attempt to circumvent the security features of a network and/or information system.اختبار الاختراقTests de pénétrationCryptography التشـفير
957Permissioned networkA blockchain in which the network owner(s) decides who can join the network and issue credentials necessary to access the network.الشبكة المصرح بهاRéseau permissionedCryptography التشـفير
958Platform or protocol coinsThe native virtual currencies transferable on a blockchain network, which exist as a function of the protocol’s code base. عملات النظام الأساسي أو البروتوكولPlate-forme ou protocole des pièces de monnaieCryptography التشـفير
959Pooled miningPooled mining pools all the resources of the clients to generate the solution to a given block. Therefore, rewards generated by that block’s solution are split and distributed between the pool participants. التعدين المجمعL'exploitation minière en poolCryptography التشـفير
960Pre-boot Authentication (PBA)Pre-boot Authentication serves as an extension of the BIOS or boot firmware and guarantees a secure, tamper-proof environment external to the operating system as a trusted authentication layer. The PBA prevents anything being read from the hard disk, such as the operating system, until the user has confirmed they have the correct credentials. المصادقة المسبقة للتمهيدAuthentification de pré-démarrageCryptography التشـفير
961Privacy CoinA token predicated on protecting user anonymity and limiting traceability of transactions.عملة خاصةCoin de confidentialitéCryptography التشـفير
962Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)A public key infrastructure (PKI) supports the distribution and identification of public encryption keys, enabling users and computers to both securely exchange data over networks such as the Internet and verify the identity of the other party. Without PKI, sensitive information can still be encrypted (ensuring confidentiality) and exchanged, but there would be no assurance of the identity (authentication) of the other party. البنية التحتية للمفتاح العامInfrastructure à Clé Publique (ICP)Cryptography التشـفير
963Quantum annealingA process for finding the global minimum of a given objective function over a given set of candidate solutions (candidate states), by a process using quantum fluctuations. It finds an absolute minimum size/length/cost/distance from within a possibly very large, but nonetheless finite set of possible solutions using quantum fluctuation-based computation instead of classical computation. الاحصاءات الكميةRecuit quantiqueCryptography التشـفير
964Quantum computingThe use of a non-classical model of computation. Whereas traditional models of computing such as the Turing machine or Lambda calculus rely on classical representations of computational memory, a quantum computation could transform the memory into a quantum superposition of possible classical states. الحوسبة الكميةL'informatique quantiqueCryptography التشـفير
965Quantum computerA device that could perform such computation.حاسوب الكمUn ordinateur quantiqueCryptography التشـفير
966Quantum entanglementA label for the observed physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of particles is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance. التشابك الكميIntrication quantiqueCryptography التشـفير
967Quantum gateA basic quantum circuit operating on a small number of qubits. They are the building blocks of quantum circuits, like classical logic gates are for conventional digital circuits. بوابة الكمPorte quantiqueCryptography التشـفير
968Quantum key distribution (QKD)A secure communication method that implements a cryptographic protocol involving components of quantum mechanics. It enables two parties to produce a shared random secret key known only to them, which can then be used to encrypt and decrypt messages. مفتاح التوزيع الكميDistribution de clé quantiqueCryptography التشـفير
969Ricardian contracts A Ricardian Contract is a document that outlines the intentions and the actions that will be undertaken. The Ricardian Contract is the best effort to record the agreement, smart contract is the execution of said agreement. In addition to crypto assets, some blockchain platforms also support smart contracts. The most prominent smart contract is Ethereum. العقود الريكارديةContrats ricardiensCryptography التشـفير
970Security TokenA token intended to confer rights typically associated with a security (e.g., stock or bond), and hence, are generally treated as such by regulators. رمز الأمانJeton de sécuritéCryptography التشـفير
971Self-Encrypting Drives (SED) Manager SED Manager provides a platform for securely managing self-encrypting drives. Although SEDs provide their own encryption, they lack a platform to manage their encryption and available policies. SED Manager is a central, scalable management component, which allows you to more effectively protect and manage your data. SED Manager ensures that you can administer your enterprise more quickly and easily. مدير محركات التشفير الذاتيGestionnaire de lecteurs à chiffrement automatiqueCryptography التشـفير
972Server user A virtual user account created by Encryption for the purpose of handling encryption keys and policy updates on a server operating system. This user account does not correspond to any other user account on the computer or within the domain, and it has no username and password that can be used physically. The account is assigned a unique UCID value in the Management Console. مستخدم الخادمUtilisateur du serveurCryptography التشـفير
973Session KeyA session key is an encryption and decryption key that is randomly generated to ensure the security of a communication session between a user and another computer or between two computers.مفتاح الجلسةClé de SessionCryptography التشـفير
974Signal protocolSignal protocol is an open source, based on authenticated encryption system and designed to prevent third parties and the intermediary from having plaintext access to messages and calls, providing complete E EE. بروتوكول الإشارةProtocole de signalisationCryptography التشـفير
975SlashingDestruction or retraction of crypto assets pledged as collateral in the staking process. Proof-of-Stake protocols employ differing slashing conditions and parameters depending on what kind of behavior they seek to discourage. Examples include slashing for downtime (usually low amounts) or slashing for double signing (i.e. signing two blocks at the same height, which could be seen as an attack on the network). القطع / الخفضSlashingCryptography التشـفير
976StablecoinCrypto asset that seeks to stabilize its price by linking its value to that of an asset or pool of assets. Crypto assets designed to maintain price stability, either in relation to a pegged asset or a basket of goods (“purchasing power”). Also, meaning a crypto asset that aims to maintain a stable value relative to a specified asset, or a pool or basket of assets. Stablecoins are a set of protocols whose native token is pegged to a fiat currency, most commonly the US dollar. Stablecoin issuers may use one of several methods to maintain their peg such as : dollar-backed reserves, multi-asset treasuries, collateralized lending, or mint-and-burn mechanisms, etc. Stablecoins allow for frictionless transfer and exchange of fiat-pegged assets on the blockchain.عملة مستقرةStablecoinCryptography التشـفير
977Staking PositionRefers to tokens associated with a blockchain account that are staking on the network.وظيفة حفظ الأصول المشفرةPosition de jalonnement Position de StakingCryptography التشـفير
978StakingStaking refers to locking up crypto assets to participate in the selection mechanism for network roles (e.g. consensus nodes (“Validators”) in Proof-of-Stake). Participation in staking is incentivized by redistributing collected transaction fees and/or newly issued tokens to those staking (“Staking Rewards”). Staked assets are kept as collateral that in some protocols can be retracted should malicious behavior be detected (“Slashing”).تأمين الأصول المشفرةJalonnement StakingCryptography التشـفير
979Staking RewardsEarnings participants in a Proof-of-Stake network (“Stakers”) receive in return for putting up their tokens as collateral. Rewards consist of transaction fees and/or newly issued tokens which are distributed to incentivize participation in the network.مكافآت تأمين الأصول المشفرةRécompenses de jalonnement Récompenses de stakingCryptography التشـفير
980Symmetric encryptionA cryptographic key that is used to perform both the cryptographic operation and its inverse, for example to encrypt and decrypt; the key is not made public. التشفير المتماثلLe cryptage symétriqueCryptography التشـفير
981System Data Encryption (SDE)SDE is designed to encrypt the operating system and program files. To accomplish this purpose, SDE must be able to open its key while the operating system is booting. Its intent is to prevent alteration or offline attacks on the operating system by an attacker. SDE is not intended for user data. Common and User key encryption are intended for sensitive user data because they require a user password to unlock encryption keys. SDE policies do not encrypt the files needed by the operating system to start the boot process. SDE policies do not require pre-boot authentication or interfere with the Master Boot Record in any way. When the computer boots up, the encrypted files are available before any user logs in (to enable patch management, SMS, backup and recovery tools). Disabling SDE triggers automatic decryption of all SDE encrypted files and directories for the relevant users, regardless of other SDE policy values, such as SDE Encryption Rules. تشفير بيانات النظامChiffrement des données systèmeCryptography التشـفير
982Threshold SignaturesA distributed multi-party computation protocol that includes distributed key generation, signing, and verification algorithms. توقيعات العتبةSignatures de seuilCryptography التشـفير
983Tokenized Commercial Bank MoneyA digital form of money that represents a single fiat currency and is issued by/structured as a claim on a bank, credit institution or other similarly highly regulated depository institution. نقود البنك التجاري المشفرةMonnaie bancaire commerciale tokeniséeCryptography التشـفير
984Total Value Locked (TVL)The amount of assets in dollar value which are locked in a smart contract at a given decentralized protocol.إجمالي القيمة المقفلةValeur totale verrouilléeCryptography التشـفير
985TradFiTraditional, i.e. non-cryptocurrency finance. This mostly refers to finance based on fiat currency. التمويل التقليدي غير المشفرTradFiCryptography التشـفير
986Trusted Platform Module (TPM)TPM is a security chip with three major functions: secure storage, measurement, and attestation. The Encryption client uses TPM for its secure storage function. The TPM can also provide encrypted containers forthe software vault. وحدة النظام الأساسي الموثوقةLe module de plateforme sécuriséeCryptography التشـفير
987Unbacked Crypto-AssetsCrypto-Assets that are neither tokenized traditional assets nor stablecoins.الأصول المشفرة غير المدعومةDes actifs cryptographiques non sauvegardésCryptography التشـفير
988Unbonding PremiumThe economic cost associated with the unbonding period taking into account opportunity costs, capital costs of hedging risks associated with the volatility of the underlying asset, and the inability to instantly liquidate assets when trying to exit a staking position. قسط غير ملزمPrime de déliaisonCryptography التشـفير
989UnicodeA character encoding standard developed by the Unicode Consortium that represents almost all of the written languages of the world. The Unicode standard provides three forms and seven schemes.يونيكود (الترميز الموحد)UnicodeCryptography التشـفير
990USD Coin or USDCA USD stablecoin that is issued through the Centre Consortium (co-founded by Coinbase and Circle Internet Financial Limited, or Circle). عملة رقمية مستقرة بالدولار الأمريكي (مدعومة بالكامل بأصول الدولار الأمريكي)Pièce en USD ou USDCCryptography التشـفير
991USD Tether or USDTA USD stablecoin that is issued through the Tether organisation.عملة رقمية مستقرة مرتبطة بالدولار الأمريكي قائمة على تقنية الأيثرAttache USD ou USDTCryptography التشـفير
992User EncryptionThe User key makes files accessible only to the user who created them, only on the device where they were created. When running Dell Server Encryption, User encryption is converted to Common encryption. One exception is made for removable media devices; when inserted into a server with Encryption installed, files are encrypted with the User Roaming key. تشفير المستخدمChiffrement de l'utilisateurCryptography التشـفير
993ValidatorConsensus nodes in a Proof-of-Stake network. The physical machines participating in the consensus process by running the protocol software and proposing blocks and verifying transactions are called validators. Validators are identified by private keys and backed by collateral in the form of the protocol’s native cryptoasset, e.g. XTZ in Tezos. We distinguish between validator operators or entities, i.e. the individual or company operating the nodes and the nodes themselves. مدقق إثبات الحصةValidateurCryptography التشـفير
994Virtual currencySynonymous with crypto-currency.العملة الافتراضيةMonnaie virtuelleCryptography التشـفير
995Wallet ProviderA firm that offers storage services to investors in crypto assets. These may be connected online ('hot' storage) or kept offline ('cold' storage).مزود الحافظةUn fournisseur de portefeuille.Cryptography التشـفير
996White-box CryptographyA method used to obfuscate a cryptographic algorithm and key with the intent that the determination of the key value is computationally complex.تشفير الصندوق الأبيضLa Cryptographie en boîte blancheCryptography التشـفير
997XOR obfuscationA type of file encryption that helps protect private data by using an exclusive or bitwise operation. This is done by adding a mathematical expression that prevents a simple reverse-engineering process.التعتيمXOR obfuscationCryptography التشـفير
998Access ControlThe discipline, technology, process and/or control for limiting access to an organization’s applications, systems, platforms, critical assets, and facilities to authorized entities (e.g., authorized personnel, workflows, and/or data exchanges). صلاحية الدخولContrôle d'accèsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
999Actionable intelligenceInformation that can be acted upon to address, prevent or mitigate a cyber threat. الذكاء العمليIntelligence ExploitableCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1000Active Cyber Defence (ACD)Provides tools and services that protect organizations from a range of cyber-attacks.الدفاع النشط لأمن الفضاء الإلكترونيCyberdéfense activeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1001AdaptabilityThe property of an architecture, design, and implementation that can accommodate changes to the threat model, mission or business functions, systems, and technologies without major programmatic impacts. القدرة على التكيفAdaptabilitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1002Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)A cyber attacker or adversary that possesses sophisticated technical capabilities, expertise and resources which allow it to employ a range of tactics, techniques and procedures (e.g., cyber, physical, deception, etc.) to carry out an attack against a targeted victim. Also, an adversary that possesses sophisticated levels of expertise and significant resources that allow it to create opportunities to achieve its objectives by using multiple attack vectors including, for example, cyber, physical, and deception. These objectives typically include establishing and extending footholds within the IT infrastructure of the targeted organizations for purposes of exfiltrating information, undermining or impeding critical aspects of a mission, program, or organization, or positioning itself to carry out these objectives in the future. The advanced persistent threat pursues its objectives repeatedly over an extended period; adapts to defenders’ efforts to resist it; and is determined to maintain the level of interaction needed to execute its objectives.التهديد المستمر المتقدمMenace persistante avancéeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1003Agency governance frameworkThe management structure used by the agency. Cyber security management will be embedded within the overall governance framework. Governance may be further described as: the decision-making processes that define expectations, grant power, or verify performance. It consists either of a separate process or of a specific part of management or leadership processes. إطار حوكمة الوكالةCadre de gouvernance de l'agenceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1004AgilityThe property of a system or an infrastructure that can be reconfigured, in which resources can be reallocated, and in which components can be reused or repurposed so that cyber defenders can define, select, and tailor cyber courses of action for a broad range of disruptions or malicious cyber activities. خفة الحركةAgilitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1005Application ControlAn approach in which only an explicitly defined set of trusted applications are allowed to execute on systems.التحكم في التطبيقLe contrôle des applicationsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1006Application Data Encryption Application Data Encryption encrypts any file written by a protected application, using a category override. This means that any directory that has a category protection or better, or any location that has specific extensions protected with category or better, cause ADE to not encrypt those files. تشفير بيانات التطبيقLe chiffrement des  Données d'applicationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1007Asset ManagementProtocols that provide access to different investment strategies on a single platform with no barrier to entry.إدارة الأصولLa gestion d'actifsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1008Attack VectorsHackers use attack vectors to gain access over a network or a computer. Attacks are done to infect the system with malware or to harvest data. Common attack vectors include man-in-the-middle, drive-by, Structured Query Language (SQL) injection, and zero-day attacks. موجهات الهجومVecteurs d'attaqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1009AuthorizationThe process for approving or permitting an individual, application, and/or system to do something. تفويضAutorisationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1010BotnetAccording to CIS, “when a collection of multiple bots is controlled by a single source, it is known as a botnet. A botnet is typically used to amplify the capabilities of its component bots and launch large-scale attacks.” More information is provided from the Stop, Think, Connect campaign. بوت نت (شبكة الروبوتات)BotnetCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1011BotsAccording to the Center for Internet Security (CIS), “bots are automated applications or scripts designed to perform repetitive tasks without requiring human input.” While bots can have safe applications online, they can also be used to “maliciously to distribute spam, conduct distributed DDoS attacks, operate as malware command and control infrastructure, or flood public forums with fraudulent commentary to propagate a specific message” (per CIS). Here is a Stop, Think, Connect factsheet on bots and botnets and a factsheet from DHS about social media bots, specifically. البوت (برنامج حاسوبي مصمم لأداء مهام محددة بشكل آلي، مثل تصفح الإنترنت أو التفاعل مع المستخدمين أو جمع المعلومات. بعضها مفيدة مثل روبوتات الويب والبعض الآخر عبارة عن برامج ضارة تُعرف باسم (البوتات الضارة)BotsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1012BreachAny incident that results in unauthorized access of data, applications, services, networks, and/ or devices by bypassing their underlying security mechanisms. A security breach occurs when an individual or an application illegitimately enters a private, confidential, or unauthorized logical IT perimeter (Microsoft Digital Defense Report) . الاختراقات أو الانتهاكاتViolationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1013Business Email CompromiseBusiness email compromise (BEC) is a type of email cyber-crime in which an attacker targets a business to defraud the company. The BEC attack may use a compromised email account within the organization or an external “look-alike” account that is very similar to the organization’s email addressing scheme. From there, the adversary may impersonate an executive or finance team member to submit false invoices, initiate fraudulent wire transfers or steal data. تسوية البريد الإلكتروني للأعمالLa compromission des e-mails professionnelsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1014Business Impact Analysis (BIA)A quantitative analysis that distinguishes critical and non-critical organizational controls, functions, processes and activities and prioritizes their impact as a result of a compromise or loss of an application, system or platform. Asset criticality and/or sensitivities are then qualitatively and/or quantitatively assessed and the acceptability of the identified risk, including recovery costs, is then determined. تحليل أثر الأعمالAnalyse d’impact sur les affairesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1015CensorshipSuppression of communications in any form.الرقابةLa censureCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1016Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)CISOs are responsible for cybersecurity strategy and are accountable for managing and monitoring the cybersecurity program.رئيس أمن المعلوماتResponsable de sécurité des systèmes d'informationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1017CiphertextData or information in its encrypted form used primarily by cryptology experts. Sometimes referred to as encrypted data (Microsoft Digital Defense Report).النص المشفرTexte chiffréCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1018ConfidentialityAn ethical and/or legal responsibility of individuals or organizations to safeguard information entrusted to them from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, loss, or theft. سريةConfidentialitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1019Confidentiality Agreement (CA)A contract signed by Employees and Approved Data User(s) that describes obligations and responsibilities regarding the maintenance, Use, access to, and Disclosure of Confidential Information. اتفاقية السريةAccord de confidentialité (AC)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1020Consent (research)"An indication of agreement by an individualor their authorized third partyto become a participant in a research project. Throughout this Policythe term ""consent"" means ""free (or voluntary)
1021Consent (privacy principles)One of the ten privacy principles found in Schedule I of PIPEDA. The knowledge and consent of an individual is required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, except where inappropriate. الموافقة (مبادئ الخصوصية)Consentement (principes de confidentialité)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1022ContainmentIn the event of a Privacy Breach, the processes put in place to prevent further release(s) of information. الاحتواءEndiguementCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1023Content FilterA filter that examines content to assess conformance against a security policy.تصفية المحتوىFiltre de contenuCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1024Contested Cyber EnvironmentAn environment in which APT actors, competing entities, and entities with similar resource needs contend for control or use of cyber resources. بيئة الفضاء الالكتروني المتنازع عليهاEnvironnement cyber contestéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1025Continuous Monitoring PlanA document that describes the plan for the continuous monitoring and assurance in the effectiveness of security controls for a system.خطة المراقبة المستمرةPlan de surveillance continueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1026Continuous Vulnerability ManagementVulnerability Scanning is an inspection of potential points of exploit and weakness on a network or system including outdated software versions, missing patches or misconfigurations and flawed programming. إدارة الثغرات الأمنية المستمرةGestion continue des vulnérabilitésCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1027Control PlaneThe administrative interface that allows for the management and orchestration of a system's infrastructure and applications.مستوى التحكمUn plan de contrôleCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1028Crimeware as a Service (CaaS)The criminal business model of selling cyberattacks expertise to other criminals.برامج الجريمة الإلكترونية كخدمةCybercrime-as-a-service / Services de cybercriminalitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1029Critical InfrastructureDescribes the physical and cyber systems and assets that are so vital to the United States that their incapacity or destruction would have a debilitating impact on our physical or economic security or public health or safety (DHS). According to CISA, there are critical infrastructure sectors in the United States. البنية التحتية الحيويةInfrastructure critiqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1030Cross Domain SolutionA system capable of implementing comprehensive data flow security policies with a high level of trust between two or more differing security domains.نظام الحل عبر النطاق (لأمن تدفق البيانات)Solution inter-domainesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1031Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)This occurs when an attacker submits forms to the web application in the context of another authenticated user. For example, a hacker may direct a user to a malicious URL that automatically submits a form to the web application from the user’s browser. If the affected user is currently logged in to the application, the hacker can execute any action on their behalf. تزوير الطلب عبر الموقع للتسلل لتنفيذ أي إجراء نيابة عن المستخدمContrefaçon de requête intersiteCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1032Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)A reflected attack that injects malicious client-side executable code into web application parameters to be returned by the application output and ultimately executed by the browser. Because it appears that the script is from a trusted source, the end-user’s browser accepts it and runs the script, permitting the attacker to take actions on the application’s behalf, such as accessing cookies, and session tokens as well as other sensitive data. This attack can also be used to rewrite the webpage in order to trick the user, embarrass the company or cause other issues. XSS attacks are usually ephemeral, but If the injected code is populated into a database for later use by the application, it is referred to as Persistent XSS. هجوم البرمجة النصية عبر المواقع (XSS)Script intersiteCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1033Crypto JackingA type of malware attack that takes over or hijacks computer systems and uses them to “mine” for cryptocurrencies.سرقة التشفيرLe cryptoJackingCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1034CyberRefers to the interconnected information infrastructure of interactions among persons, processes, data, and information and communications technologies, along with the environment and conditions that influence those interactions. الفضاء الإلكترونيCyberCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1035Cyber AttackThe use of an exploit by an adversary to take advantage of a weakness(es) with the intent of achieving an adverse effect on the ICT environment.هجوم إلكترونيCyberattaqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1036CyberconflictActions taken by parties to a conflict to gain advantage over their adversaries in cyberspace by using various technological tools and techniques, that can include damaging, destroying, disabling, or usurping an adversary’s computer systems (cyberattack’) or by obtaining information that the adversary would prefer to keep secret (cyber espionage’ or ‘cyber exploitation’). صراع الفضاء الإلكترونيLe cyberconflitCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1037CybercrimeAccording to Interpol, cybercrime “refers to crimes against computers and information systems, where the aim is to gain unauthorized access to a device or deny access to a legitimate user.” الجريمة الإلكترونيةCybercriminalitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1038Cybercrime-as-a- Service (CaaS)According to Info Security Magazine, CaaS refers to the productizing of malware and the on-de mand purchasing and selling of cybercrime services. This means that cybercriminals do not need to create their own malicious code but can buy it online. This makes it significantly easier to access, even to a layperson. جرائم الفضاء الالكتروني كخدمةCybercriminalité en tant que serviceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1039Cyber diplomacyThe use of diplomatic tools and initiatives to pursue a state’s national interest in cyberspace, such as establishing and fostering dialogue between state and non-state actors, developing global norms and standards of appropriate behavior in cyberspace, and pursuing policies to reduce cyber-related threats and prevent conflicts. دبلوماسية الفضاء الإلكترونيCyberdiplomatieCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1040Cyber EcosystemThe interconnected information infrastructure of an organization’s enterprise that facilitates electronic data exchange, communication and interactions among authorized users, applications, systems, platforms, and processes. النظام البيئي لأمن الفضاء الالكترونيCyberécosystèmeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1041Cyber EventAn observable occurrence in an information system or network.حدث الفضاء الإلكترونيÉvénement de Cyber / Cyber EvénementCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1042Cyber ExerciseA planned event during which an organization simulates a cyber disruption to develop or test capabilities such as preventing, detecting, mitigating, responding to or recovering from the disruption. تمرين الفضاء الإلكترونيCyber-exerciceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1043Cyber GovernanceArrangements an organisation puts in place to establish, implement and review its approach to managing cyber risks. Cyber maturity model A mechanism to have cyber resilience controls, methods and processes assessed according to management best practice, against a clear set of external benchmarks. حوكمة الفضاء الالكترونيCybergouvernanceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1044Cyber InfrastructureThe information and communications systems and services composed of all hardware and software that process, store, and communicate information, or any combination of all of these elements. ▪▪ Processing includes the creation, access, modification, and destruction of information. ▪▪ Storage includes paper, magnetic, electronic, and all other media types. ▪▪ Communications include sharing and distribution of information. البنية التحتية لأمن الفضاء الإلكترونيCyberinfrastructureCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1045Cyber InsuranceAccording to Cisco, “cyber insurance is an insurance product designed to help businesses hedge against the potentially devastating effects of cybercrimes such as malware, ransomware, DDoS attacks, or any other method used to compromise a network and sensitive data.” Demand for cyber insurance has grown rapidly in recent years. تأمين الفضاء الإلكتروني (التأمين ضد الهجمات الإلكترونية)La cyberassuranceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1046Cyber HarmsAccording to Cyber Harms: Concepts, Taxonomy and Measurement, cyber harms are damaging consequences resulting from cyber incidents, which can originate from malicious, accidental, or natural phenomena, manifesting itself within or outside of the internet. They can impact individuals, organizations, or countries. أضرار الفضاء الإلكترونيCyber-préjudicesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1047Cyber HygieneThe practices and steps that users of computers and other devices take to maintain system health and improve online security. These practices are often part of a routine to ensure the safety of identity and other details that could be stolen or corrupted.سلامة الفضاء الإلكترونيCyber HygièneCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1048Cyber Maturity ModelA mechanism to have cyber resilience controls, methods and processes assessed according to management best practice, against a clear set of external benchmarks. نموذج نضج الفضاء الالكترونيModèle de Cyber MaturitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1049Cyber ResilienceA Financial Market Infrastructure’s ability to anticipate, withstand, contain and rapidly recover from a cyber-attack. متانة أمن الفضاء الالكترونيCyberrésilience / Cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1050Cyber Resilience FrameworkConsists of the policies, procedures and controls a Financial Market Infrastructure has established to identify, protect, detect, respond to and recover from the plausible sources of cyber risks it faces. إطار متانة أمن الفضاء الالكترونيCadre de CyberrésilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1051Cyber Resilience StrategyA Financial Market Infrastructure’s high-level principles and medium-term plans to achieve its objective of managing cyber risks.استراتيجية متانة أمن الفضاء الالكترونيStratégie de CyberrésilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1052Cyber ResiliencyThe ability to anticipate, withstand, recover from, and adapt to adverse conditions, stresses, attacks, or compromises on systems that use or are enabled by cyber resources. Cyber resiliency is intended to enable mission or business objectives that depend on cyber resources to be achieved in a contested cyber environment. مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيCyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1053Cyber Resiliency ConceptA concept related to the problem domain and/or solution set for cyber resiliency. Cyber resiliency concepts are represented in cyber resiliency risk models as well as by cyber resiliency constructs.مفهوم مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيConcept de cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1054Cyber Resiliency ConstructElement of the cyber resiliency engineering framework (i.e., a goal, objective, technique, implementation approach, or design principle). Additional constructs (e.g., sub-objectives or methods, capabilities or activities) may be used in some modelling and analytic practices. بناء مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيConstruction de cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1055Cyber Resiliency Control A control (i.e., a base control or a control enhancement), as defined in [SP 0- ], that applies one or more cyber resiliency techniques or approaches or that is intended to achieve one or more cyber resiliency objectives. التحكم في مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيContrôle de la cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1056Cyber Resiliency Design PrincipleA guideline for how to select and apply cyber resiliency analysis methods, techniques, approaches, and solutions when making architectural or design decisions. مبدأ تصميم مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيPrincipe de conception de la cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1057Cyber Resiliency Engineering PracticeA method, process, modeling technique, or analytical technique used to identify and analyze cyber resiliency solutions. ممارسة هندسة مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيPratique de l'ingénierie de la cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1058Cyber Resiliency Goal A high-level statement supporting (or focusing on) one aspect (i.e., anticipate, withstand, recover, adapt) in the definition of cyber resiliency. هدف مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيObjectif de cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1059Cyber Resiliency Implementation ApproachA subset of the technologies and processes of a cyber resiliency technique defined by how the capabilities are implemented or how the intended consequences are achieved.نهج تنفيذ مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيApproche de mise en œuvre de la cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1060Cyber Resiliency ObjectiveA statement of what must be performed (e.g., what a system must achieve in its operational environment and throughout its life cycle) to meet stakeholder needs for mission assurance and resilient security. هدف مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيObjectif de la cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1061Cyber Resiliency SolutionA combination of technologies, architectural decisions, systems engineering processes, and operational processes, procedures, or practices that solves a problem in the cyber resiliency domain. A cyber resiliency solution provides enough cyber resiliency to meet stakeholder needs and to reduce risks to mission or business capabilities in the presence of advanced persistent threats. حل مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيSolution de cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1062Cyber Resiliency Technique A set or class of technologies and processes intended to achieve one or more objectives by providing capabilities to anticipate, withstand, recover from, and adapt to adverse conditions, stresses, attacks, or compromises on systems that include cyber resources. The definition or statement of a technique describes the capabilities it provides and/or the intended consequences of using the technologies or processes it includes. تقنية مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيTechnique de cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1063Cyber Resiliency Risk ModelA risk model that explicitly represents the threats and classes of harm considered by those concerned with cyber resiliency. (This accommodates other stakeholders in addition to systems security engineers.)نموذج مخاطر مرونة الفضاء الإلكترونيModèle de risque de cyber-résilienceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1064Cyber ResourceAn information resource that creates, stores, processes, manages, transmits, or disposes of information in electronic form, and that can be accessed via a network or using networking methods. موارد الفضاء الإلكترونيRessource cyberCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1065Cyber RiskThe combination of the probability of an event occurring within the realm of an organization's information assets, computer and communication resources and the consequences of that event for an organisation. مخاطر أمن الفضاء الالكترونيCyberrisques / Cyber-risquesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1066Cyber Risk ManagementThe process used by a Financial Market Infrastructure to establish an enterprise-wide framework to manage the likelihood of a cyber-attack and develop strategies to mitigate, respond to, learn from and coordinate its response to the impact of a cyber-attack. The management of a Financial Market Infrastructure's cyber risk should support the business processes and be integrated in the Financial Market Infrastructure’s overall risk management framework. إدارة مخاطر أمن الفضاء الالكترونيGestion des CyberrisquesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1067Cyber risk profileThe cyber risk actually assumed, measured at a given point in time. بيان مخاطر أمن الفضاء الالكترونيProfil de CyberrisquesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1068Cyber risk toleranceThe propensity to incur cyber risk, being the level of cyber risk that Financial Market Infrastructure intends to assume in pursuing its strategic objectives. تحمل مخاطر أمن الفضاء الالكترونيTolérance au Cyber-risqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1069Cyber SecurityThe protection of information assets by addressing threats to information processed, stored, and transported by internetworked information systems. أمن الفضاء الالكترونيCybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1070Cyber Security architectureDescribes the structure, components and topology (connections and layout) of security controls within an enterprise's IT infrastructure Scope Note: The security architecture shows how defense-in-depth is implemented and how layers of control are linked and is essential to designing and implementing security controls in any complex environment. هندسة أمن الفضاء الإلكترونيArchitecture de cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1071Cyber Security EventAn occurrence of a system, service or network state indicating a possible breach of security policy, failure of safeguards or a previously unknown situation that may be relevant to security. فعالية أمن الفضاء الإلكترونيÉvénement de cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1072Cybersecurity frameworkThe system of concepts, rules, and practices dictating the direction of policies and regulations, including the implementation of legal, technical, and political tools to align with the overall goals of a country or other entity. إطار أمن الفضاء الإلكترونيCadre de cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1073Cybersecurity governanceThe approach by which a country, organization, or some other entity monitors, evaluates, and ensures the protection of information, ICT systems and networks, and digital assets. حوكمة أمن الفضاء الإلكترونيGouvernance de la cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1074Cyber Security IncidentAn occurrence or activity of a system, service or network state indicating a possible breach of protective security policy or failure of safeguards, or a previously unknown situation that may be security relevant. Examples include: • Receiving suspicious or seemingly targeted emails with attachments or links. • Any compromise or corruption of information. • Unauthorized access or intrusion into an identity service. • Data spill. • Intentional or accidental introduction of viruses to a network. • Denial of service attacks. • Suspicious or unauthorized network activity.حدث أمن الفضاء الالكترونيUn Incident de CybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1075Cybersecurity InsuranceThe insurance policies that address first- and third-party losses as a result of a computer-based attack or malfunction of an organization’s information technology systems. There are three main components of cyber insurance: coverage and exclusions, security questionnaires, and rate schedules. تأمين أمن الفضاء الالكترونيAssurance CybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1076Cybersecurity measuresImplementation of techniques, methods, or policies designed to improve an entity’s cybersecurity posture. تدابير أمن الفضاء الالكترونيMesures de cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1077Cyber Security Oversight Group (CSOG)The sector-wide forum for civil nuclear cyber security, with senior-level representation. CSOG supports greater collaboration and provides leadership on implementing the UK Civil Nuclear Cyber Security Strategy. مجموعة مراقبة أمن الفضاء الإلكترونيGroupe de surveillance de la cybersécurité (CSOG)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1078Cyber Security PlanA document that identifies and defines the cyber security requirements and associated controls necessary for meeting those requirements.خطة أمن الفضاء الالكترونيPlan de cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1079Cyber Security PolicyA set of principles, measures, and conditions that have been defined to support cyber security capabilities and planning across an organization. سياسة أمن الفضاء الالكترونيPolitique de cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1080Cybersecurity ProgramA documented set of your organization’s information security policies, procedures, guidelines, and standards. It also includes a collection of effective security management practices and controls, such as risk assessment, awareness, and threat defence.: • Create a current profile: An evaluation of your current security status. • Conduct a risk assessment. • Create a target profile (What additional controls from your “current profile” would you like to add? Who needs to be in the loop about the changes needed to reach the target profile?). • Determine, analyse, and prioritize gaps (What are the gaps between your current and target profile? What action is needed to fill those gaps?). • Bring key stakeholders to the table to confirm an analysis and implementation plan. • Implement your plan-of-action. Develop and track metrics to ensure you stay on track. برنامج أمن الفضاء الالكترونيProgramme de cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1081Cyber security program funding modelIt is expected that there will be capital expenditure (CAPEX) during implementation of cyber security tasks and ongoing operational expenditure (OPEX) for ongoing maintenance and support.نموذج تمويل برنامج أمن الفضاء الإلكترونيModèle de financement du programme de cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1082Cyber Security ThreatAny circumstance or event with the potential to adversely impact organizational operations, organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, or the nation through an information system via unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of information, and/or denial of service. تهديد أمن الفضاء الإلكترونيMenace pour la cybersécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1083CyberspaceThe interdependent network of information technology infrastructures, that includes the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers. Also, the digital space made of network infrastructure (such as servers and cables), devices (like computers and smartphones), software (both human-machine and machine-to-machine interfaces) and data carried over the network. الفضاء الإلكترونيCyberespaceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1084Cyberspace AttackCyberspace actions that create various direct denial effects (i.e., degradation, disruption, or destruction) and manipulation that leads to denial and that is hidden or that manifests in the physical domains. هجوم الفضاء الإلكترونيAttaque du cyberespaceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1085Cyber SurvivabilityThe ability of warfighter systems to prevent, mitigate, recover from and adapt to adverse cyber-events that could impact mission-related functions by applying a risk managed approach to achieve and maintain an operationally relevant risk posture throughout its life cycle. البقاء قيد الفضاء الإلكترونيCyber-surviabilitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1086Cyber threatA circumstance or event with the potential to intentionally or unintentionally exploit one or more vulnerabilities in Financial Markets Infrastructures' systems, resulting in a loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability. تهديد الفضاء الإلكترونيCybermenaces / Menace CybernétiqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1087Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)Information that provides relevant and sufficient understanding for mitigating the impact of a potentially harmful event (may also be referred to as “cyber threat information”). Also, Threat information that has been aggregated, transformed, analyzed, interpreted, or enriched to provide the necessary context for decision-making processes. المعلومات المتعلقة بتهديدات الفضاء الإلكترونيRenseignements sur les MenacesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1088Cyber VulnerabilityAccording to NIST’s NIST’s Computer Security Resource Center, a cyber vulnerability is “a weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source.” See CISA’s overview of cyber vulnerabilities for more details. الثغرات الأمنية للفضاء الإلكترونيVulnérabilité cyberCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1089Dark WebRefers to websites on a Dark Net. The dark web includes pages on servers that cannot be accessed by a search engine (or indeed, a user) without an appropriately permissioned account. Large-scale illegal activities take place on the dark web. الويب المظلمWeb sombreCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1090Data BreachAn unauthorized access and retrieval of sensitive information by an individual, group, or software system. It is a cybersecurity mishap which happens when data, intentionally or unintentionally, falls into the wrong hands without the knowledge of the user or owner. خرق البياناتViolation de DonnéesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1091Data LossAlso known as data breach, this can be one of the most damaging cyber-attacks, depending on the importance of your data. Your organization’s election information, financial data, and PII (personally identifiable information) may be at risk of being exposed or used maliciously. فقدان البياناتPerte de donnéesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1092Data SpillThe accidental or deliberate exposure of data into an uncontrolled or unauthorised environment, or to people without a need-to-know. تسرب البياناتFuite de donnéesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1093DeclassificationA process whereby requirements for the protection of data are removed and an administrative decision is made to formally authorize its release into the public domain.رفع السريةDéclassementCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1094Deep WebThe deep web is the vast amount of web content on the internet that is available to the general public, but it is harder to find unless you have the exact URL (not indexed for search engines like Google). Examples of deep web sites include sites only accessible by password or gateway software. الويب العميقWeb profondCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1095Defence in DepthThe security controls deployed throughout the various layers of the network to provide for resiliency in the event of the failure or the exploitation of a vulnerability of another control (may also be referred to as “layered protection”).الدفاع في العمقDéfense en ProfondeurCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1096Denial of Service (DoS)System security breach in which network services become unavailable to users.رفض الخدمةDéni de serviceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1097Denial of Service (DoS) attackAny attempt to deny valid users access to network or server resources by using up all the resources of the network element or server. Typically, an attacker sends a flood of information to overwhelm a service system’s resources, causing the server to ignore valid service requests. هجوم رفض الخدمةAttaque par déni de serviceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1098Design Basis ThreatA profile developed by BEIS describing the capabilities of potential insider and external adversaries who might attempt unauthorized removal of nuclear and other radioactive material or sabotage.تهديد أساس التصميمMenace de base de la conceptionCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1099DestructiveIn this attack, adversaries such as malicious insiders and hacktivists deliver destructive attacks designed to harm an organization by damaging its IT infrastructure or data. A destructive attack could be as simple as deleting data or wiping all the software off a computer. الهجوم المدمرDestructeurCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1100DetectionDevelopment and implementation of the appropriate activities in order to identify the occurrence of a cyber event.اكتشاف التهديدDétection de CyberattaquesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1101Device Access Control SoftwareSoftware that can be used on a system to restrict access to communications ports. Device access control software can block all access to a communications port or allow access based on device types, manufacturer’s identification or even unique device identifiers. برنامج التحكم في الوصول إلى الجهازLogiciel de contrôle d'accès aux appareilsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1102Digital PreservationThe coordinated and ongoing set of processes and activities that ensure long-term, error-free storage of digital information, with means for retrieval and interpretation, for the entire time span the information is required. الحفظ الرقميPréservation numériqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1103Digital Surveillance/ Surveillance TechnologySurveillance technology refers to the use of digital technology to monitor the behaviour or movement of people in public and private places. Governments, private companies, and other organizations can use it to target, intimidate, or otherwise influence individuals or groups. تكنولوجيا المراقبة / المراقبة الرقميةSurveillance numérique/ technologie de surveillanceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1104DisinformationThis attack spreads false information about a workforce member or an organization’s activities and inflicts reputational, financial, and even legal damage. Malicious disinformation about an organization can spread quickly through many different social and digital channels. التضليل المعلومات المضللةDésinformationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1105DisruptionA disruption is an event affecting an organization's ability to perform its critical operations.الإخلال بالأمن الالكترونيPerturbationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1106DisruptiveThis type of attack is designed to disrupt or impair your organization’s ability to function properly. Examples of this type of attack include ransomware and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). This type of attack can last days or weeks. In the case of a disruptive ransomware attack, an unprepared organization may find themselves with no choice but to pay the ransom. الهجوم التخريبيPerturbateurCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1107Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system. The flood of incoming messages to the target system essentially forces it to shut down, thereby denying service to the system to legitimate users. Also, According to Cloudflare, a DDoS attack “is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic of a tar geted server, service, or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of internet traffic. DDoS attacks achieve effectiveness by utilizing multiple compromised computer systems as sources of attack traffic.” هجوم رفض الخدمة الموزعAttaque de Déni de Service DistribuéeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1108Distributed Reflection Denial of Service (DRDOS, DrDos, DR-DOS, DR DOS)A “Distributed Reflection Denial of Service” attack as denial of service attacks performed using vulnerable victim machines discovered by a hacker to perform a DDOS attack on a target. Systems vulnerable to NTP-based amplification attacks, for example, could unknowingly be used in such an attack, and, as a result, could placed on an internet blacklist. هجوم رفض الانعكاس الموزع للخدمةDéni de service par réflexion distribuéeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1109Domain Name Server (DNS)Translates domain names, such as raxis. com, to the IP addresses where the systems actually run. Browsers use these directories to load internet resources. The internet uses openly accessible DNS servers, but companies also often create their own DNS servers for internal resources, and the information stored in them can be very useful for hackers. For example, a hacker who has gained access to an internal network could use a DNS server to discover the subnet(s) where servers are located in order to attempt server attacks on them or in order to discover what types of devices are running on the subnet where they have gained access. خادم اسم المجالServeur de noms de domaineCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1110Domain Name System (DNS) PoisoningA type of cyberattack that involves compromised domain names, allowing attackers to trick users into visiting arbitrary hosts defined by them in lieu of their intended destinations, effectively redirecting traffic. See Domain Name System. تسمم نظام أسماء النطاقات (DNS)Empoisonnement du système de noms de domaine / L’empoisonnement DNSCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1111DNS Amplification AttackA distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack where an attacker uses responses from open DNS resolvers to overwhelm a server or network with an amplified amount of traffic in order to crash the targeted systems or make them inaccessible.هجوم تضخيم نظام اسم النطاقAttaque par amplification DNSCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1112DoxingThe act of gathering, by licit or illicit means, and posting on the internet PII and other sensitive information about an individual, including for example, addresses, dates of birth, social security numbers, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, credit information, employers, and details regarding the individual’s family members. دوكسينجDoxageCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1113EcosystemA system or group of interconnected elements formed linkages and dependencies. For a Financial Market Infrastructure, this may include participants, linked Financial Market Infrastructure, service providers, vendors and vendor products. النظام البيئيÉcosystèmeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1114Egress FilteringEgress filtering is used to restrict and monitor outbound traffic from one network to another. A hacker, or even a disgruntled employee, can leverage a lack of egress filtering to exfiltrate sensitive data from an organization’s network. Organizations should set up an egress policy that denies all traffic by default and only allows approved traffic to trusted destinations. Only traffic necessary for business reasons should be allowed out while all other traffic is denied. تصفية الخروجFiltrage de sortieCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1115Encapsulating Security PayloadA protocol used for encryption and authentication in IPsec.تغليف الحمولة الأمنيةEncapsulation de la charge utile de sécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1116Endpoint SecurityA holistic approach to protecting your organization’s end-user devices, such as laptops, desktops, and smartphones, whether on the network or by accessing it remotely. Endpoint security leverages controls such as anti-malware software, web filtering, and host-based firewalls to reduce the risk that end-user devices will be entry points for security threats. أمن نقطة النهايةSécurité des terminauxCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1117End-to-End- EncryptionA system of communication where only the communicating users can read the messages. Only the sender and receiver will know the content of an SMS, and nobody in between can see the text. All messages sent via Spryng's Gateway are End-to-end- encrypted. التشفير من طرف إلى طرفChiffrement de bout en boutCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1118Ethical HackingEthical hacking is any authorized attempt to hack an agreed upon scope. Ethical hacking encompasses pen tests to red team tests and anything in between with a goal of discovering security vulnerabilities so that they can be corrected.القرصنة الأخلاقيةPiratage éthiqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1119Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)The “Extensible Authentication Protocol” (EAP) passes authentication information between Wi-Fi workstations and authentication servers. Many variations of EAP exist to accommodate specific authentication standards.بروتوكول المصادقة القابل للتوسيعProtocole d'authentification extensibleCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1120Financial Market Infrastructure (FMI) A multilateral system among participating institutions, including the operator of the system, used for the purposes of clearing, settling or recording payments, securities, derivatives or other financial transactions. البنية التحتية للأسواق الماليةInfrastructure des Marchés FinanciersCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1121Forensic InvestigationThe application of investigative and analytical techniques to gather and preserve evidence from a digital device impacted by a cyber-attack.تحقيق الأمن الالكترونيEnquête judiciaireCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1122Forensic ReadinessThe ability of a Financial Market Infrastructure to maximize the use of digital evidence to identify the nature of a cyber-attack.استعداد الأمن الالكترونيPréparationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1123FuzzingFuzzing (or fuzz testing) is a method used to discover errors or potential security vulnerabilities in software.التشويشFuzzingCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1124Gray HatGray hat describes a cracker (or, if you prefer, hacker) who exploits a security weakness in a computer system or product in order to bring the weakness to the attention of the owners. Unlike a black hat, a gray hat acts without malicious intent. The goal of a gray hat is to improve system and network security. However, by publicizing a vulnerability, the gray hat may give other crackers the opportunity to exploit it. This differs from the white hat who alerts system owners and vendors of a vulnerability without actually exploiting it in public. القبعة رماديةChapeau GrisCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1125High-Value AssetInformation or an information system that is so critical to an organization that the loss or corruption of this information or loss of access to the system would have serious impacts on the organization’s ability to perform its mission or conduct business.الأصول عالية القيمةActif de grande valeurCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1126Human Error/ ConfiscationRevelation of sensitive material online (social media, forwarded emails) or through confiscation of devices. المصادرة / الخطأ البشريErreur humaine/ ConfiscationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1127IdentificationTo develop the organizational understanding required to manage cyber risk to systems, assets, data and capabilities. الهويةIdentificationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1128Incident ManagementThe management and coordination of activities associated with an actual or potential occurrence of an event that may result in adverse consequences to information or information systems.إدارة الحوادثGestion des incidentsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1129Incident ResponseCybersecurity work where a person: Responds to crisis or urgent situations within the pertinent domain to mitigate immediate and potential threats; uses mitigation, preparedness, and response and recovery approaches, as needed, to maximize survival of life, preservation of property, and information security; and investigates and analyzes all relevant response activities. الاستجابة للحادثRéponse aux incidentsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1130Incident Response PlanA document that describes the plan for responding to cyber security incidents.خطة الاستجابة للحوادثPlan de réponse aux incidentsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1131Independent Security Assessment (ISA)The ISA is a technical analysis of identified controls designed to measure cybersecurity maturity. Areas within the current ISA include host vulnerability assessments, firewall analysis, host hardening analysis, phishing susceptibility, network penetration testing, websites, web applications, and snapshot analysis of network traffic for signs of threat actor compromise. التقييم الأمني المستقل (ISA)Évaluation indépendante de la sécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1132Information AssetAny piece of data, device or other component of the environment that supports information-related activities. Information assets include data, hardware and software. Information assets are not limited to those that are owned by the entity. They also include those that are rented or leased, and those that are used by service providers to deliver their services. أصول المعلوماتActif d'InformationsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1133Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) An institution that supports the gathering, analysis and sharing of cyber threat information. مركز تبادل وتحليل المعلوماتCentre de partage et d'analyse d'informationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1134Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)This is an access control vulnerability that occurs when a website uses user-supplied input to access objects directly. When database objects are referenced, this could allow a hacker to gain access to unintended. This is an access control vulnerability that occurs when a website uses user supplied input to access objects directly. When database objects are referenced, this could allow a hacker to gain access to unintended records through horizontal or vertical privilege escalation. When static files are referenced, a hacker may be able to change the filename to view other, possibly sensitive, files stored in the system. This vulnerability was # on the 0 OWASP Top Ten. مرجع الكائن المباشر غير الآمنRéférence directe d'objet non sécuriséeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1135Insecure Mobile CommunicationsTaps or intercepts of calls, texts, and files sent from a cellular phone. اتصالات الهاتف المحمول غير الآمنةCommunications mobiles non sécuriséesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1136Insecure Files/DataFiles or data that can be stolen through online or physical action.الملفات / البيانات غير الآمنةFichiers/données non sécurisésCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1137Insider ThreatA person or group of persons within an organization who pose a potential risk through knowingly or unknowingly violating security policies.التهديد الداخليMenace interneCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1138Insider Threat DetectionA coordinated collection of security capabilities designed to detect the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information by an entity with authorized access.كشف التهديدات الداخليةDétection des menaces internesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1139IntegrityWith reference to information, an information system or a component of a system, the property of not having been modified or destroyed in an unauthorized manner. سلامة المعلوماتIntégritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1140International Data Encryption Algorithm IDEAOne of the methods at the heart of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), it uses a -bit key. IDEA is patented by Ascom Tech AG and is popular in Europe. خوارزمية تشفير البيانات الدوليةAlgorithme international de cryptage des données (IDÉE)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1141Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)The “Intelligent Platform Management Interface” (IPMI) is an open interface meant to allow the management and monitoring of server systems over a network. iDRAC (Integrated Dell Remote Access), iLO (HP’s Integrated Lights Out), ILOM (Oracle’s Integrated Lights Out Manager), and IMM (IBM’s Integrated Management Module) are vendor-specific offerings that are compliant with the IPMI standard. The IPMI network protocol runs on port (UDP and sometimes TCP). The authentication process for IPMI version .0 mandates that the server send a salted SHA or MD hash of the requested user’s password to the client prior to the client authenticating. This password hash can be cracked using an offline brute-force or dictionary attack. Since this issue is a key part of the IPMI specification, there is no easy path to fix the problem, short of isolating all affected systems into a separate network or removing the services. Disabling IPMI, or at least restricting access, can help remediate the vulnerability. الواجهة الذكية لإدارة النظام الأساسيInterface de gestion de plateforme intelligenteCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1142Interactive AuthenticationAuthentication that involves the interaction of a person with a system.المصادقة التفاعليةAuthentification interactiveCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1143Internet Protocol SecurityA suite of protocols for secure communications through authentication or encryption of Internet Protocol (IP) packets as well as including protocols for cryptographic key establishment.أمن بروتوكول الإنترنتSécurité du protocole InternetCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1144Intrusion Detection SystemAn automated system used to identify an infringement of security policy. IDS can be host-based, or network based. Also, A security service that monitors and analyses network or system events for the purpose of finding and providing real-time or near real-time warning of attempts to access system resources in an unauthorized manner. نظام كشف التسللSystème de détection d'intrusionCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1145Intrusion Prevention SystemSoftware that has all the capabilities of an intrusion detection system and can also attempt to stop possible incidents.نظام منع الاختراقSystème de prévention des intrusionsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1146Kill ChainDeveloped by Lockheed Martin, the Cyber Kill Chain is a framework to identify and prevent cyber intrusions. The seven-step model identifies what the adversaries must complete in order to achieve their objective so as to strengthen a cyber analyst’s understanding of an adversary’s tactics, techniques, and procedures. سلسة القتل (إطار عمل لتحديد ومنع اختراقات أمن الفضاء الإلكتروني)Kill Chain Chaîne de frappeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1147Lack of Privacy or AnonymityThe inability to keep online activities or identity from being revealed to others.الافتقار إلى الخصوصية أو إخفاء الهويةAbsence de confidentialité ou d'anonymatCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1148Layered protectionAs relying on any single defence against a cyber threat may be inadequate, a Financial Market Infrastructure can use a series of different defences to cover the gaps in and reinforce other protective measures. For example, the use of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, malware scanners, integrity auditing procedures and local storage encryption tools can serve to protect information assets in a complementary and mutually reinforcing manner. May also be referred to as “defence in depth”. طبقات الحمايةProtection MulticoucheCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1149MalwareMalicious software used to disrupt the normal operation of an information system in a manner that adversely impacts its confidentiality, availability or integrity. البرمجيات الخبيثةLogiciel Malveillant MalwareCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1150Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP)A threat information sharing platform (e.g. threat intelligence, threat actor information). منصة تبادل معلومات البرمجيات الخبيثةPlate-forme de partage d'informations sur les logiciels malveillantsCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1151Malicious actorA catch-all term for any entity, from nation-state backed groups to rogue individuals, that aims to infiltrate or attack another entity’s ICT assets for their own ends. Also called bad actor or threat actor. الفاعل الخبيثActeur malveillantCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1152Malicious Cyber ActorAn individual or group of people who seek to exploit computer systems to steal, destroy, or degrade an organization’s information. Actors may be individual computer hackers, part of an organized criminal group, or state sponsored. الفاعل الخبيث للفضاء الإلكترونيCyberacteur malveillantCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1153Man-in-the-Middle AttackIn computer security, MITM is an attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communications between two parties who believe that they are directly communicating with each other. هجوم وسيطAttaque de l'IntercepteurCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1154Managed Service Providers (MSPs)Third party companies that provide services such as networks, applications, infrastructure and security to support an organization in managing its infrastructure and services. مزودو الخدمة المدارةFournisseurs de services gérésCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1155MetadataDescriptive data about the content and context used to identify data.ميتاداتاMetadataCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1156MitigationA decision, action, or practice intended to reduce the level of risk associated with one or more threat events, threat scenarios, or vulnerabilities. التخفيفAtténuationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1157MITRE ATT&CKAn open-source framework developed by MITRE taxonomizing tactics, techniques, and procedures used by threat actors when conducting cyber-attacks. قاعدة مايتر اتاك المعرفية (إطار ومجموعة من مصفوفات البيانات وأداة تقييم طورتها شركة مايتر لمساعدة المؤسسات على فهم استعدادها الأمني واكتشاف نقاط الضعف في دفاعاتها)MITRE ATT&CKCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1158Multifactor Authentication (MFA)The required application of two or more factors that a user must employ to authenticate to an application, system or platform. Applicable factors can include: A) something you know (e.g., a unique password); B) something you have (e.g., an identification device); C) something you are (e.g., biometric, such as a fingerprint); or D) you are where you say you are (e.g., a GPS token or device). مصادقة متعددة العواملAuthentification multifacteurCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1159Need-to-KnowThe principle of restricting an individual’s access to only the data they require to fulfil the duties of their role.مبدأ الحاجة إلى المعرفةDois savoirCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1160Network Basic Input / Output System (NetBIOS)A broadcast name resolution protocol that is used by NBNS, allows applications on different computers to communicate within the same local area network (LAN). On modern systems, NetBIOS should be disabled in favour of DNS services. Broadcast name resolution poisoning attacks can be performed against systems that have NetBIOS enabled. نظام الإدخال / الإخراج الأساسي للشبكةSystème d'entrée/sortie de base réseauCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1161Network Threat DetectionEffective monitoring and analyzing of network or system events to find, and provide real-time or near real-time warning of, attempts to access-system resources in an unauthorized manner. كشف تهديدات الشبكةDétection des menaces sur le réseauCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1162Network Threat ProtectionEffective protection against network security threats attempting to harm organizational assets and thwarting attempts to proliferate on an organization’s network.الحماية من تهديدات الشبكةProtection contre les menaces réseauCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1163Non-Adversarial ThreatA threat associated with accident or human error, structural failure, or environmental causes. تهديد غير عدائيMenace non contradictoireCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1164Non-Interactive AuthenticationAuthentication between systems or services that does not involve the interaction of a person.المصادقة غير التفاعليةAuthentification non interactiveCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1165Non-repudiation Assurance that someone cannot deny the validity of a particular operation: in cryptography, the concept refers to a service that is able to provide proof of the origin of data as well as their integrity. عدم التنصلNon-répudiationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1166Norms for responsible state behavior in cyberspaceNorms for responsible state behavior in cyberspace voluntary, non-binding norms for the responsible behavior of states in cyberspace aimed at promoting an open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful information and communications technology (ICT) environment. The norms were first agreed upon by the UN General Assembly’s First Committee Group of Governmental Experts (UN GGE) on information security in and endorsed by all countries in UN General Assembly Resolution / as part of the UN Framework of Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace. معايير سلوك الدولة المسؤول في الفضاء الإلكترونيNormes pour un comportement responsable des États dans le cyberespaceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1167Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR) A cryptographic protocol that provides encryption for instant messaging conversations. In addition to authentication and encryption, OTR provides forward secrecy. Version of the protocol (OTRv ) is currently being designed by a team led by Sofía Celi and reviewed by Nik Unger and Ian Goldberg. المراسلة غير القابلة للحفظMessagerie confidentielleCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1168One-Time-PasswordOTP, also one-time PIN or dynamic password is a password that is valid for only one login session or transaction, on a computer system or other digital device. OTPs avoid several shortcomings that are associated with traditional (static) password-based authentication; one implementation is two-factor authentication. OTPs can safely be sent in an SMS via Spryng's systems and will be delivered within seconds. كلمة السر لمرة واحدةMot de passe à usage uniqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1169Open Mail RelayAn SMTP server that is configured to allow unauthenticated relay of emails allows open relay. This is dangerous because a hacker who gains access to the mail server can send email messages, such as spam or phishing emails, from the domain to external email addresses. الترحيل المفتوح للبريد الإلكترونيOuvrir le relais de messagerieCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1170Open RedirectionOpen redirection vulnerabilities occur when an application allows parameter values within a URL GET request to include values that will redirect a user to a different site without validating the redirection target. Redirection functions should be removed from applications if possible, or a server-side list of allowed redirect URLs should be used so that the redirection target is set using an index to an item in the list instead of a URL. While this attack doesn’t affect the site itself, the negative impact on users could affect user’s trust. إعادة التوجيه المفتوحةRedirection ouverteCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1171Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)Relevant information derived from the systematic collection, processing, and analysis of publicly available information in response to known or anticipated intelligence requirements. الذكاء مفتوح المصدرIntelligence Open SourceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1172Operational ResilienceThe ability of a Financial Market Infrastructure to: (i) maintain essential operational capabilities under adverse conditions or stress, even if in a degraded or debilitated state; and (ii) recover to effective operational capability in a time frame consistent with the provision of critical economic services. المتانة التشغيليةRésilience OpérationnelleCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1173Operational Technology (OT)Technology that interfaces with the physical world and includes Industrial Control Systems (ICS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Distributed Control Systems (DCS). تكنولوجيا التشغيلTechnologie opérationnelleCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1174Out of band (data)The data transferred through a stream that is independent from the main data stream (in band’). An out-of-band data mechanism provides a conceptually independent channel, which allows any data sent via that mechanism to be kept separate from in-band data. خارج النطاق (البيانات)Hors bande (données)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1175Paris Call for Trust and Security in CyberspaceA non-binding declaration launched in during the Internet Governance Forum held at United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Paris Peace Forum. The agreement calls for states, the private sector, and organizations in civil society to work together to promote peace and security in cyberspace, fight disinformation and address new threats that put citizens and infrastructure in danger. The Paris Call is based around a set of nine principles to secure cyberspace. It has been endorsed by states, public authorities and local governments, organizations and members of civil society, as well as companies and private sector entities as of November . نداء باريس للثقة والأمن في الفضاء الإلكترونيAppel de Paris pour la confiance et la sécurité dans le cyberespaceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1176PassphraseA sequence of words used for authentication.عبارة المرورMot de passeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1177Passphrase ComplexityThe use of at least three of the following character sets in passphrases: lower-case alphabetical characters (a-z), upper-case alphabetical characters (A-Z), numeric characters (0- ) or special characters. درجة تعقيد عبارة المرورComplexité de la phrase de passeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1178Path Traversal / Directory TraversalAlso known as a dot-dot-slash attack, directory climbing, and backtracking. This attack attempts to access directories and files that are stored outside of the web root folder that are not meant to be available to website users. Variables that reference files and directories using absolute file paths or using “dot-dot-slash” (... /) sequences may be susceptible to this attack. A hacker would inject the dot-dot-slash values, which backtrack one directory each, at the start of the input string and reference common sensitive directories and filenames at the end of the string in an effort to make the code backtrack out of the web root and to follow a different path. اجتياز المسار / اجتياز الدليلTraversée de chemin / Traversée de répertoireCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1179Penetration TestA penetration test is designed to exercise real-world scenarios in an attempt to achieve a specific goal, such as compromising critical systems or data. اختبار الاختراقTest de pénétrationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1180Personal Identifiable Information (PII)Applies to any data that could be used to identify a person either directly or indirectly. This includes Social Security number, name, address, phone number and email, as well as data that could be grouped together to identify a person, for example, birthdate, gender, race, and geographic indicators. PII should be considered sensitive data and carefully safeguarded. معلومات التعريف الشخصيةInformations personnelles identifiablesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1181PhishingA digital form of social engineering to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information.التصيدPhishing HameçonnageCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1182Privacy Breach Occurs when there is an unauthorized collection, use, disclosure, retention, or destruction of personal information, including personal health information that has been stolen, lost, or disposed of, except as permitted by the Act. Such activity is unauthorized if it occurs in contravention of applicable privacy legislation or other applicable legislation. خرق الخصوصيةViolation de la vie privéeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1183Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)A policy process for identifying, assessing, and mitigating privacy risks. Government institutions are required to develop and maintain privacy impact assessments for all new or modified programs and activities that involve the use of Personal Information for an administrative purpose. تقييم تأثير الخصوصيةÉvaluation des facteurs relatifs à la vie privéeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1184ProtectionDevelopment and implementation of appropriate safeguards, controls and measures to enable reliable delivery of critical infrastructure services. الحمايةLa ProtectionCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1185RansomwareA form of malware designed to deny access to a computer system or data until ransom is paid. A user of a system infected with ransomware is usually confronted with an extortion message (in many cases a windows popup) asking the victim to pay a ransom fee to the threat actor (usually in cryptocurrency) in order to regain access to their system and data.برامج الفديةRansomwareCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1186RecoverTo restore any capabilities or services that have been impaired due to a cyber event.الاستعادةRécupérerCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1187Red TeamAn independent group that challenges the cyber resilience of an organisation to test its defences and improve its effectiveness. A red team views the cyber resilience of a Financial Market Infrastructure from an adversary’s perspective.الفريق الأحمر (فريق اختبار متانة الأمن الألكتروني)Équipe RougeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1188Releasable to DataData not to be passed to, or accessed by, foreign nationals beyond those belonging to specific nations which the data has been authorized for release to. قابلية تحرير البياناتPossibilité de diffusion des donnéesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1189ReliabilityThe ability of a system or component to function under stated conditions for a specified period of time.الموثوقيةFiabilitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1190ResiliencyThe extent to which software can maintain normal operations amid adverse conditions, including the ability of software to recover from a fault or an attack. المرونةÉlasticitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1191Resilience by designThe embedding of security in technology and system development from the earliest stages of conceptualization and design.متانة الأمن الإلكتروني من خلال التصميمCyberrésilience par DesignCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1192RespondOf Financial Market Infrastructure, to develop and implement appropriate activities to be able to take action when it detects a cyber event. الاستجابةRépondreCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1193ResumeTo recommence functions following a cyber incident. Financial Market Infrastructure should resume critical services as soon as it is safe and practicable to do so without causing unnecessary risk to the wider sector or further detriment to financial stability. The plan of action should incorporate the use of a secondary site and be designed to ensure that critical ICT systems can resume operations within two hours following a disruptive event.استئناف الخدمات الحيوية الالكترونيةRésuméCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1194Risk AnalysisProcess to comprehend the nature of risk and to determine the level of risk.تحليل المخاطرAnalyse de risqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1195Risk-Adaptive Access ControlAccess privileges are granted based on a combination of a user’s identity, mission need, and the level of security risk that exists between the system being accessed and a user. RAdAC will use security metrics, such as the strength of the authentication method, the level of assurance of the session connection between the system and a user, and the physical location of a user, to make its risk determination. التحكم في الوصول المتكيف مع المخاطرContrôle d'accès adapté aux risquesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1196Risk ModelA key component of a risk assessment methodology (in addition to assessment approach and analysis approach) that defines key terms and assessable risk factors.نموذج المخاطرModèle de risqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1197Risk ResponseAccepting, avoiding, mitigating, sharing, or transferring risk to organizational operations (i.e., mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, or the Nation. الاستجابة للمخاطرRéponse au risqueCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1198RollThe act of changing a discretionary data element (such as a cryptographic key) at a predefined period or event of obsolescence.لفافةRouleauCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1199RootkitA rootkit is a piece of software that can be installed and hidden on your computer without your knowledge.برامج روتكيت ( نوع من البرمجيات الخبيثة تمكن المخترقين من الوصول إلى البيانات والتسلل إليها من الأجهزة دون أن يتم اكتشافهم)RootkitCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1200Secure ShellA network protocol that can be used to securely log into, execute commands on, and transfer files between remote workstations and servers. بروتوكول النقل الآمنShell sécurisé Coque sécuriséeCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1201Security Assessment Principles (SyAPs)A framework developed and used by the ONR to guide regulatory judgements and recommendations when undertaking assessments of duty holders’ security submissions, such as site security plans and transport security statements.مبادئ تقييم الأمانPrincipes d'évaluation de la sécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1202Security Operations Center (SOC)A function or service responsible for monitoring, detecting and isolating incidents. Also, the Security operations centers house cybersecurity operations teams that detect threats, share intelligence, and coordinate response activities. California has established a constellation of security operations centers to protect California’s Executive Branch. مركز العمليات الأمنيةCentre des Opérations de SécuritéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1203Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)Uses a combination of public-key and symmetric-key encryption to secure a connection between two machines, typically a Web or mail server and a client machine, communicating over the Internet or an internal network. طبقة الوصلات الآمنةProtocole Sécurisé de Cryptage / Secure Sockets LayerCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1204Security vs UsabilityA widely discussed hypothesis according to which it is extremely hard to design truly secure communication systems and still keep them user-friendly.الأمان مقابل سهولة الاستخدامSécurité vs convivialitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1205Session FixationWebsites that require authentication often create a session ID to identify a user and the access they should have as they move throughout the site after logging in. If a web application reuses session IDs for more than one login or does not invalidate them after a user logs off (or after a period of inactivity), a hacker who gained access to the session ID could access web pages within the authenticated part of the application using the session ID. تثبيت الجلسةFixation de sessionCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1206Session HijackingA session hijacking attack steals an established session between a client and web server after the user logs in or predicts what a session token will be based on easily guessed rules used in creating the token. A hacker could steal the session token using session sniffing, a cross-site scripting attack (XSS), or a man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack. Using this session token, the hacker could access pages within the authenticated portion of the web application and view the same information as the user whose session token is being used. هجوم اختطاف الجلسة الإستحواذ على الجلسةDétournement de sessionCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1207Session TokenAn encrypted, unique string that identifies an authorized and authenticated session. Once a user has successfully logged in, the session token, also known as a session ID, is the temporary, secret code that tells the application what the user is allowed to view and edit within the app. رمز الجلسةJeton de sessionCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1208Situational AwarenessThe ability to identify, process and comprehend the critical elements of information through a cyber threat intelligence process that provides a level of understanding that is relevant to act upon to mitigate the impact of a potentially harmful event. الوعي بالحالةConscience de la SituationCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1209SmishingThe fraudulent practice of sending text messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. Spryng has various mechanisms in place to prevent imposters from using our systems and endangering our clients or their customers. الرسائل الاحتياليةSmishingCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1210Spear PhishingPhishing (see definition above), but personalized and directed at an individual, usually a senior person in the organization. التصيد بالرمح (طريقة للتصيد الاحتيالي للبيانات)Spear Phishing HarponnageCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1211SpoofingAn attack by which a malicious actor impersonates as a trusted actor by using a trusted IP address to hide the malicious IP address. An attacker might do this to attack a network host, spread malware, steal information, or other actions that require bypassing access controls. الانتحالSpoofingCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1212Strategic Threat IntelligenceThe level of threat intelligence focused on objectives, motivations, and intents of cyber threat actors. It aims at examining attributions to cyber threat actors, investigating real motivations and links between cyber events, and understanding complex systems, dynamics and trends. Geopolitical, sectorial and context analysis is a fundamental tool. ذكاء التهديد الاستراتيجيRenseignements sur les menaces stratégiquesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1213ThreatA circumstance or event that has or indicates the potential to exploit vulnerabilities and to adversely impact (create adverse consequences for) organizational operations, organizational assets (including information and information systems), individuals, other organizations or society in general. التهديدات الإلكترونيةMenaceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1214Threat ActorIndividuals, groups, organizations, or states that seek to exploit the organization’s dependence on cyber resources (i.e., information in electronic form, information and communications technologies, and the communications and information-handling capabilities provided by those technologies). الجهة التهديد الفاعلةActeur de la menaceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1215Threat Actor (Intent)The desire of a threat actor to target a particular entity. Threat actors are usually rational actors operating with a clear purpose (e.g. espionage, data theft/exfiltration, extortion, destruction, disruption, supply chain compromise). الجهة التهديد الفاعلة (القصد)Acteur de la menace (Intention)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1216Threat Actor (Origin)Country from which the threat actor launches its attacks. The origin of a threat actor cannot always be determinedwith sufficient precision because they tend to cover theirtracks.الجهة التهديد الفاعلة (الأصل)Acteur menaçant (Origine)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1217Threat Actor (Resources)Resources measure the scope, intensity, sustainability, and diversity of the total set of actions that a threat actor can take. الجهة التهديد الفاعلة (الموارد)Acteur de la menace (Ressources)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1218Threat Actor (Skill)The extent to which a threat actor is able to leveragetechnical means (e.g. create custom malware) and operates with awareness, intelligence, learning potential, problem solving, decision-making coherence, and operational experience. الجهة التهديد الفاعلة (المهارة)Acteur de menace (compétence)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1219Threat Actor (Target)The choices that actors make in terms of the target(s) of their attacks. A threat actor selects a target based on location, sector, and the types of information processed and attack surface available. The geopolitical landscape plays a key role in the targeting pattern of nation-state actors. الجهة التهديد الفاعلة (الهدف)Menace (Cible)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1220Threat Actor (Type)Grouping of threat actors who share similar characteristics, such as similar intents and motivations, and operate in similar ways. الجهة التهديد الفاعلة (النوع)Menace Acteur (Type)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1221Threat and Vulnerability ManagementA structured approach for estimating and assessing threats and vulnerabilities and establishing actions, plans or procedures to mitigate the consequences of those threats and vulnerabilities. This approach should incorporate the organization’s risk assessments and risk mitigation plans. إدارة التهديدات والضعفGestion des menaces et des vulnérabilitésCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1222Threat IntelligenceThreat intelligence is evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject's response to that menace or hazard. معلومات التهديدات الالكترونيةRenseignements sur les MenacesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1223Threat Intelligence PlatformAutomated mechanism to aggregate, transform, analyze, interpret, or enrich threat information to provide the necessary context for decision-making processes. منصة استخبارات التهديداتPlateforme de renseignements sur les menacesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1224Threat Intelligence RequirementThreat intelligence requirements guide the intelligenceproduction effort efficiently and establish what intelligence should be produced to meet the security objectives of an Organization.متطلبات ذكاء التهديدExigence en matière de renseignements sur les menacesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1225Threat LandscapeA collection of threats in a particular domain or context, with information on identified vulnerable assets, threats,risks, threat actors and observed trends. مشهد التهديدPaysage de menacesCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1226Threat VariantNew or modified strains of an existing virus or malware program; malware family.متغير التهديدVariante de menaceCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1227Transport Layer Security (TLS)Cryptographic protocol designed to provide communications security over a computer network. TLS aims primarily to provide data integrity and privacy between two or more communicating computer applications.أمان طبقة النقلSécurité de la couche de transportCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1228Trojan (or Trojan Horse)According to Norton, a Trojan “is a type of malicious code or software that looks legitimate but can take control of your computer. A Trojan is designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or in general inflict some other harmful action on your data or network.” طروادة (أو حصان طروادة) (نوع من البرمجيات الخبيثة)Troie (ou cheval de Troie)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1229Vector (Attack)General approach for achieving an impact, taking advantage of the exposure of a type of, or a region in, an attack surface. ناقلات (الهجوم)Vecteur (attaque)Cyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1230VishingAn attack in which a scammer solicits private information via social engineering over the telephone. Victims are encouraged to share usernames, confidential passwords, private financial account information or credit card numbers. التصيدVishing Hameçonnage vocal ou VoIPCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1231VulnerabilityA weakness, susceptibility or flaw in a system that an attacker can access and exploit to compromise system security. Vulnerability arises from the confluence of three elements: the presence of a susceptibility or flaw in a system; an attacker’s access to that flaw; and an attacker’s capability to exploit the flaw. نقاط الضعفVulnérabilitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1232Vulnerability AssessmentSystematic examination of an information system and its controls and processes, to determine the adequacy of security measures, identify security deficiencies, provide data from which to predict the effectiveness of proposed security measures and confirm the adequacy of such measures after implementation. Source: Adapted from NIST/FSB Cyber Lexicon. تقييم نقاط الضعفÉvaluation de la VulnérabilitéCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1233Watering Hole AttacksA watering hole attack “works by identifying a website that’s frequented by users within a targeted organization, or even an entire sector, such as defence, government, or health care. That website is then compromised to enable the distribution of malware.” هجوم الحُفر المائيةAttaques de point d'eauCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1234Zero Trust ArchitectureA security model, a set of system design principles, and a coordinated cybersecurity and system management strategy based on an acknowledgement that threats exist both inside and outside traditional network boundaries. The zero trust security model eliminates implicit trust in any one element, component, node, or service and instead requires continuous verification of the operational picture via real-time information from multiple sources to determine access and other system responses. هندسة الثقة الصفريةArchitecture confiance zéroCyber Security أمن الفضاء الالكتروني
1235Access codesMeans any one or more of your Password, Mobile passcode, Security Code and any other code we provide to you (or permit you to choose) from time to time, that enables you to gain access to or use Online Banking and which you are required to keep secret. رموز الوصولCodes d'accèsData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1236Accessibility"It represents the degree to which a systemdeviceserviceor environment is available to as many people as possible. Accessibility can be viewed as the ""ability to access"" and benefit from some system or entity. "
