ISTISHARA Eligibility check

Welcome to the AMF E-Consultant “ISTISHARA” Database.

ISTISHARA is an AMF E-Consultant database of Individual Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), maintained by the Arab Monetary Fund to support its capacity development stream.

In line with the new AMF strategy directions, capacity development is a core activity of the AMF, focusing mainly on four core domains of intervention: 

  1. Public finance and fiscal affairs: including but not limited to tax and customs policies and administration, budget formulation, public expenditure and subsidy management and reforms, public debt management & cash management, including contingent liabilities, government securities market development, as well as public asset and liability management
  2. Monetary policy and Financial Sector: including but not limited to monetary policy management and tools, financial stability, banking supervision, non-bank financial institutions supervision, financial market infrastructure, capital market and shariah compliant.
  3. Digital economy: including but not limited to policies, regulation, strategies and regulatory and supervisory frameworks in digital payment and financial services, Fintechs, digital identification, authentication and signature, data privacy, cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, digital public infrastructure.
  4. Data and statistics: Including but not limited to strengthening national statistical systems to address data needs, dissemination, and quality concerns. Statistics’ areas include the real sector, government finance, the external sector, monetary and financial data, and multisector data.

For a step-by-step guide, you may download the manual below:


I certify meeting the following minimum eligibility criteria:



If you have any questions, please send an email to: