The Arab Monetary Fund carries out the functions of the Secretariat of the Council. Hereafter are the main tasks it performs:
A - Data collection, and preparation of the studies necessary to the work of the Council.
B - Preparation and distribution of invitations to the Council’s meetings.
C – Organization of meetings of the Permanent Bureau, including drafting the agendas.
D - Preparation of the minutes of the Council and of the Permanent Bureau meetings, and their transmission to the Arab central banks.
E - Any other duties assigned by the Council and the Permanent Bureau.
The Arab Monetary Fund acts as well as the Technical Secretariat of both of two Committees emanating from the Council: the Arab Committee on Banking Supervision and the Arab Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems.
Contact us
Council of Governors of the Arab Central Banks and Monetary Agencies Secretariat
Arab Monetary Fund
P. O. Box 2818
Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates
Telephone:00971 2 6171-574 or 572