1237Accountable materialAccountable material requires the strictest control over its access and movement. Accountable material includes TOP SECRET data, some types of caveated data and any data designated as accountable material by its originator. المواد الخاضعة للمساءلةMatériaux responsablesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1238AccountabilityThere’s a great deal of responsibility that Data Controllers have to bear in the GDPR Era but one of them tops it all – ensuring compliance. Controllers must be able to demonstrate the steps they take to abide by GDPR before taking up any business.المسؤوليةResponsabilitéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1239Account EnumerationThe process of identifying valid usernames, allowing a malicious actor to build a list of valid users for brute-force attacks. This can be done in many ways, including eliciting success and error messages on login and “forgot password” web pages. تعداد الحسابÉnumération de compteData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1240Account Servicing Payment Services Provider ('ASPSP')Means the entity that provides a payment account for the PSU, and which permit payments initiated by TPPs and/or make the PSU's account transaction data available to TPPs. مقدم خدمات الدفع لخدمة الحسابPrestataire de service de paiement gestionnaire de compteData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1241Accredited Data RecipientIs as defined in the Competition and Consumer Act .مستلم البيانات المعتمدDestinataire de données accréditéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1242Age of digital consentThe term commonly used to describe the minimum age in each EEA Member State at which online service providers can rely on a child’s own consent to process their personal data in the context of using an online service, without needing the consent of their parent or guardian. سن الموافقة الرقميةÂge du consentement numériqueData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1243Age VerificationThe age requirement at which data subjects can lawfully give consent introduces a need to verify children’s ages. Rules for the language used in consent requests which are targeted at children, and the way online services obtain children’s consent, is regulated. Under the GDPR changes, the default age at which a person is no longer considered a child is . However, member states can adjust that limit between and . Data controllers need to know the age of consent in every member state and cannot seek consent from anyone under that age. Consent must be obtained from a person holding “parental responsibility”. Reasonable efforts are required to verify that the person providing that consent is indeed a parental figure. See Parental Consent. التحقق من العمرVérification de l'âgeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1244Aggregate dataAccumulated data acquired by combining individual-level data. It refers to data that is ( ) collected from multiple sources and/or on multiple measures, variables, or individuals and ( ) compiled into data summaries or summary reports, typically for the purposes of public reporting or statistical analysis. تجميع البياناتDonnées agrégéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1245Aggregating Data The act of combining individual Data Sets to statistically analyze data trends, while protecting individual privacy, by using groups of individuals with similar characteristics rather than isolating one individual at a time. جمع البياناتAgrégation des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1246Anonymous DataData from which no individuals can be identified, and which is therefore outside the scope of GDPR. Also, Data Sets that in no way indicate to whom the data belongs. Replacing usernames with unique identification numbers does not make the Data Set anonymous, even if identification seems impractical. بيانات مجهولة المصدرDonnées anonymesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1247AnonymizationThe process of turning personal data into a form which does not identify individuals and where identification is not likely to take place. This allows for a much wider use of personal data.إخفاء الهويةAnonymisationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1248Anti-Malware ProtectionThe automated technical capability to detect and block malicious activity from trusted and untrusted applications, and dynamically respond to security incidents and alerts. الحماية من البرامج الضارةProtection contre les logiciels malveillantsData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1249Anti-Phishing ProgramA collection of security controls, including technological capabilities to detect and prevent email-based phishing attacks, as well as the process of training employees to identify and deal with potential phishing email threats. برنامج مكافحة التصيدProgramme Anti-PhishingData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1250Anomaly DetectionThe identification of observations, events or data points that deviate from what is usual, standard, or expected, making them inconsistent with the rest of data. كشف الشذوذ (هو عملية تحديد الأنماط أو الأحداث غير العادية أو غير المتوقعة في مجموعة من البيانات)Détection d' anomalieData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1251Applications and Business Service ViewpointIt focuses on the explain and justifying the role of applications and services with the user/tenant organization as well with the impact on the infrastructure.التطبيقات ووجهة نظر خدمة الأعمالPoint de vue des applications et des services aux entreprisesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1252Authentication BypassThis is a condition where the verification process systems use to manage access to privileged functions is bypassed to access the privileged logic or data that it was intended to protect. This condition can occur for a number of reasons, including but not limited to, exploitation of a vulnerability, access to privileged processes through exposed services, and back doors or other side input channels left over from the development process. تجاوز المصادقةContournement de l'authentificationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1253Authentication HeaderA protocol used in Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) that provides data integrity and data origin authenticity but not confidentiality.رأس المصادقةEn-tête d'authentificationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1254Automated DataInformation processed by any type of computer or other equipment that operates automatically.البيانات الآليةDonnées AutomatiséeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1255Automatic decision-makingMaking a decision solely by automated means without any human involvement.اتخاذ القرار بشكل تلقائيPrise de décision automatiqueData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1256Automated decision-makingThe process of making a decision about an individual based on their personal data by automated means, i.e. using software configured to analyse the personal data provided and follow set rules to reach decisions without human involvement. اتخاذ القرار آليًا (اتخاذ القرار بوسائل آلية فقط دون أي تدخل بشري)Prise de décision automatiséeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1257Authorizing OfficerAn executive with the authority to formally accept the security risks associated with the operation of a system and to authorized it to operate.مسؤول التفويضOrdonnateurData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1258Basic AuthenticationAn insecure authentication built into the HTTP protocol in which the client sends HTTP requests with the Authorization header that contains the word “Basic” word followed by a space and a base -encoded string username: password.المصادقة الأساسيةAuthentification de baseData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1259Binding Corporate Rules (BCRS)A set of binding rules designed to allow multinational companies and organizations to transfer personal data from the EU to the organization's affiliates based outside the EU but within the organization. BCRs must demonstrate adequate safeguards and be authorized by the appropriate lead authority in the EU to vouch for data protection compliance.قواعد الشركات الملزمةRègles d'Entreprise ContraignantesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1260Biometric DataAny data created during a biometric process. This includes physical samples, fingerprints as well as verification and identification data. البيانات الحيويةDonnées BiométriquesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1261BreachA breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful loss, destruction, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data. خرق أمنيLa ViolationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1262Breach NotificationOrganizations are required to report data breaches to the ICO within hours of the breach and/or the organization becoming aware of the breach. In the case of Data Subjects being caused potential harm by the breach, they must also be notified. إشعار بالخرق الأمنيNotification des Violations Notification des AtteintesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1263Broadcast Name ResolutionThese attacks listen for NetBIOS, LLMNR, or MDNS broadcast requests, which are generated when a host is attempting to resolve a hostname not within DNS. A hacker may then respond to the host and request that the host authenticate back to the hacker’s host, allowing the hacker to capture Windows authentication traffic and perform offline dictionary-based password cracking attempts or conduct SMB Relay attacks. هجمات حل اسم البثRésolution de noms par diffusionData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1264Broken Access ControlRefers to any way in which a user can access portions of a web application that should not be available to them. One example occurs when a hacker who knows the URL for an admin function can enter the URL in a browser directly and access the page without logging in. Another example is when user input is not sanitized, allowing a hacker to perform a SQL injection attack to view, edit, or delete data. التحكم في الوصول المكسورContrôle d'accès casséData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1265Broken AuthenticationRefers to any application flaw that allows unintended access to the application. Examples include default and weak passwords that are easy to guess or could be victims of automated or manual brute-force and dictionary attacks. Session attacks, such as session hijacking, are also included because a successful attack provides a hacker with access to the application as the owner of the stolen session. المصادقة المكسورةAuthentification briséeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1266CaveatA marking that indicates that the data has special requirements in addition to those indicated by its classification. This term covers codewords, source codewords, reliability indicators and special-handling caveats. تنبيه خارجيMise en gardeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1267Classified DataData that would cause damage, serious damage or exceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals if compromised (i.e. data assessed as PROTECTED, SECRET or TOP SECRET). البيانات المصنفةDonnées classifiéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1268Cloud OperatorAn entity that is responsible for making applications available to users. It can be public or private.مشغل السحابةOpérateur CloudData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1269Co-located Data CenterA colocation centre (CoLo)…is a type of data centre where equipment, space, and bandwidth are available for rental to retail customers. Colocation facilities provide space, power, cooling, and physical security for the server, storage, and networking equipment of other firms and also connect them to a variety of telecommunications and network service providers with a minimum of cost and complexity. مركز البيانات المشتركCentre de données colocaliséeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1270Confidential DataA form of sensitive data that explicitly requires protection from unauthorized disclosure. Examples of confidential data include cardholder data (CHD), sensitive authentication data (SAD), and private cryptographic keys. See Sensitive Data. البيانات السريةDonnées confidentiellesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1271ConfidentialityThe assurance that data is disclosed only to authorized entities.الخصوصيةConfidentialitéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1272Connection ForwardingThe use of network address translation to allow a port on a node inside a network to be accessed from outside the network. Alternatively, using a Secure Shell server to forward a Transmission Control Protocol connection to an arbitrary port on the local host. إعادة توجيه الاتصالRedirection de ConnexionData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1273ConsentFreely given, specific, informed and unambiguous consent given by the data subject either by statement or clear affirmative action which signifies agreement to the subject’s personal data being processed. Also, the consent is any freely given, specific and informed indication of an agreement by the data subject to the processing of their personal data. الموافقة المسبقةConsentementData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1274Content filterA filter that examines content to assess conformance against a security policy.تصفية المحتوىFiltre de contenuData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1275Content Security Policy Header (CSP)This is an HTTP Response header that specifies which dynamic resources, such as JavaScript and CSS, are allowed to load from the website. It protects against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and later version also protect against clickjacking and other attacks. Common ways that this header is include restricting inline scripts (such as malicious injected scripts), restricting remote scripts with “src” pointing to an external site, and restricting insecure JavaScript methods such as “eval.” The “frame-ancestors” CSP directive blocks clickjacking attacks. رأس سياسة أمان المحتوىEn-tête de la politique de sécurité du contenuData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1276Critical AssetsCollective term to describe any software element that if exposed, misused, altered, or disabled could impair the software’s ability to function properly or meet its security objectives. Sensitive data, sensitive functions, and sensitive resources are also considered critical assets. الأصول الحرجةActifs critiquesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1277Cross-border data flowsThe movement of data across international borders, usually at the business-to-business level. تدفقات البيانات عبر الحدودFlux de données transfrontaliersData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1278Cross border Data TransferThe transfer of personal data to another country or jurisdiction. Data protection laws often require controllers to satisfy special requirements when transferring personal data cross-border.نقل البيانات عبر الحدودTransfert de données transfrontalierData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1279Cross-Border ProcessingThe processing of data by a Controller or Processor who operates in more than one EU member state, or the processing of data in one EU member state of subjects resident in one or more member state. معالجة البيانات عبر الحدودTraitement TransfrontalierData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1280Cross Domain SolutionA system capable of implementing comprehensive data flow security policies with a high level of trust between two or more differing security domains.حل عبر النطاقSolution inter-domainesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1281Data Access AuditsObservation of a database so as to be aware of database User activity to ensure compliance with appropriate use and access permissions granted.عمليات تدقيق الوصول إلى البياناتAudits d'accès aux donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1282Data Access Audit ReportingDocumented coverage of the activities of data access identified in Data Access Audits.تقارير تدقيق الوصول إلى البياناتRapports d'audit d'accès aux donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1283Data Access Incidents and ActionsIdentified and recorded activities that do not conform to the appropriate Use and access permissions granted, such as activities identified as anomalies to the regular data access patterns. حوادث الوصول إلى البيانات والإجراءاتIncidents et actions d’accès aux donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1284Data Access RequestA form filled out by a researcher that describes their research project, lists members of their research team, and identifies the Data Sets and variables needed to perform the research. طلب الوصول إلى البياناتDemande d'accès aux donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1285Data assetA body of data or information, defined and managed as a single unit so it can be understood, shared, protected and exploited efficiently. أصل البياناتActif de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1286Data asset registryA data asset registry provides a summary of the key datasets being generated and managed by different actors in a context.تسجيل أصول البياناتRegistre des actifs de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1287Data ‘asymmetry ‘The term data asymmetry refers to any situation where there is a disparity in access to data between different groups or parties.""عدم تناسق"" البياناتData ‘asymmetry ‘Data Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1288Data AugmentationA set of techniques to artificially increase the amount of data by generating new data points from existing data. This includes making small changes to data or using deep learning models to generate new data points.زيادة البياناتData AugmentationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1289Data BiasData bias in machine learning is a type of error in which certain elements of a dataset are more heavily weighted and/or represented than others. A biased dataset does not accurately represent a model's use case, resulting in skewed outcomes, low accuracy levels, and analytical errors. تحيز البياناتData BiasData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1290Data ‘blindness’ - ‘blur’One main challenge with data in the MENA region is the inaccuracies that end up clouding out realities on the ground. One source of inaccuracy is data blindness, which occurs when an abundance of aggregated, unstructured data prevents the user from extracting the information needed to make decisions. ""عمى - طمس"" البياناتData ‘blindness’ - ‘blur’Data Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1291Data BreachThe intentional or unintentional release of sensitive or private information into an unsecure environment.خرق البياناتData BreachData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1292Data cleaningThe process of detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate records from a record set, table, or database and refers to identifying incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or irrelevant parts of the data and then replacing, modifying, or deleting the dirty or coarse data. تنقية ( تصفية ) البياناتData cleaningData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1293Data consumerA person or organization that uses data to make decisions, take actions, or increase awareness. مستهلك البياناتConsommateur de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1294Data ControllerAny person or organization) the legal entity or individua (that determines the purposes, conditions and methodology for the processing of personal data. Also, as defined in the GDPR, the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. متحكم بياناتResponsable du TraitementData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1295Data ecosystemThe data ecosystem includes the public, private, and civil data communities as well as different kinds of data, law and legislative frameworks, technologies, platforms, and tools. The environment in which data is governed, used, and reused, is shaped by the complex interaction of these different data communities, infrastructure, or political and legislative frameworks. النظام البيئي للبياناتÉcosystème de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1296Data Ecosystem MapA data ecosystem map provides a summary of major data management activities, including the scale, scope, and types of data being processed, stakeholders involved, data flows between different actors, and processes and platforms in use. خريطة النظام البيئي للبياناتCarte de l'écosystème de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1297Data ErasureAlso known as the Right to be Forgotten. The right to have the Data Controller erase the personal data, stop publishing the data and cease processing the data. محو البياناتEffacement de DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1298DataflowDataflow is the movement of data through a system comprised of software, hardware or a combination of both. Dataflow is often defined using a model or diagram in which the entire process of data movement is mapped as it passes from one component to the next within a program or a system, taking into consideration how it changes form during the process. تدفق البياناتFlux de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1299Data for developmentThe use of different types of data (e.g. geo-spatial data, environmental data, economic data, administrative data, agriculture surveys, household surveys. etc) from different data sources (e.g. data from the public sector, private sector, civil society, etc.) to enhance progress towards achieving the objectives of sustainable development. البيانات للتطويرLes données pour le développementData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1300Data impact assessmentA data impact assessment is a generic term to refer to a variety of tools that are used to determine the positive and negative consequences of a data management activity. These include commonly used – and sometimes legally required – tools such as Data Protection Impact Assessments and Privacy Impact Assessments.تقييم أثر البياناتÉvaluation d'impact des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1301Data inaccuracyData inaccuracy is defined as “incorrect or imprecise data.” It can be caused by human error, incorrect assumptions, poorly calibrated equipment, or bad luck. Whatever the cause, inaccuracies can lead to wrong decisions being made, which can have serious consequences. عدم دقة البياناتInexactitude des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1302Data incidentsEvents involving data management, such as the loss, destruction, alteration, acquisition, or disclosure of data and information, caused by accidental or intentional, unlawful or otherwise unauthorized purposes that have caused harm or have the potential to cause harm. حوادث البياناتIncidents liés aux donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1303Data IntegrityThe property that data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner. Data integrity covers data in storage, during processing, and while in transit. تكامل البياناتIntégrité des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1304Data Integrity AttacksAn integrity attack targets the integrity of an ML model’s output, resulting in incorrect predictions performed by an ML model. هجمات سلامة البياناتAttaques contre l'intégrité des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1305Data in transitData that is being communicated across a communication medium.البيانات قيد النقلDonnées en transitData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1306Data justiceData justice is preoccupied with the social justice implications of our growing reliance on data driven technologies. The concept draws from long-standing concerns with the social justice implications of information and communication systems. Building on these insights, data justice has predominantly emerged in the dual context of the growing focus on big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, and the limitations in how such developments have been framed and approached in relation to broader social justice agendas. عدالة البياناتJustice des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1307Data LifecycleAll stages of data existence, from its creation and collection through to its access and Use. This includes its retention (storage), Dissemination (how it might be distributed), and final disposition (e.g., Archiving, secure destruction). .دورة حياة البياناتCycle de vie des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1308Data localizationData localization is the practice of keeping data within the region it originated from. For example, if an organization collects data in the UK, they store it in the UK rather than transferring it to another country for processing. توطين البياناتLocalisation des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1309Data managementThe data management cycle consists of the following steps: planning, collecting and receiving, storing, cleaning, transfer, analysis, communicating and disseminating, feedback and evaluation, and retention and destruction. إدارة البياناتGestion des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1310Data MatchingThe creation of identifying information by combining identifying information or de-identified personal health information, or other information from two or more two or more electronic data bases or two or more electronic records. مطابقة البياناتCorrespondance des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1311Data minimizationThe objective of ensuring that only the minimum amount of data is processed to achieve the objective and purposes for which the data were collected.تصغير البياناتMinimisation des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1312Data PlatformComprehensive repository that holds Pseudonymous Administrative Data available by Data Access Request.منصة البياناتPlateforme de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1313Data PortabilityThe right to allow individuals to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services so they can move, copy or transfer the data easily in a safe and secure way. Also, means the ability to port data from one system to another. قابلية نقل البياناتPortabilité des DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1314Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA)A methodology or tool used to identify and reduce the privacy risks of individuals when planning projects or policies to protect the data.تقييم أثر خصوصية البياناتÉvaluation de l'Impact de la Confidentialité des Données.Data Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1315Data ProcessingAny operation or set of operations that is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction. معالجة البياناتTraitement de l'informationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1316Data ProcessorAny person or organization [the entity or individual] that processes data on behalf of the Data Controller. Processing is defined very widely and includes collection, storage, use, recording, disclosure or manipulation of data whether or not by automated means. معالج البياناتTraitement de DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1317Data ProtectionThe tools and techniques used to ensure data is not lost or corrupted. When selecting a cloud service provider (CSP), consider their services or protocols for backup, recovery, business continuity, and disaster recovery. حماية البياناتProtection des DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1318Data Protection Act (DPA)The Data Protection Act was introduced in the UK to give effect to GDPR.قانون حماية البياناتLoi sur la Protection des DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1319Data Protection and Privacy LawsLaws that govern the collection and processing of personal data and personally identifiable information and that vary from territory to territory. These differences can act as both a hard and soft barrier to the movement of data across borders and can cover personal and/or non-personal data.قوانين حماية البيانات والخصوصيةLois sur la protection des données et la vie privéeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1320Data Protection Authority (DPA)Means the independent public authority supervising compliance with privacy and data protection legislation.سلطة حماية البياناتAutorité de Protection des DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1321Data Protection AuthoritiesDPAs are independent public authorities that monitor and supervise the application of data protection law. They provide expert advice on data protection issues, handle and investigate complaints that may have breached the law and take corrective action where necessary. سلطات حماية البياناتAutorités de protection des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1322Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)A tool and process for assessing the protection impacts on data subjects in processing their personal data and for identifying remedial actions as necessary in order to avoid or minimize such impacts.تقييم أثر حماية البياناتAnalyse d'impact sur la protection des données (AIPD)Data Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1323Data Protection Officer (DPO)The role in an organization which has responsibility for ensuring that individual’s personal data is protected under data protection legislation and that the organization is compliant with the legislation.مسؤول حماية البياناتResponsable de la Protection des Données Le Délégué à la Protection des Données (DPDData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1324Data ProvenanceIdentifies the origin of the data processor and data owner and documents a record of the history of the data since collection.مصدر البياناتOrigine des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1325Data providerA person or organization that shares data directly or on behalf of another entity.مزود البياناتFournisseur de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1326Data sensitivityClassification of data based on the likelihood and severity of potential harm that may materialize as a result of its exposure in a particular context.حساسية البياناتSensibilité des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1327Data SovereigntyThe concept that information which has been converted and stored in binary digital form is subject to the laws of the country in which it is located.سيادة البياناتSouveraineté des DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1328Digital transformationa process that aims to improve an entity by triggering significant changes to its properties through combinations of information, computing, communication, and connectivity technologies. التحول الرقميTransformation numériqueData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1329Data qualityA set of characteristics that make the data fit for the purpose for which it is processed. Data quality includes components such as accuracy, relevance, sufficiency, integrity, completeness, usability, validity, coherence, punctuality, accessibility, comparability, and timeliness. جودة البياناتQualité des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1330Data responsibilityA set of principles, processes and tools that support the safe, ethical and effective management of data in humanitarian response. مسؤولية البياناتResponsabilité des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1331Data Retention and Destruction SchedulesSchedules that specify the beginning and end dates for the retention of the data inclusive of any requirements from the owner of the data or specified in any Data Sharing Agreements.جداول الاحتفاظ وتدمير البياناتCalendriers de conservation et de destruction des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1332Data revolutionThe transformative actions needed to bring data production and usage in line with the demands of the global development agenda. This involves improvements in how data is used, produced, collected, and disseminated; as well as efforts to cultivate data literacy; promote data transparency and accountability; and develop ways to measure progress towards these objectives. ثورة البياناتRévolution des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1333Data Sharing Agreement (DSA)Agreement that establishes the terms and conditions that govern the sharing of personal data or sensitive non-personal data. It is primarily used for data sharing between two parties and typically established at the country level.اتفاقية مشاركة البياناتAccord de partage de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1334Data Sharing Agreement (DSA)A formal contract used for the transfer of data that has been developed by a non-profit, government, private industry, or an academic body where the data are non-public or otherwise restricted in use. A DSA clearly documents the parameters of the data to be transferred, data usage and access, defined Data Retention times, and final disposition. This agreement serves two purposes: to protect the owner of the data, ensuring that the data will not be misused; and, to prevent any miscommunication between the provider of the data and the NBIRDT by making certain that any questions about Data Transfer, Use, access, retention, and disposition are discussed before the data is shared. اتفاقية مشاركة البياناتAccord de partage de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1335Data scrapingData scraping, also known as web scraping, is the process of importing information from a website into a spreadsheet or local file saved on your computer. It’s one of the most efficient ways to get data from the web, and in some cases to channel that data to another website. تجريف البيانات (كشط البيانات)Grattage de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1336Data sourceThe original collector of the data concerned.مصدر البياناتSource de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1337Data standardizationData standardization is the critical process of bringing data into a common format that allows for collaborative research, large-scale analytics, and sharing of sophisticated tools and methodologies. توحيد البياناتStandardisation des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1338Data StewardData stewards are responsible for data definition (i.e., defining the characteristics of the elements in a database) and access authorization, particularly data access and disclosure to third parties. مضيف البياناتGestionnaire de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1339Data trustAn entity or group of entities that is entrusted to manage a specific data ecosystem or data value chain.الثقة في البياناتConfiance des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1340Data subjectAs defined in the GDPR, an identified or identifiable natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person. موضوع البياناتPersonne concernéeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1341Data trafficNetwork traffic is the amount of data moving across a computer network at any given time. Network traffic, also called data traffic, is broken down into data packets and sent over a network before being reassembled by the receiving device or computer. حركة مرور البياناتTrafic de donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1342Data transferThe act of transferring data or making it accessible to a partner using any means, such as in hard copy, electronic means or the internet. نقل البياناتTransfert des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1343Data trustAn entity or group of entities that is entrusted to manage a specific data ecosystem or data value chain.ثقة البياناتConfiance des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1344Data Value ChainThe Data Value Chain framework helps technical practitioners understand how interoperability adds value to data on the data value chain. The data value chain describes four major stages: collection, publication, uptake and impact. It is essential to reference interoperability at each stage, starting from when the handshake happens between systems, to either consume or deliver data in the value chain. For example, it will define classifications and standards to be followed while collecting and storing the data. Importantly, it describes how downstream systems should use the data. The interoperability checklist must also reflect the organizational practices and data management plans that cover the entire data value chain. سلسلة قيمة البياناتLa chaîne de valeur des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1345DeclassificationA process whereby requirements for the protection of data are removed and an administrative decision is made to formally authorize its release into the public domain.رفع السريةDéclassificationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1346Democratization of dataMaking proprietary banking information available to any entity with the owner’s permission to access it.إضفاء الطابع الديمقراطي على البياناتDémocratisation des donnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1347DesignatePerson or persons authorized by a Custodian or Public Body to see the data as set out in the Information Management Agreement.المعين (شخص مخول للدخول إلى البيانات)DésignerData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1348Digital divideThe gap between individuals, households, businesses and geographic areas at different socio-economic levels with regard to both their opportunities to access information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to their use of the Internet for a wide variety of activities. الفجوة الرقميةFracture numériqueData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1349Digital gender dividesThe digital divide is the difference between groups with access to technology and the internet and groups without. Girls and women often have less access to technology compared to their male counterparts, owing to different factors including financial barriers, social stigma, and gender norms. الفجوات الرقمية بين الجنسينFractures numériques entre les sexesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1350Digital inclusionThe ability of individuals and groups to access and use information and communications technologies.الشمول الرقميInclusion numériqueData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1351Digital literacyAn individual’s ability to search, find, evaluate, and compose clear information through typing, writing, tapping, and by using other mediums (e.g., multimedia videos, video calling, and messaging) on various digital platforms, which requires a basic level of computer competency. محو الأمية الرقميةAlphabétisation numériqueData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1352Digital platformsA digital platform is the online infrastructure within which transactions and exchanges between users occur. In business enterprise terms, a digital platform can be thought of as the space where exchanges of information, goods, or services occur between producers and consumers, as well as the community that interacts within said platform. المنصات الرقميةPlateformes numériquesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1353Digital preservationThe coordinated and ongoing set of processes and activities that ensure long-term, error-free storage of digital information, with means for retrieval and interpretation, for the entire time span the information is required. الحفظ الرقميPréservation numériqueData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1354Digital rightsDigital rights refers to the relationship between copyrighted digital works (such as film, music and art) and user permissions and rights related to computers, networks and electronic devices. Digital rights also refers to the access and control of digital information. الحقوق الرقميةDroits numériquesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1355DisclosureThe sharing or releasing of any data, regardless of type or format (written, verbal, online) from the secure custody whether authorized under legislation and or agreements or unauthorized such as unvetted data results, loss, or theft. إفشاءDivulgationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1356Edge ComputingVarious form of data and network layer analytics will be required to support use-cases requiring real-time decision making and management of data flow in intelligent fashion. This study may help in envisioning the requirements in the area of edge computing and analytics. Edge Computing may be at Mobile edge in the form of Mobile Edge Computing either at RAN or Fronthaul or mid-haul or backhaul or at the edge of enterprise/customer network. Edge computing nodes come with its own capabilities required to store processing data, compute or execute some algorithm and communication setup to interact with rest of the network. حوسبة الحافةEdge ComputingData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1357Edge InterworkingEdge interworking refers to Edge to Edge communication between communication service provider networks or between Industry vertical solution and communication service provider networks.حافة العمل البينيBord d'interfonctionnementData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1358Encrypted DataData that is secure as protected by translating the data into another form that can only be read by those with authorized access through a key or password.البيانات المشفرةDonnées Chiffrées / Données CryptéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1359EncryptionThe process of converting information or data into code in order to prevent unauthorized access. Encrypting data allows users to protect information by using cryptography or other mathematical models to scramble it in such a way that only parties who have access to the key can use the data (in this case cryptocurrency funds).التشفيرChiffrementData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1360Enforcement NoticeA Notice served by the Information Commissioner requiring us to take (or refrain from taking) specific action regarding our data processing activities, in order to comply with the Act. إشعار الإنفاذAvis d'ExécutionData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1361e-Privacy DirectiveDirective 0 / /EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 0 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications). .توجيهات الخصوصية الإلكترونيةDirective ePrivacyData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1362EscortA person who ensures that when maintenance or repairs are undertaken to ICT equipment that uncleared personnel are not exposed to data they are not authorized to access.المرافقةEscorteData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1363ExfiltrationWhere an actor has unauthorized access to private organizational data (for example, legitimate credentials or intellectual property), and copies it from a system. التسللExfiltrationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1364Fair Processing Notice (FPN)"Fair processing notices are the ""small print"" that appear on formswhich are sometimes called privacy statements or collection texts. They are used to inform the person from whom personal data are being collectedthe data subjecthow their data will be processed. "
1365File Transfer Protocol (FTP)Allows users to transfer files from computer to computer over the internet. It’s an insecure service that sends data in cleartext without encryption. SFTP or FTPS are secure alternative to FTP.بروتوكول نقل الملفاتProtocole de transfert de fichiersData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1366General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)It came into force on th May . The GDPR further harmonizes data protection rules across EU member states. It applies to data processing carried out by individuals and organizations operating within the EU, but also applies to organizations outside the EU that offer goods and services to EU citizens. The GDPR significantly enhances the rights of data subjects in the processing of their personal data. اللائحة العامة لحماية البيانات / الاتحاد الأوربيRèglement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD) -Union EuropéenneData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1367HarmNegative implications of a data processing initiative on the rights of a data subject, or a group of data subjects, including but not limited to physical and psychological harm, discrimination and denial of access to services. الضرر (التلف)PréjudiceData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1368Human-centricityPutting people’s wants and needs at the forefront of process and systemic decision-making.محورية الإنسان (التركيز على الإنسان في عمليات صنع القرار)Centré sur l'humainData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1369Infrastructure information ViewpointIt focuses on models and frameworks to present the information requirements and control information of a system. It would show how information is partitioned across logical boundaries and the required quality attributes of information.وجهة نظر معلومات البنية التحتيةPoint de vue d'informations sur l'infrastructureData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1370Genetic DataData that is unique concerning the characteristics of an individual which are inherited or acquired. See Biometric Data.البيانات الوراثيةDonnées GénétiquesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1371Grounds for ProcessingAn organization's lawful basis for processing personal data – consent; contractual; legal basis; vital interests; public interest; legitimate interests.أسباب المعالجةMotif de TraitementData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1372Information Commissioners Office (ICO)The UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. مكتب مفوضي المعلومات (ICO)Bureau du Commissariat à l'InformationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1373Lawful Basis of Data ProcessingIt is the need to have a valid lawful reason to process personal data. This could be consent, a legitimate interest or contractual necessity. الأساس القانوني لمعالجة البياناتBase Légale du Traitement des DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1374Legitimate InterestIt is a valid alternative to consent as a lawful basis for processing— but not for special categories of data. It will not be valid if it harms the rights, interests or freedoms of the individual. Records of your legitimate interest should be documented. المصلحة المشروعةIntérêt LégitimeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1375MetaverseA virtual reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. A loose network of virtual worlds with social connections and interactions as a primary function. Based on blockchain technology, it encompasses virtual worlds and augmented reality. Metaverse includes gaming realms, GameFi, and virtual worlds. Virtual Worlds must maintain a decentralized marketplace and offer the ability to tokenize and trade digital assets within the metaverse. ميتافيرس عالم افتراضي ضخم متصل، يتفاعل فيه الأشخاص في إطار بيئة افتراضية بالكامل)MetaverseData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1376Metaverse PlatformOnline stores or developer products hosting a range of games, wherein a native token is compatible across the platform. Metaverse Platform also includes marketplaces that allow for trading of virtual assets, such as NFTs, in-game items and land. منصة ميتافيرسPlateforme MétaverseData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1377MicrodataObservation data on the characteristics of statistical units of a population, such as individuals, households, or establishments, gathered through exercises such as household surveys, needs assessment or monitoring activities. البيانات الجزئيةMicrodonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1378Mobile Edge Computing ServerMEC has been a terminology mainly in the context of G where local computing and storage capabilities can be embedded at the mobile network edge in order to provide low latency data/computing services to locally attached end users. It can be envisaged that in future emerging space and terrestrial networks, LEO satellites can also become MEC servers in constellation in the space once equipped with computing and data storage capabilities. خادم الحوسبة المتنقلةServeur informatique de périphérie mobileData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1379Non-personal dataAny information which does not relate to a data subject. Non-personal data can be categorized in terms of origin, namely: data that has never related to a data subject, such as data about the context in which a response is taking place and data about humanitarian response actors and their activities; or data that was initially personal data but later made anonymous, such as data about the people affected by the humanitarian situation and their needs, the threats and vulnerabilities they face, and their capacities. Non-personal data includes Demographically Identifiable Information (DII) i.e., data that enables the identification of groups of individuals by demographically defining factors, such as ethnicity, gender, age, occupation, religion, or location. البيانات غير الشخصيةDonnées non personnellesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1380Nutrition LabelSimilar to a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), a nutrition label for an AI system would clearly document what data was used to train a model, where it came from, and how any data submitted to the model will be incorporated. Attributes of a nutrition label could include data quality score, personally identifiable information score, and toxicity score. ملصق التغذيةÉtiquette nutritionnelleData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1381Open DataData that is freely available to the public and published in a way in which anyone can use, share, and manipulate for any purpose without restriction. البيانات المفتوحةDonnées ouvertesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1382Parental ConsentConsent from a person holding parental authority over children under (age varies across member states). It is the responsibility of the Data Controller to set up the verification procedures that guarantee the age of the child and the authenticity of the Parental Consent. See Age Verification.موافقة ولي الأمرConsentement ParentalData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1383Personal Data BreachMeans a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, Personal Information transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. خرق البيانات الشخصيةViolation de Données PersonnellesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1384Privacy by DesignThe principle of the inclusion of data protection from the onset of the designing and planning of systems, rather than as a later addition (also Privacy by Default). الخصوصية من خلال التصميمProtection des données dès la Conception (Privacy by Design)Data Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1385Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)The GDPR imposes a new obligation on data controllers and data processors to conduct a Data Protection Impact Assessment (also known as a privacy impact assessment, or PIA) before undertaking any processing that presents a specific privacy risk by virtue of its nature, scope, or purposes. تقييم أثر الخصوصيةÉvaluation de l'Impact de la ConfidentialitéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1386Privacy NoticeA notice informing Data Subjects how their personal information is going to be used and their rights when their data is provided, collected and processed. إشعار الخصوصيةDéclaration de Confidentialité / Politique de Confidentialité / Avis de ConfidentialitéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1387ProfilingAutomated processing of personal data to evaluate certain things about an individual.التنميطProfilage / ProfilingData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1388PromptNatural language text describing the task that an AI should perform. Signature-based Detection – Detection method which involves scanning software programs running on a computer system and looking for certain patterns (i.e., unique signatures, digital footprint) of computer malware or viruses by comparing to a large database of known signatures. A process undertaken to ensure that no personal data can be attributed to an individual data subject without the use of additional information. المطالبةPromptData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1389PseudonymisationA procedure by which the most identifying fields within a data record/ database are replaced by one or more artificial identifiers, or pseudonyms. GDPR explicitly encourages organizations to consider pseudonymization as a security measure provided the “key” that enables re-identification is kept separate and secure. التسميه المستعارة (إخفاء الأسماء)PseudonymisationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1390RecipientPerson to whom the personal data are disclosed in the course of processing.المتلقيDestinataireData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1391RectificationThe right for Data Subjects to have inaccurate personal information corrected.التصحيحRectificationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1392Re-identificationA process by which de-identified (anonymized) data can be traced back or linked to an individual(s) or group(s) of individuals through reasonably available means at the time of data re-identification.إعادة تحديد الهويةRé-identificationData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1393Relevant Filing SystemAny set of information relating to individuals which is structured either by reference to individuals or by reference to criteria relating to individuals in such a way that specific information relating to a particular individual is readily accessible even where processing does not take place automatically. This would include any paper files relating to an individual student or member of staff.نظام الملفات ذات الصلةSystème de Fichiers AssociéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1394Right to Be ForgottenAlso known as Data Erasure. See Data Erasure.الحق في النسيانDroit à l'OubliData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1395Right to AccessAlso known as Subject Access Right. See Subject Access Right.الحق في الوصولDroit d'AccéderData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1396Risk mitigationA process for applying specific measures to prevent and/or minimize the likelihood of likely risks related to the processing of data and prevent occurrence of harms or otherwise minimize their magnitude and severity.تخفيف المخاطرAtténuation des risquesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1397Safe HarbourA Safe harbour is a list of countries that have an adequate level of security standards in terms of processing and handling personal information and acceptable to the European Union. The term originated during an agreement between EU and US department of commerce to maintain adequate level of data security.الملاذ الآمنSphère de Sécurité La Zone SûreData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1398Secondary dataData that was originally collected for a specific research purpose or alternatively for no specific research purpose (e.g., national census), and is now used by other researchers for a different purpose. البيانات الثانويةDonnées secondairesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1399Standard Contractual ClausesThe SCCs or “model clauses” are standardized contract language (approved by the European Commission) and one method of permission for controllers/processors to send personal data to third countries.البنود التعاقدية المعياريةClauses Contractuelles StandardData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1400Statistical Disclosure ControlTechnique used in statistics to assess and lower the risk of a person or organization being re-identified from the results of an analysis of survey or administrative data, or in the release of microdata. مراقبة الإفصاح الإحصائيContrôle de la divulgation statistiqueData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1401Securely DeleteData destroyed in such a manner that reconstruction is not reasonably foreseeable in the circumstances.حذف بأمانSupprimer en toute sécuritéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1402Securely DestroyedData that are destroyed in such a manner that reconstruction is not reasonably foreseeable in the circumstances.تدمير آمنDétruit en toute sécuritéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1403Security riskAny event that could result in the compromise, loss of integrity or unavailability of data or resources, or deliberate harm to people measured in terms of its likelihood and consequences. خطر أمنيRisque de sécuritéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1404Security vulnerabilityA weakness in a system’s security requirements, design, implementation or operation that could be accidentally. ثغرة أمنيةFaille de sécuritéData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1405Sensitive dataData classified as sensitive based on the likelihood and severity of potential harm that may materialize as a result of its exposure in a particular context. Both personal and non-personal data can be sensitive. Many organizations have specific classification systems regarding what constitutes sensitive data in order to facilitate data management practices.بيانات حساسةDonnées sensiblesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1406Sensitive FunctionsAny software functionality that alters other software functionality or configuration, processes sensitive data, provides security features, or interacts with sensitive resources. Examples of sensitive functions include authentication functions, cryptographic functions, communication protocols, processing daemons, etc. الوظائف الحساسةFonctions sensiblesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1407Sensitive Personal DataPersonal Data that is of a private nature and includes racial origin, sexual life, political or religious views and affiliations, and physical or mental health. بيانات شخصية حساسةDonnées Personnelles Sensibles Données Personnelles ConfidentiellesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1408Sensitive Production DataSensitive data that is owned and/or generated by an entity other than a software vendor. Sensitive production data is typically obtained from software that has been deployed into a production environment owned and/or managed by another entity, such as a software vendor’s customers, partners, or other stakeholders. بيانات الإنتاج الحساسةDonnées sensibles de productionData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1409Sensitive resourcesExternal resources upon which software relies to provide security features or process sensitive data. Sensitive resources are often provided by or shared with the underlying platform, operating environment, or other applications that coexist within or outside the software’s operating environment. Examples of sensitive resources include shared files, registry keys, environmental settings, communication channels, cache, shared libraries, system interfaces, web services, etc. In many cases, sensitive resources may also constitute “sensitive data” and may require protection from unauthorized disclosure or modification. الموارد الحساسةRessources sensiblesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1410Software Security Assurance ProcessesA method for determining a level of confidence that the security functions of software work as intended and are free of vulnerabilities that may have been included in the software.عمليات ضمان أمن البرمجياتProcessus d'assurance de la sécurité des logicielsData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1411Software Security ControlsSecurity features and functionality built into software or the software’s operating environment to protect against software threats and attacks.ضوابط أمان البرمجياتContrôles de sécurité logicielData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1412Subject Access RequestA written or electronic request by an individual to an organization asking for access to information about the individual held by the organization.طلب الوصول للموضوعDemande d'Accès aux DonnéesData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1413Subject Access RightAlso known as the Right to Access, it entitles the Data Subject to have access to and information about the personal data that a Controller holds. Application is by a Subject Access Request that is free of charge. حق الوصول للموضوعDroit d'Accès au SujetData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1414Supervisory AuthorityThe lead authority in the EU member state that manages data protection compliance.الهيئة الإشرافيةL'Autorité de ContrôleData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1415Suspected BreachAn unconfirmed occurrence of an unauthorized collection, use, disclosure, retention, or destruction of personal information. الانتهاك المشتبه بهViolation suspectéeData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1416Third PartyAny person other than the Data Subject, Data Controller or Data Processor. الطرف الثالثTiersData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1417Third Party Provider ('TPP')Means the legal or natural person that provides account initiation services or payment initiation services to a PSU.مزود الطرف الثالثFournisseur tiers / Prestataire tiersData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1418Transient Sensitive DataSensitive data that is created within an application session. At the end of the session, it is intended to be securely deleted or reset back to its default values or settings and not stored. بيانات حساسة عابرةDonnées sensibles transitoiresData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1419User experience (UX) designThe design process through which people experience the technology they interact with.تصميم تجربة المستخدمConception de l'expérience utilisateurData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1420User Managed Access (UMA)A standard protocol adopted in and designed to give an individual data subject, a unified control point for authorizing access to their personal data, content, and services, no matter where that data is stored. الوصول المُدار بواسطة المستخدمAccès Géré par l'UtilisateurData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1421Virtual WorldOpen-sourced virtual worlds that do not have a set narrative, but rather focus on social interactions via avatars. Virtual worlds feature marketplaces for decentralized trading of scarce land and other digital assets such as clothing and accessories. In virtual worlds, identity and player-owned assets are secured and verified through public key cryptography. These assets may be compatible across various open virtual worlds and can be traded on secondary marketplaces. Virtual worlds allow creators and builders to design their own experiences and games within the metaverse. العالم الافتراضيMonde virtuelData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1422Web .0 or WebThe third generation of the internet, which is decentralized in nature and enabled by distributed ledger technologies. ويب / الجيل الثالث من الإنترنتWeb .0 ou WebData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1423Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP)A digital method that allows one person, known as the prover, to assure another person, called the verifier, that they possess certain information without revealing the specifics of that information. إثبات المعرفة الصفريةZero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Preuve à divulgation nulle de connaissanceData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1424Zero Knowledge RollupsZero-Knowledge Rollups use a cryptographic technique called zero-knowledge proofs to bundle multiple transactions into a single transaction without revealing any details about the individual transactions. This approach offers greater security, privacy, and faster transaction finalization times. ZK-Rollups are well suited for privacy-focused applications, especially in decentralized finance (DeFi). مجموعات المعرفة الصفريةZero-knowledge rollups, or zk-rollupsData Protectionحمـاية البيـانات
1425Access consentRepresents a Consent that an end-user has granted to Data Consumer to use for ) new processing locally or ) access the data in Data Provider.الموافقة على الوصولConsentement d'accèsDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1426Access GatewayAPI Gateway component that is used to protect access to the Data Provider APIs. Responsible for authenticating and authorizing the incoming requests with the Access consent information received in Authorization HTTP header.بوابة الوصولPasserelle d'accèsDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1427Access tokenTemporary credential issued by Identity Provider to perform operations against Resource Servers on behalf of Resource Owner and with the consent of the Resource Owner. Access token is always tied to a particular client application, it has limited Scope and lifetime. Access tokens are not intended to carry information about the end-user. رمز وصولJeton d'accèsDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1428 (ACR) claim, (ACR) valuesAuthentication Context Class Reference, result claim and request parameter used in OpenID Connect authentication requests. values are set of arbitrary values that the Client and IdP agreed upon to communicate the level of authentication that happened. This is to give the client a level of confidence on the quality of the authentication (LoA) that took place. المطالبة بمرجع فئة سياق المصادقةRéférence de modèle de contexte d'authentificationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1429Accredited ParticipantAn entity that is accredited in accordance with the TDIF to be a part of the system as an attribute service provider, identity provider, credential service provider or identity exchange (as applicable), is listed by the Oversight Authority on a register, and performs the role for which it has been accredited in connection with the system. مشارك معتمدParticipant AccréditéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1430Allowed identity correlationA use case in MyDataShare ecosystem that allows using a shared, public identifier for the end-user among the federation entities. In this ID configuration the Gluu INUM claim with public subject id is provided back on the Identity token the authentication requester receives. الارتباط المسموح به بالهويةCorrélation d'identité autoriséeDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1431Artificial Intelligence AssuranceThe defensive science of protecting AI applications from attack or malfunction.ضمان الذكاء الاصطناعيAssurance de l'intelligence artificielleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1432Artificial Intelligence Digital EcosystemA technology stack driving the development, testing, fielding, and continuous update of AI-powered applications. The ecosystem is managed as a multilayer collection of shared AI essential building blocks (e.g., data, algorithms, tools, and trained AI models) accessed through common interfaces. النظام البيئي الرقمي للذكاء الاصطناعيÉcosystème numérique d'intelligence artificielleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1433Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)A phrase that has been used to capture the possibility of developing more general AI capabilities, in distinction to the typically narrow capabilities of AI systems that have been developed to date. Some use the term to refer to the prospect of achieving more human-like intelligence, developing AI systems with the ability to perform many of the intellectual tasks that humans are capable of doing, or developing systems that might employ a wide range of skills across multiple domains of expertise. الذكاء الاصطناعي العامIntelligence (IA) artificielle généraleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1434Artificial Intelligence GovernanceThe actions to ensure stakeholder needs, conditions, and options are evaluated to determine balanced, agreed-upon enterprise objectives; setting direction through prioritization and decision-making; and monitoring performance and compliance against agreed-upon directions and objectives. AI governance may include policies on the nature of AI applications developed and deployed versus those limited or withheld. حوكمة الذكاء الاصطناعيGouvernance de l'intelligence artificielleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1435Artificial Intelligence LifecycleThe steps for managing the lifespan of an AI system: ) Specify the system’s objective. ) Build a model. ) Test the AI system. ) Deploy and maintain the AI system. ) Engage in a feedback loop with continuous training and updates.دورة حياة الذكاء الاصطناعيCycle de vie de l'intelligence artificielleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1436Artificial Intelligence StackAI can be envisioned as a stack of interrelated elements: talent, data, hardware, algorithms, applications, and integration. حزم الذكاء الاصطناعيStack d'intelligence artificielleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1437Assured identityA claimed identity that has been subject to an identity proofing process and is thus linked to a person with a defined level of confidence that it is the person’s real identity.هوية مؤكدةIdentité assuréeDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1438AttributeAn item of information or data associated with an individual. Examples of Attributes include information such as name, address, date of birth, email address and mobile phone number. السمةAttributDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1439Attribute service provider An entity that has been accredited in accordance with the TDIF as an attribute service provider and that verifies specific Attributes relating to entitlements, qualifications or characteristics of an individual (for example, this Joe Bloggs is authorized to act on behalf of business XYZ in a particular capacity). مزود خدمة السماتFournisseur de services d'attributsDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1440AuditabilityA characteristic of an AI system in which its software and documentation can be interrogated and yield information at each stage of the AI lifecycle to determine compliance with policy, standards, or regulations. القابلية للتدقيقAuditabilitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1441AuthenticationEstablishes that the claimant who asserts his or her identity is the same person whose identity was obtained, verified, and credentialed during on-boarding. Unique identification of a person by checking his/her alleged identity. المصادقةAuthentificationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1442Authentication Assurance Level (AAL)Intended to provide some confidence in the authentication provided by the identity provider.مستوى ضمان المصادقةNiveau d'assurance d'authentificationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1443Authentication CertificateCertificate is intended for Authentication.شهادة المصادقةCertificat d'authentificationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1444AuthenticatorSomething the claimant possess and controls that is used to authenticate (confirm) that the claimant is the individual to whom a credential was issued, and therefore (depending on the strength of the authentication component of the digital ID system) is (to varying degrees of likelihood, specified by the authentication assurance level) the actual subscriber and account holder. المصدقAuthentificateurDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1445Biometric matchingThe process of automated identification of an individual in the system using their Biometric Information.المطابقة الحيويةCorrespondance biométriqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1446Biometric Verification ProviderAn organisation who offers eMRTD reading and validation services, service for Automated Biometric Identity Verification and liveness detection of Subscriber during remote onboarding process for Q Smart-ID. مزود التحقق البيومتريFournisseur de vérification biométriqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1447CredentialsA user’s authentication information used to verify identity – typically a password, token, or certificate. أوراق اعتمادCredentialsDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1448ClaimantA person who seeks to prove his/her identity and obtain the rights associated with that identity (e.g., to open or access a financial account). A Claimant can also be described as a Subscriber who asserts ownership of an identity to a Relying Party (RP) and seeks to have it verified, using authentication protocols. المدعيDemandeurDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1449Computational ThinkingThe thought processes involved in formulating problems so their solutions can be represented as computational steps and algorithms.التفكير الحاسوبيPensée informatiqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1450Computer VisionThe digital process of perceiving and learning visual tasks in order to interpret and understand the world through cameras and sensors.الرؤية الحاسوبيةVision par ordinateurDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1451ConsentProvides the legal basis for the processing of the Personally Identifiable Information of the individual. Consent must be freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous. الموافقةConsentementDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1452Consent introspectionA service request to validate a given Access consent at MyDataShare Operator Platform. Received typically from a Data Provider (but also by Data Consumers in applicable case).الموافقة على الاستبطانIntrospection du consentementDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1453Consent introspection endpointAPI endpoint for incoming Consent Introspection requests at MyDataShare Operator Platform. Requires Access token with Scope consent introspection.نقطة نهاية الموافقة على الاستبطانConsentement point final d'introspectionDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1454Consent receiptA machine-readable and human-readable artifact of the fact that Individual has given consent to data processing. An approved Consent request can result in delivery of a Consent receipt.إيصال الموافقةRécépissé de consentementDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1455Consent requestA Data Consumer initiated service request to initiate consent notice & acquisition process with an end-user. Request is managed via MyDataShare Operator Platform and the applicable Wallet application.طلب الموافقةDemande de consentementDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1456Consent request endpointAPI endpoint for incoming Consent requests at MyDataShare Operator Platform. Requires Access token with Scope consent request.نقطة نهاية طلب الموافقةPoint final de demande de consentementDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1457Continuous AuthenticationA dynamic form of authentication. It can leverage biomechanical biometrics, behavioral biometric patterns, and/or dynamic Transaction Risk Analysis to focus on ensuring that certain data points collected throughout the course of an online interaction with an individual (such as geolocation, MAC and IP addresses, typing cadence and mobile device angle) match “what should be expected” during the entire session. المصادقة المستمرةAuthentification ContinueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1458CredentialThe technology used to authenticate an individual’s identity. A Credential may incorporate a password, cryptographic key or other form of access restriction. Credential service provider. An entity that has been accredited in accordance with the TDIF as a credential service provider and that generates, binds and distributes Credentials to Users or binds and manages Credentials generated by Users themselves. الاعتمادCredentialDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1459Credential Service Provider (CSP)Entity that issues and/or registers authenticators and corresponding electronic credentials (binding the authenticators to the verified identity) to subscribers. The CSP is responsible for maintaining the subscriber’s identity credential and all associated enrolment data throughout the credential’s lifecycle and for providing information on the credential’s status to verifiers.مزود خدمة اعتماد الهويةFournisseur de Services Justificatifs d'IdentitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1460Data access logA human-readable history of end-user related data access events collected via reporting entities such as AGW, Wallet and CMS. This data is served to End-users via MyDataShare Wallet. سجل الوصول إلى البياناتJournal d'accès aux donnéesDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1461Data ArchitectureThe structure of an organization’s logical and physical data assets and data management resources.هندسة البياناتArchitecture de donnéesDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1462De-anonymizationMatching anonymous data (also known as de-identified data) with publicly available information, or auxiliary data, in order to discover the individual to whom the data belong. إزالة إخفاء الهويةDésanonymisationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1463Decentralized Identifier (DID)A type of identifier intended for verifiable digital identity that is ""self-sovereign"i.e.fully under the control of the identity owner and not dependent on a centralised registryidentity provider or certificate authority. Also
1464Decentralized Identifier (DID) DocumentContains a set of key descriptions, which are machine-readable descriptions of the Identity Owner’s public keys, and a set of service endpoints, which are resource pointers necessary to initiate trusted interactions with the Identity Owner. وثيقة المعرف اللامركزيDocument d'identification décentraliséDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1465Deployed AIAI that has been fielded for its intended purpose within its relevant operational environment.الذكاء الاصطناعي المنتشرIntelligence Artificielle déployéeDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1466De-duplicationThe process of resolving identity evidence and attributes to a single unique identity within a given population or context(s).إزالة الازدواجيةDéduplicationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1467Digital EcosystemThe stakeholders, systems, tools, and enabling environments that together empower people and communities to use digital technology to gain access to services, engage with each other, and pursue missional opportunities. النظام البيئي الرقميÉcosystème numériqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1468Digital financial inclusion or fintech-enabled financial inclusionWe use the two terms interchangeably in the paper. Digital access to and usage of formal financial services, such as through mobile phone (both smart and non-smart phones) and computers (to access the internet). This concept includes services provided by fintech companies and financial institutions. الشمول المالي الرقمي أو الشمول المالي الممكّن من التقنيات المالية الحديثةInclusion financière numériqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1469Digital IdentityA set of the attributes about a person that uniquely describes the person engaged in an online transaction under the Trust Framework identity eco-system. Also, The network or Internet equivalent to the real identity of a person or entity (like a business or government agency). Advocates of blockchain-based digital identity is to return ownership and control of personal information to the individuals. In any given transaction, personal information is not disclosed, but rather the information required by one party is verified by the digital identity application. الهوية الرقميةIdentité NumériqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1470Digital Identity SystemThe system for identity management transactions which is the subject of this Consultation Paper and the Legislation.نظام الهوية الرقميةSystème d'identité numériqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1471Digital Identity SystemsFor the purposes of this Guidance, are systems that cover the process of identity proofing/enrolment and authentication. Identity proofing and enrolment can be either digital or physical (documentary), or a combination, but binding, credentialing, authentication, and portability/federation must be digital. أنظمة الهوية الرقميةSystèmes d'Identités NumériquesDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1472Digital Identity Assurance Frameworks and Technical StandardsA set of open sources, consensus-driven assurance frameworks and technical standards for digital ID systems that have been developed in several jurisdictions and also by international organizations and industry bodies See Appendix D: Digital ID assurance framework and technical standard setting bodies. See for example NIST standards and eIDAS Regulation at Appendix E: Overview of US and EU digital ID assurance frameworks and technical standards. أطر ضمان الهوية الرقمية والمعايير الفنيةCadres d’Assurance de l’Identité Numérique et Normes TechniquesDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1473Digital InfrastructureThe foundational components that enable digital technologies and services. Examples of digital infrastructure include fiber-optic cables, cell towers, satellites, data centers, software platforms, and end-user devices. البنية التحتية الرقميةInfrastructure numériqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1474Digital Signature - Multi-signatureIn order to increase security, multisig addresses require more than one digital signature (and therefore multiple keys) to sign a transaction or message. التوقيع الرقمي - التوقيع المتعددSignature numérique - multi-signatureDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1475Digital Signature - RingA digital signature that can be performed by any of a group of people that each have keys. A property of a ring signature is that it is impossible to determine which of the group signed the transaction.التوقيع الرقمي - الدائريSignature numérique - AnneauDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1476Direct introspectionA mechanism where Data Provider validates the requests from Data Consumers directly against MyDataShare Operator Platform APIs (no Access Gateway in middle).الاستبطان المباشرIntrospection directeDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1477Digital lending/creditCredit activity that involves the extension of funds through digital means—via mobile phone or online. Digital lending can be extended through marketplace lending, peer-to-peer lending, e-commerce lending, online lending by banks, and mobile lending. Digital credit models typically make extensive used of digital data collection. الإقراض / الائتمان الرقميPrêt/crédit numériqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1478Edge-to-Edge ConnectionA Connection that forms and/or communicates directly between two Edge Agents.اتصال من الحافة إلى الحافةConnexion bord à bordDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1479e-IDAS Regulation(EU) N° 0/ on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market. Regulation (EU) No 0/ of the European Parliament and of the Council of July on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive / /EC.اللائحة التنظيمية للاتحاد الأوروبي لتحديد الهوية الإلكترونية وخدمات الثقة للمعاملات الإلكترونيةRèglement eIDASDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1480Electronic Identity Verification (eIDV)The use of public and private databases to quickly confirm whether an individual is who they claim to be. eIDV uses personal information such as name, date of birth, Social Security number and address. The result of trying to confirm an individual’s identity could be a match, non-match, or partial match. التحقق من الهوية الإلكترونيةValidation électronique de l'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1481EnrolmentThe process by which an IDSP registers (enrolls) an identity-proofed applicant as a ‘subscriber’ and establishes their identity account. This process authoritatively binds the subscriber’s unique verified identity (i.e., the subscriber’s attributes/identifiers) to one or more authenticators possessed and controlled by the subscriber, using an appropriate binding protocol. The process of binding the subscriber’s identity to authenticator(s) is also referred to as ‘credentialing’. التسجيلInscriptionDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1482E-Service ProviderA third party, which uses services provided by the Smart-ID System to authenticate Subscribers and to allow Subscribers to electronically sign documents or transactions. مزود الخدمة الإلكترونيةPrestataire de service électroniqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1483General-Purpose Identity Systems (or Foundational Identity Systems)Typically provide documentary and/or digital credentials that are widely recognized and accepted by government agencies and private sector service providers as proof of official identity for a variety of purposes (for example, national ID systems and civil registration). أنظمة الهوية ذات الأغراض العامةSystèmes d’Identité à Usage Général ou Systèmes d’Identité FondamentauxDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1484High-Performance Computing (HPC)Developing, deploying, and operating very high-capacity computers (along with the requisite software, hardware, facilities, and underpinning infrastructure) to advance the computational upper limits of resolution, dimensionality, and complexity. الحوسبة عالية الأداءCalcul haute performanceDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1485Homomorphic EncryptionA technique that allows computation to be performed directly on encrypted data without requiring access to a secret key. The result of such a computation remains in encrypted form and can at a later point be revealed by the owner of the secret key.التشفير المتجانسCryptage homomorpheDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1486Human-Machine Teaming (or Human-AI Teaming)The ability of humans and AI systems to work together to undertake complex, evolving tasks in a variety of environments with seamless handoff both ways between human and AI team members. Areas of effort include developing effective policies for controlling human and machine initiatives, computing methods that ideally complement people, methods that optimize goals of teamwork, and designs that enhance human-AI interaction. فريق الإنسان والآلة أو (فريق الإنسان والذكاء الاصطناعي) (يقصد بها التعاون بين الإنسان والآلة (أو التعاون بين الإنسان والذكاء الاصطناعي)Equipe Homme-MachineDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1487Identification Assurance Level (IAL)Confidence level related to end-user identity proofing process.مستوى ضمان تحديد الهويةNiveau d'assurance d'identificationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1488IdentifierSomething that enables an individual, entity, process or thing to be discovered and identified in a given context. The Decentralized Identifier or DID is the building block of SSI. In the context of this document, we refer to DIDs when speaking about identifiers. المعرفIdentifiantDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1489Identity and Access Management (IAM)IAM is the means to control access to IT resources so that only those explicitly authorized to access given resources can do so. IAM is an essential foundation to a secure multi cloud environment.إدارة الهوية والوصولGestion des identités et des accèsDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1490Identity crimeActivities or offences in which a perpetrator uses a fabricated, manipulated, stolen or otherwise fraudulently assumed identity to facilitate the commission of crime. جريمة الهويةCrime d'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1491Identity DataThe set of data associated with an Identity that permits identification of the underlying Entity.بيانات الهويةDonnées d'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1492Identity exchangeAn entity that has been accredited in accordance with the TDIF as an identity exchange and that conveys, manages and coordinates the flow of Attributes and assertions between Accredited Participants and relying parties. تبادل الهويةÉchange d'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1493Identity fraudThe gaining of money, goods, services or other benefits or the avoidance of obligations through the use of a fabricated, manipulated, stolen or otherwise fraudulently assumed identity. تزوير الهويةFraude à l'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1494Identity HolderAn individual or organisation that controls the private keys associated with a given DID. While all types of entities, including natural persons, processes, organizations, smart agents, and things (e.g., IoT devices, machines, etc.) may have DIDs that identify them, the private keys associated with a DID will still be controlled by an individual or organisation. حامل الهويةTitulaire d'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1495Identity lifecycleManagement refers to the actions that should be taken in response to events that can occur over the identity lifecycle and affect the use, security and trustworthiness of authenticators, for example, loss, theft, unauthorized duplication, expiration, and revocation of authenticators and/or credentials. دورة حياة الهويةCycle de Vie d’IdentitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1496Identity Lifecycle ManagementThe collection of technologies and practices that provisions and deprovisions users to appropriate levels of access to organizational resources.إدارة دورة حياة الهويةGestion du cycle de vie des identitésDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1497Identity linkingLinking the digital identifiers of an identity in multiple federated identity providers to a digital identifier of the same identity in the MyDataShare ID identity provider.ربط الهويةLiaison d'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1498Identity non-correlationA use case in MyDataShare ecosystem that uses only MyDataShare ID -stored pairwise identifiers of the end-user among the peer entities. The authentication requester only receives the end-user’s pairwise identifier, so that doesn’t allow correlation in context. عدم ارتباط الهويةNon-corrélation identitaireDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1499Identity ProofingAnswers the question, “Who are you?” and refers to the process by which an identity service provider (IDSP) collects, validates and verifies information about a person and resolves it to a unique individual within a given population or context. It involves three actions: ( ) collection/resolution, ( ) validation, and ( ) verification. إثبات الهويةPreuve d'IdentitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1500Identity Provider (IDP)Identity Provider solution that is used to offer Identity Provisioning and Access Management services. An organisation who is providing electronic identification means under electronic identification scheme and who is responsible for creating electronic identities which are used for issuing Q Smart-ID Certificates. Identity Provider has been verified by Smart-ID Provider to follow the Requirements for Identity Providers for qualified certificates.مزود الهويةFournisseur d'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1501Identity Service Provider (IDSP)Generic umbrella term that refers to all of the various types of entities involved in providing and operating the processes and components of a digital ID system or solution. IDSPs provide digital ID solutions to users and relying parties. A single entity can undertake the functional roles of one or more IDSPs – see Appendix A: Description of a Basic Digital Identity System and its Participants for a summary of all the relevant entities including – identity provider, credential service provider (CSP), registration authority (RA) (or identity manager), verifier, user/Individual, applicant, subscriber, claimant, relying party and Trust Framework Provider / Trust Authority. مزود خدمة الهوية (IDSP)Fournisseur de Service d'IdentitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1502Identity theftThe fraudulent use of a person’s identity (or a significant part thereof) without consent, whether the person is living or deceased. سرقة الهويةVol d'identitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1503Identity tokenA security token granted by the OpenID Provider that contains information about an End-user. This information tells your client application that the user is authenticated and can also give you additional information like their username or locale.رمز الهويةJeton d'identificationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1504Face Verification ServiceThe national online system which enables a facial image associated with an individual to be compared against another image of the same individual held in government records (such as documents) of that individual, to help verify the identity of that individual. خدمة التحقق من الوجهService de vérification facialeDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1505Legal IdentityA set of Attributes sufficient to identify an Identity Owner for the purpose of legal accountability in at least one Jurisdiction. A Legal Identity may be established by one or more valid Credentials from Issuers that are trusted to provide the necessary Attributes.الهوية القانونيةIdentité légaleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1506LegislationThe proposed legislation for the Digital Identity system including primary and secondary legislation.تشريعLégislationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1507Level of assurance (or confidence)The degree of confidence in a person’s claimed identity at application (i.e. through identity proofing) or at authentication.مستوى الضمان (أو الثقة)Niveau d'assurance ou de confidenceDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1508Marketplace lendingLending via digital platforms which directly connects lenders to borrowers.الإقراض من السوقPrêt du marchéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1509Multi-Party Federated LearningAn ML setting where many clients (e.g., mobile devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a central server (e.g., service provider) while keeping the training data decentralized. It can mitigate many of the systemic privacy risks and costs resulting from traditional, centralized ML and data science approaches. However, it does introduce new attack vectors that must be addressed. التعلم الموحد متعدد الأطرافApprentissage fédéré multipartiteDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1510Multi-signature Wallet (Multi-Sig)A type of wallet where more than one private key is needed to authorise a transaction.المحفظة متعددة التوقيعPortefeuille multi-signaturesDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1511MyDataShare IDOpenID Connect compliant Identity Provider that is used to offer Access Management services to protect access to Wallet application and MyDataShare Operator Platform’s APIs. In case of Single sign-on use of MyDataShare ID by the relying party, it protects access to its resources/services too. مُعرف مشاركة بياناتيMon identifiant de données partagés Identifiant MyDataShareDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1512MyDataShare Operator Platform, MOPMyDataShare Operator ties together end-users, Data Providers and Data Consumers by offering Data Consumers the ability to enter into Contracts with, and/or request Consents from End-users. مشغل منصة مشاركة بياناتي (مشغل منصة ماي داتا شير)Opérateur du plateforme mon identifiant de données partagés MyDataShareDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1513MyDataShare WalletEnd-user web application that gives end-users the possibility to manage Consent requests, Consents and other data processing information related to MyDataShare Operator Platform. حافظة مشاركة بياناتيPortefeuille de partage de mes données Portefeuille MyDataShareDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1514Natural Language Processing (NLP)The ability of a machine to process, analyze, and mimic human language, either spoken or written. معالجة اللغة الطبيعيةTraitement du langage naturelDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1515Natural Language UnderstandingThe ability of a machine to represent and act on the meaning that a language expresses utilizing language semantically rather than statistically.فهم اللغة الطبيعيةCompréhension du langage naturelDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1516Neuromorphic ComputingComputing that mimics the human brain or neural network.الحوسبة العصبيةCalcul neuromorphiqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1517Official IdentityFor the purposes of this Guidance, is the specification of a unique natural person that ( ) is based on characteristics (identifiers or attributes) of the person that establish a person’s uniqueness in the population or particular context(s), and ( ) is recognized by the state for regulatory and other official purposes. الهوية الرسميةIdentité OfficielleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1518One Shot (or Few Shot) LearningAn approach to machine learning that leverages existing knowledge to enable learning in some applications (e.g., object recognition) on a few non-repeated examples, with the system rapidly learning similarities and dissimilarities between the training examples. التعلم بخطوة واحدة (أو ببضع خطوات)Apprentissage one-shot (ou Few-shot learning) Apprentissage à partir de quelques exemples ou d'un seul exempleDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1519ParticipantThe Oversight Authority and each attribute service provider, credential service provider, identity exchange, identity provider and relying party. مشاركParticipantDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1520Platform EnvironmentProvides an application developer or user secured access to resources and tools (e.g., workflows, data, software tools, storage, and compute) on which applications can be developed or run. بيئة المنصةEnvironnement plate-formeDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1521Peer Decentralised Identifier (DID)A DID created only for use within a pairwise connection. Private, not resolvable through a DID Registry. معرف لامركزي للأقرانIdentifiant pair décentraliséDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1522Permission tokenA MyDataShare issued token similar to Consent token but generalised to cover also other legal processing bases (including consent). Permission token is validated against the Consent introspection endpoint.رمز الإذن أو التصريحJeton d'autorisationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1523Phishing (also referred to as man-in-the-middle or credential interception)A fraudulent attempt to gather credentials from unknowing victims using deceptive emails and websites. For example, a criminal attempt to trick its victim into supplying names, passwords, government ID numbers or credentials to a seemingly trustworthy source. التصيد الاحتياليHameçonnage ou Phishing (Aussi Appelé Interception de l’Homme au Milieu ou des Titres de Compétences)Digital ID الهوية الرقمية
1524Portability / Interoperability Portable identity means that an individual’s digital ID credentials can be used to prove official identity for new customer relationships at unrelated private sector or government entities, without their having to obtain and verify personally identifiable information (PII) and conduct customer identification/verification each time. Portability requires developing interoperable digital identification products, systems, and processes. Portability/interoperability can be supported by different digital ID architecture and protocols. قابلية النقل / التشغيل البينيInteropérabilité / PortabilitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1525Progressive IdentityOfficial identity that can change over time as the identified individual develops a progressively more robust digital footprint that provides an increasing number of attributes and/or authenticators that can be verified against an increasing number and range of sources.الهوية التقدميةIdentité progressiveDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1526Public-key encryption (Used in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificates)Where a pair of keys are generated for an entity—a person, system, or device—and that entity holds the private key securely, while freely distributing the public key to other entities. Anyone with the public key can then use it to encrypt a message to send to the private key holder, knowing that only they will be able to open it. تشفير المفتاح العام (المستخدم في شهادات البنية التحتية للمفتاح العام)Chiffrement à Clé Publique (Utilisé dans les Certificats d’Infrastructure à Clé Publique)Digital ID الهوية الرقمية
1527Registration AuthorityEntity that is responsible for identification and Authentication of Subjects of Certificates. Additionally, the Registration Authority may accept Certificate applications and Certificate revocation applications, check the applications and/or forward the applications to the Certificate Authority. سلطة التسجيلAutorité d'enregistrementDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1528Reinforcement LearningA method of training algorithms to make suitable actions by maximizing rewarded behavior over the course of its actions. This type of learning can take place in simulated environments, such as game-playing, which reduces the need for real-world data. تعزيز التعلمApprentissage par renforcementDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1529Relying partyAn entity listed by the Oversight Authority on a register as a relying party and that relies on verified Attributes or assertions provided by identity providers and attribute service providers to enable the provision of access to a digital service to a User. Entity that relies on the information contained within a Certificate.الطرف المعول الطرف المعتمدPartie de confianceDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1530Reliable AIAn AI system that performs in its intended manner within the intended domain of use.ذكاء اصطناعي موثوقIntelligence artificielle fiableDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1531Responsible AIAn AI system that aligns development and behavior to goals and values. This includes developing and fielding AI technology in a manner that is consistent with democratic values.ذكاء اصطناعي مسؤولIntelligence Artificielle ResponsableDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1532Robust AIAn AI system that is resilient in real-world settings, such as an object-recognition application that is robust to significant changes in lighting. The phrase also refers to resilience when it comes to adversarial attacks on AI components. ذكاء اصطناعي قويIntelligence artificielle robusteDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1533Self-Sovereign IdentityA model of digital identity where individuals and entities alike are uniquely in full control over central aspects of their digital identity, including their underlying encryption keys, creation, registration, and use of their decentralised identifiers or DIDs, and control over how their credentials and related personal data is shared and used. الهوية الذاتيةIdentité auto-souveraineDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1534Self-Supervised Machine LearningA collection of machine learning techniques that are used to train models or learn embedded representations without reliance on costly labeled data; rather, an approach is to withhold part of each data sample and require the algorithm to learn to predict the missing piece. Self-supervision has been used to train some of the largest language models built to date by training on large amounts of natural language data. تعلم الآلة الخاضع للإشراف الذاتيApprentissage automatique auto-superviséDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1535Semi-Supervised Machine LearningA process for training an algorithm on a combination of labeled and unlabeled data. Typically, this combination will contain a very small amount of labeled data and a very large amount of unlabeled data. One approach is to use the costly, smaller amount of labeled data to bootstrap a classification model, use that model to generate predicted labels across the larger, unlabeled data, and then use the outcome to retrain/refine the model and iterate until class label assignments stabilize. تعلم الآلة شبه الخاضع للإشرافApprentissage automatique semi-superviséDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1536Secondary Subscriber Authentication ProviderAn organisation, which facilitates or performs Secondary Subscriber Authentication during enrolment process for assurance of Subscriber awareness. Secondary Subscriber Authentication Provider is responsible for delivering authentication messages to Subscriber or for performing Secondary Subscriber Authentication with electronic identification mean. Secondary Subscriber Authentication Provider has been verified by Smart-ID Provider to follow the Requirements for Secondary Subscriber Authentication Providers. مزود مصادقة الُمشترٍك الثانويFournisseur d'authentification d'abonné secondaireDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1537Single sign-on (SSO)An access control property of a system where a single authentication provides access to multiple services, by passing the authentication token seamlessly to configured services. الدخول الموحّدAuthentification uniqueDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1538Smart-IDSmart-ID is the new generation electronic ID which provides the Subscriber with means for Electronic Authentication and Electronic Signature.الهوية الذكيةSmart-IDDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1539Smart-ID AccountSubscriber has to register a Smart-ID Account to use services provided by the Smart-ID System. Smart-ID Account binds Smart-ID App instance to a Subscriber's identity in the Smart-ID System. In the course of Smart-ID Account creation and registration, the identity of the Smart-ID Account owner (Subscriber) is proofed by a Registration Authority and the relation between the identity and a key pair is certified by a Certificate Authority. Smart-ID Account has an Advanced or Qualified Electronic Signature key and an authentication key. حساب الهوية الذكيةCompte Smart-IDDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1540Smart-ID AppA technical component of the Smart-ID system. A Smart-ID App instance installed on a Subscriber's Mobile Device that provides access to qualified Smart-ID service. Smart-ID App may have a companion app that facilitates specific user interactions with Smart-ID App. Companion app is installed on smart device that is securely linked with Subscriber’s Mobile Device.تطبيق الهوية الذكيةSmart-ID AppDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1541Smart-ID PortalThe interaction point with the Smart-ID System for the Subscriber that is accessible via a web browser. The Portal provides access to Smart-ID Account registration and management functionality.منصة الهوية الذكيةPortail Smart-IDDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1542Smart-ID SystemA technical and organisational environment which enables Electronic Authentication and Electronic Signatures in an electronic environment. The Smart-ID system provides services that allow Subscribers (account owners) to authenticate themselves to services, to give Electronic Signatures, and to manage their Smart-ID accounts. نظام الهوية الذكيةSystème Smart-IDDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1543Social (Digital) FootprintThe trail of information recorded in information systems or other types of evidence (such as testimonial from a referee) as a result of normal social, living and employment activities during a person’s lifetime. An online social footprint (or ‘digital footprint’) refers to the trail, traces or ‘footprints’ that people leave behind online. البصمة الاجتماعية (الرقمية)Empreinte sociale (numérique)Digital ID الهوية الرقمية
1544Supervised Machine LearningA process for training algorithms by example. The training data consists of inputs paired with the correct outputs. During training, the algorithm will search for patterns in the data that correlate with the desired outputs and learn to predict the correct output for newly presented input data over iterative training and model updates. تعلم الآلة الخاضع للإشرافApprentissage automatique SuperviséDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1545Synthetic IdentitiesDeveloped by criminals by combining real (usually stolen) and fake information to create a new (synthetic) identity, which can be used to open fraudulent accounts and make fraudulent purchases. Unlike impersonation, the criminal is pretending to be someone who does not exist in the real world rather than impersonating an existing identity. الهويات التركيبية الهويات الاصطناعيةIdentités SynthétiquesDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1546TraceabilityA characteristic of an AI system enabling a person to understand the technology, development processes, and operational capabilities (e.g., with transparent and auditable methodologies along with documented data sources and design procedures). إمكانية التتبعTraçabilitéDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1547Token endpointAPI endpoint in MyDataShare ID that issues access tokens.نقطة نهاية الرمزPoint de terminaison de jetonDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1548Trusted ClientA client that has been registered and issued valid credentials to access the MyDataShare ecosystem’s APIs.عميل موثوق بهClient de confianceDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1549Trusted Digital Identity Framework or TDIFThe documents which set out the requirements for accreditation of entities in connection with the system.إطار عمل الهوية الرقمية الموثوق بهCadre d'identité numérique de confianceDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1550Unsupervised Machine LearningA process for training a model in which the model learns from the data itself without any data labels. Two common approaches are clustering (in which inherent groupings are discovered) and association (in which rules that describe large portions of the data are discovered).تعلم الآلة غير الخاضع للإشرافApprentissage non-supervisé Unsupervised Machine LearningDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1551Validation (identity)Part of identity proofing and involves determining that the evidence is genuine (not counterfeit or misappropriated) and the information the evidence contains is accurate by checking the identity information/evidence against an acceptable (authoritative/reliable) source to establish that the information matches reliable, independent source data/records. المصادقةValidationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1552VerificationPart of identity proofing and involves confirming that the validated identity relates to the individual (applicant) being identity proofed.التحققVérificationDigital ID الهوية الرقمية
1553AccumulationAccumulation describes several risks insured or reinsured by the same insurance company that could be affected by one loss event simultaneously.التراكمAccumulationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1554Actuarial Best EstimateThe probability-weighted average of all future claims and cost scenarios, which is calculated using historical data, actuarial methods and judgements. أفضل تقدير اكتواريActuarielles de meilleure estimationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1555Actuarial reservesTechnical provisions calculated according to actuarial methods which provides the future cover for the policy holder in terms of life insurance, health insurance and personal accident insurance. It corresponds to the difference of cash value of the future liabilities minus the cash value of future premiums. الاحتياطيات الاكتواريةRéserves actuariellesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1556AdjusterA person appointed by an insurance company to investigate claims and recommend settlement amounts.المُقَيِّمAjusteurInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1557Agent (Independent Retail Insurance Agent)A distribution partner who recommends and markets insurance to individuals and businesses usually represents several insurance companies. Insurance companies pay agents for business production.وكيل (وكيل تأمين التجزئة المستقل)Agent (agent d'assurance indépendant au détail)InsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1558Allocated loss expensesDefense, litigation, and medical cost containment expense, whether internal or external. مصاريف الخسارة المخصصةProvisions pour pertes et frais de règlement des sinistresInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1559Asset VaultEnables consumers to catalogue all of their assets in a secure online register and better understand their total value. The firm also works with insurance providers to protect the consumer and their assets with appropriate insurance products.خزنة الأصولVoûte d'actifsInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1560Assumed businessA transaction concluded between two insurance companies. It is synonymous with the forwarding of part of the loss distribution assumed from the policy holder from the direct insurance company to a reinsurance company.الأعمال المفترضةEntreprise assuméeInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1561Audit PremiumPremiums based on data from an insured’s records, such as payroll data. Insured’s records are subject to periodic audit for purposes of verifying premium amounts. قسط التدقيقPrime d'auditInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1562BinderAn authority given by an insurer to an intermediary to accept risks or settle claims. A person who acts under a binder is said to have a binding authority.الموثقLiantInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1563BlinkAn insurance product with an automated claims process that allows travelers to instantly book a new ticket on their mobile device in the event of a flight cancellation. An expression of the value of an entity per outstanding common share, which is calculated by dividing common stockholders’ equity by the number of common shares outstanding as of a specified date. This metric is used by both investors and us in evaluating the financial strength of our company. منتج تأمين آلي المطالبةClignerInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1564BordereauA summary of underwriting information or claims data. Bordereaux may be exchanged between an insurer and a reinsurer or between an intermediary and an insurer.حدود التأمينBordereauInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1565BusinessMeans the business of the Group. Blueprint’ is the programme of transformation that seeks to build the pre-eminent pure-play digital insurer in the UK market.الأعمالEntrepriseInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1566BlueprintThe programme of transformation that seeks to build the pre-eminent pure-play digital insurer in the UK market.المخططBlueprintInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1567Brilliant BasicsA short-term initiative that is focused on best practice improvement and driving efficiencies across the business.أساسيات بريليانتBrilliant BasicsInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1568Cancellation rateThe cancellation rate is the volume-weighted proportion of cancelled contracts to recently concluded contracts or existing contracts. Insofar as payable premiums develop in damage and personal accident insurance, which can still be dropped due to an end or reduction in insurance risk, cancellation reserves were developed for this scenario. معدل الإلغاءTaux d'annulationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1569Claims incurred, net of reinsurance The cost of claims incurred in the period, less any recoveries from reinsurers. It includes claims payments and movements in claims reserves. المطالبات المتكبدة، صافي إعادة التأمينSinistres survenus, nets de réassuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1570Claims reservesThe Group’s estimate of the final cost of claims and related expenses less claims paid to date which the Group will need to pay for claims relating to earned business.المطالبات الاحتياطيةProvisions pour sinistresInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1571ClimateWisePart of the University of Cambridge Centre for Sustainable Finance, a global network of leading insurance industry and related organizations committed to responding to the risks and opportunities of climate change. شبكة كلايمت وايزClimateWiseInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1572Combined RatioPercentage relationship of the total of expenditure for insurance claims plus expenditure on insurance operations to earned premiums – all net. This is equivalent to the total of the loss and expense ratio. This is an important indicator when considering the profitability of a policy, a sub portfolio or a complete insurance portfolio. If this figure exceeds %, it results in a technical loss for the transaction in question. النسبة المجمعةRatio combinéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1573CommissionReimbursement paid by the insurance company to representatives, brokers or other intermediaries for their costs relating to the conclusion and administration of insurance policies. عمولةCommissionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1574CommutationAn agreement between the Group and a reinsurer that provides for the valuation and complete discharge of all obligations between the parties under a particular reinsurance contract.التبديلCommutationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1575ComplaintsMeans the number of complaints as a percentage of the Group’s core Motor and Home insurance customer base.الشكاوىPlaintesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1576Composite insurerInsurance companies which unlike single branch companies (such a life insurance companies) run several lines of insurance.شركة التأمين المركبةAssureur compositeInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1577Credit RiskRisk that a financially obligated party will default on any type of debt by failing to make payment obligations. Examples include: (i) a bond issuer does not make a payment on a coupon or principal payment when due; or (ii) a reinsurer does not pay policy obligations. The risk that a counterparty, whether a participant or other entity, will be unable to meet fully its financial obligations when due, or at any time in the future. مخاطر الائتمانRisque de créditInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1578Credit SpreadRepresents the risk premium required by market participants for a given credit quality and debt issuer. Spread is the difference between the yield on a particular debt instrument and the yield of a similar maturity U.S. Treasury debt security. Changes in credit spreads may arise from changes in economic conditions and perceived risk of default or downgrade of individual debt issuers.هامش الائتمانÉcart de créditInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1579CustomersAnother term for policyholders; individuals or entities that purchase our insurance products or services.عملاءClientsInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1580Deposit receivables and liabilitiesSecurity payments to cover actuarial liabilities between direct insurers and reinsurers. In this case the retaining company reports deposit liabilities and the ceding company reports deposit receivables.ودائع الذمم والالتزاماتCréances dépôts et dettesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1581Derivative financial instrumentsFinancial instrument whose value rises or falls if a basic variable (a certain interest rate, security price, exchange rate or price index etc.) changes. Derivatives include futures, forwards, swaps and options in particular. الأدوات المالية المشتقةInstruments financiers dérivésInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1582Digital contact shareThe number of digital contacts for sales and service enquiries is divided by the total number of inbound contacts. Digital includes Live Chat, Chatbot, FAQs, emails, transacting in the online Portal and social media. Digital contact is a key measure of progress in serving customers in a seamless automated way. مشاركة جهات الاتصال الرقميةPartage de contacts numériquesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1583Diluted Weighted Average Common Shares OutstandingRepresents weighted-average common shares outstanding adjusted for the impact of any dilutive common stock equivalents.متوسط ​​مرجح مخفف للأسهم المشتركة القائمةMoyen pondéré dilué d'actions ordinaires en circulationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1584Discounted cash flow method (DCF)The Discounted cash flow method builds on the mathematical concept of discounting future cash flows for calculating capital value.طريقة التدفق النقدي المخصومflux de trésorerie actualisésInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1585Dispute resolution processA system to resolve Complaints All AFSL holders are required to have a dispute resolution process.عملية حل النزاعاتProcessus de Règlement des DifférendsInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1586Distribution Agreement / Authorized Representative AgreementA contract regulating the sale and promotion of insurance products. A distribution agreement may also include an appointment of the distributor as an Insurance Distributor or Authorized Representative.اتفاقية التوزيع / اتفاقية الممثل المعتمدEntente de Distribution/ Entente de Représentant AutoriséInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1587Distribution PartnersInsurance consultants that we partner with in selling our insurance products and services. Independent retail insurance agents are our distribution partners for standard market business and wholesale general agents are our distribution partners for E&S market business.شركاء التوزيعPartenaires de distributionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1588DurationThe duration describes the average term of an interest-sensitive capital investment or of a portfolio. It is a risk measurement for their sensitivity with respect to interest rate changes.المدةDuréeInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1589Earned PremiumsPortion of a premium that is recognized as income based on the expired portion of the policy period.الأقساط المكتسبةPrimes acquisesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1590Effective DurationExpressed in years, provides an approximate measure of the portfolio's price sensitivity to a change in interest rates, taking into consideration how the change in interest rates may impact the timing of expected cash flows. المدة الفعالةDurée effectiveInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1591EndorsementA document which varies the terms of a policy.التأييدEndorsement/ ApprobationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1592Equalisation provisionProvision to compensate for fluctuations in the course of a claim. In years with relatively low or relatively high claims, funds are allocated to or withdrawn from the equalization provision. مخصص التسويةProvision d'égalisationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1593Equity ratioEquity ratio in relation to net premium.نسبة حقوق الملكيةRatio de fonds propresInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1594EtheriscUses smart contracts on a blockchain to provide fully automated decentralized flight insurance.اثيرسكEtheriscInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1595Excess insuranceExcess insurance is a total increase of an existing pecuniary damage liability insurance policy. High risks require higher insurance amounts.التأمين الزائدAssurance complémentaireInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1596Expenditure for insurance claims for own accountTotal of claims paid and the provisions for losses occurring in the fiscal year supplemented by the settlement result, each after deduction of own reinsurance deductions. مصروفات مطالبات التأمين للحساب الخاصDépenses pour sinistres pour compte propreInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1597Expenditure on insurance operations (net)Commission as well as personnel and operating expenditure for the closing and the ongoing administration of insurance policies, net of commission and profit shares, repaid by reinsurers. المصروفات على عمليات التأمين (صافي)Dépenses sur opérations d'assurance (net)InsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1598Expense ratio grossExpenditure on insurance operations in relation to the earned premiums – all gross.نسبة المصاريف الإجماليةTaux de dépenses brutInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1599Expense ratio netExpenditure on insurance operations in relation to earned premiums – all net.صافي نسبة المصاريفRatio de dépenses netInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1600External dispute resolutionA third-party dispute resolution provider, usually the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. Disputes that cannot be resolved through internal dispute resolution can be referred to external dispute resolution. حل النزاعات الخارجيةExterne de Résolution des DifférendsInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1601Fair valueThe fair value of a capital investment normally refers to its market value. If the value cannot be calculated directly, one must make do with the value at which the asset would be traded between knowledgeable, willing and independent parties. القيمة العادلةJuste valeurInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1602Fiscal year loss ratio grossLoss expenditure for the fiscal year in relation to the earned premiums – all gross.نسبة الخسارة الإجمالية للسنة الماليةRatio de sinistralité brut de l'exerciceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1603Fiscal year loss ratio netLoss expenditure for the fiscal year in relation to the earned premiums – all net.صافي نسبة خسارة السنة الماليةRatio de sinistralité net de l'exerciceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1604FloodFlashProvides event-based flood insurance, even in high-risk areas. Customers receive a pre-agreed settlement as soon as the company’s sensor detects that flood waters have exceeded a certain depth. التأمين ضد الفيضاناتFlash d'InondationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1605For own accountThe respective technical items or the ratio after deduction of the business ceded to reinsurers ‘Gross/Net.للحساب الخاصPour compte propreInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1606FrequencyA measure of the rate at which claims occur that is generally calculated by dividing the number of claims by a measure of exposure, such as earned premium or earned exposure units. التكرارFréquenceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1607Gross earned premiumThe total premium earned during the period on premiums. underwritten in the current and previous underwriting years.إجمالي الأقساط المكتسبةPrime acquise bruteInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1608Gross written premiumsThe total premiums relating to policies that began during the period.إجمالي الأقساط المكتوبةPrimes émises brutesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1609Guaranteed fundsThe total of shareholders’ equity, technical provisions and the equalization provision. This is the maximum amount available to offset liabilities. الأموال المضمونةFonds de GarantieInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1610Hedging transactionTo hedge against (exchange rate) fluctuations special financial contracts are used, particularly derivative financial instruments. Hedging transactions thus balance the underlying transaction risks which could occur in the event of an unfavourable rate or price development. معاملة التحوطOpération de couvertureInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1611Hull-White modelThe Hull-White model is a mathematical model used to value interest derivatives, which was published by John C. Hull and Alan White. نموذج هال وايت (نموذج رياضي يستخدم لتقييم مشتقات الفائدة)Modèle Coque-BlancInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1612Incurred but not reportedare part of the Group’s claims reserves, set aside to cover claims from. تقدير الحوادث التي تم تكبدها ولم يبلغ عنهاEncouru mais non déclaréInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1613IBNRaccidents that have occurred but not been reported to the Group or that have been reported but where the ultimate cost of settling those claims is still uncertain. IBNR is an actuarial estimate.تقدير للحوادثIBNRInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1614Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) ReservesReserves for estimated losses that have been incurred by insureds but not yet reported plus provisions for future emergence on known claims and reopened claims.الاحتياطيات المتكبدة وغير المبلغ عنهاRéserves engagées mais non déclaréesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1615IndemnityThe principle according to which a person who has suffered a loss is restored (so far as possible) to the same financial position that he was in immediately prior to the loss, subject in the case of insurance to any contractual limitation as to the amount payable (the loss may be greater than the policy limit). The application of this principle is called indemnification. Most contracts of insurance are contracts of indemnity. Life insurances and personal accident insurances are not contracting of indemnity as the payments due under those contracts for loss of life or bodily injury are not based on the principle of indemnity. التعويضIndemnitéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1616In-force policies (‘IFPs’)Means the number of live insurance policies at any point of time.السياسات الساريةPolices en vigueurInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1617InsuranceDeFi Insurance protocols enable users to hedge risk within a decentralized governance framework by purchasing insurance through a staking protocol that can match lost funds in case of a claim.التأمينAssuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1618Insurance ProvisionUsually relates to the proportion of net written premiums relating to periods of risk after the accounting date, which are deferred to subsequent accounting periods, as well as the gross claims outstanding. توفير التأمينProvision d'assuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1619Insurance RiskUncertainty over the likelihood of an insured event occurring, the quantum of the claim or the time when claims payments will fall due. مخاطر التأمينRisque d'assuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1620Interest Rate RiskExposure to interest rate risk relates primarily to market price and cash flow variability associated with changes in interest rates. A rise in interest rates may decrease the fair value of our existing fixed income security investments and declines in interest rates may result in an increase in the fair value of our existing fixed income security investments.مخاطر معدل الفائدةRisque de taux d'intérêtInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1621InteroperabilityThe ability of different systems to connect and communicate in a coordinated way.التوافقيةInteropérabilitéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1622LayerSection of cover in a non-proportional reinsurance programme in which total coverage is divided into number of consecutive layers. Individual layers may be placed with different insurers.الطبقةCoucheInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1623Liability Adequacy Test (LAT)A test that needs to be performed by an insurer to determine whether its recognized insurance liabilities are adequate, using current estimates of future cash flows under its insurance contracts (as per the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards). اختبار كفاية الإلتزاماتTest de suffisance du passifInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1624Liquidity SpreadRepresents the risk premium that flows to a market participant willing to provide liquidity to another market participant that is demanding it. The spread is the difference between the price a seller is willing to accept to sell the asset and the price the buyer is willing to pay for the asset.فرق السيولةÉcart de liquiditéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1625Loss AdjusterA person who is appointed to investigate the circumstances of a claim under an insurance policy and to advise on the amount that is payable to the policyholder in order to settle that claim.ضابط الفقدLoss AdjusterInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1626Loss Development Factors (LDF)There is a general upward trend in claim totals after the initial reporting period called ‘loss development’. A common method of adjusting losses for the growth in claims and “Incurred But Not Reported” (IBNR) losses is to apply loss development factors.عوامل تطور الخسارةFacteurs de développement de perteInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1627Loss ExpensesExpenses incurred in the process of evaluating, defending, and paying claims. مصاريف الخسارةFrais de sinistreInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1628Loss Expense ReservesAmount of money an insurer expects to pay for claim obligations and related expenses resulting from losses that have occurred and are covered by insurance policies it has sold.احتياطي نفقات الخسارةProvisions pour pertesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1629Loss portfolio transfer combined with adverse development cover ('LPT')A reinsurance contract or agreement in which an insurer cedes policies to a reinsurer and includes reinsurance should any deterioration be seen in the amounts ceded. In an LPT, a reinsurer assumes and accepts an insurer’s existing open and future claim liabilities. تحويل محفظة الخسارة مصحوبًا بغطاء التطوير العكسيTransfert de portefeuille de pertes (LPT) combiné à une couverture de développement défavorableInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1630Loss ratioPercentage ratio of the expenditure on claims to earned premiums. Net return on capital investments Total earnings less total expenditure for capital investments in relation to the mean asset value of the capital investments as at 0 January and December of the respective fiscal year.نسبة الخسارةTaux de perte / Taux de sinistralitéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1631Meet MiaChatbot on Facebook Messenger that allows customers to buy and manage travel insurance. Policies are written in plain English and customers can ask the chatbot what they are covered for. Group discounts and automated claims handling will also be available.المحاور الرقميRencontre MiaInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1632MisrepresentationIncorrect information given to an insurer if fraudulent, an insurer may be able to treat the policy as if it never existed. التزييفFausse DéclarationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1633Net Expense RatioExpenses associated with running an insurance business, such as commission, professional fees and other administrative costs, expressed as a percentage of net earned premiums. نسبة المصاريف الصافيةRatio des dépenses nettesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1634New portfolioInsurance companies have been organizing all their insurance contracts into old and new portfolios since the insurance industry was deregulated in . The new portfolio comprises contracts concluded since the deregulation.حافظة جديدةNouveau portefeuilleInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1635Net return – three-year averageTotal earnings less total expenditure for capital investments in relation to the mean asset value of the capital investments as at 0 January and December of the respective fiscal year, calculated over a period of three years. صافي العائد - متوسط ​​ثلاث سنواتRendement net – moyenne sur trois ansInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1636Net revenueIncludes net earned premiums, income from instalments, net investment return and other income. This measure shows the total income retained by the Group having ceded premium to reinsurance partners. صافي الإيراداتRevenu netInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1637Old portfolioInsurance companies have been organizing all their insurance contracts into old and new portfolios since the insurance industry was deregulated in . The old portfolio comprises the contracts closed prior to deregulation.الحافظة القديمةAncien portefeuilleInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1638ORSARefers to the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment that aims to assess the overall solvency needs of an insurance company.أورساORSAInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1639Peer-to-peer (P P) insuranceA risk- sharing network in which a group of individuals pool their premiums together to insure against a risk.تأمين نظير إلى نظير (تأمين الند للند)Assurance peer-to-peer Assurance entre pairsInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1640Periodic Payment Orders (PPOs)Claims payments used to settle large personal injury claims. In addition to providing a lump sum, PPOs provide regular, index-linked payments for some or all of the future financial loss suffered. أوامر الدفع الدوريةOrdres de Paiement PériodiquesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1641PremiumThe payment a policyholder makes in return for insurance cover. Usually paid annually.قسط تأمينPrimeInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1642Premium LiabilityThe amount required to be held in respect of the unexpired period of exposure and considers the unearned premium reserves held and estimate of unexpired risk reserves.مسؤولية قسط تأمينPrime de responsabilitéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1643Premiums WrittenPremiums for all policies sold during a specific accounting period.أقساط مكتوبةPrimes émisesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1644ProductionProduction is classified as the new customers’ monthly premium rate and the higher monthly premium rate for contracts of pre-existing customers for adding more tariffs, supplementary insurance and tariff change, including any risk premiums. إنتاجProductionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1645Profit marginThe Group's trading profit as a percentage of net revenue. This ratio gives a measure of the underlying profitability of the Group. Given the Group’s multiple income streams, this is deemed to be a more relevant measure of trading performance than traditional underwriting metrics such as combined ratio. هامش الربحMarge bénéficiaireInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1646Projected Unit Credit (PUC) methodThe Projected Unit Credit method is an actuarial valuation procedure for obligations arising from company pension plan.طريقة تقدير وحدة الائتمان المتوقعةMéthode des unités de crédit projetéesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1647Proposal formA form prepared by an insurer which asks questions of the insured to determine whether cover can be offered.نموذج طلب التمويلFormulaire de PropositionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1648Provision for Outstanding ClaimsProvision for the liabilities arising from insurance claims which had already occurred on the balance sheet date, but which had not been reported or could not be fully processed. مخصص المطالبات تحت التسويةProvision pour sinistres en souffranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1649Provision for Premium FundsProvision for obligations for premium funds to policy holders not yet due as at the balance sheet date which is separated by ‘composite insurers into performance based and non- performance based; the approach is the result of supervisory or contractual regulations.توفير الأموال المتميزةProvision pour les fonds de primesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1650Provision of Risk Margin for Adverse Deviation (PRAD)The provision of risk margin for adverse deviation that relates to the inherent uncertainty in the central estimate value of both the premium and claim liabilities at a % level of sufficiency.توفير هامش المخاطرة للانحراف العكسيProvision de marge de risque pour écart défavorableInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1651Prudent Person PrincipleIs a Solvency II rule requiring insurers to only make investments that a ‘prudent person’ would make. It does not require that those charged with governance should always makes correct decisions but requires them to make decisions that would be generally accepted as sound by an average person and such decisions should be made as if they were managing their own affairs.مبدأ الشخص الحكيم ( قاعدة من قواعد الملاءة المالية)Principe de la personne prudenteInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1652Quota share (QS)Is a pro-rata reinsurance contract in which the insurer and reinsurer share premiums and losses according to a fixed percentage.حصة الحصصQuote-partInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1653RatingStandardized assessment of the creditworthiness of debt securities and companies by specialized, independent rating agencies. تقييمNotationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1654Referrals to the Financial Ombudsman (% of policies)Is the number of complaints referred to the Financial Ombudsman divided by in-force policies.الإحالات لمحقق الشكاوى المالية (٪ من وثائق التأمين)Renvois au médiateur financier (% des contrats)InsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1655ReinsurerInsurance company that assumes the risks of other insurance companies and does not itself have any direct contractual relations with the policy holder.معيد التأمينRéassureurInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1656ReinsuranceA form of insurance bought by insurance companies to protect themselves from the risk of large losses. One insurer pays to place part of an insured risk or an entire book of business with one or more other insurance companies, known as the reinsurers. Also, It’s an arrangement whereby the Group transfers part of the accepted insurance risk to a panel of insurers. This allows the Group to mitigate its risk of losses from claims. إعادة التأمينRéassuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1657Reinsurance InwardsThe acceptance of risks under a contract of reinsurance.إعادة التأمين للداخلRéassurance vers l'intérieurInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1658Reinsurance OutwardsThe placing of risks under a contract of reinsurance.إعادة التأمين للخارجRéassurance vers l'extérieurInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1659Reinsurance PremiumThe premium payable to the reinsurer. Reinsurance is an arrangement whereby one party (the reinsurer), in consideration for a premium, agrees to indemnify another party (the cedent) against part or all of the liability assumed by the cedent under a policy or policies of insurance. قسط إعادة التأمينPrime de réassuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1660Reinsurance Profit CommissionCommission received or receivable by the cedent (reinsured) from the reinsurer based on the net profit (as defined in the treaty) made by the reinsurer on the reinsurance treaty.عمولة أرباح إعادة التأمينCommission sur les bénéfices de réassuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1661Risk Based CapitalCapital to be allocated by a company to cover risks arising from the nature of its business and the markets in which it operates, based on an assessment of those risks and the likelihood of adverse developments. رأس المال القائم على المخاطرCapital basé sur le risqueInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1662Related PartyA related party is a person or an entity that is related to the reporting entity: - A person or a close member of that person’s family is related to a reporting entity if that person has control, joint control, or significant influence over the entity or is a member of its key management personnel. - An entity is related to a Reporting entity if, among other circumstances, it is a parent, subsidiary, fellow subsidiary, associate, or joint venture of the reporting entity, or it is controlled, jointly controlled, or significantly influenced or managed by a person who is a related party. الأطراف ذات العلاقةPartie liéeInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1663Relational Net Promoter ScoreIs a measure of overall customer sentiment and engagement with the Group. It is calculated by asking for a random, representative sample of our customers how likely they are to recommend the Group to others on a scale of 0- . A decision to move to Relational NPS took place for . There is therefore no comparator for . صافي نقاط الترويج العلائقيScore de promoteur net relationnelInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1664Retention rateIs the percentage of customers who choose to renew their policy with the Group and is a key measure of customer loyalty and underpins customer growth.معدل الاستبقاءTaux de rétentionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1665Renewal Pure PriceEstimated average premium change on renewal policies (excludes all significant exposure changes).سعر التجديد الصافيPrix pur du renouvellementInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1666Reported loss ratio grossExpenditure on insurance claims in relation to earned premiums (all gross).نسبة الخسارة الإجمالية المبلغ عنهاRatio de sinistralité brutInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1667Reported loss ratio netExpenditure on insurance claims in relation to earned premiums (all net).صافي نسبة الخسارة المبلغ عنهاRatio de sinistralité net déclaréInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1668Reserve ratioThe reserve ratio is calculated to a reporting date from capital investments at ‘fair values in relation to the capital investments at book values.نسبة الاحتياطيRatio de réserveInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1669RetentionThe amount of any loss or combination of losses that would otherwise be payable under an insurance/ reinsurance contract which the insured/ reassured must bear itself before the insurer or reinsurer becomes liable to make any payment under that contract. An insured or reassured may be able to insure its retention with another insurer/reinsurer.الاحتفاظRétentionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1670Return on Common EquityMeasure of profitability that is calculated by dividing net income available to common stockholders by average common stockholders' equity during the period.العائد على الأسهم العاديةRentabilité financière des fonds propres / Rentabilité des actions ordinairesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1671Return on tangible equityIs a measure of the Group's return on shareholder investment. Return on equity is a widely understood market measure of returns to shareholders and has been adjusted to exclude rT capital from equity with the related coupon treated as a financing cost.العائد على حقوق الملكية الملموسةRendement des fonds propres tangiblesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1672Rolling average return (according to association formula)Current gross earnings less expenditure on administration of capital investments less scheduled depreciation in relation to the mean asset value of the capital investments as at 0 January and December of the respective fiscal year.متوسط العائد المتداول (وفقًا لصيغة الارتباط)Rendement moyen de roulement (selon la formule d'association)InsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1673Security AssetsThe portion of an insurance company’s assets which serve to secure the claims of the policy holders. In order to secure the claims of the insured in case of insolvency, security assets are assets separated from the others within an insurance company, access to which is forbidden to other creditors. الأصول الأمنيةActifs de sécuritéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1674Settlement resultThe settlement result shows how the loss provisions have changed over the course of time through payments made and by reassessment of the expected final loss on the respective reporting date.نتيجة التسويةRésultat du règlementInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1675SeverityA measure of the average cost of claims that provides an indication of the amount of damage that is, or may be, inflicted by a loss. In general, severity is calculated by dividing loss and loss expenses incurred by the number of claims. خطورةSévéritéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1676Sherpa Management ServicesInsurance solution where members set up one account to manage multiple insurance risks. Offers dynamic products which provide the ability to increase and decrease the sum assured as needs change.خدمات إدارة شيرباServices de gestion SherpaInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1677Short-period CancellationWhen an insurance contract is terminated prior to its expiry date by the insured, any return premium that is payable will usually be calculated on a time on risk basis. The result is that the insured will receive less return premium than would be the case if the return premium was calculated on a pro-rata basis. الإلغاء لفترة قصيرةAnnulation de courte duréeInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1678Solvency IIIs an EU legislative programme implemented in all member states on January . Primarily, it concerns the amount of capital that insurance companies must hold to reduce the risk of insolvency. الملاءة IISolvabilité IIInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1679Solvency coverageThe measure of available qualifying regulatory capital as a percentage of the capital the Group is required to hold under Solvency II regulations. This is a key measure of balance sheet strength.تغطية الملاءةCouverture de solvabilitéInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1680Statutory Premiums to Surplus RatioStatutory measure of solvency risk calculated by dividing net statutory premiums written for the year by the ending statutory surplus.الأقساط القانونية لنسبة الفائضRatio primes statutaires/excédentInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1681Statutory SurplusAmount left after an insurance company’s liabilities are subtracted from its assets. Statutory surplus is not based on GAAP, but SAP prescribed or permitted by state and foreign insurance regulators. الفائض القانونيExcédent statutaireInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1682Stress testStress tests are a special type of scenario analysis. Their aim is to give a quantitative statement about the loss potential of ‘portfolios in the event of extreme market fluctuations.اختبار الإجهادTest de stressInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1683Structured productsIn a structured product a ‘derivative financial instrument (e.g. an option) is combined with a non-derivative instrument (e.g. a bond).المنتجات المهيكلةProduits structurésInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1684SubrogationThe right of an insurer which has paid a claim under a policy to step into the shoes of the insured so as to exercise in his name all rights he might have with regard to the recovery of the loss which was the subject of the relevant claim paid under the policy up to the amount of that paid claim. The insurer’s subrogation rights may be qualified in the policy. In the context of insurance, subrogation is a feature of the principle of indemnity and therefore only applies to contracts of indemnity so that it does not apply to life assurance or personal accident policies. It is intended to prevent an insured recovering more than the indemnity he receives under his insurance (where that represents the full amount of his loss) and enables his insurer to recover or reduce its loss. التعويضSubrogationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1685Sum InsuredThe maximum amount that an insurer will pay under a contract of insurance. The expression is usually used in the context of property and life insurance where (subject to the premium cost) the insured determines the amount of cover to be purchased.مبلغ التأمينSomme assuréeInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1686Surplus Treaty or Surplus Lines TreatyA type of reinsurance under which bands of cover known as lines are granted above a given retention which is referred to as the cedant’s line. Each line is of equivalent size and the capacity of the treaty is expressed as a multiple of the cedant’s line. The reinsurer receives an equivalent proportion of the full risk premium. A surplus treaty is a form of proportional reinsurance.معاهدة الفائض أو معاهدة الخطوط الفائضةTraité excédent ou traité lignes excédentairesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1687Technical provisionsUncertain liabilities that are directly connected with the insurance business. Their formation ensures that obligations from insurance policies can be met permanently.الأحكام الفنيةDispositions techniquesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1688Technical ReserveThis comprises the claims reserve net of reinsurance, unearned premium reserve net of reinsurance and the deferred acquisition expenses. الاحتياطي الفنيRéserve techniqueInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1689Technical resultBalance of earnings and expenditure that are attributable to the insurance business.النتيجة الفنيةRésultat techniqueInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1690Third Party Administrator AgreementUsed when an insurer appoints a third party to manage and settle claims.اتفاقية مسؤول الطرف الثالثEntente avec un Tiers AdministrateurInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1691Total Available CapitalMeasures the actual available capital held by an insurer eligible to calculate capital adequacy.إجمالي رأس المال المتاحTotal du capital disponibleInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1692Trading profitIs the Group’s measure of underlying, long-term profitability. It excludes the impact of costs relating to one-off activity, the categories of which are reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board. تداول الربحBénéfice commercialInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1693Transactional Net Promoter ScoreIs a measure of customer sentiment soon after they have interacted with the Group (either via telephony or a Live Chat). It is calculated by asking customers how likely they are to recommend the Group to others on a scale of 0- .صافي نقاط الترويج للمعاملاتScore de promoteur net transactionnelInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1694Treaty ReinsuranceA reinsurance contract under which the reassured agrees to offer and the reinsurer agrees to accept all risks of certain size within a defined class.اتفاقية إعادة التأمينTraité de réassuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1695TurnoverIncludes gross written premiums, income from instalments, and other income net of the reinsurance profit share. This measure is used by management to show the scale of the Group. الدورانchiffre d'affairesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1696Unallocated loss expensesLoss adjustment expenses other than allocated loss adjustment expenses.مصاريف الخسارة غير الموزعةFrais de sinistres non allouésInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1697Unearned PremiumsPortion of a premium that a company has written but has yet to earn because a portion of the policy is unexpired.الأقساط غير المُحصلةPrimes non acquisesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1698Unearned premium reservesThe proportion of premiums received in the fiscal year that are due in the time after the reporting date are shown as unearned premium reserves under technical provisions.احتياطيات أقساط غير المُحصلةRéserves de primes non acquisesInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1699UnderinsuranceInsurance where the sum insured is less than the full value at risk and would not be adequate to meet a total loss.الفوائد المنقوصةSous-assuranceInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1700UnderwritingInsurer’s process of reviewing applications submitted for insurance coverage, deciding whether to provide all or part of the coverage requested, and determining applicable premiums and terms and conditions of coverage. الاكتتابSouscriptionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1701Underwriting capacityOn the one hand, determining factors in underwriting capacity include the volume and structural features (insurance branches, private clients, commercial or industrial business) of the insurance portfolio, and on the other hand, they include the provision of equity and reinsurance protection. الطاقة الاكتتابيةCapacité de souscriptionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1702Underwriting ProfitThe underwriting result generated by transacting non-life insurance business, without taking into account the investment income. ربح الاكتتابBénéfice de souscriptionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1703Underwriting ResultUnderwriting income or loss; represents premiums earned less insurance losses and loss expenses, underwriting expenses, and dividends to policyholders. This measure of performance is used by management and analysts to evaluate profitability of underwriting operations and is not intended to replace GAAP net income. نتيجة الاكتتابRésultat de souscriptionInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1704Unexpired Risk Reserve (URR)The excess of the estimated value of claims and expenses likely to arise after the end of the financial year from contracts concluded before the date, insofar as their estimated value exceeds the provision for unearned premiums (after deduction of any acquisition costs deferred). احتياطي المخاطر غير المنتهيRéserve de risque non expiréeInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1705Usage- based insuranceA business model that aligns premium rates with policyholder behavior.تأمين على أساس الاستخدامAssurance basée sur l'utilisationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1706Valuation reservesThe difference between the book value and the ‘fair value of a capital investment.احتياطيات التقييمRéserves de valorisationInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1707Wholesale General AgentDistribution partner authorized to underwrite on behalf of a surplus lines insurer through binding authority agreements. Insurance companies pay wholesale general agents for business production.وكيل عام بالجملةAgent général de grosInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1708WriskUsage-based contents insurance product with innovative risk-scoring method.منتج تأمين على المحتوياتWriskInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1709Yield on InvestmentsYield is the income earned on an investment, expressed as an annual percentage rate that is calculated by dividing income earned by the average invested asset balance. Yield can be calculated based on either pre-tax or after-tax income and can be calculated on the entire investment portfolio, or on a portion thereof, such as the fixed income securities portfolio. العائد على الاستثماراتRendement des investissementsInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1710YouToggleAn app that uses mobile phone telematics to monitor a user’s driving and create an individual score that can then be shared with a car insurer to obtain a discount. Driving information captured by the app could also be used as evidence in the event of motor accident.تطبيق التأمينYouToggleInsurTech التأمين باستخدام التقنيات الحديثة
1711Access CodesMeans a code or other secure procedure you can use to access Internet and Phone Banking or Mobile Banking, including: (a) your Internet and Phone Banking Customer Access Number. (b) your Internet and Phone Banking Security Number. (c) your Internet Banking Password. (d) your Mobile Banking Device (and any passwords or access codes used to unlock that Mobile Banking Device); and (e) any Secure Code we may send you. رموز الوصولCodes d'accèsOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1712Account aggregatorA category of nonbanking financial company created by the Reserve Bank of India in . Account aggregators securely transfer financial data from data holders to data users based on customer consent.مجمع الحساباتAgrégateurs de ComptesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1713Account Information Service Provider (AISP)A third-party AISP provides customers with consolidated online information about their financial accounts with other payment service providers.مزود خدمة معلومات الحسابPrestataire de Services d'Information sur les ComptesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1714Account Servicing Payment Service Provider - ASPSPAccount Servicing Payment Service Providers provide and maintain a payment account for a payer as defined by the Payment Services Regulations (PSRs) and, in the context of the Open Banking Ecosystem are entities that publish Read/Write APIs to permit, with customer consent, payments initiated by third party providers and/or make their customers’ account transaction data available to third party providers via their API end points. مزود خدمات الدفع لخدمة الحسابPrestataire de services de Paiement Gestionnaire du CompteOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1715Account Servicing Payment Service Provider Brand- ASPSPAn ASPSP brand is any registered or unregistered trademark or other Intellectual Property Right provided by an ASPSP.العلامة التجارية لمزود خدمة الدفع لخدمة الحسابMarque du Prestataire de Services de Paiement Gestionnaire du CompteOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1716Aggregated DataData concerning financial services, such as service quality and customer use, that are collected on an aggregate basis. البيانات المجمعةDonnées AgrégéesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1717Application Programming Interface (API)A set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. APIs are the conduit for data transmission between two parties. واجهة إدارة التطبيقاتL'Interface de Programmation d'ApplicationOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1718API User - Application Programming Interface UserAn API User is any person or organization who develops web or mobile apps which access data from an API Provider.مستخدم واجهة إدارة التطبيقاتUtilisateur API Utilisateur d’Interface de Programmation d’ApplicationOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1719API Provider - Application Programming Interface ProviderAn API Provider is a service provider implementing an Open Data API. An API Provider provides Open Data via an API gateway.مزود واجهة إدارة التطبيقاتFournisseur API Fournisseur d'Interfaces de Programmation d'ApplicationOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1720At Risk TransactionMeans an Internet Banking transaction or request identified by us as requiring further authentication by our Secure Code Service to complete that transaction.معاملة معرضة للخطرTransaction à risqueOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1721Authorized SignatoryMeans your authorized signing officer(s) as identified by you on our prescribed form on file with us.المفوض بالتوقيعSignataire autoriséOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1722Banking ServiceMeans any Internet Banking or Phone Banking service to which these terms and conditions apply.الخدمة المصرفيةService bancaireOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1723Basic Single Credit TransferA credit payment other than: Osko payment, or an international funds transfer instructions payment; sent using New Payments Platform (NPP) to the payee of another NPP participant. تحويل ائتماني فردي أساسيVirement de crédit unique de baseOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1724Bill IssuerMeans those entities or individuals whose bills (including, tax payments/remittances) you indicate you would like to pay through the bill payment feature of any of the Services that we have registered to be an entity or individual which participates in the bill payment service. مصدر الفاتورةÉmetteur de facturesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1725Bill Payment AccountMeans any Account(s) linked to the Card authorized to make bill payments: (i) at any branch, by way of a customer service representative; (ii) through Telephone Banking, Online Banking; OR (iii) by way of a Terminal. Card means the BMO Debit Card for Business card(s) provided to you by us or any other card that we permit you to use. حساب دفع الفواتيرCompte de paiement de facturesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1726Branchless BankingBranchless banking encompasses all banking models and delivery channels that deliver financial services to clients through outlets other than full-service bank branches. This includes mobile banking, correspondent and agent banking, electronic banking, and the use of ATMs. Branchless banking facilitates financial inclusion by making banking accessible in remote areas and increasing affordability through automation. الخدمات المصرفية بدون فروع بنكيةServices bancaires sans agenceOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1727Cash codeMeans an identifier (within the meaning of the e-Payments Code) which we issue to you on your request which is to be used to make Cardless Cash withdrawals at St.Geroge Banking Group ATMs, Westpac branded ATMs and select Westpac Group partner ATMs in Australia. رمز النقدCode de paiementOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1728Competent AuthorityA Competent Authority, in the context of the Open Banking Ecosystem, is a governmental body or regulatory or supervisory authority having responsibility for the regulation or supervision of the subject matter of Participants. السلطة المختصةAutorité CompétenteOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1729Consumer Data Right (CDR)Under Australian law, the right of a consumer to access his or her own data or to share it with an accredited data recipient to whom the consumer has given permission to access. حق بيانات المستهلك (CDR)Droit d'Accès des Données de ConsommateursOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1730Contactless terminalMeans Electronic Equipment (such as a merchant terminal) which can be used to make a contactless transaction.محطة بدون تلامسTerminal sans contactOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1731Contactless transactionMeans a transaction made by holding your card or Mobile Banking Device (which is capable of making a contactless transaction) in front of a contactless terminal.معاملة بدون تلامسTransaction sans contactOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1732CryptoassetA type of private digital asset that depends primarily on cryptography and distributed ledger or similar technology as part of its perceived or inherent value. All crypto assets utilize various forms of DLT.الأصول المشفرةCrypto actifOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1733Customer Acquisition ServicesServices, including customer referrals and loyalty programs, provided by third parties that help the principal obtain new clients. خدمات اكتساب العملاءService d'Acquisition de ClientsOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1734Customer DataPersonally identifiable customer information that can be used for data on account opening and use, including registration, KYC, and CDD data. بيانات العميلDonnées de ClientOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1735Customer Transaction DataData from a customer’s bank or payment account(s) that show the customer’s transaction history.بيانات معاملات العملاءDonnées de Transactions de ClientsOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1736Data HoldersEntities that hold or possess customer data.أصحاب البياناتLes Détenteurs des DonnéesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1737Data portabilityThe ability of data subjects to download a full set of their data and “port” or share it with whomever they choose.قابلية نقل البياناتPortabilité des DonnéesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1738Data Sharing RegimeAnother term for open banking.نظام مشاركة البياناتRégime de Partage des DonnéesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1739Data subjectAn individual or company that creates data.موضوع البياناتSujet des DonnéesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1740Data UserAn entity that uses the data belonging to data subjects to propose a service.مستخدم البياناتUtilisateur de DonnéesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1741Digital financial servicesBasic financial services offered through digital channels like mobile phones, point-of-sale (POS) devices, or the networks of small-scale agents. While this can dramatically lower costs for customers and service providers, it also raises concerns over data protection and privacy. الخدمات المالية الرقميةServices financiers numériquesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1742Directory SandboxThe Open Banking Directory Sandbox is a test instance of the Directory. The Directory Sandbox may be used to support testing applications with test API endpoints and testing integration with the Open Banking Directory.دليل البيئة التجريبيةAnnuaire de Sandbox / Répertoire de SandboxOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1743E-bankingAlso known as electronic banking; is a type of branchless banking that uses the internet to deliver financial services. It is more frequently found in developed nations because it requires access to a computer that is connected to the internet.الخدمات المصرفية الإلكترونيةServices bancaires électroniquesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1744EFT AccountMeans an account for which we agree you may give us instructions or access account information using the Internet and Phone Banking.حساب التحويل الإلكترونيCompte EFTOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1745EFT SystemMeans the network of electronic systems used for the transmission of EFT Transactions.نظام التحويل الإلكتروني للأموالSystème EFTOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1746EFT TransactionMeans a transfer of funds initiated by an instruction you give through Electronic Equipment to debit or credit an EFT Account.معاملة التحويل الإلكتروني للأموالTransaction EFTOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1747e-TradingA broad category of financial market trading methods on electronic trading platforms and virtual marketplaces. This can include algorithmic or high-frequency trading among professional investors, and online investment, “social trading” or “copy trading” among retail investors. التجارة الإلكترونيةCommerce électroniqueOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1748Financial capabilityThe combination of knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes, and especially behaviors which people need in order to make sound personal finance decisions, suited to their social and financial circumstances. القدرة الماليةCapacité financièreOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1749Financial inclusionA state in which all people who can use them have access to a full suite of quality financial services, provided at affordable prices, in a convenient manner, and with dignity for the clients. Financial services are delivered by a range of providers, most of them private, and reach everyone who can use them, including disabled, poor, rural, and other excluded populations. الشمول الماليL'inclusion financièreOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1750Financial literacyThe ability to understand how to use financial products and services and how to manage personal, household, or micro-enterprise finances over time. Improvements in literacy levels can be achieved through financial education. محو الأمية الماليةLittératie financièreOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1751Financial Services Provider (FSP)An entity that provides financial services to consumers and other businesses.مزود الخدمات الماليةFournisseur de Services FinanciersOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1752Fintech CreditCredit activity facilitated by electronic platforms whereby borrowers are matched directly with lenders.ائتمان بواسطة المنصات الإلكترونيةCrédit FintechOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1753InstrumentMeans any bill of exchange, promissory note, cheque, draft, payment instruction, banker’s acceptance, order for payment of money (including any wire transfer or electronic payment or transfer), security, coupon, note, clearing item or other item, whether a negotiable or non-negotiable instrument, or contract for letter of credit or foreign exchange. أداة ماليةInstrumentOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1754Internet and Phone BankingMeans any service we offer from time to time through a communication network (including the internet and telephone) to enable you to receive information from us and to transmit instructions to us electronically in relation to an EFT Account, or other matters we specify. الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت والهاتفServices bancaires par Internet et par téléphoneOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1755Internet and Phone Banking Customer Access NumberMeans the number used in conjunction with the Internet and Phone Banking Security Number and Internet Banking Password to access Internet and Phone Banking.رقم الوصول لعميل الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت والهاتفNuméro d'accès client pour les services bancaires par Internet et telephoneOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1756Internet and Phone Banking Security NumberMeans the personal identification security number used in conjunction with the Internet and Phone Banking Customer Access Number and Internet Banking Password to access Internet and Phone Banking.رقم الأمان للخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت والهاتفNuméro de sécurité pour les services bancaires par Internet et telephoneOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1757Internet BankingMeans any service we offer from time to time through a communication network (including the internet and telephone) to enable you to receive information from us and to transmit instructions to us electronically in relation to an EFT Account, or other matters we specify, including Mobile Banking (unless expressly stated otherwise) but excludes Phone Banking. الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنتServices bancaires par InternetOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1758Loan-based CrowdfunderA Type of fintech credit platform. Borrowers are usually matched directly with investors.تمويل جماعي قائم على القروضCrowdfunder basé sur prêtOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1759Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)MFIs are institutions that provide financial services to low-income populations, often with a focus on microenterprise credit. They can take the form of banks, non-bank financial institutions, credit unions, NGOs, or any other financial institution serving low-income populations. مؤسسات التمويل الأصغرInstitutions de MicrofinanceOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1760Mistaken Internet PaymentMeans a payment, other than one using BPAY, by an individual through a “Pay Anyone” internet banking facility and processed through the direct entry (Bulk Electronic Clearing System) or New Payments Platform (Osko or Basic Single Credit Transfer) where the funds are paid into the account of an unintended recipient because the individual enters or selects a BSB and account number or other identifying information that does not belong to the intended recipient as a result of the individual’s error or the individual being advised of the wrong BSB and account number and/or identifier or PayID. This excludes payments made as a result of a scam. الدفع عبر الإنترنت عن طريق الخطأPaiement par Internet erronéOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1761Mobile and web-based paymentsApplications that allow consumers to conduct transactions through their mobile phone or tablets, improving efficiency and customer experience. المدفوعات عبر الهاتف المحمول والشبكة العالمية للمعلوماتPaiements mobiles et WebOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1762Mobile bankingIs part of the Online Banking service enabling Users, having entered security details, to effect transactions on Nominated Accounts Using their mobile phone. Also, means a service we offer from time to time through an internet protocol telecommunications network to enable you to access information about EFT Accounts and transmit instructions to us electronically through the Mobile Banking App and mobile device. الخدمات المصرفية عبر الهاتف المحمولBancaire mobileOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1763Mobile Banking AppMeans software approved by us in connection with mobile banking and downloaded directly to your mobile device from the App store that is appropriate to your mobile device.تطبيق الخدمات المصرفية عبر الهاتف المحمولApplication de banque mobileOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1764Mobile Banking DeviceMeans a mobile device, to which you have loaded the BankSA Mobile Banking App and which you have registered to access your EFT Accounts using Mobile Banking. جهاز الخدمات المصرفية عبر الهاتف المحمولAppareil de banque mobileOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1765Mobile walletsA digital interface on a mobile phone which replicates a physical wallet in a digital interface on a mobile phone. Customers can add store and carry credit, and debit cards, as well as prepaid cards, gift cards and rewards cards to be stored and carried. This use case not only replaces physical plastic cards, but also allows those cards to be enhanced by with additional services. حوافظ الهاتف المحمولPortefeuilles mobilesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1766Online BankingMeans online and mobile banking services offered by us and includes: (i) instructions given through the use of a computer connected via private communications networks or public networks such as the Internet, or via wireless communications networks or similar networks or devices when available, and (ii) instructions given through the use of a mobile device. Also, Means Internet Banking and Mobile Banking. A special kind of financial ecosystem governed by a set of security profiles, application interfaces, and guidelines for customer experiences and operations. الخدمات المصرفية عبر الشبكة العالمية للمعلومات (الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت)Services bancaires en ligneOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1767Open Application Programming Interface "" Open API""An open API (also referred to as a public API) is a publicly available application programming interface (API) that provides developers with programmatic access to a proprietary software application or web service.واجهة إدارة التطبيقات المفتوحةAPI Ouverte Interface Ouverte de Programmation d'ApplicationsOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1768Open Banking"Open banking is a system that provides a user with a network of financial institutions’ data through the use of application programming interfaces (APIs). The Open Banking Standard defines how financial data should be createdshared and accessed. By relying on networks instead of centralizationopen banking helps financial services customers to securely share their financial data with other financial institutions. Benefits include more easily transferring funds and comparing product offerings to create a banking experience that best meets each user’s needs in the most cost-effective way. Open banking is also known as ""open bank data."" "النظام المصرفي المفتوح
1769Open Banking AccountsMeans any account held by you with BankSA that is eligible for Open Banking data sharing in accordance with the Consumer Data Right legislation, rules and requirements. This includes accounts that are open, closed and not visible in Internet Banking. الحسابات المصرفية المفتوحةComptes bancaires ouvertsOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1770Open Banking EcosystemThe Open Banking Ecosystem refers to all the elements that facilitate the operation of Open Banking. This includes the API Standards, the governance, systems, processes, security and procedures used to support participants. بيئة النظام المصرفي المفتوحEcosystème Bancaire OuvertOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1771Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE)The Open Banking Implementation Entity is the delivery organization working with the CMA and other stakeholders to define and develop the required APIs, security and messaging standards that underpin Open Banking. Otherwise known as Open Banking Limited. كيان التنفيذ المصرفي المفتوحEntité de Mise en Oeuvre des Services Bancaires OuvertsOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1772Open Banking ServicesThe open banking services to be provided by Open Banking to Participants, including but not limited to, the provision and maintenance of the Standards and the Directory. الخدمات المصرفية المفتوحةSystème Bancaire OuvertOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1773Open DataInformation on ATM and Branch locations, and product information for Personal Current Accounts, Business Current Accounts (for SMEs), and SME Unsecured Lending, including Commercial Credit Cards. البيانات المفتوحةDonnées OuvertesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1774Open Data RegimeA public sector-driven framework for data sharing that goes beyond financial services to include the sharing of telecoms, utilities, health, social media, and/ or other types of data. نظام البيانات المفتوحةRégime de Données Ouvertes.Open Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1775Phone BankingMeans any service we offer from time to time through a telecommunications network to enable you to receive information from us and to transmit instructions to us electronically in relation to an EFT Account, or other matters we specify, using an interactive voice response system. Phone Banking does not include communicating with a member of our staff directly by telephone and does not include Mobile Banking. الخدمات المصرفية عبر الهاتفServices bancaires par téléphoneOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1776PINA personal identification number that is used in conjunction with a Card to enable to access Nominated Accounts and perform Electronic Transactions using Electronic Equipment.رقم التعريف الشخصيÉpingleOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1777PSD (Revised Payment Services Directive)The Payment Services Directive / , as amended or updated from time to time and including the associated Regulatory Technical Standards developed by the European Banking Association (EBA) and agreed by the European Commission and as implemented by the PSR and including any formal guidance issued by a Competent Authority. التوجيه المنقح لخدمات الدفعDirective sur les Services de Paiement RéviséeOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1778ParticipantAn API Provider, API User, ASPSP, or TPP that currently participates in the Open Banking Ecosystem. مشارك بواسطة نظم الدفعLe ParticipantOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1779Payment Services User (PSU)Means the legal or natural person making use of an Open Banking payment service as a payee, payer or both. مستخدم خدمات الدفعUtilisateur des Services de PaiementOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1780Peer-to-peer (P P) lendingA type of fintech credit platform, where individuals or businesses are usually matched directly for lending purposes. الإقراض من نظير إلى نظيرPrêt de pair à pairOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1781Primary Business Contact (PBC)A Primary Business Contact is an individual nominated by an entity to have access to the Directory and will be able to nominate other Directory business users. This should be a formal business point of contact and a senior member of staff responsible for systems and controls related to Open Banking.جهة اتصال العمل الأساسيةContact d'Entreprise PrincipalOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1782Screen ScrapingThe action of using a computer program to copy data from a website.شاشة نسخ البيانات من الويبGrattage ÉcranOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1783Secret ID CodeMeans a personal identification number (PIN), password or other identification code (whether provided to you or your Cardholder by us or selected by you or your Cardholder), which is required to access Telephone Banking/Online Banking, the Card Service and certain other services as we may determine and which may be used together with the Card (or other mutually agreed upon form of identification), as the case may be. رمز الهوية السريةCode secret d'identificationOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1784Services DataData concerning specific financial services and products, including pricing and product description. بيانات الخدماتDonnées sur les ServicesOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1785Secure CodeMeans a randomly generated code that we send to you to authenticate an At Risk Transaction or to perform some other services. This form of authentication is in addition to your Internet Banking Password and Internet and Phone Banking Security Number.الرمز الآمنCode sécuriséOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1786Secure Code ServiceMeans our method of Two Factor Authentication where we send you a Secure Code to authenticate an At Risk Transaction performed by you using Internet Banking.خدمة الرمز الآمنService de code sécuriséOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1787Tax Payment and Filing AgreementMeans the agreement between you and us which you enter into in order to remit payments and/or tax filing remittances through Online Banking, as it may be amended or replaced from time to time. اتفاقية دفع الضرائب وتقديمهاAccord de paiement et de déclaration d'impôtOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1788Telephone BankingMeans the telephone banking service offered by us and includes instructions given verbally over the telephone or through the use of an interactive voice response system (such as pressing the number buttons on a touch tone phone).الخدمات المصرفية الهاتفيةServices bancaires par téléphoneOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1789Third-party provider (TPP)Third Party Providers are organizations or natural persons that use APIs developed to Standards to access customer’s accounts, in order to provide account information services and/or to initiate payments. مزود الطرف الثالثTiers Prestataire / Fournisseur TiersOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1790Two Factor AuthenticationMeans a security authentication process in which a customer provides a financial institution with two types of identification information to authenticate their identity. The first type of identification information is a piece of information known to the customer. The second type of identification information is information sent by the financial institution to the customer’s physical device, e.g. a mobile telephone or a landline telephone. المصادقة الثنائية العواملAuthentification à deux facteurs / Authentification à  facteurs ( FA)Open Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1791Unauthorised TransactionAn Electronic Transaction that was not authorized by you or an Authorized User. It does Electronic Transactions carried out by you or by anyone performing the transaction with your knowledge and consent.معاملة غير مصرح بهاTransaction non autoriséeOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1792Voluntary Account Servicing Payment Service Provider Brand (Voluntary ASPSP)Voluntary ASPSPs are those entities who, although not obliged to enrol with Open Banking, have elected to do so in order to utilise the Standards to develop their own APIs, to enrol onto the Open Banking Directory, and to use the associated operational support services. العلامة التجارية لمزود خدمة الدفع لخدمة الحساب التطوعيMarque Volontaire du Fournisseur de services de Paiement du service de CompteOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1793X AAlso known as “Access to Account,” X A is another term for the data-sharing component of PSD . الوصول إلى الحسابAccès au Compte X AOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1794API User - Application Programming Interface UserAn API User is any person or organization who develops web or mobile apps which access data from an API Provider.مستخدم واجهة إدارة التطبيقاتUtilisateur API Utilisateur d’Interface de Programmation d’ApplicationOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1795API Provider - Application Programming Interface ProviderAn API Provider is a service provider implementing an Open Data API. An API Provider provides Open Data via an API gateway.مزود واجهة إدارة التطبيقاتFournisseur API Fournisseur d'Interfaces de Programmation d'ApplicationOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1796Open Application Programming Interface "" Open API""An open API (also referred to as a public API) is a publicly available application programming interface (API) that provides developers with programmatic access to a proprietary software application or web service.واجهة إدارة التطبيقات المفتوحةAPI Ouverte Interface Ouverte de Programmation d'ApplicationsOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1797PSD - (Revised Payment Services Directive)The Payment Services Directive / , as amended or updated from time to time and including the associated Regulatory Technical Standards developed by the European Banking Association (EBA) and agreed by the European Commission and as implemented by the PSR and including any formal guidance issued by a Competent Authority. التوجيه المنقح لخدمات الدفعDirective sur les Services de Paiement RéviséeOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1798Secure Code ServiceMeans our method of Two Factor Authentication where we send you a Secure Code to authenticate an At Risk Transaction performed by you using Internet Banking.خدمة الرمز الآمنService de code sécuriséOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1799X AAlso known as “Access to Account,” X A is another term for the data-sharing component of PSD . الوصول إلى الحسابAccès au Compte X AOpen Banking Operations العمليات المصرفية المفتوحة
1800AccessIt means the access of households and businesses to payment services and the ability to use the services of a CBDC system by banks, other payment service providers and, where relevant, other market infrastructures. الوصولAccéderPayments المـدفوعـات
1801AccountMeans a Transaction Account, Savings Account or an Investment Account. الحسابComptePayments المـدفوعـات
1802Account-based CBDCA type of CBDC tied to an identification scheme, such that all users need to identify themselves to access it. العملة الرقمية للبنك المركزي القائمة على الحسابCBDC basé sur comptePayments المـدفوعـات
1803Account Information Service (AIS)An electronic or online service which provides consolidated Customer Data on Payment Accounts. For the avoidance of doubt, AIS does not involve the holding of Customer funds at any point in time. خدمة معلومات الحسابService d'information sur les comptesPayments المـدفوعـات
1804Account Information Service Provider (AISP)A Licensee providing Account Information Service.مزود خدمة معلومات الحسابFournisseur de services d'information sur les comptesPayments المـدفوعـات
1805Account Status CheckA type of Authorization request that is used to ask an Issuer to indicate if the Card account represented by the Card Number on the message is valid. The Account Status Check is used, for example, by transit authorities to check the status of a Card account associated with a Transit Contactless Transaction at transit operator's terminal. التحقق من حالة الحسابVérification de l'état du comptePayments المـدفوعـات
1806Additional CardholderAn Authorised User to whom we have issued a Card.حامل البطاقة الإضافيةTitulaire de carte supplémentairePayments المـدفوعـات
1807Agent Due Diligence (Know Your Agent)Any third party acting on behalf of a bank, a financial the measures undertaken by a digital financial services provider to assess potential agents and their ability to carry out agent functions related to the provision of digital financial services. وكيل العناية الواجبة (اعرف وكيلك)Agent Due Diligence (Connaissez votre agent)Payments المـدفوعـات
1808Agent OutletA physical location that carries one or more agent tills, enabling it to perform enrolment as well as cash-in and cash-out transactions for customers on behalf of one or more providers. National law defines whether an agent outlet may remain exclusive to one provider. Agent outlets may have other businesses and support functions. منفذ الوكيلPoint vente de l'agentPayments المـدفوعـات
1809Agent TillAn agent till is a provider-issued registered «line», either a special SIM card or a POS machine, used to perform enrolment and cash-in and cash-out transactions for clients. National law dictates which financial service providers can issue agent tills. وكيل دفع فوريAgent TillPayments المـدفوعـات
1810Aggregated Transit ChargeAn Aggregated Charge that combines multiple small Transit Contactless Transactions incurred on a Card into a single, larger Charge before submitting the Charge for payment. رسوم العبور المجمعةFrais de transit cumulésPayments المـدفوعـات
1811Alternative Trading System (ATS)Trading venue operated by a broker-dealer that seeks to match buyers and sellers in securities transactions.نظام التداول البديلSystème de trading alternatifPayments المـدفوعـات
1812Anti-Money LaunderingInitiatives to detect and stop the use of financial systems to disguise use of funds criminally obtained. Also, are a set of procedures, laws and regulations designed to stop the practice of generating income through illegal actions. In most cases money launderers hide their actions through a series of steps that make it look like money coming from illegal or unethical sources was earned legitimately. مكافحة غسل الأموالAnti-blanchiment d'argentPayments المـدفوعـات
1813Anti-money laundering (AML)/Combating the financing of terrorism (CFT)AML includes any policies, laws, regulations and protocols designed to combat the introduction of funds obtained from illicit activities (such as racketeering, corruption, drug trafficking and fraud) into legitimate money systems and exchanges. CFT consists of similar measures designed to prevent and combat the financing of terrorist activities. Both money laundering and terrorist financing activities generate financial flows that divert resources away from economically and socially productive uses, often with negative impacts on the financial sector, national fiscal stability and society. مكافحة غسيل الأموال / مكافحة تمويل الإرهابLutte contre le blanchiment d'argent / Lutte contre le financement du terrorismePayments المـدفوعـات
1814AML/CFT Laws and RegulationsRoyal Decree No. / promulgating the Law on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, as may be amended from time to time, and any instructions, circulars, guidelines and notices issued by the Central Bank relating to their implementation or issued in this regard. قوانين وأنظمة مكافحة غسل الأموال وتمويل الإرهابLois et réglementations LAB/CFTPayments المـدفوعـات
1815APCAMeans the Australian Payments Clearing Association.جمعية مقاصة المدفوعات الأستراليةAPCAPayments المـدفوعـات
1816Application-initiated TransactionA Transaction initiated by an electronic device (including but not limited to, a mobile telephone, tablet, or wearable device) utilizing a merchant software application within the electronic device. المعاملة التي بدأها التطبيقTransaction initiée par l'applicationPayments المـدفوعـات
1817ATM OperatorAn organisation, that owns, leases or operates an ATM other than a BOQ ATM. مشغل أجهزة الصراف الآليOpérateur de guichet automatiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1818ATM Operator FeeA fee charged by the ATM Operator as disclosed on the ATM screen at a point in the transaction which allows the cardholder to opt-out of the transaction without incurring any charge. The ATM Operator Fee includes Balance Enquiries.رسوم مشغل أجهزة الصراف الآليFrais d'opérateur de guichet automatiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1819Atomic settlementThe use of a smart contract to link two assets to ensure that the transfer of one asset occurs if and only if the transfer of the other asset also occurs (e.g. to achieve delivery versus payment in a securities transaction or payment versus payment in a foreign exchange transaction). All legs of a transaction are executed or none of them are executed.التسوية الآليةRèglement AtomiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1820Authorized UserMeans a person authorised by you to transact on your Account.مستخدم معتمدUtilisateur autoriséPayments المـدفوعـات
1821Automated Clearing House (ACH)Multilateral arrangement that facilitates the exchange of payment instructions between payment service providers.غرفة المقاصة الآليةChambre de Compensation AutomatiséePayments المـدفوعـات
1822Automated Market Maker (AMM ) ExchangesExchanges backed by a decentralized liquidity pool where prices are determined by an algorithm defined in a smart contract running on a single blockchain.تبادلات صانع السوق الآليÉchange de teneur de marché automatiséPayments المـدفوعـات
1823Automatic paymentA type of interbank payment instrument. An automatic payment is an instruction from the consumer to their bank to pay a fixed amount at a regular frequency from the consumer's nominated bank account to another bank account.الدفع التلقائيPaiement automatiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1824Balance and Transaction LimitsLimits placed on a financial services account, including E-Money accounts, such as limits on maximum balance, maximum transaction amounts and transaction frequency. حدود الرصيد والمعاملاتLimites d'équilibre et de transactionsPayments المـدفوعـات
1825Bank Accounts and Transaction ServicesA transaction account held at a bank. This account may be accessible by a mobile phone, in which case it is sometimes referred to as «mobile banking». الحسابات المصرفية وخدمات المعاملاتComptes bancaires et services de transactionPayments المـدفوعـات
1826Banking EntityAny financial institution that conducts business with individuals, such as a retail bank, credit union, or mortgage company. الكيان المصرفيEntité bancairePayments المـدفوعـات
1827Banking ServicesMeans those accounts and payment services described in this document.الخدمات المصرفيةServices bancairesPayments المـدفوعـات
1828Base RateMeans the interest we pay you from time to time if you do not meet the Bonus Criteria for the Bonus Interest which we make available for particular Accounts.المعدل الأساسيTaux de basePayments المـدفوعـات
1829Bearer SecuritySecurity issued as a paper certificate where the bearer is presumed to be the owner.حامل شهادة الأمن ""المالك""Titres au PorteurPayments المـدفوعـات
1830Beneficial OwnerMeans the legal person(s) who ultimately own(s) or control(s) a PSP.المالك المنتفعBénéficiaire EffectifPayments المـدفوعـات
1831Biometric Identification SystemA system that facilitates the identification of a person through biometric verification or by evaluating one or more distinguishing biological traits, such as fingerprints, hand geometry, earlobe geometry, retina and iris patterns and voice waves. نظام تحديد الهويةSystème d'identification biométriquePayments المـدفوعـات
1832Biz InvoiceIs a service made available to business customers via Online Banking which lets business customers generate an Invoice for goods and services the business customer has provided, and allows business customers to record payments made toward those Invoices. الفاتورة التجاريةFacture commercialePayments المـدفوعـات
1833Bonus InterestMeans the bonus interest we may pay you from time to time when if you meet the Bonus Criteria for the Bonus Interest Bonus Criteria.فائدة المكافأةIntérêt bonifiéPayments المـدفوعـات
1834BPAYAn electronic scheme through which you can ask us to make payments on your behalf to billers who tell you that you can make payment to them through BPAY. You can use BPAY through Internet Banking or Easy Phone.بي بايBPAYPayments المـدفوعـات
1835Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS)governs how a range of bulk electronic transaction types are made between its participants. It governs how direct debits, automatic payments, bill payments, and direct credits work. نظام المقاصة الإلكترونية المجمعةSystème de compensation électronique en vracPayments المـدفوعـات
1836Bulk PaymentsMaking and receiving payments from a government to a consumer: benefits, cash transfers, salaries, pensions, etc. التحويلات المجمعةPaiements en vracPayments المـدفوعـات
1837Bulk Payments ServicesA service which allows a government agency or an enterprise to make payments to a large number of payees, typically consumers, but can be businesses as well. خدمات المدفوعات المجمعةServices de paiements en vracPayments المـدفوعـات
1838BundlingA business model in which a provider groups a collection of services into one product which an end user agrees to buy or use.التجميعRegroupementPayments المـدفوعـات
1839Business-to-Business (B B) PaymentPayment where both the payer and the payee are businesses (eg payment for raw materials).دفع الأعمال من الأعمالPaiement InterentreprisesPayments المـدفوعـات
1840Cash AgentA type of agent that only provides cash-in and cash-out services.وكيل نقديAgent de caissePayments المـدفوعـات
1841Carbon Border Adjustment TaxesA carbon tax implemented on imported products in order to prevent “carbon leakage” as a result of climate action in the host country.ضرائب ضبط حدود الكربونTaxes d'ajustement carbone aux frontiersPayments المـدفوعـات
1842Carbon CreditOne credit is equal to one ton of carbon emissions. The goal of carbon credits is to decrease carbon emissions from companies, by granting them a tradable credit. This incentivizes companies to cut down on emissions because they can gain monetary value from the credits they receive. ائتمان الكربونCrédit CarbonePayments المـدفوعـات
1843Carbon Emissions Token (CET)A token representing a specified volume of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions; distinguishes between the scope and category of emissions being reported.رمز انبعاثات الكربونJeton d'émissions de carbonePayments المـدفوعـات
1844Carbon Removal Unit TokenA non-fungible Token representing mtCO e removed from the atmosphere and stored. Shares the same Core Carbon Principles with attributes focusing on additionality, durability and reversal/replacements. رمز وحدة إزالة الكربونJeton d'unité d'élimination du carbonePayments المـدفوعـات
1845Carbon TokenA carbon token is an asset-backed stable token with underlying carbon assets that have low price volatility and can be independently verified on international registries.رمز الكربونJeton carbonePayments المـدفوعـات
1846Card Based Payment Instrument Issuer - CBPIIA Card Based Payment Instrument Issuer is a payment services provider that issues card-based payment instruments that can be used to initiate a payment transaction from a payment account held with another payment service provider.مُصدر وسيلة الدفع بالبطاقةÉmetteur d’Instrument de Paiement Fondé sur la CartePayments المـدفوعـات
1847Card-not-Present FraudIt is a type of credit card scam in which the customer does not physically present the card to the merchant during the fraudulent transaction. Card-not-present fraud can occur with transactions that are conducted online or over the phone. It is theoretically harder to prevent than card-present fraud because the merchant cannot personally examine the credit card for signs of possible fraud, such as a missing hologram or altered account number. الاحتيال في حالة عدم تقديم البطاقةFraude par Carte non PrésentePayments المـدفوعـات
1848Cash ServicesMeans –(a)cash-in services and;(b) cash-out services.الخدمات النقديةServices en EspècesPayments المـدفوعـات
1849Cash-in ServicesMeans the exchange of cash for digital money deposited in a payment account.خدمات إيداع النقودServices d'EncaissementPayments المـدفوعـات
1850Cash-out ServicesMeans the exchange of digital money for cash, withdrawn from a payment account. خدمات السحب النقديServices de Cash-outPayments المـدفوعـات
1851Cash-to-cash cycleRefers to the period between payment to suppliers and receipt of payment from customers.دورة النقد إلى النقدCycle de trésorerie à trésoreriePayments المـدفوعـات
1852Central BankA bank that only interacts directly with other financial institutions (e.g., the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank). البنك المركزيBanque centralePayments المـدفوعـات
1853Central Bank MoneyA liability of a central bank which can be used for settlement purposes. The widespread use of central bank money for large and critical settlements is pivotal to the functioning of the global financial system, offering safety, availability, efficiency, neutrality and finality. A central bank which can be used for settlement purposes. The widespread use of central bank money for large and critical settlements is pivotal to the functioning of the global financial system, offering safety, availability, efficiency, neutrality and finality. أموال البنك المركزيMonnaie de banque centralePayments المـدفوعـات
1854Central Counterparty (CCP)Entity that interposes itself between counterparties to contracts traded in one or more financial markets, becoming the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer and thereby ensuring the performance of open contracts. الطرف المقابل المركزيContrepartie CentralePayments المـدفوعـات
1855Central Limit Order Book (CLOB) ExchangesExchanges backed by an order book for decentralized peer-to peer trading on a single blockchain.أسواق دفتر أوامر الحد المركزيEchanges des ordres à cours limité centralePayments المـدفوعـات
1856Central Securities Depository (CSD) Entity that provides securities accounts, central safekeeping services and asset services, which may include the administration of corporate actions and redemptions and plays an important role in helping to ensure the integrity of securities issues (that is, ensure that securities are not accidentally or fraudulently created or destroyed or their details changed). الإيداع المركزي للأوراق الماليةDépositaire Central de Titres (CSDs)Payments المـدفوعـات
1857Centralized Exchanges (CEXs)Platforms that act as a trusted intermediary between buyers and sellers, allowing the trading of crypto assets. Examples include Coinbase and Binance. التبادلات المركزيةÉchanges centralisésPayments المـدفوعـات
1858Centralised Finance (CeFi)Centralised Finance (CeFi) offers financial instruments such as yield generation and loans, through centralised intermediaries. With CeFi, there is an inherent need for trust and belief with centralised intermediaries, that they will operate with integrity. التمويل المركزي (CeFi)Financement centralisé (CeFi)Payments المـدفوعـات
1859CHAPS or CHAPS System (Clearing House Automated Payment System)Means the payment messaging network for the making of sterling denominated payments comprising the RTGS System, the SWIFT network and FIN Y-Copy service, Direct Participants’ payment processes and interfaces to the SWIFT network. نظام الدفع الآلي لغرفة المقاصةCHAPS ou Système CHAPS (Système de paiement automatisé de la chambre de compensation)Payments المـدفوعـات
1860CHAPS Indirect Access ProviderMeans a Direct Participant which has a contractual relationship with an Indirect Participant governing the Direct Participant's entry of Payment Messages into the CHAPS System for or on behalf of that Indirect Participant.مزود الوصول غير المباشر لنظام الدفع الآلي لغرفة المقاصةCHAPS Fournisseur d’accès indirectPayments المـدفوعـات
1861CHAPS Participation AgreementMeans the agreement between the Bank and the Direct Participant by which the Direct Participant is admitted as a Direct Participant in the CHAPS System.اتفاقية مشاركة نظام الدفع الآلي لغرفة المقاصةAccord de participation CHAPSPayments المـدفوعـات
1862CHAPS Production Environmentmeans the systems, applications or processes that are used by a Direct Participant to provide its CHAPS-Related processes. بيئة إنتاج نظام الدفع الآلي لغرفة المقاصةEnvironnement de production CHAPSPayments المـدفوعـات
1863CHAPS-Related Processesmeans the processes, assets, activities and services which enable a Direct Participant to maintain its normal Payment processing to its customers and meet its CHAPS obligations as set out in the CHAPS Specifications. العمليات ذات الصلة بـنظام الدفع الآلي لغرفة المقاصةProcessus liés à CHAPSPayments المـدفوعـات
1864CHAPS User DocumentsMeans the following documents issued by the Bank and made available to Direct Participants: ·         the CHAPS Operational Reference Manual ·         the CHAPS Technical Reference Manual; and ·         the Enquiry Link Security Code of Conduct.مستندات مستخدم نظام الدفع الآلي لغرفة المقاصةDocuments d'utilisation de CHAPSPayments المـدفوعـات
1865ClearingProcess of transmitting, reconciling and, in some cases, confirming transactions prior to settlement. If obligations are settled on a net basis, clearing can also involve the calculation of net positions for settlement. Also, Meaning the process of transmitting, reconciling and, in some cases, confirming transactions prior to settlement, potentially including the netting of transactions and the establishment of final positions for settlement. المقاصةCompensationPayments المـدفوعـات
1866Clearing HouseA central location or central processing mechanism through which financial institutions agree to exchange payment instructions or other financial obligations (e.g. securities). The institutions settle for items exchanged at a designated time based on the rules and procedures of the clearing house. In some cases, the clearing house may assume significant. غرفة المقاصةChambre de compensationPayments المـدفوعـات
1867Closed LoopPayment system that provides services directly to both payers and payees. It is used by a single provider, or a very tightly constrained group of providers. Sometimes known as an in-house or intragroup transfer system. Also, Meaning the Payment system that provides services directly to both payers and payees. Sometimes known as an in-house or intragroup transfer system. حلقة المغلقة (نظام دفع)Boucle Fermée Circuit FerméPayments المـدفوعـات
1868Closed User GroupMeans a FIN Y-Copy closed user group(s) containing Direct Participants, together with the Bank which allows Direct Participants to send specific messages with specific criteria to each other with an extract of the message being copied to the Bank. مجموعة المستخدمين المغلقةGroupe fermé d’utilisateursPayments المـدفوعـات
1869Combatting TerroristFinancing Initiatives to detect and stop the use of financial systems to transfer funds to terrorist organizations or people.مكافحة الإرهابLutte Contre le Terrorisme / Combattre le terrorismePayments المـدفوعـات
1870Community BankCommunity banks are those that provide traditional banking services in their local communities. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) lays out a test to determine if a bank qualifies as a community bank, which involves, among other things, a limited geographic profile, a limited asset size, and no more than % of assets in a certain specialty, such as industrial loan companies. البنك المجتمعيBanque communautairePayments المـدفوعـات
1871Compliance CertificateMeans the CHAPS self-certification compliance certificate required to be completed annually by all Direct Participants.شهادة الامتثالCertificat de conformitéPayments المـدفوعـات
1872Conditional Paymentmeans a Payment requiring any action with the exc eption of that required by SWIFT Standards and recognized SWIFT codewords or as otherwise expressly required by this. CHAPS Reference Manual.الدفع المشروطPaiement conditionnelPayments المـدفوعـات
1873ConfidentialityRelates to the ability to keep certain information private from non-permitted parties. Confidentiality in some legal systems is protected by a duty on the recipient not to divulge to third parties without the discloser’s consent. It is also sometimes protected by agreement between the discloser and recipient.السريةConfidentialitéPayments المـدفوعـات
1874Consumer Data Right (CDR)A legal framework that requires businesses that hold data (data holders) to share prescribed data that they hold about customers (customer data) with trusted third parties (accredited requestors) with the consent of the customer and otherwise described in this paper as the Consumer and Product Data Bill.حق بيانات المستهلكDroit relatif aux données des consommateursPayments المـدفوعـات
1875Contactless PaymentsTransmission of payment information from a physical device to the terminals at the point of sale or ATM without the need for physical contact between the physical device and the terminal.المدفوعات بدون تلامسPaiements sans ContactPayments المـدفوعـات
1876CORE Banking ""Centralized Online Real-time Exchange"" Banking"A centralized system established by a bank which allows its customers to conduct their business irrespective of the bank’s branch. Thusit removes the impediments of geo-specific transactions. In factCORE is an acronym for ""Centralized Online Real-time Exchange""thus the bank’s branches can access applications from centralized data centers. Other than retail banking customers
1877Core Carbon Principles TokenA fungible token representing a specified volume of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions reduced or removed by a project with standard data elements aligning with the TSVCM’s Core Carbon Principles.رمز مبادئ الكربون الأساسيةJeton des principes fondamentaux du carbonePayments المـدفوعـات
1878Core ProviderCompanies that provide financial technology and services across the financial services sector in support of core banking services. Core banking services include taking deposits, making loans, and facilitating payments. المزود الأساسيFournisseur principalPayments المـدفوعـات
1879Correspondent BankingArrangement whereby one bank (correspondent) holds deposits owned by other banks (respondents) and provides those banks with payment and other services.البنوك المراسلةBanque CorrespondantePayments المـدفوعـات
1880Correspondent Banking NetworkCorrespondent banking is an arrangement whereby one bank (correspondent) holds deposits owned by other banks (respondents) and provides those banks with payment and other services (CPMI ( )). Correspondent banking networks are critical for firms and households that conduct business or send payments internationally.شبكة البنوك المراسلةRéseau de correspondants d'une banquePayments المـدفوعـات
1881CounterpartyThe other side of a payment or credit transaction. A payee is the counterparty to a payer, and vice-versa. الطرف المقابلContrepartiePayments المـدفوعـات
1882Counterparty RiskCounterparty risk is the risk of one or more parties in a financial transaction defaulting on or otherwise failing to meet their obligations on that trade.مخاطر الطرف المقابلRisque de contrepartiePayments المـدفوعـات
1883Credit BuyerAs relates to ecological markets, an individual or organization that purchases verified credits issued by a Standard Registry. مشتري الائتمانCrédit AcheteurPayments المـدفوعـات
1884Credit PlatformsDecentralized credit programs where participants can lend out their tokens and earn an interest rate determined by an automated protocol.منصات الائتمانPlateformes de créditPayments المـدفوعـات
1885Credit ScoringA process which creates a numerical score reflecting credit worthiness.سجل الائتمانCotation de créditPayments المـدفوعـات
1886Credit riskRisk that a counterparty, whether a participant or other entity, will be unable to meet fully its financial obligations when due, or at any time in the future. مخاطر الائتمانRisque de CréditPayments المـدفوعـات
1887Credit Risk ManagementTools to manage the risk that a borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms.إدارة مخاطر الائتمانGestion du risque de créditPayments المـدفوعـات
1888Critical Service Providermeans in relation to a Direct Participant, a Service Provider for which a defect or failure in its performance would materially impact the Direct Participant’s ability to comply with this CHAPS Reference Manual and CHAPS User Documents. مقدم الخدمة الحيويةPrestataires critiques de servicesPayments المـدفوعـات
1889Cross-Border and Cross-Currency PaymentsCross-border payments are those where the payer and payee reside in different jurisdictions. Many, but not all, of these are also cross currency payments – that is, payments where the payer and payee are respectively debited and credited in different currencies. Payments within monetary unions or payments in a common invoice currency may be cross-border but not cross-currency. المدفوعات عبر الحدود وبالعملات المختلفةPaiements transfrontaliers et multidevisesPayments المـدفوعـات
1890Cross-border PaymentPayment where the payer and the payee are located in different jurisdictions. Many cross-border payments are also cross currency payments.الدفع عبر الحدودPaiement TransfrontalierPayments المـدفوعـات
1891Cross-border Trade Finance ServicesServices which enable one business to sell or buy to businesses or individuals in other countries; may include management of payments transactions, data handling, and financing. خدمات تمويل التجارة عبر الحدودServices de financement du commerce transfrontalierPayments المـدفوعـات
1892Cross-Currency PaymentPayment where the amount debited to the payer is in a different currency than the amount credited to the payee, ie the payment involves a currency conversion along its route from payer to payee. الدفع متعدد العملاتPaiement en Devises CroiséesPayments المـدفوعـات
1893CustomerAny entity engaging in banking activities, including individuals, trusts, estates, businesses (small, mid-size, and large), other public and private entities and investors, and other banking entities. Also, any natural or legal person who obtains, or purports to obtain Open Banking Services from a Licensee, whether for a consideration paid to the Licensee or free of charge. العميلClientPayments المـدفوعـات
1894Customer DataPersonal and non-personal data, including data related to Customer Payment Accounts that is received, collected, stored, and otherwise processed by a Bank, PSP Licensee, Financial Institution or Licensee through interaction, engagement, communication or in the normal course of business, with Customers, which covers both, data provided by a Customer and data generated as a result of Customer interaction with Banks, PSP Licensees, Financial Institutions and Licensees. بيانات العميلDonnées clientPayments المـدفوعـات
1895Decentralized Atomic Cross-Chain SwapA financial arrangement that enables trading digital assets across different blockchains without using an intermediary party, such as an exchange service. المبادلة الذرية اللامركزية عبر السلاسلÉchange décentralisé inter-chaînes atomiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1896Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)Platforms that enable trading of crypto assets without relying on an intermediary. Examples include Uniswap and Curve.التبادلات اللامركزيةÉchanges décentralisés (DEX)Payments المـدفوعـات
1897Deemed ConsentMeans consent deemed to be given by the Bank to a CHAPS Indirect Access Provider to cause or enable a Payment Message to be entered into the CHAPS System for or on behalf of an Indirect Participant.الموافقة المفترضةConsentement présuméPayments المـدفوعـات
1898Deemed Tiering Consent LimitMeans the limit of the average daily value of Payments to be sent and received as specified from time to time.حد الموافقة على التدرج المفترضLimite de consentement à la hiérarchisation présuméePayments المـدفوعـات
1899Deferred Net SettlementNet settlement mechanism which settles on a net basis at the end of a predefined settlement cycle.صافي التسوية المؤجلةRèglement Net DifféréPayments المـدفوعـات
1900Delivery legOne of two legs of a securities trade: the transferring of ownership of the securities from the seller to the buyer. See also “payment leg”.طرف التسليمJambe de LivraisonPayments المـدفوعـات
1901Delivery Versus Payment (DVP)Securities settlement mechanism that links a securities transfer and a funds transfer in such a way as to ensure that delivery occurs if and only if the corresponding payment occurs. Also, the settlement mechanism that links a securities transfer and a funds transfer so that delivery occurs if and only if the corresponding funds transfer occurs. التسليم مقابل الدفعLivraison Contre PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
1902Delivery versus payment mechanismDelivery-versus-payment processing is a transaction mode whereby a consideration is only paid when a service has been rendered.آلية التسليم مقابل الدفعMécanisme de livraison contre paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
1903Demand-side statisticsStatistics on the use of basic financial services obtained from customers of financial services.إحصاءات جانب الطلبStatistiques de la DemandePayments المـدفوعـات
1904Depositsliabilities held at a financial institution that are used to settle transactions within payment and settlement systems.الودائعDépôtsPayments المـدفوعـات
1905Deposit GuaranteeInsurance A fund that insures the deposits of account holders at a provider; often a government function used specifically for bank accounts.ضمان الإيداعGarantie de dépôtPayments المـدفوعـات
1906DerivativesInclude tokens that support options, futures, perpetualswaps, margin trading, and leverage. Derivatives can also include synthetic derivatives that tokenize real-world assets. المشتقاتDérivéesPayments المـدفوعـات
1907Designated networkMeans any retail payment network that is: (a) declared to be a designated retail payment network under subpart of Part of the Act; or (b) designated under an initial designation of the Act.الشبكة المعينةRéseau désignéPayments المـدفوعـات
1908Designated Payment SystemMeans a payment system designated by the Central Bank as systemically important.نظام الدفع المعينSystems de Paiements DésignésPayments المـدفوعـات
1909Digital Financial Services (DFS) Cash PointAll locations where users can perform cash-in and/or cash-out transactions. Types of cash points may include active cash outlets, such as bank agents, ATMs, MNO agents and cash agents where digital financial services (DFS) are offered. نقطة صرف النقودDistributeur automatique de billet - services financiers numériquesPayments المـدفوعـات
1910Digital financial inclusionThe use and promotion of digital financial services (DFS) to advance financial inclusion. The essential components of digital financial inclusion are a digital transactional platform, a device used by the customer to electronically connect to this platform and perform financial transactions, the use of retail agents for the customer to transact from and the provision of a wide range of financial products and services. الشمول المالي الرقميInclusion financière numériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1911Digital Goods or ServicesDigital merchandise or services downloaded or accessed via Internet or another file transfer process (e.g., movies, applications, games, virus scanning software). .السلع أو الخدمات الرقميةBiens ou services numériquesPayments المـدفوعـات
1912Digital LiquidityA state in which a consumer is willing to leave funds (Money or bank deposits) in electronic form, rather than performing a «cash-out». السيولة الرقميةLiquidité numériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1913Digital PaymentsA form of digital financial service where the financial service is a payment. this includes payments where either the payer or the payee uses a digital instrument but does not include payments that are initiated and collected in cash (e.g., cash to cash services), even where the agent transacts electronically. المدفوعات الرقميةPaiement NumériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1914Digital WalletDigital wallets (or virtual / crypto) wallets. A digital wallet allows you to send, receive, view and spend cryptocurrency and other forms of digital money. A digital wallet isn’t quite the digital equivalent of a wallet. الحافظة الرقميةPortefeuille numériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1915Digital Wallet Application-initiated TransactionAn application-initiated Transaction that is initiated by a digital wallet within a Mobile Device.المعاملات التي بدأها تطبيق الحافظة الرقميةTransaction initiée par l'application du portefeuille numériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1916Digital Wallet Contactless-initiated TransactionA contactless Transaction initiated by a digital wallet within a Mobile Device via the contactless interface.المعاملات التي تتم عبر الحافظة الرقمية بدون تلامسTransaction sans contact initiée par le portefeuille numériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1917Digital Wallet Magnetic Secure Transmission TransactionA type of Digital Wallet Payment where a Transaction is initiated by a digital wallet within a Mobile Device via the magnetic stripe reader within a POS system.معاملة النقل الآمن المغناطيسي للحافظة الرقميةTransaction de transmission sécurisée magnétique par le portefeuille numériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1918Digital Wallet PaymentA Digital Wallet Contactless-initiated Transaction, Digital Wallet Application-initiated Transaction, and/or Digital Wallet Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) Transaction conducted via a digital wallet, operated by an American Express approved third party wallet provider that resides on a Mobile Device. الدفع عبر الحافظة الرقميةPaiement par portefeuille numériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1919Dispute ResolutionA process specified by a provider or by the rules of a payment scheme to resolve issues between end users and providers, or between an end user and its counter party. حل النزاعاتRèglement des différendsPayments المـدفوعـات
1920Direct CBDCA Central Bank Digital Currency that is issued and distributed via the Central Bank itself. The Central Bank is in charge of all the administrative processes, including account opening and KYC due diligence, customer service and wallet provision and maintenance. العملة الرقمية المباشرة للبنك المركزيCBDC directPayments المـدفوعـات
1921Direct creditA type of interbank payment instrument. A direct credit is an instruction sent from the consumer to their bank to make a one-off payment from the consumer's nominated bank account to another party’s bank account or other parties’ bank accounts.الائتمان المباشرCrédit DirectPayments المـدفوعـات
1922Direct debitA type of interbank payment instrument. A direct debit enables another party (the initiator), once authorized, to take payments from the consumer's nominated bank account electronically. الخصم المباشرPrélèvement automatiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1923Direct Entry facilityIs a transaction service that a business may hold, that enables the exchange and settlement of bulk electronic Direct Debit and/or Direct Credit transactions, between participating financial institutions, using APCA’s Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS). Each facility will be issued with its own Direct Entry User ID and User Preferred Specification (UPS) name to enable processing. تسهيلات الدخول المباشرFacilité d’entrée directePayments المـدفوعـات
1924Direct Holding SystemArrangement for registering ownership of securities (or similar interests) whereby each and every final investor in the securities is registered with a single entity (for example, the issuer itself, a CSD or a registry). In some countries, the use of a direct holding system is required by law. نظام الاحتجاز المباشرSystème de Maintien Direct / Régime de la Détention DirectePayments المـدفوعـات
1925Domestic PaymentPayment involving a payee and a payer that reside within the same jurisdiction and use the same currency.الدفع المحليPaiement DomestiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1926Domestic RemittanceMaking and receiving payments to another person in the same country.التحويلات المحليةRemittance domestiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1927Double SpendingA unique problem to cryptocurrency where the same coins or tokens are spent or traded twice.مضاعفة الإنفاقDépenses doubléesPayments المـدفوعـات
1928DVP model (Delivery Versus Payment Model )DVP model where securities and funds are settled on a gross and obligation-by-obligation basis, with final (irrevocable and unconditional) transfer of securities from the seller to the buyer (delivery) if and only if final transfer of funds from the buyer to the seller (payment) occurs. نموذج للتسليم مقابل الدفعLivraison Contre Paiement / ModèlePayments المـدفوعـات
1929DVP modelDVP model where securities are settled on a gross basis, with final transfer of securities from the seller to the buyer occurring throughout the processing cycle, but funds are settled on a net basis, with final transfer of funds from the buyer to the seller occurring at the end of the processing cycle. نموذج للتسليم مقابل الدفعLivraison Contre Paiement / ModèlePayments المـدفوعـات
1930DVP modelDVP model where both securities and funds are settled on a net basis, with final transfers of both securities and funds occurring at the end of the processing cycle. نموذج للتسليم مقابل الدفعLivraison Contre Paiement / ModèlePayments المـدفوعـات
1931e-CheckA form of payment made via the Internet, or another data network, designed to perform the same function as a conventional paper check. Since the check is in an electronic format, it can be processed in fewer steps. Additionally, it has more security features than standard paper checks including authentication, public key cryptography, digital signatures, and encryption, among others. الشيك الإلكترونيChèque électroniquePayments المـدفوعـات
1932Ecological Claim TokenA token issued by a Modular Benefit Project containing co-benefits of the project (e.g. water conservation) and checkpoints, representing potions of a claim that build over time. رمز المطالبة البيئيةJeton d'allégation écologiquePayments المـدفوعـات
1933E-floatThe total outstanding value of E-Money issued by an E-Money issuer.التعويم الالكترونيE-flotteurPayments المـدفوعـات
1934Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)Any transfer of funds initiated through an electronic terminal, telephone, mobile phone, tablet, phablet, computer system or magnetic tape for the purpose of ordering, instructing or authorizing a payment services provider to debit or credit a customer’s bank or E-Money account. التحويل الإلكتروني للأموالTransfert électronique de fondsPayments المـدفوعـات
1935E-commerce TransactionThe purchasing of physical or Digital Goods or Services using the Internet, an application, or electronic network on either a personal computer or Mobile Device including, but not limited to, Internet Transactions or Digital Wallet Application-initiated Transactions. معاملات التجارة الإلكترونيةTransaction de commerce électroniquePayments المـدفوعـات
1936Electronic credit (other)Other types of interbank payment instruments. This is composed of POS, social welfare, automatic teller machine (ATM), foreign exchange, and money market. الائتمان الإلكتروني (غير ذلك)Crédit électronique (autre)Payments المـدفوعـات
1937Electronic EquipmentAn electronic terminal, computer, television, telephone or similar equipment and includes our branch teller terminals, our ATMs, ATMs of other financial institutions, EFTPOS terminals and any other authorised electronic terminal or device connected to our electronic banking system from time to time. معدات الكترونيةÉquipement électroniquePayments المـدفوعـات
1938Electronic payment (e-payment)Any payment made with an electronic funds transfer.الدفع الإلكترونيPaiement ÉlectroniquePayments المـدفوعـات
1939Electronic Payment Service Provider (EPSP)A term used by Japan’s Financial Services Agency to identify which entities can access customer data under its open banking regime. EPSPs include payment initiation service providers (PISPs) and account information service providers (AISPs).مزود خدمة الدفع الإلكتروني (EPSP)Fournisseurs de Services de Paiements Électroniques.Payments المـدفوعـات
1940Emergency Access AccountMeans access accounts that are used in emergency situations (sometimes referred to as break glass scenarios) to prevent or remediate an unforeseen system failure.حساب الوصول في حالات الطوارئCompte d'accès d'urgencePayments المـدفوعـات
1941eMoney accountAn account held with an E-Money issuer. In some jurisdictions, E-Money accounts may have similar characteristics as conventional bank accounts, but are treated differently under the regulatory framework due to the nature of their purpose (i.e. surrogate for cash, or stored value to facilitate transactional services). حساب النقود الإلكترونيةCompte E-Money Compte de Monnaie ÉlectroniquePayments المـدفوعـات
1942eMoney Accounts and Transaction ServicesA transaction account held at a non-bank. The value in such an account is referred to as eMoney.خدمات حسابات النقود الإلكترونية والمعاملاتComptes de monnaie électronique et services de transactionPayments المـدفوعـات
1943eMoney IssuerThe entity that initially issues e-money against receipt of funds. A provider (bank or non-bank) who deposits eMoney into an account they establish for an end user. eMoney can be created when the provider receives cash (""cash-in"") from the end user (typically at an agent location) or when the provider receives a digital payment from another provider. Some countries only permit banks to issue e-money whereas other countries permit nonbanks to issue e-money. مُصدر النقود الإلكترونية جهة إصدار النقود الإلكترونيةÉmetteur d'e-Money Émetteur de Monnaie ÉlectroniquePayments المـدفوعـات
1944E-money TokensE-money is a digital representation of money held in an account and, where the e-money has been tokenized using distributed ledger technology, it is called an e-money token. E-money tokens are primarily used for making payments and are not tradable on an exchange, unlike cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. رموز النقود الإلكترونيةJetons de monnaie électroniquePayments المـدفوعـات
1945Electronic TransactionA transfer of funds initiated by an instruction given through Electronic Equipment using an Electronic Access Method to debit or credit an Account and includes, for example: • withdrawing cash from your account from an ATM or BOQ branch teller terminal using your Card and PIN. • purchasing goods or services from a Merchant by using your Card and PIN at an EFTPOS terminal. • purchasing goods or services from a Merchant by providing Account details to a Merchant (or to any other party to whom payment is to be made), either directly or via a third party, over the phone or Internet. • paying bills using BPAY. المعاملات الإلكترونيةTransaction électroniquePayments المـدفوعـات
1946End UserThe customer of a digital financial services provider: the Customer may be a consumer, a merchant, a government, or another form of enterprise. المستخدم النهائيUtilisateur finalPayments المـدفوعـات
1947Enquiry Link User GuideMeans the document issued by the Bank to all RTGS account holders in relation Enquiry Link, the system that allows RTGS account holders and certain other organizations to interrogate balance and other information and to perform certain other functions. دليل المستخدم لربط الاستعلامGuide de l'utilisateur du lien de demande de renseignementsPayments المـدفوعـات
1948Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) TokenEnables a supplier to provide their customers with Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance data regarding individual products. الرمز البيئي والاجتماعي والحوكمةJeton environnemental, social et de gouvernance (ESG)Payments المـدفوعـات
1949EscrowA means of holding funds for the benefit of another party. eMoney Issuers are usually required by law to hold the value of end users' eMoney accounts at a bank, typically in a Trust Account. This accomplishes the goals of funds isolation and funds safeguarding. حساب الضمانEntiercementPayments المـدفوعـات
1950ExchangesDecentralized exchanges allow token holders to do peer-to-peer trading that cannot be controlled, censored, or altered by any central authority. التبادلاتÉchangesPayments المـدفوعـات
1951Externally Owned Accounts (EOA)An EOA is controlled by a private key, has no associated code, and can send (and receive) transactions. Examples include your MetaMask account, Ledger Ethereum App, and any wallet you hold ether or ERC- tokens in. الحسابات المملوكة خارجيًاComptes externesPayments المـدفوعـات
1952Fast-Payment System (FPS)Retail payment system in which the payment message is transmitted, and the final funds are made available to the payee in real time or near real time on as near to a / basis as possible. نظام الدفع السريعSystème de Paiement RapidePayments المـدفوعـات
1953Fee Market (Bitcoin)In order to remain secure, Bitcoin transaction fees need to be sufficiently high to incentivise miners to continue to create blocks and secure the network. A poor fee market will leave Bitcoin more susceptible to potential attacks. سوق الرسوم (عملة البيتكوين)Marché des frais (Bitcoin)Payments المـدفوعـات
1954Fiat on ramp/off rampPayment rails that facilitate fiat money getting to cryptocurrency exchanges to convert to cryptocurrency, and vice versa. العملة القانونية على منحدر/خارج المنحدرFiat sur une rampe/rampe de sortiePayments المـدفوعـات
1955FIN Y-CopyMeans a value-added feature of FIN (SWIFT’s core store-and-forward messaging service) that supports the clearing and settlement of high-value payments, treasury and securities CHAPS related transactions by enabling FIN messages to be fully or partially copied and optionally authorized by a third party, before release to the beneficiary. نسخة FIN YFIN Y-CopyPayments المـدفوعـات
1956Final SettlementLegally defined moment when funds (or other assets) have been irrevocably and unconditionally transferred.التسوية النهائيةRèglement FinalPayments المـدفوعـات
1957Financial Action Task Force (FATF)The Financial Action Task Force is an intergovernmental organization to combat money laundering and to act on terrorism financing.مجموعة العمل المالي (فاتف)Groupe d'action financière (GAFI)Payments المـدفوعـات
1958Financial InclusionThe sustainable provision of affordable digital financial services that bring the poor into the formal economy.الشمول الماليInclusion financièrePayments المـدفوعـات
1959Financial InstitutionsAny person that is licensed to conduct financing activities in the Sultanate of Oman as defined by the Central Bank from time to time.المؤسسات الماليةInstitutions financièresPayments المـدفوعـات
1960Financial LiteracyConsumers and businesses having essential financial skills, such as preparing a family budget or an understanding of concepts such as the time value of money, the use of a DFS product or service, or the ability to apply for such a service. المعرفة الماليةLittératie financièrePayments المـدفوعـات
1961Financial Market Infrastructure or FMI/FMUMeans a multilateral system among participating entities, including the operator of the system, used for the purposes of clearing, settling or recording payments, securities, derivatives or other financial transactions. البنية التحتية للسوق الماليةInfrastructure des marchés financiers ou FMI/FMUPayments المـدفوعـات
1962Fixed-Income SecuritiesFixed-income securities are debt instruments issued by a government, corporation or other entity to finance and expand their operations. They pay a fixed amount of interest to investors, in the form of coupons. سندات الدخل الثابتTitres à revenu fixePayments المـدفوعـات
1963FloatThis term can mean a variety of different things. In banking, float is created when one party's account is debited or credited at a different time than the counterparty to the transaction. eMoney, as an obligation of a non-bank provider, is sometimes referred to as float. التعويمFlotterPayments المـدفوعـات
1964Fragmented and Truncated Data FormatsData standards and formats vary significantly across jurisdictions, infrastructures and message networks and the amount of data that is carried in most cross-border messages is extremely limited. This prevents high rates of automated “straight-through processing” and leads to delays in processing and releasing cross-border payments and increases technology and staffing costs. تنسيقات البيانات المجزأة والمقطوعةFormats de données fragmentés et tronquésPayments المـدفوعـات
1965Framework ContractsA contract for the Open Banking Services which is entered into between the Customer and the Licensee, to govern the relationship between them. العقود الإطاريةContrats-cadresPayments المـدفوعـات
1966FraudCriminal use of digital financial services to take funds from another individual or business, or to damage that party in some other way. احتيالFraudePayments المـدفوعـات
1967Fraud Risk ManagementTools to manage providers' risks, and at times user's risks (e.g. for merchants or governments), in providing and/or using DFS services. إدارة مخاطر الاحتيالGestion des risques de fraudePayments المـدفوعـات
1968Free of Payment (FOP)Transfer of securities without a corresponding transfer of funds.خالية من الدفعSans Paiement / Exonéré du PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
1969Fund IsolationMeasures aimed at isolating customer funds received against an equal value of E-Money from other funds, which may be claimed by the E-Money issuer or the E-Money issuer’s creditors. إجراءات عزل الأموالIsolement des fondsPayments المـدفوعـات
1970Fund SafeguardingMeasures aimed at ensuring funds are available to meet customer demand for cashing out electronic value. Such measures typically include (i) restrictions on the use of such funds, (ii) requirements that such funds be placed in their entirety in bank accounts or government debt or any other low-risk and liquid financial instruments, and (iii) diversification of e-float among several financial institutions. إجراءات حماية الأموالSauvegarde des fondsPayments المـدفوعـات
1971FungibilityWithin the context of digital money, fungibility is how replaceable a currency is with another currency. القابلية للاستبدالFongibilitéPayments المـدفوعـات
1972Global Payment Innovation (GPI)An initiative by SWIFT that aims to streamline and increase transparency of cross-border payments. The initiative introduces a multilateral service level agreement across banks to create a common standard for processing cross-border payments, which in turn will transform correspondent banking. Through the first of these service level agreements, corporate treasurers will gain same-day use of funds, have access to rich payment information which is transferred between parties to a transaction, and have greater transparency and predictability of fees, including FX costs. ابتكار الدفع العالميInnovation Mondiale de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
1973Government Digital Payment ServicesMeans any payment involving the transfer of funds from a User of a PSP to a:(a) Ministry or Federal Authority; or (b) local Government Authority of an Emirate or a local Government Authority.خدمات الدفع الالكترونية الحكوميةServices Gouvernementaux de Paiement NumériquePayments المـدفوعـات
1974Government Payments Acceptance ServicesServices which enable governments to collect taxes and fees from individuals and businesses.خدمات قبول المدفوعات الحكوميةServices d'acceptation des paiements gouvernementauxPayments المـدفوعـات
1975Hash Timelock Contract (HTLC)Type of smart contract that combines a hash lock function with a timeclock function to facilitate two-leg transfers across unconnected ledgers.عقود تشفير محددة زمنياًContrat Hash Time lock (HTLC)Payments المـدفوعـات
1976Hybrid Settlement SystemSystem that combines the characteristics of RTGS and deferred net settlement systems.نظام التسوية المختلطSystème de Règlement HybridePayments المـدفوعـات
1977Immediate Funds TransferReal Time A digital payment which is received by the payee almost immediately upon the payer initiating the transaction.التحويل الفوري للأموالTransfert immédiat fondsPayments المـدفوعـات
1978Indirect CBDCA Central Bank Digital Currency that is issued by the Central Bank however distribution responsibilities, including wallet creation, user onboarding, KYC checks and customer service are provided by other banks or regulated intermediaries, called ‘Payment Interface Providers (PIPs)’. العملة الرقمية غير المباشرة للبنك المركزيCBDC indirectePayments المـدفوعـات
1979Indirect Holding SystemMulti-tiered arrangement for the custody and transfer of ownership of securities (or the transfer of similar interests therein) in which holders are identified only at the level of their custodian or intermediary.نظام الحجز غير المباشرSystème de Détention IndirectePayments المـدفوعـات
1980Infrastructure ModelBack-end arrangement for cross-border payments involving a payment system or linked payment systems operating across borders.نموذج البنية التحتية لنظم المدفوعاتModèl d'InfrastructurePayments المـدفوعـات
1981Insurance ProductsA variety of products which allow end users to insure assets or lives that they wish to protect.منتجات التأمينProduits d'assurancePayments المـدفوعـات
1982InterchangeA structure within some payments schemes which requires one provider to pay the other provider a fee on certain transactions. Typically used in card schemes to effect payment of a fee from a merchant to a consumer's card issuing bank.تبادلÉchangePayments المـدفوعـات
1983InterconnectivityThe technical capability to enable a connection between two or more schemes or business models, such as a payment services provider connecting to another payment services provider’s digital financial services model. الترابط التقنيInterconnectivitéPayments المـدفوعـات
1984Internalized PaymentIt means a payment that would ordinarily be sent as a Payment through the CHAPS System, but which is not so sent because the paying Indirect Participant and the payee are customers of the same Direct Participant. الدفع الداخليPaiement internaliséPayments المـدفوعـات
1985International RemittanceMaking and receiving payments to another person in another country.التحويلات الدوليةTransferts internationauxPayments المـدفوعـات
1986InteroperabilityWhen payment systems are interoperable, they allow two or more proprietary platforms or even different products to interact seamlessly. The result is the ability to exchange payments transactions between and among providers. This can be done by providers participating in a scheme, or by a variety of bilateral or multilateral arrangements. Both technical and business rules issues need to be resolved for interoperability to work. Also, Meaning the technical, semantic and business compatibility that enables a system or mechanism to be used in conjunction with other systems. Interoperability allows participants in different systems to conduct, clear and settle payments or financial transactions across systems without participating in multiple systems. التشغيل البينيInteropérabilitéPayments المـدفوعـات
1987Investment AccountMeans Easy Investment account (no longer for sale) and Premier Investment Account.حساب استثمارCompte d'investissementPayments المـدفوعـات
1988Investment ProductsA variety of products which allow end users to put funds into investments other than a savings account.منتجات الاستثمارProduits d'investissementPayments المـدفوعـات
1989InvestorThe individual or institution who participates in the primary offering, or a secondary offering of a security. المستثمرInvestisseurPayments المـدفوعـات
1990Investor AgentsThe companies who provide services to Investors to support their private market investment activities, including broker-dealers, prime brokers, custodians, fund administrators and others. وكلاء المستثمرAgents investisseursPayments المـدفوعـات
1991Invoice AutomationA method of using automation software to extract invoice data, populate the information in an account payable system, and process invoice data for the accounts payable. أتمتة الفاتورةAutomatisation des facturesPayments المـدفوعـات
1992IrrevocableA transaction that cannot be «called back» by the payer; an irrevocable payment, once received by a payee, cannot be taken back by the payer. غير قابل للإلغاءIrrévocablePayments المـدفوعـات
1993IssuerThe private company looking to raise capital through the offering of their equity security.المُصدر للأوراق الماليةÉmetteurPayments المـدفوعـات
1994Issuer AgentsThe companies who provide services to Issuers to support their private market investment activities, including cap table providers, transfer agents, placement agents, broker-dealers and others. وكلاء المُصدر للأوراق الماليةAgents de l'émetteurPayments المـدفوعـات
1995Lending / BorrowingDecentralized automated credit protocols that enable participants to lend their assets to earn yield and borrow those staked assets from other liquidity providers.الإقراض / الاقتراضPrêter / EmprunterPayments المـدفوعـات
1996LiabilityA legal obligation of one party to another; required by either national law, payment scheme rules, or specific agreements by providers. Some scheme rules transfer liabilities for a transaction from one provider to another under certain conditions. المسؤوليةResponsabilitéPayments المـدفوعـات
1997Licensing ManualMeans the Central Bank’s REGULATION Licensing Manual.دليل الترخيصModèle d'InfrastructurePayments المـدفوعـات
1998LiquidityThe availability of liquid assets to support an obligation. Banks and non-bank providers need liquidity to meet their obligations. Agents need liquidity to meet cash-out transactions by consumers and small merchants.السيولةLiquiditéPayments المـدفوعـات
1999Liquidity RiskRisk that a counterparty, whether a participant or other entity, will have insufficient funds to meet its financial obligations as and when expected, although it may be able to do so in the future. مخاطر السيولةRisque de LiquiditéPayments المـدفوعـات
2000Liquidity Saving Mechanism (LSM)Mechanism that seeks to save liquidity, including through frequent netting or offsetting of transactions (payments and/or securities) in the course of the operating day. A typical approach is to hold transactions in a central queue and to net or offset those transactions on a bilateral or multilateral basis at frequent intervals. Also, means the liquidity saving mechanism which is designed to help Direct Participants reduce their intraday liquidity requirements by enabling Payments to ‘queue’ temporarily in RTGS. آلية توفير السيولةMécanisme de Fourniture de LiquiditésPayments المـدفوعـات
2001Liquid Staking (Soft Staking)Liquid staking allows stakers to access their locked funds for other crypto-based activities while still earning staking rewards from their initial deposit. This is achieved by providing stakers with a derivative token.التخزين السائلJalonnement liquide (Jalonnement doux)Payments المـدفوعـات
2002Liquidity PoolsA smart contract which contains holdings of crypto assets which can be used to facilitate trading on-chain.مجمعات السيولةPools de liquiditésPayments المـدفوعـات
2003Load limitMeans the maximum amount of digital money that can be transferred into a Payment Account held by a User of a Payment Instrument as per regulation.حد التحميل للنقود الالكترونيةLimite de ChargePayments المـدفوعـات
2004Machine-to-machine payment (M M payment)An M M payment is an autonomous payment made without human intervention between two or more machines that have digital identities.الدفع من آلة إلى آلةPaiement machine à machine (paiement M M)Payments المـدفوعـات
2005Mandatory Account Servicing Payment Service Provider (or Mandatory ASPSP)Mandatory ASPSPs are entities that are required by the CMA Order to enroll with Open Banking.مزود خدمة الدفع الإلزامي لخدمة الحسابFournisseur de Services de Paiement du Service de Compte ObligatoirePayments المـدفوعـات
2006MarketplacesVenues, such as Alternative Trading Systems, that match buyers and sellers of securities. الأسواقPlaces de marchéPayments المـدفوعـات
2007MerchantA provider of goods or services who allows payment for goods or services to be effected by performing an Electronic Transaction.التاجرMarchandPayments المـدفوعـات
2008Merchant Payments Acceptance ServicesA service which enables a merchant or other payment acceptor to accept one or more types of electronic payments. The term «acquiring» is typically used in the card payments systems.خدمات قبول المدفوعات التجاريةServices d'acceptation des paiements marchandsPayments المـدفوعـات
2009Merchant Payment - RemoteMaking a payment for a good or service remotely; transacting by phone, computer, etc. الدفع عن بُعدPaiement marchand - À distancePayments المـدفوعـات
2010Merchant Service ProviderA provider (bank or non-bank) who supports merchants or other payments acceptors requirements to receive payments from customers. The term ""acquirer"" is used specifically in connection with acceptance of card payments transactions. مزود خدمة التاجرFournisseur de services marchandsPayments المـدفوعـات
2011MicropaymentsMicropayments are transactions in the amount of a fraction of a currency unit.المدفوعات الصغيرةMicropaiementsPayments المـدفوعـات
2012Mistaken Internet PaymentMeans a payment, other than one made using BPAY, by an individual (being a person captured by the ePayments Code definition of ‘user’) through a ‘Pay Anyone’ or ‘Pay to Mobile’ internet banking facility and processed through direct entry or Osko where the funds are paid into the account of an unintended recipient because the user enters or selects a BSB and account number and/or identifier that does not belong to the intended recipient as a result of the individual’s error or the individual being advised of the wrong BSB and account number and/or identifier. الدفع الخاطئ عبر الإنترنتErreur de paiement en lignePayments المـدفوعـات
2013Mobile Banking (m-banking)The use of a mobile phone to access banking services and execute financial transactions. This covers both transactional and non-transactional services, such as viewing financial information on a bank customer’s mobile phone. الخدمات المصرفية عبر الهاتف المحمولServices Bancaires MobilesPayments المـدفوعـات
2014Mobile Commerce (mCommerce)Refers to buying or selling in a remote fashion: by phone or tablet (mCommerce) or by computer (eCommerce).التجارة عبر الجوالCommerce mobilePayments المـدفوعـات
2015Mobile Financial Services (MFS)The use of a mobile phone to access financial services and execute financial transactions. This includes both transactional and non-transactional services, such as viewing financial information on a user’s mobile phone. Also, means an internet service designed for our customers to access certain Online Banking services through a Mobile device. Different services are presented depending on whether the Mobile device is a mobile phone (Westpac Mobile Banking) or a tablet (Westpac Tablet Banking) or other devices that you use to access Online Banking. Services may be offered through an internet website, or through a computer application you may choose to install on your Mobile device. الخدمات المالية عبر الهاتف المحمولServices Financiers MobilesPayments المـدفوعـات
2016Mobile Financial Services (MFS)The use of a mobile phone to access financial services and execute financial transactions. This includes both transactional services, such as transferring funds to make a mobile payment, and non-transactional services, such as viewing financial information. الخدمات المالية عبر الهاتف المحمولServices financiers mobilesPayments المـدفوعـات
2017Mobile MoneyA mobile-based transactional service that can be transferred electronically using mobile networks. A mobile money issuer may, depending on local law and the business model, be an MNO or a third party such as a bank. Often used synonymously with ‘mobile financial services. المعاملات المالية عبر الهاتف المحمولArgent MobilePayments المـدفوعـات
2018Mobile PaymentA form of mobile financial services in which payments are initiated through a mobile phone (both smartphones and digital feature phones).الدفع عبر الهاتف المحمولPaiement MobilePayments المـدفوعـات
2019Mobile Payment Services Providers (MPSP)Terminology specific to Jordanian case. An MPSP is an e-money issuer licensed by the Central Bank of Jordan to issue e-money and connect to the JoMoPay national payment switch. Also referred to as a payment services provider.مزودو خدمات الدفع عبر الهاتف المحمولFournisseurs de Services de Paiement MobilePayments المـدفوعـات
2020Mobile WalletA type of e-wallet which is accessed through a mobile phone. Often used synonymously with mobile money account.حافظة النقود الهاتفيةPortefeuille MobilePayments المـدفوعـات
2021Money Transfer Operator (MTO)A specialized provider of DFS who handles domestic and/or international remittances. Non-deposit-taking payment service provider where the service involves payment per transfer (or possibly payment for a set or series of transfers) by the sender to the payment service provider (for example, by cash or bank transfer) – ie as opposed to a situation where the payment service provider debits an account held by the sender at the payment service provider. مشغل تحويل الأموالOpérateur de Transfert d'ArgentPayments المـدفوعـات
2022Multilateral NettingOffsetting of obligations between or among multiple participants to result in a single net position per participant.المعاوضة متعددة الأطرافNetting MultilatéralPayments المـدفوعـات
2023National Retail Payment SystemThe complete range of institutional and infrastructure arrangements and processes in a country for carrying out retail payments. This includes payment instruments, participating institutions, payments infrastructure, market arrangements and the regulatory framework. النظام الوطني لمدفوعات التجزئةSystème national de paiement de détailPayments المـدفوعـات
2024Network operatorIn relation to a retail payment network, means any person that is or does or more of the following: (a) is wholly or partly responsible to the participants (or any of them) for the network rules: (b) operates or manages the network or the core infrastructure of the network. مشغل الشبكةOpérateur de réseauPayments المـدفوعـات
2025Nonbank-based modelA mobile financial services business model (bank led or nonbank-led) in which (i) the customer has a contractual relationship with a nonbank financial service provider and (ii) the nonbank is licensed or otherwise permitted by the regulator to provide the financial service(s).نموذج أعمال للخدمات المالية غير مصرفيModèle non BancairePayments المـدفوعـات
2026Non-bank financial institutionAn institution, different from a bank, that is allowed to provide certain financial services by virtue of the regulatory framework in place. مؤسسة مالية غير مصرفيةInstitution financière non bancairePayments المـدفوعـات
2027Non-Bank Payment Service Provider/ NBPSPMeans an authorized electronic money institution as defined in the Electronic Money Regulations or an authorized payment institution as defined in the Payment Services Regulations .مزود خدمة الدفع غير البنكيةFournisseur de services de paiement non bancairePayments المـدفوعـات
2028Nonbank-led modelA mobile financial services business model (bank based or nonbank-based) in which the nonbank is the primary driver of the product or service, typically taking the lead in marketing, branding, and managing the customer relationship. نموذج أعمال للخدمات المالية غير مصرفيModèle non BancairePayments المـدفوعـات
2029Offshore SystemFinancial market infrastructure for the processing of payments or securities denominated in a currency different from the one of the jurisdictions in which the Financial Market Infrastructure is located. It could also cover a CCP.النظام الخارجيSystème Offshore / Système Outre MerPayments المـدفوعـات
2030Off-net PaymentsPayments made in a multiple-participant system or scheme, where the payer's provider is a different entity as the payee's provider. المدفوعات خارج الشبكةPaiements hors réseauPayments المـدفوعـات
2031On-net PaymentsPayments made in a multiple-participant system or scheme, where the payer's provider is the same entity as the payee's provider. المدفوعات على الشبكةPaiement en lignePayments المـدفوعـات
2032Open Banking AccountsMeans any account held by the Business Network Owner with Westpac that is eligible for Open Banking data sharing in accordance with the Consumer Data Right legislation, rules and requirements. This includes accounts that are open closed, not visible in Online Banking and accounts that the Administrator or nominated User may not have access to in Online Banking. حسابات الخدمات المصرفية المفتوحةComptes bancaires ouvertsPayments المـدفوعـات
2033Open-LoopA payment system or scheme designed for multiple providers to participate in. Payment system rules or national law may restrict participation to certain classes of providers.الحلقة المفتوحةBoucle ouvertePayments المـدفوعـات
2034Operations Risk ManagementTools to manage providers' risks in operating a digital financial services (DFS) system.إدارة مخاطر العملياتGestion des risques opérationnelsPayments المـدفوعـات
2035Overlay SystemSystem that provides innovative customer interfaces to initiate payments (i.e. front ends).واجهة بدء المدفوعاتSystème de SuperpositionPayments المـدفوعـات
2036Paper WalletA method of storing cryptocurrency where one writes or prints their wallet’s private key and address on paper, which is its final security backup method. حافظة ورقيةPortefeuille en papierPayments المـدفوعـات
2037ParticipantMeans an entity recognized by a Payment System and is allowed, either directly/ indirectly, to send and receive payment instructions to and from that payment system. Also, Means a person that is a network operator or any other service provider. مشارك بواسطة نظم الدفعParticipantPayments المـدفوعـات
2038PartneringThe arrangement between a bank and a third party for access and use of a bank's APIs.الشراكةPartenariatPayments المـدفوعـات
2039PayeeThe recipient of funds in a payment transaction.المدفوع لأمرهBénéficiairePayments المـدفوعـات
2040PayerThe payer of funds in a payment transaction.الدافعPayeurPayments المـدفوعـات
2041Paying BillsMaking a payment for a recurring service, either in person («face to face»), or remotely. دفع الفواتيرPayer des facturesPayments المـدفوعـات
2042Payment AccountAn account held in the name of the Customer with a Bank, PSP Licensee or a Financial Institution which is used for the execution of Payment Transactions. حساب الدفعCompte de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2043Payment Card Industry Compliance "" PCI Compliance ""The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Although the PCI DSS must be implemented by all entities that process, store or transmit cardholder data, formal validation of PCI DSS compliance is not mandatory for all entities. الامتثال لصناعة بطاقات الدفعConformité à l’Industrie des Cartes de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2044Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)Is developed and managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which was created in 0 by five leading credit card issuers. They aim to help merchants keep payments secure by helping them implement policies, technologies and processes that protect them from breach and protect customers from theft of cardholder data. PCI compliance is required annually for companies that process, transmit, or store cardholder data, but there are varying levels of effort to become and remain compliant depending on the PCI compliance merchant level. معيار أمن بيانات صناعة بطاقات الدفعNorme de sécurité des données de l'industrie des cartes de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2045Payment DataData exchanged for purposes of conducting a transaction which may include account or tokenized data.بيانات الدفعDonnées de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2046Payment EnvironmentTerm used to holistically describe all manual and automated processes and systems involved in performing payment transactions.بيئة الدفعEnvironnement de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2047Payment GatewayThe front-end technology that reads payment cards and sends customer information to the merchant acquiring bank for processing.بوابة الدفعPasserelle de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2048Payment Initiation Service (PIS)An electronic, digital or online service, which is used to initiate a Payment Transaction at the request of the Customer from the Payment Accounts. For the avoidance of doubt, PIS does not involve the holding of Customer funds at any point in time. خدمة بدء الدفعService d'initiation de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2049Payment Initiation Services Provider (PISP)A Payment Initiation Services Provider provides an online service to initiate a payment order at the request of the payment service user with respect to a payment account held at another payment service provider. Also, A Licensee providing Payment Initiation Service. مزود خدمات بدء الدفعFournisseur de Services d’Initiation de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2050Payment Interface Provider (PIP)PIPs would potentially act as intermediaries and support the Central Bank with the distribution of a CBDC, including client onboarding, wallet provision and customer service. مزود واجهة الدفعFournisseur d'interface de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2051Payment InstructionMeans an instruction initiated by a User to his / her respective PSP requesting the execution of a payment transaction.تعليمات الدفعInstructions de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2052Payments InstrumentThe product (service) used by the consumer at the point of payment (e.g., cash, debit card, mobile wallet). Often used interchangeably with payment product and payment channel. أداة المدفوعاتInstruments de Paiements Moyens de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2053Payment LegOne of two legs of a securities trade: the transferring of cash corresponding to the securities’ price from the buyer to the seller. See also “delivery leg”.طرف الدفعJambe de paiement Étape de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2054Payments Market Infrastructure (PMI)such as the Real-Time Gross Settlement Systems (RTGSs), operated by central banks or the Automated Clearing Houses (ACHs), used by commercial banks to net payments prior to submission to an RTGS. البنية التحتية لسوق المدفوعاتInfrastructure du marché des paiementsPayments المـدفوعـات
2055Payments ProcessorsThird-party services providers that handle the details of processing card transactions between merchants, issuing banks, and the merchants’ bank (also called acquiring bank). معالجات المدفوعاتProcesseurs de PaiementsPayments المـدفوعـات
2056Payment productMeans a class of retail payment within a retail payment network (for example, personal or commercial retail payments within a retail payment network). منتج الدفعProduit de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2057Payment Service Provider (PSP)Entity that provides payment services, including remittances. Payment service providers include banks and other deposit-taking institutions, as well as specialised entities such as money transfer operators and e-money issuers. مزود خدمة الدفعPrestataire de Services de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2058Payment Services Regulations (PSR)The Payment Services Regulations , the UK's implementation of PSD , as amended or updated from time to time and including the associated Regulatory Technical Standards as developed by the EBA. لوائح خدمات الدفعRèglement des Services de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2059Payment Services User (PSU)A Payment Services User is a natural or legal person making use of a payment service as a payee, payer or both. مستخدم خدمات الدفعUtilisateur des Services de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2060Payment softwareIn the context of the Software Security Framework, software involved in or directly supporting or facilitating payment transactions. برامج الدفعLogiciel de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2061Payment SystemSet of instruments, procedures and rules for the transfer of funds between or among participants. The system encompasses both the participants and the entity operating the arrangement. نظام الدفعSystème de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2062Payment System OperatorThe entity that operates a payment system or scheme.مشغل نظام الدفعOpérateur système de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2063Payment TransactionAn act, initiated by the payer or payee, of placing, transferring or withdrawing funds, irrespective of any underlying obligations between the payer and payee. معاملة الدفعOpération de paiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2064Payment Versus Payment (PVP)The settlement mechanism that ensures that the final transfer of a payment in one currency occurs if and only if the final transfer of a payment in another currency or currencies takes place. PVP transfers can occur within a jurisdiction or across borders. Also, A settlement mechanism that ensures that the final transfer of a payment in one currency occurs if and only if the final transfer of a payment in another currency or currencies takes place. الدفع مقابل الدفعPaiement contre PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2065Peer-to-Peer ArrangementArrangement that cuts out the financial intermediary payment service providers between the payer and payee.ترتيب نظير إلى نظيرArrangement entre Pairs Entente entre PairsPayments المـدفوعـات
2066Permissioned DLDistributed ledger that allows only trusted third parties to be involved in the updating process. Because validators are trusted, less computationally intensive mechanisms can be used to validate transactions. السجلات الموزعة المسموح بهاRegistres Distribués AutorisésPayments المـدفوعـات
2067Persistent Sensitive DataSensitive data that is retained in non-volatile storage and persists even if power to the device is shut off.البيانات الحساسة المستمرةDonnées sensibles persistantesPayments المـدفوعـات
2068Person-to-Business (P B) PaymentPayment where the payer is an individual and the payee is a business (eg bill payments). The reverse transaction is known as a business-to-person (B P) payment (eg salary payments).الدفع من شخص للشركةPaiement de Personne à EntreprisePayments المـدفوعـات
2069Person-to-Government (P G) PaymentPayment where the payer is an individual and the payee is a government (eg payment of taxes). The reverse transaction is known as a government-to-person (G P) payment (eg welfare payments).الدفع من شخص للحكومةPaiement de Personne à GouvernementPayments المـدفوعـات
2070Person-to-Person (P P) PaymentPayment where both the payer and the payee are individuals (eg remittances). Also known as a peer-to peer payment.الدفع من شخص للشخصPaiement de Personne à PersonnePayments المـدفوعـات
2071Placement AgentAn entity (usually a broker-dealer) that assists private companies in structuring and raising capital for an exempt security offering.وكيل الطرحAgent de placementPayments المـدفوعـات
2072Prepaid CardA payment card in which money can be preloaded and Stored. An eMoney product for general purpose use where the record of funds is stored on the payment card (on magnetic stripe or the embedded integrated circuit chip) or a central computer system, and which can be drawn down through specific payment instructions to be issued from the bearer’s payment card. بطاقة مسبقة الدفعCarte PrépayéePayments المـدفوعـات
2073Primary Technical Contact (PTC)A Primary Technical Contact is an individual nominated by the entity to have access to the Directory and will be able to nominate other Directory technical users. This should be a main point of contact on technical configuration and a senior member of staff with responsibility for the management of the Open Banking digital identity.جهة الاتصال الفنية الأساسيةContact technique principalPayments المـدفوعـات
2074Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI)Means the ‘Principles for Financial Market Infrastructure standards report by the Bank for International Settlements (‘BIS’).مبادئ البنى التحتية للأسواق الماليةPrincipes pour les Infrastructures des Marchés FinanciersPayments المـدفوعـات
2075Principal RiskRisk that a counterparty will lose the full value involved in a transaction – for example, the risk that a seller of a financial asset will irrevocably deliver the asset but not receive payment. المخاطر الرئيسيةRisque PrincipalPayments المـدفوعـات
2076Private DLDistributed ledger that restricts who can initiate transactions. This is similar to an account-based system, where users must apply to open an account before they can use the system (or at least open an account at an intermediary that has access). السجلات الموزعة الخاصةPrivé de Registre DistribuéPayments المـدفوعـات
2077Programmable platformThe technologies that allow eligible participants to develop and execute applications that update a common ledger Retail CBDC (rCBDC): A CBDC for use by the general public.المنصة القابلة للبرمجةPlateforme programmablePayments المـدفوعـات
2078PseudonymousAccording to the definition in the GDPR, pseudonymity refers to personal data that can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information. اسم مستعارPseudonymePayments المـدفوعـات
2079Pull PaymentsA payment type which is initiated by the payee: typically, a merchant or payment acceptor, whose provider «pulls» the funds out of the payer's account at the payer's provider. سحب المدفوعاتPaiements Pull / Paiements tirésPayments المـدفوعـات
2080Push PaymentsA payment type which is initiated by the payer, who instructs their provider to debit their account and «push» the funds to the receiving payee at the payee's provider. دفع المدفوعاتPaiements Push / Paiements poussésPayments المـدفوعـات
2081Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)The continuous settlement of interbank payments on a real-time (instant) basis. Usually through accounts held in central banks and used for large-value interbank funds transfers.التسوية الإجمالية في الوقت الفعليRèglement Brut en Temps RéelPayments المـدفوعـات
2082Real-Time Gross Settlement or RTGS/RTGS Systemmeans the settlement system owned by the Bank in which processing and settlement of sterling payments take place on a transaction-by-transaction basis in real time, offering finality of settlement in central bank money. نظام التسوية الإجمالية في الوقت الحقيقيRèglement brut en temps réelPayments المـدفوعـات
2083Regional paymentA payment denominated in a single, specific currency exchanged by two banks/Payment Service Providers located within a specific geographical area which includes different countries. الدفع الإقليميPaiement régionalPayments المـدفوعـات
2084RegulatorA governmental organisation given power through national law to set and enforce standards and practices. Central Banks, Finance and Treasury Departments, Telecommunications Regulators, and Consumer Protection Authorities are all regulators involved in digital financial services. منظمRégulateurPayments المـدفوعـات
2085Regulatory AuthorityMeans ny governmental or regulatory body that has responsibility for regulating or overseeing all or any part of a Direct Participant’s activities in relation to CHAPS, including the Competition and Markets Authority, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Payment Systems Regulator and the Prudential Regulation Authority (or such body or bodies which supersede or replace any of the foregoing). هيئة التنظيمAutorité de régulationPayments المـدفوعـات
2086RemittancesA person-to-person international payment of relatively low Value.الحوالاتVirementsPayments المـدفوعـات
2087Replacement Cost RiskRisk of a trade failing to settle and having to be replaced at an unfavorable price.مخاطر تكلفة الاستبدالRisque de Coût de RemplacementPayments المـدفوعـات
2088Remittance Service Provider (RSP)An entity, operating as a business, that provides a remittance service for a price to end users, either directly or through agents. مزود خدمة التحويلاتFournisseur de Services de VirementsPayments المـدفوعـات
2089Retail CBDCA CBDC for use by the general public. Also, A retail CBDC (rCBDC) is a type of CBDC that is solely available for businesses and individuals to hold and use for retail transactions. Effectively a digital asset version of everyday physical central bank-issued cash. العملة الرقمية للبنك المركزي لمعاملات التجزئةRetail CBDCPayments المـدفوعـات
2090Retail PaymentPayment associated with the purchase of goods and services by consumers and businesses. Each such payment tends to be for a relatively low value, but the volumes are large. Also, Means a payment by a consumer to a merchant for the supply of goods or services. دفع التجزئةPaiement de DétailPayments المـدفوعـات
2091Retail payment networkMeans the participants, arrangements, contracts, and rules that facilitate a class of retail payment. شبكة الدفع بالتجزئةRéseau de paiement de détailPayments المـدفوعـات
2092Retail payment systemMeans the system comprising all retail payment networks.نظام الدفع بالتجزئةSystème de paiement de détailPayments المـدفوعـات
2093Risk Monitoring TechnologyTechnology that allows an always-on, noninvasive surveillance of transactions, behavior and communications in financial services firms. تكنولوجيا مراقبة المخاطرTechnologie de Surveillance du RisquePayments المـدفوعـات
2094RoutingRouting instructions determine the path a payment takes through the intermediation chain of payment system stakeholders.التوجيهRoutagePayments المـدفوعـات
2095Saving and InvestingKeeping funds for future needs and financial return. Borrowing money to finance a short-term or long-term need.الادخار والاستثمارÉpargner et investirPayments المـدفوعـات
2096Savings ProductsAn account at either a bank or non-bank provider, which stores funds with the design of helping end users save money. منتجات التوفيرProduits d'épargnePayments المـدفوعـات
2097Scheme (or Payment Scheme)A body that sets the rules and technical standards for the execution of payment transactions using the underlying payment infrastructure.نظام الدفعRégime de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2098Second Payment Services Directive (PSD )Europe's revised payments services directive has opened a wealth of opportunity for fintech's in establishing relationships with banks, and wholly changed the payments landscape. The directive was established to create competition from non-banks in the payments sector, as well as focusing on consumer protection, and creating a harmonization rule set for payments providers. توجيه خدمات الدفع الثانيDeuxième Directive sur les Services de PaiementPayments المـدفوعـات
2099Securities SettlementTransfer of ownership of securities in accordance with the terms of an underlying agreement.تسوية الأوراق الماليةRèglement des TitresPayments المـدفوعـات
2100Securities Settlement System (SSS)Entity that enables securities to be transferred and settled by book entry according to a set of predetermined multilateral rules. Such a system allows transfers of securities either free of payment or against payment.نظام تسوية الأوراق الماليةSystème de Règlement des Titres Système de règlement-livraisonPayments المـدفوعـات
2101Service ProviderMeans a third-party entity (i.e. a person or organization) that is undertaking an outsourced process, service or activity, or parts thereof (whether directly or by sub-outsourcing), which relates directly or indirectly to a Direct Participant’s CHAPS obligations, which would otherwise be undertaken by the Direct Participant itself. This is underpinned by an outsourcing arrangement between the Direct Participant and the third-party entity. مقدم الخدمةFournisseur de servicesPayments المـدفوعـات
2102SettlementDischarge of an obligation in accordance with the terms of the underlying contract. Also, The discharge of an obligation in accordance with the terms of the underlying contract. التسويةRèglementPayments المـدفوعـات
2103Settlement AccountAn account containing money and/or assets that is held with a central bank, central securities depository, central counterparty or any other institution acting as a settlement agent, which is used to settle transactions between participants or members of a commercial settlement system. حساب التسويةCompte de règlementPayments المـدفوعـات
2104Settlement AssetAn asset used for the discharge of obligations as specified by the rules, regulations or customary practice for a financial market infrastructure. تسوية الأصولActif de règlementPayments المـدفوعـات
2105Settlement before interchange (SBI)A payment settlement and interchange system used by Payments New Zealand’s BECS and consumer electronic clearing system (CECS) participants (primarily banks).التسوية قبل التبادلRèglement avant échangePayments المـدفوعـات
2106Settlement FinalitySettlement finality is defined as the point when the irrevocable and unconditional transfer of an asset occurs. Final settlement is a legally defined moment.التسوية النهائيةFinalité du règlementPayments المـدفوعـات
2107Settlement InstitutionMeans an institution that provides facilities for Participants of a Payment System to hold funds and/ or for settlement of payment transactions between the Participants.مؤسسة التسويةInstitution de RèglementPayments المـدفوعـات
2108Settlement SystemA system used to facilitate the settlement of transfers of funds, assets, or financial instruments. Net settlement system: a funds or securities transfer system which settles net settlement positions during one or more discrete periods, usually at pre-specified times in the course of the business day. Gross settlement system: a transfer system in which transfer orders are settled one by one. نظام التسويةSystème de règlementPayments المـدفوعـات
2109Smart Loan RepaymentA debt repayment plan that accounts for fluctuations in a customer’s income during the repayment period, allowing the customer to pay more (or less) based on their available liquidity—without triggering default provisions. سداد القرض الذكيRemboursement d'Intelligent prêtPayments المـدفوعـات
2110Society for the Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)A messaging service for financial messages, such as letters of credit, payments, and securities transactions, between member banks worldwide. SWIFT remains the primary means for interbank communications cross-border. Note that SWIFT does not provide settlement and clearing for bank transfers. جمعية الاتصالات المالية العالمية بين البنوك (سويفت)Société Mondiale des Télécommunications Financières InterbancairesPayments المـدفوعـات
2111Special drawing right (SDR)A supplementary foreign exchange reserve asset created and maintained by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to supplement its member countries’ official reserves. An SDR is neither a currency nor a claim on the IMF, but rather a potential claim on the freely usable currencies of IMF members and exchangeable for those currencies. حق السحب الخاصDroit de tirage spécialPayments المـدفوعـات
2112Stored Value FacilityMeans a non-cash facility, (in electronic or magnetic form), purchased by a user (and used) to make payment for goods and services. تسهيل القيمة المخزنةFacilité de Valeur StockéePayments المـدفوعـات
2113Storing FundsKeeping funds in secure electronic format. May be a bank account or an eMoney account.تخزين الأموالStockage de fondsPayments المـدفوعـات
2114Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)Strong Customer Authentication as defined by EBA Regulatory Technical Standards is an authentication based on the use of two or more elements categorized as knowledge (something only the user knows [for example, a password]), possession (something only the user possesses [for example, a particular cell phone and number]) and inherence (something the user is [or has, for example, a finger print or iris pattern]) that are independent, [so] the breach of one does not compromise the others, and is designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data. Also, an authentication based on the use of two or more elements categorized as: (a) knowledge (something only the Customer knows). (b) possession (something only the Customer possesses); and (c) inherence (something the Customer is); that are independent, such that the breach of one does not compromise the reliability of the others and is designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data. المصادقة القوية للعميلAuthentification Forte du ClientPayments المـدفوعـات
2115Supplier PaymentMaking a payment from one business to another for supplies, etc.: may be in-person or remote, domestic or cross border. Includes cross-border trade. دفع الموردPaiement des fournisseursPayments المـدفوعـات
2116Supply Chain SolutionsServices which support merchant or business functions relating to digital financial services (DFS).حلول سلسلة التوريدSolutions pour chaîne d’approvisionnementPayments المـدفوعـات
2117SwitchAn entity which receives transactions from one provider and routes those transactions on to another provider. A switch may be owned or hired by a scheme or be hired by individual providers. A switch will connect to a settlement system for inter-participant settlement.محولChangerPayments المـدفوعـات
2118Synthetic CBDCRefers to an alternative framework to central bank digital currency (CBDC), under which private payment service providers hold reserves at the central bank that fully back the digital currency they issue to customers. The regulatory framework would intend to guarantee that these providers’ liabilities will always be fully matched by funds at the central bank, creating protection for users against issuer default. Such liabilities could share some of the characteristics of a CBDC issued by the central bank, but they could not constitute CBDC, as the end-user would not hold a direct claim on the central bank. Synthetic CBDC is neither issued by nor a direct liability of the central bank. Synthetic CBDCs have been referred to as a form of “narrow-bank” money. العملة الرقمية للبنك المركزي الاصطناعيةCBDC synthétiquePayments المـدفوعـات
2119Systemic RiskIn payments systems, the risk of collapse of an entire financial system or entire market, as opposed to risk associated with any one individual provider or end user. المخاطر النظاميةRisque systémiquePayments المـدفوعـات
2120Unified Payment Interface (UPI)A smartphone application which allows users to transfer money between bank accounts. It is a single-window mobile payment system developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). It eliminates the need to enter bank details or other sensitive information each time a customer initiates a transaction.واجهة الدفع الموحدةInterface de Paiement UnifiéePayments المـدفوعـات
2121Tax PaymentMaking a payment from a consumer to a government, for taxes, fees, etc. دفع الضرائبPaiement des taxesPayments المـدفوعـات
2122Technical Service ProvidersMeans entities facilitating the provision of payment services to PSPs, whilst excluded at all times from possession of funds (and transference thereof). Services offered include processing /storage of data, trust and privacy protection services, data and entity authentication, information technology (IT) and communication network provision, provision and maintenance of terminals and devices used for payment services. مزودو الخدمات الفنيةFournisseurs de Services TechniquesPayments المـدفوعـات
2123Third Party Access AuthorityMeans a form on which an Account holder grants access to the owner of the Online Banking service for their Account to be added to the owner’s Online Banking.سلطة وصول الطرف الثالثAutorité d'accès tiercePayments المـدفوعـات
2124Tokenized e-moneyTokenized e-money is a new form of money in which existing e-money is issued on a blockchain and thus “tokenised”.النقود الإلكترونية المرمزةArgent électronique tokeniséPayments المـدفوعـات
2125Transaction AccountsTransaction account: broadly defined as an account held with a bank or other authorised and/or regulated service provider (including a non-bank) which can be used to make and receive payments. Transaction accounts can be further differentiated into deposit transaction accounts and eMoney accounts. Deposit transaction account: a deposit account held with banks and other authorised deposit taking financial institutions that can be used for making and receiving payments. Such accounts are known in some countries as current accounts, chequing accounts, or other similar terms. Also, means Day Day Plus Account, Cash Management Account (no longer for sale), Reverse Charges Account (no longer for sale), Pension Plus Account (no longer for sale), Ultimate Account (no longer for sale) or Choice Account (no longer for sale). حسابات المعاملاتCompte de TransactionPayments المـدفوعـات
2126Transaction CostThe cost to a Digital Financial Services (DFS) provider of delivering a digital financial service. This could be for a bundle of services (e.g. a «wallet») or for individual transactions.تكلفة المعاملةCoût de transactionPayments المـدفوعـات
2127Wholesale BankingBanking services between merchant banks and other financial institutions. This type of banking deals with larger clients, such as large corporations and other banks, whereas retail banking focuses more on the individual or small business. Wholesale banking services include currency conversion, working capital financing, large trade transactions and other types of services. الخدمات المصرفية التجاريةServices Bancaires de GrosPayments المـدفوعـات
2128Wholesale PaymentPayment between financial institutions – for example, payment to settle securities and foreign exchange trades, payment to and from central counterparties, and other interbank funding transactions. These are typically large value payments that often need to settle on a particular day and sometimes by a particular time. دفع بالجملة (مجمل الدفع)Services de Paiement en GrosPayments المـدفوعـات
2129UbiquityThe ability of a payer to reach any (or most) payees in their country, regardless of the provider affiliation of the receiving payee. Requires some type of interoperability. المقدرة على الدفعUbiquitéPayments المـدفوعـات
2130UnbankedUnbanked people do not have a transaction account. Underbanked people may have a transaction account but do not actively use it. Underserved is a broad term referring to people who are the targets of financial inclusion initiatives. It is also sometimes used to refer to a person who has a transaction account but does not have additional DFS services.غير مصرفيNon bancariséPayments المـدفوعـات
2131UnderbankedRefers to persons or households that utilize the services of a bank or similar financial institution but rely to a larger extent on alternative financial services. Examples of such alternative financial services used by underbanked households include non-bank money orders, non-bank cheque-cashing services, non-bank remittances, payday loans, rent-to-own services, pawn shop loans, refund anticipation loans, or auto-title loans. المتعاملين مع غير البنوكSous-bancariséesPayments المـدفوعـات
2132Unsupervised LearningA type of machine learning method that helps find previously unknown patterns in a data set without pre-existing labels.تعلم الآلة بدون إشراف / التعلم الغير مراقبApprentissage non SurveilléePayments المـدفوعـات
2133User FundsMeans the net value of unutilized funds held on account of the customer by the Payment Service Provider.صناديق المستخدم أموال المستخدمFonds de l'UtilisateurPayments المـدفوعـات
2134WithdrawalRefers to the Customer authorised removal of funds from an account and includes a transfer of funds (whether manual or electronic), direct debits, over-the-counter withdrawal, payments of online or telephone purchases or payments made via BPAY. Withdrawals are permitted provided clear funds are available in the account and the transaction complies with the terms and conditions applicable to particular products. Withdrawals can be processed electronically or via paper form (e.g. withdrawal form, cheque). السحبRetraitPayments المـدفوعـات
2135Wholesale CBDC (wCBDC)A CBDC for use by financial institutions (wholesale transactions) that is different from balances in traditional bank reserves or settlement accounts. A wholesale CBDC (wCBDC) is a type of CBDC that central banks, commercial banks and other institutions (that have accounts with a central bank) can use. wCBDCs are designed to enable settlement between banks and other institutions directly. This type of CBDC is not available to the general public. العملة الرقمية للبنك المركزي لمعاملات الجملةCBDC de grosPayments المـدفوعـات
2136Automated Market Maker (AMM)Smart contract that holds liquidity reserves in the form of crypto assets. Users interact with the AMM when offering liquidity or trading cryptocurrencies. Essentially, an AMM is an alternative used in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) markets that removes the need for order books, which are traditionally employed by centralized exchanges. Also, A decentralized exchange protocol that relies on smart contracts to set the price of digital assets in accordance with a pre-established mathematical formula that may vary across DeFi protocols and whose goal is to provide liquidity to the ecosystem. صانع السوق الآليTeneur de marché automatiséSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2137Broadcast blockchainA blockchain in which each node contains the entire database of transactions that take place on the blockchain, regardless of whether the node operator is a party to those transactions. The bitcoin blockchain is a broadcast blockchain. R ’s Corda, where nodes have access only to transactions and information that are relevant to the node operator, is not a broadcast blockchain. بث سلسلة الكتلBlockchain de diffusionSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2138Business-to-consumer (B C)Describes commercial transactions between a business and a consumer.الأعمال إلى المستهلكD'entreprise à consommateurSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2139Centralized finance (CeFi)Commonly used as a reference to projects like Celsius, Nexo, and BlockFi that operate like normal centralized organizations within the DeFi space. التمويل المركزيFinancement centraliséSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2140CollateralAssets deposited and used to back a loan. Depositing collateral on crypto lending platforms like Compound and Aave is typically done to stake and receive APY while simultaneously borrowing more crypto.الضمانةCollatéraleSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2141Decentralized Finance Liquidity poolA smart contract that locks in a certain amount of digital assets in order to facilitate its underlying economic activity (e.g. trading or lending) to take place.مجمع سيولة التمويل اللامركزيPool de liquidité de la finance décentraliséeSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2142Decentralized Finance protocolA specialized system of rules that creates a program designed to perform traditional financial functions.بروتوكول التمويل اللامركزيProtocole de finance décentraliséeSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2143Decentralized OracleDecentralized oracles provide both on and off-chain price data to blockchains / DeFi protocols.أوراكل اللامركزيةOracle décentraliséSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2144Flash loanA flash loan is an instant cryptocurrency loan that does not require collateral, KYC checks, or any other form of upfront investment from the borrower. قرض سريع (قرض آني مربط بالعملات المشفرة ولا يحتاج لضمانات أو التحقق من بيانات العميل)Prêt éclair Prêt FlashSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2145Governance tokensGovernance refers to the maintenance, enforcement, and regulation of a decentralized protocol by token holders. Usually, when a DeFi protocol is released, it does so with a native asset which is used to participate in the decision-making process. رموز الحوكمةJetons de gouvernanceSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2146Layer 0 (Smart Contract Platform)Layer 0 smart contract platforms act as the foundational layer for blockchain ecosystems. They serve as blockchain builders and relayers, facilitating interoperability between multiple chains on the same network. Layer 0 blockchains typically act as the “hub” of a “hub and spoke” blockchain ecosystem, providing consensus, maintaining a unified ledger, and in some cases validating blocks for the entire network. Layer 0s allow multiple blockchains on the same network to communicate and transact with each other. الطبقة 0 (منصة العقود الذكية)Couche 0 (plateforme de contrats intelligents)Smart Contracts العقود الذكية
2147LayerLayer smart contract platforms act as the primary settlement layer of a blockchain and decentralized application (dApp) ecosystem. Most on-chain transactions and smart contract activities take place on Layer . A decentralized network of validators processes transactions in blocks and are compensated for their services in the form of gas fees, paid for as a fee denominated in the protocol’s token. These gas fees fluctuate relative to the computational demand that the transaction imposes on the network and reflect the overall network congestion at any given time. الطبقة (منصة العقود الذكية)Couche (plateforme de contrats intelligents)Smart Contracts العقود الذكية
2148LayerLayer smart contract platforms are designed as scaling solutions for Layer blockchains. Layer s allow for significantly less expensive transactions, faster settlement and higher throughputs. This system facilitates processes that would otherwise be too costly on a Layer such as high-frequency trading, and more complex smart contract capabilities. Several Layer blockchains can exist “on top” of a Layer blockchain, using a system of side chains or rollups to bundle large quantities of transactions and settle them into significantly more manageable batches on the Layer network. الطبقة (منصة العقود الذكية)Couche (plateforme de contrats intelligents)Smart Contracts العقود الذكية
2149Liquidity Provider (LP) tokenWhen a liquidity provider deposits tokens into a liquidity pool, their stake is represented by a minted LP token. The LP token represents the staked asset(s) and can yield farm other DeFi platforms or be exchanged back for the original assets. رمز مزود السيولةJeton fournisseur de liquidité (LP)Smart Contracts العقود الذكية
2150Multi-Chain / ParachainA smart contract platform that allows for multiple parallel blockchains and cross-chain interoperability. It can be structured with a relay chain that allows slots for external parallel chains or parachains. The relay chain allows for pooled security and pooled block execution, resulting in each parachain to become an isolated, independently validated blockchain that can achieve its own levels of scalability. متعدد السلاسل / باراشين (شبه السلسلة)Multi-Chaîne / ParachainSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2151Online dispute resolutionA broad set of online technologies meant to either supplement or replace ways in which people have traditionally resolved their disputes.حل النزاعات عبر الإنترنتRésolution des litiges en ligneSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2152Order Book ExchangeA type of decentralized exchange (DEX) that uses smart contracts for transaction settlement and order books, which are usually held off chain by a third party, for registration of buy and sell orders. طلب الصرفÉchange de carnets de commandesSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2153PermissionedA blockchain network in which users must be admitted to the network to participate.التصريح المسبقAutorisée / Permissionnée ou privéeSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2154Permission lessA blockchain network in which users have equal permission to use and interact with the network and in which users’ permission to use and interact with the network is not set by the network itself or any central person or institution.بدون سابق تصريحSans permission / OuverteSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2155Token (for a blockchain network) A digital asset used in a blockchain transaction. A token can be native to the blockchain, such as a cryptocurrency, or it can be a digital representation of an off‑chain asset (known as a tokenized asset), such as the title deed to a house. رمز (لشبكة سلسة الكتل)Jeton (pour un réseau blockchain)Smart Contracts العقود الذكية
2156RollupsRollups are a form of Layer scaling solution that leverages the security and consensus mechanisms of the parent Layer chain. Rollups batch and compress transactions, which are then validated and settled separately on the Layer . This significantly reduces the computational burden on the Layer network, freeing up bandwidth for other processes and reducing overall costs associated with gas fees. There are currently two types of rollups: Optimistic and Zero Knowledge (ZK). Optimistic rollups use a checks and balances system to retroactively ensure the validity of all transactions that have been processed on the Layer . ZK rollups incorporate a more proactive cryptographic technique known as “zero knowledge proofs”, which leverage computational certainty to post transactions to the Layer . التجميعاتRollupsSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2157Smart contractsCustom software logic that executes automated events when data is written to the blockchain according to rules specified in the contract. Also, Meaning the protocol or code that self-executes when certain conditions are met. العقود الذكيةContrats IntelligentsSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2158Smart Contract AccountsAn account in blockchain technology, specifically in Ethereum, created using a smart contract instead of a regular user account (EOA). It has its own logic for transaction verification, providing flexibility and security in managing accounts and transactions. حسابات العقود الذكيةComptes de contrats intelligentsSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2159Smart Contract LogicThe business logic that distributes the parameters of the smart contract.منطق العقد الذكيLogique de contrat intelligentSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2160Smart Contract PlatformSmart contracts are computerized blockchain protocols that execute terms of a contract. Smart Contracts represent a computer code that ensures when the terms of the contract are met by both parties. It, executes automatically, allowing for peer-to-peer trustless transactions. Smart contract platforms are designed for the building of decentralized applications, layer scaling solutions, DAO’s, and custom protocols. Each platform has a unique open-source user and miner incentive structure and utilizes BFT consensus mechanism. Each platform utilizes a native token for the payment towards building on the platform, providing liquidity, and allowing interoperability between the native token and newly created tokens built on the platform. منصة العقود الذكيةPlateforme de contrats intelligentesSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2161Stateful execution of contractExecution of a program that occurs on all nodes that changes a set of bits representing value information stored on-chain within the contract itself. All nodes that contain the contract must execute the program in order to change a set of bits representing value information.التنفيذ الحكيم للعقدExécution solennelle du contratSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2162SyntheticsSynthetics are blockchain-based derivative trading products representative of other assets.تركيبيةSynthétiquesSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2163YieldYield is the amount earned by depositing or staking an asset in a DeFi platform. Also, any DeFi protocol with a primary focus on providing yield to users. This can include protocols that offer yield-bearing vaults, stablecoin services, or liquid staking derivatives, allowing users to earn rewards through staking or providing liquidity. العائدRendementSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2164Yield farmingYield farming is the act of depositing, or staking, tokens, across DeFi platforms offering rewards for liquidity providers. Farming your tokens enables you to generate additional value from your assets by having them work for you. زراعة العائدAgriculture du rendementSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2165Zero-knowledge proofsA zero-knowledge proof enables one party to provide evidence that a transaction or event happened without revealing private details of that transaction or event.براهين المعرفة الصفريةZero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) Preuves à divulgation nulle de connaissanceSmart Contracts العقود الذكية
2166Asset-Referenced TokensA subset of exchange tokens which include commodity-linked tokens and crypto-backed tokens. Asset-referenced tokens aim at maintaining a stable value by referencing several currencies that are legal tender (typically known as fiat-currency), one or several commodities, one or several crypto assets or a basket of such assets. الرموز المرجعية للأصولJetons référencés par des actifsTokenization الترميز
2167Bearer TokenThe predominant type of access token used with OAuth .0 systems. A Bearer Token is an opaque string, not intended to have any meaning to clients using it. For example, Spryng’s REST API is connected to a specific portal user with a Bearer Token, which can be generated in the portal profile. It always starts with the letters EY. Please note that it will only be visible once, so remember to save it immediately! حامل الرمزJeton au porteurTokenization الترميز
2168Crack a HashIs the process of changing the hashed value to a cleartext value. Passwords are often stored securely as a one-way hash. Tools, such hash cat, Crack station, John the Ripper, and Cain, allow hackers to automate the process of reversing on-way hashes. Passwords that are very secure may take so long to crack that it would be unfeasible to crack them, but weaker passwords may crack in less than a second with a powerful took like hash cat and a strong dictionary list and rules. Password crackers work by guessing large numbers of passwords (based on a provided dictionary list and rules, such as password length and included characters); if the guessed hash matches the hash that the hacker is attempting to crack, then the password cracker has discovered the cleartext password. كسر التجزئةCraquer le hachageTokenization الترميز
2169Custodian Wallet ProvidersThese are firms that provide services to safeguard, and to safeguard and administer, crypto assets or private cryptographic keys on behalf of its customers, or which hold, store and transfer crypto assets. They need to be registered with the FCA for this business. موفري محفظة الوصيFournisseurs de portefeuilles dépositairesTokenization الترميز
2170Digital tokenDigital representation of value that is not recorded in an account.الرمز الرقميJeton NumériqueTokenization الترميز
2171Exchange TokensExchange tokens function just like any other cryptocurrency. However, exchange tokens are cryptocurrencies that are issued (minted) by the cryptocurrency exchange platform themselves. Exchange tokens can be bought and traded on secondary markets/different exchanges but must be issued by a centralised cryptocurrency exchange (a company with an executive team that maintains an order book of buyers and sellers). الرموز التبادليةJetons d'échangeTokenization الترميز
2172Governance TokensA subset of utility tokens which are used solely by holders to vote on a blockchain or network’s decisions, but do not provide any kind of exclusive perks or discount. رموز الحوكمةJetons de gouvernanceTokenization الترميز
2173HardcodingEntering data directly into code instead of reading the value from a separate location (configuration file, database, etc). Hardcoding sensitive data is less secure because code often must be stored in a location that can be available externally or where there can be fewer controls around who sees the code. However, If sensitive data, such as passwords, are stored in a configuration file or database, the data can be better protected, and a hacker who gains access to the code itself, would not automatically gain access to the sensitive data. الترميز الثابتCodage en durTokenization الترميز
2174Hash PuzzleA computational problem that must be solved in the context of PoW mining in order for the miner to be allowed to propose the next block.لغز التجزئةPuzzle de hachageTokenization الترميز
2175Initial Coin Offering (ICO)An operation through which companies, entrepreneurs, developers or other promoters raise capital for their projects in exchange for digital tokens (or ‘coins’), that they create. طرح العملة الأوليOffre Initiale de Pièces Initial Coin OfferingTokenization الترميز
2176Investment TokensProvide rights (e.g. in the form of ownership rights and/or entitlements similar to dividends). For example, in the context of capital raising, asset tokens may be issued in the context of an ICO which allows businesses to raise capital for their projects by issuing digital tokens in exchange for fiat money or other crypto assets. رموز الاستثمارJetons d'InvestissementTokenization الترميز
2177Miner extractable valueAlso called “maximal extractable value” Value that is extractable by miners or others directly as crypto-asset profits. A particular source of MEV is the ability of miners to influence the order in which transactions on a blockchain take place and profit from such a re-ordering at the expense of other users.القيمة القابلة للاستخراج من عامل التعدينValeur extractible par le mineurTokenization الترميز
2178Multi-Factor AuthenticationUsed to ensure that digital users are who they say they are by requiring that they provide at least two pieces of evidence to prove their identity. One of the factors used can be a code sent via SMS to the user’s phone.مصادقة متعددة العواملAuthentification multifacteurTokenization الترميز
2179Native TokenThe base token of a blockchain which plays an integral part of the operation of the protocol it is issued on and that is created at its genesis. It is usually used to pay transaction fees.الرمز الأصليJeton natifTokenization الترميز
2180Nonfungible token (NFT)An entirely unique digital representation of an asset.رمز غير قابل للاستبدالJeton non fongibleTokenization الترميز
2181Payment TokensThese are synonymous with crypto-currencies or SC and have no further functions.رموز الدفعJetons de paiementTokenization الترميز
2182Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)Used in the context of Single-Sign-On (SSO) for exchanging authentication and authorization data between an identity provider, typically an IAM system, and a service provider (some form of SaaS). The SAML protocol exchanges XML documents that contain security assertions used by the aaS for access control decisions. لغة ترميز تأكيد الأمانLangage de balisage d'assertion de sécuritéTokenization الترميز
2183Settlement TokenRepresentation on DLT of underlying traditional securities/ financial instruments issued on a different platform (e.g., a traditional CSD, registrar, etc.) where such representation itself does not satisfy the definition of a security or financial instrument under local law and is used solely to transfer or record ownership or perform other mid/back-office functions (e.g. collateral transfer, recording of ownership). رمز التسويةJeton de règlementTokenization الترميز
2184Soul Bound TokenNon-transferable, non-fungible tokens which represent the identity of an individual or entity. Amongst other information, they can include the traits, features, and achievements of the holder. الرمز الملزمJeton lié à l'âmeTokenization الترميز
2185TokenThe means of exchange to give value to a transaction, typically a native cryptocurrency. Some non-currency blockchain architectures can be tokenless. Also, Meaning a representation of something else. In the context of money and other financial assets, digital tokens are entries in a database that are recorded digitally and that can contain information and functionality within the token themselves. الرمزJetonTokenization الترميز
2186Token arrangementThe programmable platforms and/or participating entities that enable financial market functions by utilizing digital tokens.ترتيب الرمزArrangement de jetonsTokenization الترميز
2187Token-Based CBDC SystemsIs the digital version of cash. Users would be able to withdraw digital tokens from banks and they would be exchanged outside of the central bank’s accounts.أنظمة العملات الرقمية للبنوك المركزية القائمة على الترميزSystèmes CBDC basés sur des jetons Systèmes des Monnaies Numériques de Banque Centrale basés sur des jetonsTokenization الترميز
2188Token ecosystemA digital system or digital space where participants and users interact and coordinate with each other using tokens.النظام البيئي للترميزÉcosystème de jetonTokenization الترميز
2189Token Versus TokenEntirely digital transaction settlement on a DLT network in which the exchange of value is made between an asset-backed or digital native token and a payment token.الرمز مقابل الرمزJeton contre un jetonTokenization الترميز
2190(TvT)Tokenization الترميز
2191Tokenized DepositsTokenized deposits are the digital representation of existing bank liabilities, held by licensed credit institutions. Tokenised deposits are tied to existing bank deposits and are recorded on distributed ledgers. Tokenised deposits function within the existing traditional banking systems and help to transfer value directly between bank accounts. الودائع المُرمزةDépôts tokenisésTokenization الترميز
2192Tokenized SecuritiesA term used to distinguish tokens regulated as securities from tokens which are not regulated as securities. However, they can encompass asset classes that are not generally securitised, such as fine art and real estate. الأوراق المالية المُرمزةTitres tokenisésTokenization الترميز
2193TokenizationProcess of converting assets into digital tokens. Also, meaning the process of generating and recording a digital representation of traditional assets on a programmable platform. الترميزTokénisationTokenization الترميز
2194Tokenomics (token economics)Economics of a distributed ledger technology (DLT) based token.اقتصاد الرموزLes tokenomics (L’économie du jeton)Tokenization الترميز
2195Utility TokensEnable access to a specific product or service is often provided using a DLT platform but are not accepted as a means of payment for other products or services. For example, in the context of cloud services, a token may be issued to facilitate access. Also, Utility tokens are a sub-category of crypto assets that intend to provide digital access to a specific good or service that is only accepted by the issuer of the specific utility token. Utility tokens can have non-financial purposes related to the operation of the issuer’s digital platform and digital services. For example, digital advertising or digital file storage. They do not provide the rights or features associated with a security token (e.g. share or ownership rights), and do not function as a means of payment - though they can be traded on crypto asset trading venues for investment purposes. رموز المنفعةJetons UtilitairesTokenization الترميز
2196Virtual Asset Service ProvidersA VASP is any natural or legal person who, as a business, conducts activities or operations for or on behalf of another natural or legal person such as: - exchange between virtual assets and fiat currencies. - exchange between one or more forms of virtual assets. - transfer of virtual assets. - safekeeping and/or administration of virtual assets or instruments enabling control over virtual assets. - participation in and provision of financial services related to an issuer’s offer and/or sale of a virtual asset VASPs include cryptocurrency exchanges and digital wallet providers, and even some financial institutions, including banks dealing with crypto assets. مقدمو خدمات الأصول الافتراضيةFournisseurs de services d'actifs virtuelsTokenization الترميز
2197Virtual CurrenciesMeans any type of digital unit used as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a form of stored value. Virtual Currency (s) is not recognised by this REGULATION. Exceptions are made to a digital unit that: a) can be redeemed for goods, services, and discounts as part of a user loyalty or rewards program with the Issuer and; b) cannot be converted into a fiat /virtual currency. العملات الافتراضيةMonnaies Virtuelles Devises VirtuellesTokenization الترميز
2198XBRLA type of XML (extensible mark-up language) used for organizing and defining data. It uses tags to identify each piece of financial data.لغة ترميز موسعة (لتنظيم البيانات المالية)XBRLTokenization الترميز

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